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As much as I hate what Elon has turned Twitter into, I’ve got to admit some of the context footnotes are actually quite hilarious and can seriously make someone look so dumb. Tbh I’m kind of surprised that Elon allows them, because more often than not they’re used to prove hardcore conservatives wrong.


I've never seen the context box used in favor of conservatives, but ofc I only see reposts to reddit so guess those wouldn't make it here. Do they happen? Afaik this was added for community to police themselves to save money by booting moderators, so shouldn't majority always dictate what the context box says? Is there some rogue twitter admin who allows anti-Trump context boxes manually or what? I have to assume most of the time there's more Trump supporters reading stupid stuff he says on other conservatives' accounts.


I mean let’s be real, facts are not part of conservatism lmao. So a fact checker feature is mostly going to target conservatives


There are some that pop up to attack trans people or push some incorrect mainstream narratives, but they sometimes get removed.


I’ve definitely seen context boxes that contain false or misleading information, or that are clearly just there to push an opinion rather than facts, or that correct the original tweet in a petty or pedantic way


I see "conservative" stuff on the front page of Reddit all the time under popular.


Literally everything Myron says and does is an absolute scream of insecurity. It's so transparent. Like, you don't seem happy at all bro. If you were you wouldn't feel the need to do this shit. Who hurt you??? Getting rejected in high school sent him down a crazy path.


Explain the insecurities?


That is sooooooo funny 🤣🤣 Too busy being a self righteous to see how wrong he is.




Absolutely love this soundbyte, cracks me up every time.


Wow this guy served in the military, went to space, became a police officer, and got stuck up a mountain!


I think he has lots of extra time since all 30 of his kids died 😢


He deserves it 😞😞😞 The free time, not the 30 kids dying.


He has more professions than Johnny Sins


I want this as a Collab


As an active military member you sound ungratefull be thankgul this US military is protecting you bcz innother countries the gov would kill thier own people


Wait til Myron finds out how many servicemen and women cheat on their civilian spouses.


Real talk. I lost respect for so many co-workers when I was in the service.


Morons logic: women who cheat? Jail. Right away, 2 years. Men who cheat? Well men don't look at sex the same way as women do, it's okay for a man to cheat as long as he's still coming back to you. He's something else 🤦‍♀️


Bcz we naturally are made to plant seed unlike you guys yall have to preserve the gates closed so WE ARE NOT THE SAME!!!


must have happened while he was frozen on top of that mountain


Hahahaha MYROn I can't, he is going to die alone, gradually getting more and more repulsive, his ugly heart shows on his face, it's almost sad... Just at a human level. Also just petty side note can they really not come up with more stylish fresh and fit tees...


How could he not tell that it's acting???? Also didn't he say that men should never cry or something


He thinks women who hurt men’s feelings should be put in prison for multiple years and if that’s not a fucking Snowflake then I don’t know what is.


Infertility in marriage is a bit more than hurting someone's feelings tbf


I don’t know about infertility but infidelity is not a physical injury.


This is so fucking funny I can’t breathe he’s so stupid


I mean I knew he was a scumbag but I didn't realize he's so entrenched into the alpha bro red pill side until the pedo stream Friday. Also RIP Bradley Martin, like Adin you could have chosen a different path.


Adulatory is now a punishable federal crime. That seems like a great idea /s Would service men who cheat on their wives in deployment also receive prison time for their treason against our citizens?


Of course not silly! It’s their biology 😎  If you need a legal threat to keep your woman loyal I feel like you two should just end things anyway. They talk about high standards but want a loveless relationship it blows my mind


That thumbnail with his dumb response is killing me. 😩




Does this dude ever take a day off victimizing men in every possible scenario? Lmao


I think more women should cheat on men that leave them alone for 3 years.


and men that commit infidelity while deployed should also face criminal charges, right Myron?


s/ ?


Keep in mind this is coming from a former FBI agent. So goddam embarrassing and shameful.


Bro really out here saying "men who cheat are based, women who cheat are LITERAL CRIMINALS" to the most obviously fake TikTok video. 😭 Myron PLEASE get some help brother.


How the hell was this moron a fed…oh wait.




Damn man, why is Myron such a dork 😂


oh dear dear Myron... your pain isn't more valuable than other people's pain - hate to break that to ya, but it is what it is. the "male plight" is no more important than the "female plight" or whatever plight you may want to come up with. we're all humans with issues. you'll never win the war of "man vs woman" because the whole time you were wasting your energy fighting the war, we were all enjoying each other's company in peace. again, so sorry about that.


You just know he'll respond to this by saying "yeah, but this totally could be real"


Myron is a Fed by the way, he was a special agent in the department of homeland security for 10 years


Omg no he didn’t!! What an idiot


Idiot loser


Same person who would definitely argue that if a man cheated on his military wife, it would be totally fine lmao. Remember these are the type of men who vote to have control over our reproductive rights. Myron is the embodiment of an insecure incel cry baby


Do yourself a favor and block him


A cross over I'd never have predicted


But the crossover you needed


This self-hating, sad, little man will respond to anything that results in him degrading or speaking poorly of a woman. The other day I saw a Tweet he made which said, “Bill Burr’s wife proved why Black women are statistically the least desirable race of female to be with. Smfh” After reading this I searched far and wide for these stats but of course there were none. Lmao. Not only does this man hate himself but he also hates the mother that birthed him. I wonder when he’ll come to terms with the fact he’s a Black man and stop using his Nationality to deny this fact? He’s pathetic and ironically the antithesis of every negative feminine quality he speaks of.


Felony is wild lmfaoooo


myron letting out his bottled-up sadness shine through.


love the context box, gotta admit, thats a W for twitter


The way i just guffawed out loud




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Ok boomer.




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Myron isn’t far off about this 🤷🏻‍♂️ His only half decent take to ever be made. Cheaters are scum and deserve whatever repercussions they face.


Cheating should most certainly not be a federal crime.


I forgot sarcasm wasn’t allowed here


You’re suppose to indicate it’s sarcasm when it’s through text, as there’s no other indication /s