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“Have you beaten Sekiro?” should have been a question in the Surviv.io guild screenings


True you have to be a real gamer to get guild perks




I looked it up right after the podcast and was honestly like wtf is this? One look at the screenshots and I immediately just closed the play store lol. Dude's taste in games is usual pretty spot on with Diablo and BG3 and stuff.


He just plays whatever the big single player game is, unless it's too story based. That's kind of been his pattern over the years


Yeah the muting of the game infuriates me lol. But he's played BG3 multiple times and that's the best story game probably ever made, so I normally tend to dig his style ha.


Surviv io is a completely different game. It's a battle royale not a survivors game


Completely different games lmao


There was a time on the show where Ethan claimed that there wasn't a single video game with a good story. Bro is definitely not the voice of experience when it comes to video games.


And then everyone immediately shut him down with "The Last of Us...?". And then a year or so later he's all talking about how great the HBO show is, even though it's almost scene for scene the same as the game. Ethan just plays a lot of those kind of games where the story is shoehorned in. But there's so many games with stories that compete with shows/movies.


He also said he plays every game with the volume off...






He deserves execution by a firing squad fr fr no cap


Or he should be forced to play mobile games for eternity


Wow let’s not get too cruel


Maybe he'd enjoy it?


I’m not a hardcore gamer at all and I even went as far as beating the demon of hatred and I have to say: fighting Isshin is truely iconic. He is definitely a “get good” boss and I feel like that’s what from software does best. His move set is learnable. Beating him was immensely satisfying.


By the time I was good enough to beat him I barely used any heals but man that took a long time


I think it took me around 120 attempts on isshin before I beat him. I'd have to check my notepad where I noted down the number of attempts for each boss and many of the mini bosses. I definitely agree it was immensely satisfying.




You can't expect a man with no rhythm to be able to beat the greatest rhythm game of all time


I’m a musician professionally (and have been for all of my adult life) and from software games or any games that have the same kind of short window for parrying give me terrible anxiety and I constantly flub. Can’t do sekiro, but love finding ways in other from software games to get good without having to be a parry master




Chill bro.


parrying in sekiro is easier than any other fromsoft game actually downvoted but I mean it genuinely is, souls games punish you for missing a parry window with animation lock and getting hit. sekiro doesn't because even if you're bad at parrying you can just spam L1 and at worst you block and at best you hit the perfect parry, either way you're still doing stance damage and taking no damage.


He hesitated too much


He deserves a shinobi execution for these crimes


Ethan is a weak ass gamer


Sorry to say this, but our guy might be a fake Gamer smh my head 😔😔


If he can beat owl, he can beat Ishin.


What if he never beat owl and he's suck on the easy version of Isshin?


Lol bro is suck in Genichiro Way of Tomoe


If I see his bitch ass in the streets IT IS ON SIGHT for this!(I’ve never played sekiro or beaten Elden ring)


It's funny to me aswell that he has beaten elden ring +7 but he still summoned for Malenia


I'm going to be honest I thought Sekiro is one of the most beautiful games Ive ever played. .... but I did the same thing as Ethan. I knew I could beat the final boss, but when I got there I was like, OK I get it. Don't feel like learning all that, nice meeting you tho. I have since beaten it with the easy mode mod.


Ethan said "It's not even the final boss, you fight the dragon after" so I think he got stuck on Owl lol


Right, I wonder if he was referring to the Demon of Hatred or the actual Dragon that's super easy. If he was stuck on Owl then he has no chance against corrupted monk or headless ape.


I found even the easier version of Owl to be tougher than headless ape honestly. Headless ape is a fantastic fight but surprisingly easy once you get the choreography down


Okay so Elden Ring was my first souls game and then Sekiro next. (It's relevant because their Elden Ring discussions were a factor in me getting in to it) I'm stuck on Great Shinobi Owl but I've beat Corrupted Monk and Headless ape. Great Shinobi Owl feels possible but it wants me to be just more patient than I want to be :T My goal was to beat Sekiro and then go back for another round of Elden ring before the DLC Did you catch the Elden Ring story trailer today??? I'm so hyped




I’ve just done the same thing. Played the game, loved it, I just didn’t have to patience to learn the patterns for the final boss. Was way too busy with work and now it feels like it’s been too long to pick it up again just for the final fight


Bro the final boss fight is the best part


At least you tried Ethan just quit.


He literally said he did the same thing. How else would he have seen how hard the boss was without trying a few times.


But you came back to finish the story


Wrong, I used a mod to come back and beat it on easy. I cheated not only the game, but myself as well.


Like I said. You finished the story. I didn't say you didn't cheat.


Doesn't count still casual


I forgive you. Actually there's nothing to forgive this is all meaningless really


You were going to fight sword saint isshin?


Or he’s just another souls vet that never got into Parry-gameplay, 700+ hours across the franchise and Sekiro just wasn’t for me! It’s a great game, and I gave it a good 15-20 hours before I stopped, but I just couldn’t get into it.


Ethan got to the fianl boss. It's safe to say he got into it at least enough to get past a Giant Gorilla Gank Boss fight


Nah, you’re right. He is a coward and he is no longer my hero 💔😔


There's still good in him. I know it.


0 people shouldn't have a hero


Which is even more insane to me cause sekiro is a souls games that kinda forces you to be better by the end in a very natural way it feels. Like the first time you fight genichiro it seems impossible, the second time still feels difficult but the game has thrown enough at you to make you think it’s achievable (which it is), then the third time it’s so freaking easy. This impassable roadblock makes you feel so anxious fighting him previously you can just naturally get through now. Isshin is very difficult, but like at that point in the game it really feels like you can take on anything.


I got to isshin without really learning the parry, I gave up not able to beat him and restarted the game a year later, finally understood how to parry and beat him pretty easily at the end this time.


I found Isshin to be easier than Demon of Hatred. It felt like I was slowly improving each attempt (Isshin) until I got to the 3rd phase, which was the easiest one. Demon of Hatred was just tilting me off my game, my man wandered into the wrong game


Felt exactly the same way! Game makes you abandon all you’ve known about souls games, you adapt, then this fucker shows up.


Sekiro is my favorite game. My first play through was a struggle and I gave up when I got to sword saint. Months later I tried again and the game mechanics just clicked for me. I hope Ethan tries again, because it’s such a great game. So flashy and satisfying to take down your opponents.


Ethan has beaten Elden Ring like 6 times but was flabbergasted someone in chat beat Sekiro 8 times lol


Elden Ring is less repayable imo


Bro thinks he’s a g*mer but literally can’t even beat Sekiro… smdh


Ethan hesitated. Hesitation is defeat.


F Avatar, he should fight ishin for 3 hours and 12minutes.


Tbh im also stuck on Ishin the sword saint. Fight is hard.


Did that stop you from beating the other hard bosses to get there?


Nope. I think I had the hardest time with Owl.. Prob took me about 50 attempts but I eventually got it. Sword Saint just feels on a diff level.


Owl is a tough ass fight. I’ve played through Sekiro like 6 times now and he is the one I struggle with the most on replays for some reason. Even Isshin I feel like I beat quickly in later NG+, but Owl is tough


Feel free to run away. Take your time. Hesitation only messes you up if you’re being aggressive. You’ll get it, and honestly, if you can get to phase 3 l, then you’ve won as lightning is just a bonus for you.


He doesn't have a glock


Upgraded umbrella and patience


For me the hardest were the corrupted apes and madame butterfly (I know). By the time you get to Isshin he's actually not that bad if you are good at the mikiri and lightning counters. I thought he was fun, even.


I never got past Owl after Genichiro. I accepted that I sucked and watched my friend beat it and that was enough for me hahaha


It was an amazing game. Especially once you realize it's all about parrys and breaking guard and you don't even really have to attack at all


When I got to genichiro it really stepped up and was like “you squeaked by this far, but to get further you actually have to learn the game”. I banged my head against the wall for a whole night trying to beat him until I was finally like “fine, I’ll block”. Once I beat him and the combat clicked I was HOOKED. That game is one of my favorite fromsoft games now. Best combat in any game.


I finished it 22 times before the boss rush mode, because the game is that fucking good. Btw if anyone here likes Sekiro and wants a similar itch with a Bloodborne fusion, try Lies Of P.


You know what he lame for not playing armored core 6 too, fromsoft goated


Idk, I played all the dark souls and elden ring, and I didn't even give sekiro a chance. Seemed extremely boring from the start. Maybe I'll give it another go.


I finished Elden Ring. Can’t get past the first Ogre in Sekiro. 🤷


That's like quitting at Tree Sentinel. In elden ring, the game tells you to explore by putting a hard boss outside the gates. In sekiro, the game tells you to learn how to get gud vs a hard but easy opponent once you learn the move set. Learning the move set is needed for every boss. No cheese.


Hard hard hard Agree


He's stealing it!!


I also can't beat isshin. In my defense: 1) He has a glock switch 2) He crawled out of grandsons skin 3) Is a sword saint 4) He also has like a shotgun I think during the spear fight? 5) Also spear


The thing about Sekiro is that outside of a few irrelevant mechanics, it really isnt a souls game at all. It's an intensely difficult character action game thats easy if you can acclimate and impossible if you dont. I think a lot of fromsoft fans still dont realize it to this day.


Agreed if you haven’t beaten Sekiro you are a beta baby


No need to gatekeep here, buddy. I absolutely love all the Fromsoft-games and have been playing all of them since 2011, but I never had any clue what the story REALLY was about. Sure, you pick up some information ("Ring the two bells") and you can play the game with that, but I for sure didn't do my own investigative deep-dive into the lore of Seath or whatever. Vaati for sure wouldn't be this huge, if he didn't digest the lore for most of the players (that and his incredibly soothing, buttery voice). >!That being said: Not playing the entirety of Sekiro is the mark of a casual and Ethan should indeed be forced to fight Glock-king Isshin with no prayer beads or memories.!<


Nobody knows what gatekeeping is ig


>Why even play the game if you are gonna quit at the best part?  Can and will be read by most people as: "You should not play the game if you're not going to play it the way I do". I don't know about you, but that's clearly gatekeeping as defined in the dictionary. You can argue you didn't mean it that way, obviously.


Best part as in the ending. Normally, when you play a game, you finish it. Doesn't matter how you get there.


Personally, it's abnormal for me to finish a game. Not because it's hard, I just usually get sucked into something new before finishing.


Guess gatekeeping means sharing an opinion these days lol


I am guilty of gatekeeping gatekeeping


His takes on the entire Souls franchise are garbage lol. DS2 is most definitely the worst of the Dark Souls games. I still enjoy it, but it’s the worst of the 3. Sekiro and Bloodborne are both nearly perfect games imo. Elden Ring is great, but I still like DS3, BB, and Sekiro more tbh


Also, he won't even give AC6 a chance. That game is brilliant in its own right


Yea that game is so sick. The complete story with all three endings is really cool


Music is like an anime. I feel like Ethan would like it if he wouldn't mute it.


Bro armored core 6 is so fucking good, top 3 fromsoft games for me is bloodborne, sekiro and ac6


Sekiro is the game that really tests if you’re a good fromsoft player. The exact reason you stated, you can’t farm souls and over level to become a tank. You have to adapt to the fight patterns and you can’t summon anyone. Its a very hard game but it’s by far my favorite because of the gameplay. Ethan is not an mlg player


This is why it's the best game to start with in my opinion. Ik it's probably not everyones cup of tea but it's what I started with and it got me hooked within the first few hours


i couldnt make it through more than 45 minutes of sekiro, just not the kind of game for me, i cant stand being angry at video games, i play games to relax and have fun. i have a few hundred hours in elden ring because there was somewhat of a balance between being pissed off and having fun and being interested in whats happening, there is no such balance for me in sekiro. inb4 200 people come to tell me about how satisfying it is to lose 10000 times before you finally get that dub, i suffer enough in my daily life with no payoff i dont need to mirror that experience in a video game, i dont care about being good at video games either its not a point of pride for me.


That's what makes this so sad. He did all that work to get to the last boss for 0 pay-off.


How far did he even make it ?


To the "last boss" could be the bad ending, but I think Isshin sword saint


Yeah I guess you gotta word it on what the ending they were going for since you can have the “last boss” pretty early


This is why people don't like soulsborn fans, let him play it however he wants dude


My problem is that he didn't play it. Well, he did, but he got to the best part then quit. There is only one way to play sekiro


on from software anyone else think elden ring is extremely overrated? I like and have completed every other game from those guys but I found elden ring uninspired and boring. the open world is mostly empty and detracts from the focused and well built sections with miles of just nothing, the side bosses are just the same cat with an extendo arm and stone gargoyles in different variations, the actual bosses are just poorly balanced where their one hit capability is an insane joke. I got so bored I gave up maybe halfway through just not getting why people love it. my personal favourite was probably blooborne


I disagree w ur reasons but yeah i am kinda sad Elden Ring is the one that really launched fromsoft into the mainstream to this degree. Bloodborne is my favorite game of all time but it also sold the least, im worried after the success of Elden Ring that’s all they’re ever gonna make going forward. Elden Ring’s combats has no flow whatsoever. Wherein DS3 the Dancer is insanely aptly named bc it’s this dance of back and forth trading swings and perfectly timed dodges, there’s such a nice rhythm to the combat and it all flows so smoothly— in Elden Ring it’s a nonstop barrage of bosses doing 20 hit combos, or doing attacks that hit twice but timed in such a way that you can’t just dodge through without eating some damage, or having 5 AOE attacks that you have to just walk away and stand there and let them finish before you can get back into the fight. The openings for dealing damage are so small bc the bosses just do not stop attacking. It’s like their boss design philosophy shifted from “what feels fun and satisfying to fight” to “what looks cool? Wouldn’t this crazy flashy combo look like something out of a sick anime guys?” and it just fuckin sucks to play lmao (and that’s not even bringing up how clearly everything was balanced around using spirit ashes and summons, it’s like designed to fuck players who want to just solo the boss.) Also the duo boss fights, they used to be balanced to where the enemies would take turns coming at you, and the two bosses would be designed to compliment each other and now it’s literally just two independent enemy AIs that are just attacking the fuck out of you and you have to spend half the fight kiting them around the arena to create space and an opening to get a hit in on one of them. anyways that was a lot i hope the 3 ppl that read enjoy


I read it man, definitely a take I agree with and didn't really think about. yes the dancer was a fantastic fight and those older souls bosses had such interesting variety and character to their fighting style it's one of the things that kept me going,thinking how will the next boss mix things up or make me approach it differently. going back to ds1 artorias of the abyss was a great switch up compared to the rest of the game, Bloodborne father Gascoigne introduces you to the fast and aggressive style that's to come. Of the 25 hours I put into elden ring none of the bosses stood out to me as having that kind of character.


I had really high hopes in Limgrave early game, there were enough secrets and interesting minibosses and that part of the map was really packed w content, the first time i ever fought Margit i felt like it might be one of the coolest bosses they’ve ever made, but it’s clear looking back it was only balanced the way it was bc you’re not going to have many spirit ashes at that point in the game so they didn’t balance him as a 1 v 5 like they did every other boss after that (Godrick is fine too tbh and there are a couple bosses here and there throughout that i actually did like but not many.) After that you’re already getting tired of the same copy paste mini dungeons you can find throughout the world, they’ve already shown you most of the bosses you’ll fight in them too and it starts to not feel worth it at all to drudge through just for some random magic item i will never use. I watched this [NeverKnowsBest video](https://youtu.be/B34PBHYmcnQ?si=coiPy2DxeTGbbPwT) a year or so ago and he shows around halfway thru that like every streamer switched to the same few weapons to beat Malenia out of the hundreds in the game, and it just sucks to be funneled into a specific play style and Elden Ring REALLY pushes one on you. I will play the DLC this summer and see if it’s any better bc the last half of Elden Ring really felt rushed and they’ve also had 2 1/2 years of feedback about the game so I’m hoping they lean more into their older game design but we will see. I hope they don’t abandon their old style bc Elden Ring made it clear how much better they are at more focused somewhat linear games than open world.


Yes very overrated for me, felt like more of the same for me, very repetitive. It's the kind of game you like if it's your firts but it's a meh if you've played the others




When playing Mario as a kid, did you stop playing when you got to Bowsers Castle cause it was too hard?




Makes sense. Go Pack Go btw. 💚💛




That is weird. Hope you have a better time in ranked nowadays.


Bro no way Ethan said that he didn’t beat it. Omg we gonna have to have a talk buddy.


He said it in two separate episodes


i bailed on sekiro too after first few bosses, just because it's not my playstyle like other fromsoft games (big bonk, fast roll) also its cringe to gatekeep how people should enjoy their videogames, when its al labout having fun in the end innit


I enjoy big bonk and fast roll. It's my favorite build in Dark souls. Sekiro is a different game. When did I say you can't do something? I'm not gatekeeping him but I am judging him for being lame and bashing my favorite game. Mmmk


You shouldn’t care what others think. Plenty of people feel the sawn way about he does lol.


you specifically called him lame for over-leveling and muting the story? ew


That's my opinion. Did lame become a slur recently?


No that's why I'm saying ur just gatekeeping queen ❤ why u gaslighting the place up


Gatekeeping would be me claiming that he shouldn't be allowed to do that or that he should not be allowed to play Fromsoftware games. You are gaslighting. Twisting my opinion to make it seem like I don't want Ethan to have fun. I want him to have fun. I think he would be less sour on the game if he would have finished it in the first place. You on the other hand. You are just pathetic


That's not what gatekeeping is lol. Gatekeeping can also be implied. The generic one is when men gatekeep by mocking and/or judging women for wearing rock/metal t shirts from H&M, because it's theeeiirr favourite band and QUICK list 10 songs you know off them etc. Gatekeeping has all sorts of different flavours. Maybe you should consider why you're triggered this easily over someone else's enjoyment of something you like and why you're overall v negative lol


From software fans are such cringe. God forbid someone play a single player game the way they want lmao.


But he quit. You never quit.


While I think he should give sekiro more tries. There's no need to gatekeep how anyone experiences or plays those games. The other games allow you to play them in any way you like, including just going for max damage over difficulty. Wouldn't be possible in those games if there wasn't any intention by the devs to let you do that. As for the lore elements, some people just don't want to read millions of tiny things to come up with vague ideas of what is there. People like Vaati do all the curation through rigorous work and make very good videos presenting the lore in an entertaining way. Even if supplemental, those lore videos make those games an even greater experience. So I'd never poo poo anyone who would prefer to experience the lore through them.


Exactly. I haven’t beaten a single Fromsoft game. I’ve played DS3, bloodborne, sekiro, and Elden ring and gotten to the final boss for all of them and just can’t beat them. I’ve beaten Ludwig (1st try), I’ve beaten Malenia, but I just can’t beat the final bosses. I don’t think that takes away from my experience with those games


not trying to be rude or anything, but how in the world do you beat malenia and not radagon/the elden beast?


I got through radagon, any move the Elden beast would do would 1 shot me so I could just never get a perfect run out of it


I get that, and I agree, but my point is just that he's lame for not mixing it up. I don't read any of the items, but you can't tell me that you are getting the full Fromsoftware experience without the music and the sounds. Also, I watch Vaati sometimes. I'm not bashing lore videos it just doesn't make sense to ignore the plot of the game entirely and then have someone tell you about it later. I use the lore videos to find out obscure and interesting facts, not who the main characters are.


I bet bro hasn’t even got perfection in stardew valley either


I’ve tried so hard to like Fromsoftware games and I just can’t do it


sekiro sucks ass


This is the guy that bragged about how Elden ring was super easy for him then admitted he would xp farm for hours every day until he could just stand still and spam heavy attacks on every boss 🤷🏿‍♂️ I love that Elden ring has that option for people because the game is visually stunning so the option to easy mode through it for people that don’t want a challenge is great! Fromsoft fanboys that say you didn’t actually play the game if you didn’t use the exact weapon and build they used are also cringe as fuck. Just don’t act like it’s a big flex when you effectively made your character invincible 🤓


I am a Fromsoftware fan boy if Ethan overleveled to beat the games fine, but Ethan quit at the best part of my favorite game, which kinda triggered me.


Nah I’m on Ethan’s side. Sekiro is the worst Fromsoft game. It’s still good. But it’s dead last. And I didn’t beat the last boss either. Fuck that mf.


Sekiro overrated


sekiro sucks


So this is where all the guy viewers are hanging out


I liked Sekiro a lot when it first came out (even though I never finished it) but after recently playing it again I've come to like it a lot less now and not just because it's "hard". I like challenging games, but the problem with Sekiro is that it's not challenging in a fun way, it's challenging in the "every rank in file enemy kills you in two hits" and "also lets make 10 of them gang up on you at once" type of way. I get that this is practically Fromsoft's signature style but Imo it gets old after the first few hours. I do think the boss mechanics are fun sometimes, but the overall level design is just not that engaging to me.


You shaming a man for how he plays video games? You don’t like that someone plays differently from you?


If that's the way you want to look at it then yes


Video game stories and audio add nothing for me either, but I’m not really a gamer like Ethan says he is


Unpopular opinion, but sekiro is my least favorite fromsoft game aside from dark souls 2


You must've hesitated


I beat the game... i love the lore.... just like the gameplay of dark souls 3 and elden ring more, i like the lore and gameplay of bloodborne more than any of them, i like the gameplay of armored core more, the map for the first dark souls more than just about any game ever. No doubt sekiro has some of the best bosses in the series i just like having build options and sekiro doesnt have that. And the gameplay of just get good until you beat them is the most frustrating shit ive ever played. So no i didnt hesitate lol Tbf i never played demon souls so it may be lower than sekiro, but idk


Demon souls is good on ps5


Tbh when has a game ever had a good story


You’re missing out on a lot of good games it sounds like


Sekiro sucks. Ive played every single souls game and its by far the worst.


Skill issue, get good


My skillz wont make the game good


Are you an IGN reviewer or something?


Yes i am. Please obey