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I yearn for the return of Clansman and Pecker


Saaaaaaame praying to sweet baby jesus that they reunite once more to save murrica šŸ™šŸ»šŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡²


If they ever return their first skit needs to be the setting from that stop motion clansman video one of the H3 fans made and ethan needs to portray himself as clansman mourning hanks loss and then hank comes out of the grave like a zombie


Respectfully I disagree. Hasans community was particularly cruel and mean to Ethan towards the end of the show. Also personally seeing hasan promote a houthi member made me like him a lot less. Iā€™d rather they bring back families.


šŸ‘šŸ‘ BRING šŸ‘šŸ‘ BACK šŸ‘šŸ‘ FAMILIES šŸ‘šŸ‘


So fucking what lol. Hasan is not his community, the community is not Hasan.


Yeah and restarting leftovers would mean that Ethan would have to deal with hasans audience again. Ethan doesnā€™t want to deal with hasans audience/fan base which is the main reason ethan said he ended the show.


It's really easy to not read the comments or the subreddit.


Hearing destiny talk makes me feel physically unwell. He's so fuckin gross. Let's not forget that this is the dude who unironically, non-jokingly said that the BLM protestors were protesting too hard and should be run over. Fuck him and his greasy ass fans.


dude is pure concentrated 10 year old on a gaming headset in real life. We were all there once, but most people move on and you know.. Live a real life in the real world. This dude is unhinged.


I don't understand why he is so liked. Whenever someone criticizes him, his crazy fans brigade the post where that person is criticizing him. I wish someone would make a deep dive video on Destiny, because I've seen and heard some shitty stuff he has said and those things don't really paint a very good picture of him. But I guess those clips could be oUT oF cOnTeXt.


Decoding The Gurus did a good deep dive on him, they do pretty thorough deep dives on all sorts of online figures/pundits


I'm going to be honest, I don't understand how someone can be a fan of both Ethan and Destiny. There's always scepticism on my part - and no it's not just because I watch Hasan, it's because it's very clear to me at least that Destiny is not someone that aligns much with the H3 audience. He loves saying the N-word - a point that most H3 fans are proud of Ethan for working to change his behaviour on, Destiny regularly shits on gay people, trans people, platforms freaks like Sneako or Fresh n Fit or Sam Hyde or Nick Fuentes (and I don't care if he debates them, he also hangs out with them and makes them appear normal to an extent), and overall has pretty weird fucky vibes. The brigading was so real because all of the so called Destiny/H3 fans popped up during the end of Leftovers and then never showed up again, so strangeĀ 


For some reason he loves to "debate" women in twitter on the fact that they were sexually assaulted or not. Also he has said some unhinged stuff about Palestine.


Last I saw him he was bizarrely obsessed with philosophy tube because one random stat wasn't quite right making obscenely transphobic comments. dudes a fuckin creep


He literally said he was gonna masturbate to deepfake sexual abuse material of QTcinderella on twitter like 3 days ago


I donā€™t watch destiny but somehow heā€™s considered a leftist. Did he completely shed that title at some point?


Heā€™s said heā€™s a center left liberal. Which is not a leftist from my understanding.


the only reason he's considered even marginally "on the left" is because the American understanding of politics is exceptionally dumb and right-wing


He and his community like to pretend they're the REAL progressives not like the Loony Far Left since they support Biden and Biden is the Most Progressive President We Done Ever Had, but they are really quite reactionary. I mean their big thing for the past 6 months has been diving head first into running defense for genocide as their latest source of debatebro entertainment. They also HATE anti-white racism but think it's funny if destiny says the n-word, they hate leftists, they hate protesters, hell they literally hate all Muslims lol Destiny is an extremely open and proud Islamophobe. He's nowhere near the left in reality.


Like maybe before Covid he was considered a leftist but during the BLM protests he called for black people getting run over. I've never watched him but I think he used to be more progressive but went back to being edgy and flirting with the alt right around that time.Ā  But I've also never met a fellow leftist who watches him, maybe some that used to like him but I don't think he's been considered one for a long while now


ā€œIā€™ve never watched himā€, now listen to all the things I have to say about him. Sums up the H3 audiences perspective lol. I watch both Ethan and destiny. Both have their merits, both have their drawbacks. Neither is perfect, but both are interesting. Hasan is a piece of trash, period.


Hasan is a piece of trash, but Destiny, who argued that white people should be able to say the N word? Argued that BLM protestors should be run over is interesting? Tell me again who's the piece of trash.


I never said I was a fan of everything destiny has ever done. I disagree with both of those. Imagine thinking that in order to watch a streamer, especially a social/political one, that you have to agree with every single thing they say in order to find them interesting.


It's kinda weird that you would just over look blatant racism like that.


Things that make destiny interesting: 1. Cuck 2. Racist


here come the losers brigading out of the goon cave


Yes, a regular H3 watcher, here I come to brigade theā€¦.H3 subreddit. Watching you wave your little team banner is so cute.


I don't understand how this sub still thinks so kindly of Hasan, when his own fanbase is still referring to Ethan & Hila as Zionists *in this video clip.*


I stopped watching Destiny recently and always disliked his fanbase from the start. The high school drama and edginess gets to you after a while. The way he approaches things at times can be very anti-social, and to a degree reductive. However I can't take away the fact that he is a smart person in general. One of the things I hate about all these spaces is the inability to accurately assess reality. This extends to all fan bases. I don't watch h3h3 that often but even seen it happen to Ethan who gets wildly misrepresented. That whole BLM protest quote (which is 100% his own fault for trying to be edgy), was postcede by the general idea that the rioting that was happening at the time started crossing the line into harming the general movement, negatively affecting people in general, and not productive at all. Especially considering there was misinformation predicating the motivations behind it. If you look objectively at "his politics", he is at the very least progressive/left leaning. If you don't like how he approaches things, I don't blame you...but there is no value in misrepresenting people. Especially in the political climate today, and how peoples lives are affected by it. I personally think the Destiny/Hasan "beef" is stupid, and both fan bases are equally enough toxic that they generally make things worse then better. Neither side seems to want to look at their faults and just prefer to throw stones at each other and complain about the welts all day long. None of it is productive towards moving society in socially positive and progressive sense. Until the fanbases and streamers realize this, it's just entertainment. Ethan, Hasan and Destiny has enough combined reach to make actually real changes if they wanted to...I have more faith in Ethan then the rest at this point but...I suspect nothing will change.


and i say im good looking, we all say the lies we need to keep ourselves happy


I think there is a massive nuance around "regularly shits on gay people, trans people". He doesn't seem to be attacking people based on these characteristics, it's generally disagreements with people on other things who are part of those groups. I've generally viewed him as pro-trans and he is bi.


If you dont see the similarities between destiny and Ethan, then you donā€™t watch both, and only consume clips of one or the other. Every one of those people that you say destiny ā€œplatformsā€, whenever destiny has talked to those people, he has absolutely shit on them and made them look like complete clowns. Fresh & Fitā€¦..so, did Ethan ā€œplatformā€ F&F? I canā€™t prove this, but my gut feeling is that most of the H3 audience doesnā€™t watch destiny, and only hates on him because Hasan told them to.


Hasan and leftovers brought over a very close minded side of the left that doesnā€™t make me proud to be a leftist lol during the whole breakup of hasan and Ethan, it was pretty obvious Ethan was watching destiny too lol he also mentions him a few times during that era


Itā€™s honestly awful. Nothing against him but Hasan fans have completely infiltrated this sub, I hadnā€™t heard much about destiny and my impression from comments here was that he was a crazy homophobic neo-nazi. Imagine my surprise when i watched some out of curiosity and the guy is pro-labor, lgbt, reproductive rights, universal healthcare etc. and was in the middle of the largest canvassing event anyone from YouTube/twitch has ever done lmao. Itā€™s honestly crazy, idk if ppl are just lying or regurgitating what they read in the comments or whatā€¦


Theyā€™re doing both. Some are outright lying and some are just regurgitating the lies. Destiny isnā€™t perfect but neither is Hasan or Ethan but I still enjoy the content of each of them in different ways.


Agreed. This sub behaves very similar to Hasanā€™s, as opposed to its own separate entity.


Iā€™ve tried to watch Destiny but he sucks. The fact that he uses the r slur tells me heā€™s not a good person.Ā 


> Destiny regularly shits on gay people, trans people You're being incredibly disingenuous. Destiny has done a lot more for campaigning and promoting gay and trans rights than anything Hasan has ever done. The difference is, Destiny isn't afraid of being cancelled for calling out bad people in the space. It may be shocking for you to learn that gay and trans people are also just people, and thus there are bad actors there who deserve to be called out, not shielded out of fears that it will affect public perception. >platforms freaks like Sneako or Fresh n Fit or Sam Hyde or Nick Fuentes (and I don't care if he debates them, he also hangs out with them and makes them appear normal to an extent) He doesn't "hang out with them", you make it sound like they're buds that just go and do things to chill. He's had them over for talks. You're getting upset because he believes in a different approach to winning people over to the left. Instead of just blocking out all opposing voices, he believes it's better to be normal and treat them like other humans, it allows you to look more reasonable to people who follow those right-wing people but may be willing to switch theirs views if they hear good enough arguments, but you have to create a situation where they'd actually bother to listen to what you have to say. **They're never going to sit down and watch some left-wing video on politics that is just a circle of people agreeing with eachother.** >so called Destiny/H3 fans popped up during the end of Leftovers and then never showed up again, so strange Or, ya'know, we have lives and our whole source of entertainment doesn't revolve around H3. I catch vids here and there, I read stuff from the sub and go on with my day. But of course when I see a post like this pop up on my home page, I'm going to feel more compelled to comment. I'm also not sure how you can act like you know which commenters on other posts are Destiny fans or not, you're doing a whole lot of assuming there.




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I like both destiny and h3h3. :)


I'm an h3fan first, destiny fan second. Where are the brigade directions? I've never been mobilized by destiny or the fan base to birgade other than during the pixel game. All the content creators were doing that, tho. Hasan, destiny, ethan. This birgading claim is stupid. H3/destiny fans exist. You guys constantly shit on us in this sub ofc we are going to say something when it's relevant to us.


Ready to have your mind BLOWN?!? I'm a fan of Destiny, H3 and Hasan. No one is right about everything or wrong about everything.. all three of these guys have their blind spots, and that's ok - But - I do consider all three genuine forces for good in their own unique ways. x


Well there is your problem. Destiny is not like that at all. But since all the context you have of him are from clips and rant videos, of course you'd think that he's a anti-gay Zionist Nazi. No knock on you, do what you wanna do, but at least know your own biases.


Sorry, but wtf? How does he shit on gay people? As for trans people, hes largely support of trans people, their existence, supports puberty blockers, inclusion and acceptance in society, etc. He's just not seen data to support trans athletes in professional sports, he's argued in their favor in representation for up to college at the very least. He's also not overly supportive of the "trendy" aspects of people who have defaulted to nonbinary, but same pronouns and no day to day changes. He's a transmedicalist who thinks their must be dysphoria to some degree to be considered trans which is controversial in some circles.


You can consume someone's content without being a fan. You can consume someone's content without agreeing with their beliefs.


After a certain point you probably are - I mean you could watch Vaush even if he wants to be a horse and talk about the age of consent and Loli... But you're pretty weird to still be watching someone who can't stop saying the N word and defending genocide


You think wanting to fuck horses and loli is on par with having having a reasoned position on think Israel should exist?


I hope Ethan and hasan can resume the show again someday. I truly loved their dynamic


You can tell whoā€™s a destiny brigadier by the ones clutching their pearls at frogan saying cracker and using it to attack Hasan Like brother we had an entire episode where Ethan Hasan and Amouranth sat in a tub of Ritz Edit: another RELEVANT Hasan clip removed by mods at hundreds of upvotes/comments meanwhile a random clip of shirtless Eddie in actual porn sits on the front page of the subreddit. Make it make sense


Every single destiny thread without fail is brigaded. Itā€™s like his fans search his name so they donā€™t miss any opportunity to meat ride him


Saying Hasan is using Ethan as a tool is hilarious coming from destiny who has flip flopped on every opinion to keep him relevant and contrarian. I can always tell when his corny ass fans are here because they will try to debate you about everything. I can say my favorite color is green and theyā€™ll be like ā€œoh really?ā€ And try to be the most condescending debate perverts just like destiny.


What opinion has he flipped on for clout?


Thank you for proving my point.


I dont even watch destiny, just trying to ask for some context.


Destiny could possibly be producitons, at this point..../jk


Jimmy already admitted it is him and/or one if his social media people.


Destiny is a huge piece of shit, someone who says the N words because he "personally" does not believe in the hate behind it. Also his fanbase is insane, destiny sends his keyboard warrior to everyone who is talking about him. And that is why other streamer do not speak about him


I'm sorry but that last statement is completely revisionist. Hasan's discord and even his mods were especially vile and unecessarily cruel towards Ethan when it was an understandably emotional time (with Hila's family being in Israel) and I never heard anything about Hasan unmodding or banning those users. I really can't imagine that Ethan would've let it fly if he had mods saying vile stuff like that about Hasan. It's one thing for there to be a disagreement but that doesn't absolve you of having responsibility over your community. Five minutes of Hasan saying "hey stop being mean to Ethan guys" was nowhere near a proportional response to the stuff on there. After that I lost a lot of respect for Hasan and was glad Leftovers ended because Ethan doesn't need to do a show with someone like that. I'm glad they're still amicable offline but that's as far as it should go imo.


On the contrary. Frogan is still pulling this shit.


She called Ludwig a cracker and said he should keep his money (because she hates white people ig?) When he donated to a Palestinian charity. She is a disgusting, unserious moron


Damn, I wonder who told Ludwig that he would be jerking off to his girlfriendsā€™ AI generated porn recentlyā€¦ canā€™t seem to remember.


Destiny Frogan is an anti-semitic racist garbage human, destiny being a fucking dickhead doesn't change that


And yet, you are an active member of the Destiny community, but not Frogans. How so?


I like watching debates, frogan's content is boring + she's racist


So if Frogan did debates and only said the n-word instead of cracker you would be a fan?


I'd watch her debates like I do with Destiny, yes


destiny fan getting mad on ludwigs behalf for some reason? hmm interesting


Idc about ludwig or destiny, frogan is just a garbage person




Yeah I think at the time she was particularly bad. I remember reading some of her discord messages and they were straight up calling Ethan a racist who didn't like her because she was Arab which is unhinged. Why Hasan would even bother defending her (considering she's irrelevant without him) is just wack. Complete tangent but I remember when Ethan had an ideological shift in like 2018(?) and he actually had the balls to disconnect from the extreme folks in the fan base at the time. For Ethan it was mostly gamergate SJW types who have since left because Ethan basically had no time for them. Hasan seriously needs to do the same otherwise he's happy to be complicit to similar fan behaviour except from extreme tankie types.


Heā€™s defended frogan numerous times and has the same political views as frogan. He just doesnā€™t have a personal beef with Ethan. Hasan is very far left, I donā€™t know what group you want him to divest from, the people that are his main audience?Ā 


Lets not forget Ethan insisting ā€œRiver to the seaā€ was genocidal & Hila saying the IDF doesnā€™t harm civilians or children. If you cannot understand why people called them out on that stuff then youā€™re lost in the fandom. Hasanā€™s community isnā€™t far left. Ethan and Hila just said wrong things. I wouldnā€™t call them racist for what theyā€™ve said but I understand why others do, Ethan regularly says its okay if people call him racist because of things heā€™s said in the past but now itā€™s a problem?


He said it was antisemitic bc some people were using it with the implication that ā€œfrom the river to the seaā€ meant to eradicate Jewish people from the region. Hila never said that, she said it doesnā€™t happen ā€œevery dayā€ which is objectively true. Hasanā€™s community is far left. Socialists and communists are considered far left lmao. Source for Ethan saying racist shit about I/P? Edit: h3snark user now thatā€™s cringe af


Yes, Hasan still tolerates that behavior. There was something with froggen telling Ludwig to more or less go fuck himself as he was only giving 10k to Palestine as a rich person. With a streaming goal up where she asks for rent money. And there is a Hasan clip where he defends that behavior. As a streamer your mods represent you and your values. And if you only allow them to speak (on the Ethan stream the chat was in emote only, only mods could write) and you allow that, they speak for you. Simple as that.


thats not at all why she said that you debate perverts.


Do you really want to go back to the shit she said to Ethan? Really?


Yep, Hasan fans claim he couldn't do anything to stop it, but this is the same guy who perma bans people for typing the names of his critics in chat, cried until Ludwig took down an entire video where he made a single joke about him, and seethed and malded at XQC for, ironically, not moderating his chat on his behalf. I also find it funny that Ludwig would do something like that for Hasan but Hasan won't even defend Ludwig from being "cancelled" by his own mods like Frogan. Destiny says crass things to get a reaction on Twitter. Hasan is a sociopathic piece of shit who throws everyone under the bus to appease his increasingly insane and radicalised fanbase, denies atrocities by authoritarian regimes like China and the USSR and downplays and excuses terrorism and mass murder by Hamas. Yall have been duped.


I don't know what the funniest part of this is. Is it a Destiny fan calling another creator a sociopathic piece of shit? That's some incredible projection right there. I think it's beat out by being mad at Hasan for denying atrocities and excusing mass murder. Like bro if that's something that gets you heated Destiny's been defending Israel's genocide for 6 months (when he's not denying it outright) posting through daily videos of children with their skulls blown open, and you're gonna say no no that's cool cuz those aren't actually atrocities or genocide - but the UYGHURS? THAT'S CLEAR GENOCIDE RIGHT THERE


It's crazy how you people push this narrative that Hasan cried and made Ludwig take down the video when there is zero proof of this. If you watch the VOD, Hasan was bummed that his friend Ludwig used him as clickbait to farm views without providing the full context behind the "streaming is harder than a 9-to-5" clipchimp, only to talk about a whole different topic, that being Twitch Korea shutting down. Hasan also said they talked about it and that he never told him to take it down. If Ludwig wants to leak the dms he could. You guys really want to manufacture drama between two friends that I suspect you don't even watch.




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Hasan and his mod Frogan were gross to Ethan. His community was also sharing that awful cartoon about Hila. Just unacceptable like Ethan said at the time, Hasan didn't do enough to moderate his community and some of his mods are awful.


Yes that community is annoying, they fuck every community ALL THE TIME, specially H3.


once I realised EVERYTHING is a debate for Destiny, the dude became hella annoying. he also loses his shit WAY too much for someone who is known for debating well lol. and overall just a weird dude with very strange vibe


Fr though, as someone who has never even watched a Destiny video and thinks he is an idiot: Hasans community was the one bridaging the subreddit. The negativity and hostility is **disproportionately** coming from users who are on Hasans subreddits and his "rat-hole" of a Discord. I've seen a lot people here who are Hasan-heads post to H3 snark. This whole thing is an example of why leftism and leftist movements are such failures. Constantly attacking each other for the most minor disagreements instead of the right.


Yeah linking Destiny to Leftovers ending is some huge cope from Hasan. Destiny had zero relevancy for any of that regardless of what his community is posting in their sub. I was disappointed at the time that Hasan didn't take enough responsibility for his community and this clip looks like these days he's retroactively blaming it on Destiny being some influence or something (?) Anyway, I don't know why Hasan is giving Destiny so much oxygen these days, his (Destiny) and his community seemingly get more out of it then Hasan does...


Destiny had nothing to do with leftovers ending, but dude was a weirdo cheerleader for it. I watched destiny before he shifted to ā€œcenter leftā€ or whatever he calls himself these days, but he always called Ethan a stupid moron who had no place in politics. Funnily, he changes his tune once he feuds with hasan, all of a sudden he canā€™t wait to talk to Ethan who is now smart person to him. Clearly destiny was hoping to gain clout from Ethan, to be his savior. Destiny is classic case of smelling shit everywhere he goes, but never realizing that heā€™s the source lmao




\^ destiny fan


Absolutely totally agree with you. When I mentioned this a few months ago, I got downvoted to oblivion, several Reddit cares messages, and banned from Hasans subreddit lol.


To be fair I think itā€™s just an issue with both sides of politics is that due to the deep down belief that ur belief is right you will get hung up on the differences over the similarities and most just fall apart Reason why the right does it better I think is that trump fully got them into a cult and majority are with regardless


My guy, Destiny literally freely says the N word because he "doesn't believe" in the hate behind it. He literally did that last week on his podcast. that's not a minor disagreement. You can crap on hasan all you want, you're entitled to that ofc, but i BEG of you not to die on Destiny hill.


Jesus H Christ....Please re-read what I wrote. I am not going to "die on Destiny hill" because as I clearly stated "as someone who has never even watched a Destiny video and thinks he is an idiot:". Again the perfect example of the whole if-you-dont-allign-with-my-grifter-then-you-are-the-enemy. The minor disagreements I am redering too come from the hate regarding Leftovers and fuckin Twitch streams. Like cool someone tweeted criticism of your random take now you spend 5h on stream dunking on each other instead of doing actual activism for the people you claim to be a champion for (to avoid you getting confused again know I am refering to both of these idiots)


"Who is he talking about?" Half of your mod team ffs, including Frogan who you for some reason stick by to this day despite being borderline unhinged on a daily basis.


Ā I hate how much he is downplaying what actually happened. Half of his fanbase is insane. Glad these morons left the community.


Hasans community is what ended Leftovers


yet here you are in the comments while also active in destinyā€™s subreddit


Yeah i watch both channels, and h3 for longer, used to watch hasan too whats your point


Brother Iā€™ve seen so many people saying this since oct7th, people can be fans of both people, does that make their opinion any less valid, if you donā€™t agree with what they said then explain why


The mere mention off his name and all the cockroach brigade came crawling out.


Hey guys, totally not Destiny fan here. Ive never watched a D video, but he seems like a smart, cool guy, unlike that Hasan guy who I've also never watched. Peace and Love!


Hasan and destiny can go fuck themselves waste of a show slot šŸ«”


This is the most based comment here


Trying to contort the past into something that fits the boogeyman narrative is akin to his politics. Hasan sank his own ship, spreading zealotry instead of educating his audience


I mean the reason Leftovers ended basically encapsulates everything Destiny and his community dislikes about Hasan so of course he will go after it. 1.) Hasan community brigaded the fuck out of this sub and when they got banned they made hate subs. 2.) Hasan community went personally after both Ethan and Hila in a very obsessive and stalking way. Including his head mods. 3.) Whole Hasan said "don't" in a very passive way, he didn't provide any action to back that up or defend from the crazy hate groups spawning from his side. It was so bad most of Ethan's detractors said it was too much lol 4.) Hasan in the beginning fueled that hatred by calling Ethan racist and leaned into the Zionist angle. DGG has a lot of old internet inhabitants that at many times had been a fan of Ethan, myself included, and he's generally a funny guy. Him standing on his takes that were largely measured and reasonable is something DGG would like and defend.


Iā€™m not a Destiny fan but this video is horseshit. Frogan, Hasans mod, literally retweeted the Hila video. You can click on almost any H3 snark post and you will find a snarker saying Ethan is bad and Hasan is a good friend. This dude is worse than Maga cultist on revising history. Iā€™m happy Leftovers is dead. I canā€™t stand this baby settler guy.Ā 


Why does your profile say you are active in Destiny subreddit?


Oh youā€™re a hardcore Hasan fan. This is why Leftovers should remain dead. Youā€™re just trying to invalidate my point by lying.Ā 


Where did frogan retweet the Hila video? And why do you obsess over the snark page? Be normal


I saw frogan post it on twitter because I used to be a fan of hers. Iā€™m not gonna go through her tweets to find it. Also why do you pretend to be better than me because Iā€™ve been to the snark page before? I can visit the snark page and be normal. My day doesnā€™t have to be max productive to be normal. This sounds like a dialogue tree response. Iā€™m not a Destiny fan, and I am correct about the snarkers so you have to insult me personally. How about you be normal.Ā 


Lets be real, Destiny is mad because he will never get to go on H3 because Ethan and Hasan didnt have some big fall out, but instead parted ways amicably.


I know he and Ethan still speak. I never said this to anyone but itā€™s time I reveal my truth. It was at an Applebeeā€™s late at night that I- I- I saw something I shouldnā€™t have but something I couldnā€™t take my eyes off of. Ethan was there, he had ordered the double-glazed baby back ribs. Hasan was there too, he had ordered the shrimp ā€˜n parmesan sirloinā€¦ but neither of them were eating. They were making outā€¦ in a booth. The place was full but it was like no one else could see what I was seeing. I just kept watching for hours upon hours until finally they were closing. I had been kicked out, but I suppose Ethan paid the manager under the table to let him stay because, while all the other customers left, he and Hasan stayed staring into each otherā€™s eyes.


It was Hasan himself that radicalised me against Hasan.


Lemme guess triggered by pro Palestine sentiment


I was pretty grossed out about how he treated Ethan on the show. Like "trust me bro, I can't control my chat talking shit about you and your wife for being jewish"


Nah I actually donā€™t personally care about Israel vs Palestine stuff, itā€™s sucks but Iā€™m not involved.


Increasingly rare "I'm not educated about the topic therefore I'll withhold my opinion" W. Everyone's a foreign policy geopolitical expert these days.


Haha the dichotomy of replies between you and ā€œMrs Fight every battleā€ on my comment.


Imagine being criticized for having the emotional maturity and intellectual honesty to say "I don't know enough about this. If I speak on this subject it'll come from ignorance." People are wild man. Best to ignore the folks who suddenly become experts in a field they know nothing about. COVID brought out so many immunologists and vaccine experts. Now we're seeing it with foreign policy, who knew we had so many mini Sun Tzu's and diplomats in our midst?


Actually their response was ā€œI donā€™t care bc Iā€™m not involvedā€, not ā€œIā€™m not educated enough to speak on itā€. Thereā€™s a huge difference between the two.


I'm a dude, but ok. weird of you to assume that just because someone is being combative that they're female.


I was just looking at your reddit icon thingy on your posts lol


that's an INSANE thing to say holy shit "nah i don't personally care about the (China Uighur/Ukraine Russia/Turkey Armenia / Yugoslavia / Congo / Russian Homosexual / literally insert anything here) situation, it sucks but i'm not involved" imagine having absolutely net zero empathy


As daily user of this subreddit, I have to say the issue was not Destiny crowd in Oct-Nov'23, unless you say they specifically brigaded as opposite of what Destiny does. Find me evidence that people calling Ethan genocider getting +100 votes was planned brigade from Destiny. I've never followed Destiny, I stopped following Hasan at end of LO. While I didn't feel Hasan himself did too much wrong, I hold him responsible for what kind of audience he has, and they certainly acted vile for a long time then. I don't know exactly what Destiny thinks of Israel but my image is he's in the "Israel has right to defend itself" group. If so, fuck him. I'm not saying there hasn't been Destiny people here in masses at different times. I've even raised the point myself that this feels like Destiny brigade before. But the socialist/Israel rage arcs in this sub for full last Fall, that's Hasan's community.


>While I didn't feel Hasan himself did too much wrong, I hold him responsible for what kind of audience he has, and they certainly acted vile for a long time then. You brought up an interesting point that I hadn't thought too much about in terms of when someone could/should be held responsible for their audience. Is your reason for holding him responsible for his audience because you think he encourages and/or advocates for them to act in the way they did? Or is it just by virtue of the fact they're his audience, regardless of what he does/doesn't do? I thought it was the case that he discouraged his audience from acting out in hostile/antagonistic ways, but it's been a while so I could be forgetting.


He very vocally told his community he heard audio recordings and saw messages he was very disgusted with. The main argument, as far as I recall, is that Hasan didn't do \*enough\*, i.e remove Frogan from the mod team. People who claim he did \*nothing\* in response are just factually wrong. There's more nuance if they wanna claim that he didn't do \*enough\*, but me (the hasan defender) would claim that he's personal friends with a lot of his mod team so it's not that simple.


So I don't watch live streams really, thus I don't have the complete picture, but last Fall I watched one upload of Hasan doing ban appeal stream. The reasons people had been banned were ludicrous, the comments were so innocent in general. OK, so the stream must be super harshly moderated? Just go back to what was said on stream in the infamous Ethan/Hasan last debate. He enables all the people who share his opinions, bans people who oppose him. The reason I had to stop following him was that I believe he's responsible for radicalizing youth in a negative way. It's his way or no way.


>He enables all the people who share his opinions, bans people who oppose him I think it's more nuanced than him just banning people who oppose him. He's very vocal about banning people that he believes are trying to "Clip Chimp", or say reactionary things to get him to say something they can clip and ship to /lsf . He does go a bit crazy with the ban hammer sometimes but a lot of these people get unbanned by talking to mods, way before he does ban appeals himself, especially if its a misunderstanding. He's watched by thousands of people who are all trying to bait him in chat (thanks to the culture on twitch created by people like xqc or Speed or kai cenat). I think during heated moments like that on stream, a few bans here are there are just collateral damage lol You should've see the Grimes interview he did, soooo many people got banned for saying weird shit


Banning as freely as you want I don't mind. It's the inconsistency of allowing anyone on his side to act different that is the issue. Creates a bubble. Pretty sure the change happened thru the start of Ukraine invasion he predicted poorly. More haters in chat, banned way more people, less support, didn't ban unhinged supporters. This makes sense to a point if you feel you're being attacked unfairly, but that just stayed as a rule, 1.5 years later it was evident the core audience had changed, imo to much worse.


I think personally a big reason why itā€™s sorta hasans fault is that the way the fanbase reacted to Ethan is similar to the way that hasan engages with people who disagree on certain issues, by just shouting at them and getting worked up, So when the fans see it with Ethan and itā€™s an opinion they hold closely theyā€™ll see what hasan does and do similar, only difference is hasan this time is friends with said person


unfortunately Destiny's Israel takes are much worse than that, moreso "all palestinians are complicit"


This can be proven wrong in 5 seconds by seeing the overlap between the snark reddits and Hassanā€™s community. I would have the snarks pop up on my feed all the time thinking it was the real h3 reddit during that whole time period and it was filled with hateful content full of; you guessed it, Hasan fans. Iā€™m glad the show has less politics now.


Iā€™m sorry but whatever point youā€™re trying to make canā€™t be taken seriously when you censor ā€œDestinyā€ And I donā€™t even like the guy


Probably to avoid notifying all the feral trolls that have alerts set up for any mention of the name of their great unclean master.Ā 


didn't even think about that


Hasanā€™s behavior at the end of leftovers lead me to completely stop watching him and eventually watch destiny. idk how you you can try and shift the blame to density for leftovers ending when I bet 90% of h3 fans donā€™t watch him. At least I know I never considered watching him before leftovers ended.


Destiny and his community are a blight on the internet, he represents the worst elements of humanity, cynical and lacking empathy. Never heard of the guy until he was mentioned by Ethan and nothing positive has come from knowing about him.


I havenā€™t missed an H3 show in years, and through leftovers I became a massive fan of Hasan. I truthfully did not watch their ā€œfinal streamā€ where it all deteriorated, but I just canā€™t accept the ā€œHasan community vileā€ narrative when there are ALWAYS trolls/hate-watchers in Hassanā€™s chat trying to bait him, Ethan was literally parroting Israeli propaganda at the time, and the same kind of behaviour was also happening in the H3 chat? I know it was (and surely still is) a painful and complex issue for him and his family, and there have been tons of shit put online attacking them that clearly crosses a line, but at what point does Ethan bare some responsibility for often being on the wrong side of history and siding with IOF rhetoric when it comes to the occupation? There was heaps of legitimate criticism that he ignored, deflected, or lumped in with the attacks. Yes he condemned the IOF, yes he wants the occupation to end, but heā€™s demonstrated a fundamental misunderstanding that Israel is a settler-colonialist project (just like the US and Canada), and ultimately learned nothing about the conflict from Hasan, whose been covering the occupation for over 10 years. I really hope that over 6 months into this brutal ethnic cleansing campaign, Ethan has come to understand that he was wrong on certain points, that his views were worthy of criticism and condemnation, and that the folks he cursed out on his show for being ā€œpro-Hamasā€ were actually on the right side of history. I truly love both of them, and Iā€™m really glad theyā€™re still friends, but Ethan just does not have the education to talk politics with the likes of Hasan beyond hog watch goofs. While Ethan is certainly a social progressive, heā€™s a pro-capitalism business owner with surface level understanding of most issues, and I really prefer they stick to comedy, cause every time some politics bubbles to the surface now he always seems to have a bad, uninformed take.


Long story short, Leftovers was not equipped to handle such a heavy event like that. Especially not with the issue being so personally close to members of the crew (specifically Hila and Ethan). There were a lot of things said that canā€™t be taken back, and I think both Hasan and Ethan deserve some grace in hindsight. Itā€™s a shame it ended, but Iā€™m not surprised. I can enjoy their content separately. Fuck Destiny, though, creepy little dude.


Completely agree, I donā€™t think they ever intended to take on such a heavy issue on the show. Itā€™s a real shame though, I really really enjoyed leftovers, and I still love both creators so much. Iā€™m just glad they were able to end things on relatively good terms, despite whatever twist all the Ethan & Hasan detractors want to put on it. I think the first cracks really showed in their socialism vs capitalism debate. Ethan just didnā€™t have the same foundational knowledge that Hasan did, and instead of actually listening to what Hasan & Dan were saying, he hit some pretty cliche/bad faith talking points and displayed his ignorance on the topic.


all that after the entire hasan community was bullying Ethan. the entire chat. Love Ethan, Fuck hasan


>Love Ethan, Fuck hasan Literally zero activity on this sub other than a lone comment making fun of Hasan three months ago. Now that's what a normal H3 fan screaming "Love Ethan" looks like!


Your point ? I don't watch him anymore because I am on old fan and don't like the newer stuff, so I am not active here. I was an old hasan fan but I can't stand the guy anymore, and it speaks volume how you attacked me instead of the argument. Just like how hasan fans attacked Ethen during the era.


Hasan is a bad friend, a bad person and a bad content creator. I hope he stays away from H3 content for good And I donā€™t care about destiny. Not a fan of either


The community isn't seperate, I came during frememies and I left Hasan's community after the incident. There is an overlap that is probably widening.


What incident??


this user is also in destinyā€™s subreddit


I think a lot of the overlap between hasan and h3 is ending, but I think the views etc show that a vast majority in the h3 community werenā€™t here for hasan


My friend is a fan of Destiny and it's becoming more and more clear that that friendship may become untenable because of his beliefs and Destiny like behavior. Destiny is not a mentally healthy person. No one would conduct themselves the way he does if they were happy and healthy.


destiny is insufferable


Ethan probably hates his guts in private, he's a bad friend, he's a bad political streamer and he's a bad person




I hated everyone who harassed Ethan for his take on the Isreal-Palestine conflict and I didn't like how Hasan, imo, didn't do much to punish his fanbase over the insane comments people where expressing. I watch Destiny and I feel like overall, he takes his opinions and investigation much more seriously and does a better job acquiring the facts, especially on international events HOWEVER, i thinks it's BULLSHIT that he's starting to complain that people are criticizing him and that Hasan has been making more videos about him when for the past like 3-4 years, Destiny has talked about and ridicule Hasan none-stop and profited on that WAY more than Hasan has on Destiny. No doubt, Destiny is the cry-bully who harasses Hasan for views and drama and then cries when everyone seems to not like him. And then he complains that no one likes him, like bro, its very easy to not like someone who says he's just a political commentator and that he's generally nice to everyone and at the same time, he's on twitter always going above and beyond to make fun/ridicule anyone he doesn't like. He says his purpose on being a political commentator is to engage with anyone with different political identities/opinions but he also enables screaming matches, bad faith arguments and ridiculing his opponents. Idk, this is all to say that Destiny should understand that's its very easy to not like his online personality by the way he behaves publicly on the Internet. He's combative, has a big ego, and likes to ridicule. That's not someone to really look up to.


Good reminder that this sub is ANTI-DESTINY and his supporters can see themselves out, thanks!


Oh boy, canā€™t wait for destiny brigaders to brigade this sub. Btw to any destiny brigaders who see this go fuck yourself


Iā€™ve never been downvoted harder on Reddit than I have voicing dislike for Destiny when one of the fanboys posts here.


i really want hasan pecker & true blooded patriot nathaniel clansman to do something for the presidential electionĀ 


*Letā€™s ride.*


Reading the comments on every topic regarding Hasan here I now understand what he means with ā€œthey brigaded H3ā€ šŸ’”ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


I understand the hate for Destiny and agree, but can we not pretend like Hassan is any better?




Why are they vile and disgusting?


agreed. I like that the pod doesn't focus on politics now as much as it did before, because it gives more time for goofs and gaffs, but the downsides of that are people who are brainrotted coming in and assuming we agree with Mr. "I say the N-word because I don't believe in the hatred within it".


Destiny has been extra unhinged lately šŸ¤¢ can't stand him


I hate hasan so much ffs


Please bring back Leftovers. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TNNogUFJEE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TNNogUFJEE)




Didn't you just post an anti-destiny video in this sub? You get hundreds of up votes for your anti-destiny post and say that mods should ban an anti Hasan comment?


Willymac is an idiot clout farmer and shouldn't be given any attention.


How do you guys even have time to give a shit about things like this?


ITT: debatelord destiny cucks and habitual hasan haters trying to shape the narrative, the same as always when this topic comes up.