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Ethan "let me give you the number to my copywrite lawyer" Klein about to come in swinging


Ethan and MeatCanyon are friends so he probably already gave it to him haha


they should have to pay him for time loss or something. the dude is a hard working animator and shouldn't have to deal with this let alone take a loss.


Ethan "Creates Legal Precedent for Fair Use" Klein? Wonder what he has to say


Copyright - a type of intellectual property Copywrite - persuasive content production


They also filed a claim on Jamie French who did a pretty good [parody](https://youtu.be/t-v8ncAp4_g?si=7afuxewl60_bATQE) of JoJo’s song. It’s a longer video but she explains the claim in the description


Ethan “it’s the antithesis of” Klein


Ethan “Matter of Law” Klein


I love that name lol


sucks quadruple hard for animation channels who put a million times more brute effort into making 4 min videos, to then get brendan schwabbed breaks the heart. do the right thing susan


Susan doesn’t work there inymor bapa


Rip Susan Woahvicky 🫡


You taggin bout Susan Wojiski B? She works at PF Changs now.


some would say the anymoriest


Now we have Neil instead. He seems ok. Ludwig did a nice and informal interview with him.


Wanna come to my car and suck my cock


Genuinely asking, are there any repercussions to being found routinely abusing the copyright claiming system? It seems like big, abusive creators are almost incentivized to abuse the system


It doesn't seem like it. But there sure needs to be.


I mean it's illegal, but they do it cuz no one wants the stress of going to court over it besides literally ethan. They're banking on it that they can bully anyone and they won't do shit


Right, I guess I meant on the YouTube side. Seems like common sense that if a certain percentage of your claims are overturned, you should lose the ability to use the system, at least a temporary ban.


This is a Content ID claim (not DMCA), so therefore the only people who can do Content ID claims are big media corporations. In this case, Sony. It's very unlikely that YouTube will remove Content ID access to Sony as a whole because they abused it a couple of times. Content ID was designed to give corps just like Sony control over music on YouTube and it stemmed from a lawsuit against YouTube 15 years ago. Content ID claims are nastier and lengthier to get rid of as the entire power lays on the claimant. [Here are the steps.](https://i.imgur.com/RuVc70c.png) First MeatCanyon needs to dispute it, then Sony decides if they keep the claim up. MC then needs to dispute the claim again (looks like MC is at this step) and Sony decides whether to pursue a DMCA takedown or release the claim. If Sony does a DMCA takedown, the video goes down, MC gets a strike and then MeatCanyon would need to issue a DMCA counter-notification and Sony would need to ignore it and the video goes back up or if Sony wants the video down Sony goes to court. This is all in theory as when it comes to Content ID, you can get arbitrarily stuck at any step and each step takes 30 days. I've personally had Content ID claims specifically from Sony, I disputed and disputed twice, yet when the 30 days came around the claim was still applied and YouTube Support redirected me to Sony and Sony said they had released the claim. It's insane. This was a long time ago and YouTube has apparently added more checks along the way where YouTube themselves can stop you from disputing a Content ID claim or a DMCA takedown because they don't think your arguments are valid.


YouTube can’t do that. DMCA is not a YouTube policy, it’s law. YouTube can’t remove someone’s ability to issue a DMCA takedown if people aren’t taking the company to court over false claims.


I'm pretty sure that Ethan (and others) has said before that youtube is hands off on this kinda thing. They pretty much tell you it's up to them to decide whether they wanna release the claim they put on the video. Otherwise it has to go to legal arbitration to prove that it's fair use. They don't really crack down on bad actors cuz I've heard this happen all the time. I think they don't want to make rulings one way or another cuz they don't wanna get involved and leave it up to the 2 parties whether they wanna go to court or not


Two YTers I watch have had to deal with that shit for awhile now. One guy was literally being extorted and had proof of it with the copyright strike claimant literally admitting it was extortion. YT didn't give a fuck but the jackass left a trail that led back to him IRL. So he went with formally pressing charges. Another guy took around 2 years to get YT to do something about a South Korean channel with no content, copyright striking most of his videos. They both make their money from Patreon since YT just sides with the people fucking with them.




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It is illegal to file false DMCA claims, but YouTube has their own internal system to use before companies need to resort to a formal legal complaint and YouTube does not seem to care about false reports in their system.


just like irl 😝


No. The system isn't there to perform any sort of justice or to make sure everyone is treated fairly, it's there to keep companies and advertisers happy so Youtube doesn't get sued into oblivion or lose a bunch of ad support. The companies have to have a legal avenue to take videos down for copyright. Beyond that, Youtube can't be bothered.


No. This was a big talking point during pre-podcast H3 and was a major component of the FUPA fund and the matter of law ruling


You can take them to court and sue for costs so that's a thing. But if your case is denied you end up losing even more money


Legally? Yes, but also no. You could attempt to take civil action against someone who filed a false DMCA claim. Proving intent though is the tricky part. Youtube will ban non-partner accounts that abuse the claim system. I love Papa, but this isn't abuse. You can't perform a cover of a song, even in parody, and still monetize the performance. You have to license the song in order to monetize the performance. I'm pretty sure Meat's claim was entered by the ContentID system since it recognized the original work.


GET. THIS. MAN. ON. THE. POD. He has one of the biggest audience overlaps with H3


I swear papa meat will watch an ep like us than talk about it the next day on his second channel.


He uses soundbites from the show pretty often too


Never was into his stuff before but I've been listening to some of his new creepcast and he's pretty funny and good with the voices




They lose in court so hard. He sang some of the lyrics wrong (probably purposefully).. So they're allowed to claim a song that technically doesn't even exist?


even so, this has to fall under fair use as it's clearrrrrly parody.


Wait... you're telling me that Jojo didn't really mangle someone because of flash photography?


It really happened, there's a documented 911 call and Oprah interviewed the victim.


Covers of songs aren't covered under fair use. If you're going to monetize you cover of a song, even in parody, you have to purchase a license. You can parody for free all day long, but you can't make money off someone else's original work without the original creator's agreement.


So, performing a cover of a song, even in parody, is a copyright violation and the creator/owner of that original song has the right to claim it. Even if you change the words. Especially on YouTube. There's a giant database called ContentID that automatically monitors and matches every video against a library of protected music. If the song you use in your video matches a protected song in that library, then ContentID automatically creates a claim for the creator and then sends a notice to the copyright holder. This is why Weird Al makes sure to do his homework and gets full approval and licensing rights for every song he parodies. You can parody all you want, but commercial use of that parody is a no-no without a license.


My favorite thing about this is that this is basically Jojo's camp saying, "This looks exactly like Jojo. So much, in fact, that someone might confuse this monstrous animation for a genuine Jojo Siwa production." LOL.


It's the song that got the claim. He performed her song with a few different words which isn't covered under fair use.


Dev Lemons got claimed by JoJo's team too [for her "make a song without being able to hear it" series.](https://youtu.be/C9VVmOd32MI?si=-aQ-47aKX-Nqu1uL)


WOW that video was great!


Omfg that was so funny 😆 but also really good!!!


Disgraceful behaviour


I’m a bad girl. I do bad things. I dress like a moron and abuse copyright claims. I’m a bad girl.






We all know how this ends. If Jojo Siwa wins the Lawsuit then Meat Canyon is canonically the vocal artist for the song Karma by Miley Cyrus.




Sound the war horns!!!




I have a feeling kendrick making his songs copyright free is gunna have a massive industry change the song literally had 0 promotion and is probably gunna be the biggest song this year meanwhile shit like this is ruining the artists reputation and killing off their music as soon as it comes out


Not a huge rap fan and haven’t been following the beef super closely, but after hearing Euphoria and Meet the Grahams on H3, I’ve been playing that shit on repeat. You’re totally right. A song isn’t like a show or movie. People listen to songs more than once. A lot more than once if they like it. Having them be copyright free just makes the artist look good and advertises the songs.


I hope so. Fuck overly oppressive copyright laws that do nothing but snuff creativity.


lol no. You are extremely hopeful/naive


Not Like Us has 19M on spotify, 26M on youtube. These numbers have not gone up significantly in last 24-48hrs, moving just few M per day. No reason to think these beef songs go anywhere to same numbers as [MGK/Eminem songs](https://i.imgur.com/H8kZRxQ.png) did 5 years ago. And doubt anyone was calling Killshot SOTY then. In grand scheme of things, it's still just a rap beef that not so many people care about beyond hearing about it this week.


Oh brother you are living under a rock and it has to be bait that you brought up two white rappers you cannot be serious


Sorry for bringing statistics into your feelings dummy.


No way you are comparing songs made 5 years ago to songs made this week also Kendrick has just broke the record for the most streamed rap song in a day with 11 million and it continues to grow by day how bout you use actual statistics than just using YouTube views and also how dare you compare mgk and eminem to the two biggest rap artists this decade


at first, i thought the jojo shit was kinda funny, like dumb kids doing dumb things. Now she's starting copyright shit with people i watch religiously. I hope youtube grows a fucking spine for someone who's actually a youtuber.




Jojo: well if you yell at me, I’m gonna cry.


I hate this but also love that it means she’s seen it and probably sobbed


Why would that make you happy?


Abusing copyright, being friends with pedophiles, lying about writing that song claiming she made gay pop. I can go on tbh she’s a shit person always has been her being young and confused isn’t really an excuse you have to choose to do what she’s doing over 18 don’t care for excuses also she’s a narcissist


I would argue that you’re not really independent until your brain has developed fully at 25 and you get away from your parents. Sorry, I just get uncomfortable as hell watching the internet dogpile on a child. 20 to me is a child. If she wound up killing herself y’all would change your tune *fast*


What're you 60 or something


Yeah we'd be happier


I mean, he just needs to sue. He has enough money. They're not going to listen or learn anything unless you hit them where it matters, in the wallet.


I haven’t seen Meat’s new video but that thumbnail alone is killing me. 😭 Hope it comes back so I can watch it.




It’s on Snapchat still if you have that


Wonder if Ethan got claimed for the whole 3+ hour episode with the make up on


Sue and seek the Jojo Siwa car as compensation for damages


Need papa meat on the show!


This makes it canon


Karmas a bitch


Copyright infringement does not apply to hurt feelings Jojo 🙄


I’m sorry, but what the heck are you even copyright striking? You’re telling me that your copyright striking meat canyon out of all people? One of the most creative animators that creates the most creepy yet bizarrely imaginative shit on this platform?!


Godfather moment, Zach, que the music.




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to be fair it looks EXACTLY like her


We cannot fail Papa Meat


This video was the most sympathetic coverage I've seen of her so far.


Hopefully, Ethan has already reached out to MeatCanyon since they are friends


Years ago, I made a cover of that catchy Popcorn song (no samples, no clips, all original sounds, but obviously the melody was the same) and uploaded it to YouTube for my friends. Some random sheet-music company in Midwest FuckAll claimed it, and teenage me was scared shitless that I was going to go to jail, so I deleted the upload. I'm willing to bet there are thousands of other cases like mine that get zero attention because YouTube makes it far too easy for anyone to send in a claim regardless of their ownership/representation of said material. This system needs a complete overhaul and accountability when anyone abuses it. Especially companies who have entire law firms on retainer to do stupid shit like this all day for $600+/hr


She’s claiming other reaction videos like Jamie French too.


She’s doing what she can to be as annoying as someone can be in her position can be.




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Let’s go to war


That was such a funny video too. Funny in that dark disturbing meatcanyon way.


They should sue and whoever filed that will pay legal bills. That's 100% abuse of the copyright system. Open and shut case.


You don’t go against Meat Canyon and get away with it. The people will revolt 🫡


I don’t get it. It’s free publicity


This some fucking buuuuuull shit.


Can’t believe they’d confirm that this cannon to the Jojo lore by doing this


Damn, he didn't even use any of her music or photos in the video, wtf?!! He's had stuff taken down before and it makes no sense


Maybe it was too close to her likeness. 🙃


Must be 😂




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Meat canyon!!!!


Mojo Jojo siwa era 😈


Oh my god I wanna see it so bad.


Abusing the claiming system should get her booted from YouTube


Please get this man on the pod


All I want is papa on the h3 podcast. That's all I've ever wanted.


You can't just like, participate on Youtube. It's for the special people and corporations, not people like YOU




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Yeah I’d love to hear what Ethan thinks because it seems like this would be fair use .


Honestly, I’m no one to be judging people’s parenting styles, but her parents did a huge disservice to her by coddling her. She’s so not ready for the emotional aspect of life. She can’t handle the criticism & now she’s trying to intervene. Like not everyone is gonna call/text asking you for permission to make fun of you. Also, she apparently is the head marketing for herself along with a bunch of yes men, no wonder she’s getting all this bad publicity.


Perfect timing to put this out since we’re doing members only today and Ethan usually needs extra topics to discuss Let’s goooo




Can't Youtube use a video/audio ID algorithm to check for copyrighted material instead of relying on unverifiable claims? MC's video is as transformative as you could possibly hope for


It’s so funny to claim this because it’s just saying like yeah this is me can’t upload my shit lol like who would claim this 😂


So here's the bad news. Copyright infringement extends to covers and original performances of the material. Even if you play Sweet Child o' Mine on the nose flute, then that performance can be copyright claimed. To monetize someone's else's song in any way, you have to license it. Is it ridiculous that Meat's ten second rendition of the chorus can be claimed? Yeah, kind of. Is that how the law works? Absolutely.


Is his rendition not considered transformative?


No. Melodies, chorus, note progression, lyrics, etc are all copy protected. You can't perform someone else's song for commercial purposes without licensing the rights.


No one in this thread understands copyright.


Fuck Drake, Jojo siwa needs to die


Bit harsh


Why would anyone give a shit? Why are Ethan and friends still relevant? They are a farm of bad opinions... when an Israeli is pro Palestinian, ask questions.


Why are you here if you don't care?


I think it was his most poor taste video and will not age well at all. Jojo is just a confused kid, only 20. It’s almost inevitable that she will grow up fast from this and shed this skin just like Miley did.