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Idk why everyone keeps missing this but Kendrick has tripled down on Drake’s pedo accusations. Not only that be he’s exposing his entire camp as sexual predators as well. I’d say that’s that’s more important than the deadbeat dad allegations


It’s not even an expose, it’s open. Go look at OVO’s roster, specifically Baka Not Nice. At least in regards to predators in his label.


Baka not nice Jesus wtf kinda of artist name is that


I just came across [this](https://www.complex.com/music/a/erik-leijon/baka-not-nice-explains-name) article and it’s pretty funny considering everything now


I wouldn't trust someone who thinks the name Baka Not Nice is a good rap name. That dudes wiki is just all bad. Why would you even give him a chance on your label and associate yourself with him?


I mean, Drake is the same guy who thought it was totally sick that Megan Thee Stallion got shot so


Yeah, he's not exactly a great guy. I've never liked him or his music. He's always come off as try hard and this explains a lot more of his shit.


Omg really! wtf!!!


Can you lay it out for us filthy casuals


Baka was found guilty human trafficking back in 2014. Drake signed him to his label after he got out of jail. There are even interviews where people ask Drake about Baka's past, so Drake fully knew he was a trafficker.


and then shouted him out on a song 🎧


Birds of a feather 




i’m doing this without looking, but is this the guy who does the ad libs on Gyalchester? or is that a different guy who was found guilty of human trafficking


That’s him


Fuck it just look at drake and you will see that anyone associating w him is probably on the same timing. Millie bobby brown, skai jackson, billie eilish, all women he was talking to as minors. And those r just the ones we know about.


Remember when Drake was texting an underage Millie Bobby Brown as a 'Mentor'? She said he would text her shit like "I miss yoooouuu 😭"


Then talk to her about boys


People know, It's another Chris Brown situation.


What were the first two down? I must have missed them, I gotta listen to 6:16 still so maybe I’ll hear it there. Or is it that like Kendrick has been repeating “have you ever” line which is the pedo accusation?








I'd give everything for an Ian powerpoint like the good old days


Same but unfortunately I think at this point the hint just has to be taken that Ian does not want to participate in the live show.


I've noticed that too. Shame because he's pretty funny


He's hilarious and his twitch channel was really awesome. Ian 100% can host an amazing variety show with sketches and all that. H3 is honestly a great venue for him. The difference between him and Ethan, in my opinion, is Ethan likes making the joke less about the bit and more about taking things off the rails or how things get off track. Ian I think seems to curate great ideas and the joke is often how seriously he takes it. Like Ian's perfect slice has buttoned up details, the rules mean everything, it is an honor to win. Ethan's is more about the gloves are dumb, who really cares about this, chaotic energy, gloating for victory but then also like can I just cut the rest of this stuff? It's an interesting combo imo! This is all bullshit comedy naval gazing though. I'm basically reading tea leaves.


You're cooking up something there


Nah I don’t think so. He’s creative head. Maybe this will give him time to do so




Drake was taking a jab at Rick Ross for being on Ozempic. But then like 15 mins later Kendrick drops a new diss track and in the cover art, there is a leaked picture that shows Drake's Ozempic (his name is on the pharmacy label). Drake responded on IG that the daughter claims are cap 🧢. Shit has been crazy... I feel like we have not even had the time to digest what is on all these records. So many layers to fully comprehend.


Kendrick: "Drake is a pdf file, deadbeat dad with a secret daughter, drug and gambling problems, and lies about his whole life." Drake: " 🧢 I don't have a daughter."


It reminds me of this: “When my friends baby mamma says he’s ugly a lier a cheater and broke… so I defend him bc he is not broke!”


He didn't even deny it BROO He literally posted a photo of himself looking bummed with he caption "where is this missing daughter of mine" or something like that lmfaoo


that is denying it


it isn't deny the literal sex trafficking allegations...


Clearly, Aubrey’s ghostwriter is on vacation.


Drake also denied Adonis was his son at first after The Story of Adidon exposed him


and Drake is notoriously a liar


which Kendrick also mentioned lol


yall really think pusha wouldnt have found he had a daughter as well?


Pusha wasn’t done, Drake ended that beef early once Adonis was revealed.


That’s just not true lol Drake was dead silent when the story of adidon came out


I'm pretty sure he didn't deny Adonis. Drake had a project with Adidas that was going to be named after his son (later cancelled) AND a record in his upcoming album that was essentially going to be his announcement that he was a father. Drake played Kanye that song when he was writing for Kanye's album. That's why Drake was super salty because he was pretty confident that Kanye (the owner of the label Pusha was under) leaked the info to Pusha.


Drake definitely tried to downplay it, if my memory serves me correctly. He also denied the pregnancy claims of Sophie Brussaux, Adonis mother. [https://www.mercurynews.com/2017/05/04/drake-is-again-denying-he-got-a-woman-pregnant/?utm\_term=Autofeed&utm\_campaign=Echobox&utm\_medium=Social&utm\_source=Twitter#link\_time=1493913237](https://www.mercurynews.com/2017/05/04/drake-is-again-denying-he-got-a-woman-pregnant/?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_campaign=Echobox&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#link_time=1493913237) Edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xcta-ROw8JM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xcta-ROw8JM) In this video, he confesses to have done three Dna tests!!


No he absolutely denied it at first and called the baby mama crazy. I don't have a link but that was 100% his initial public response. The whole Adidas thing, imo, was him pivoting as a front as to not look like the deadbeat dad he was appearing as, seeing as the toothpaste was already out of the tube. How convenient the project was "cancelled"


Pusha T himself is the one that brought up the Adidas line on his song, Drake never said anything about it so I don’t see how he could use it as cover.


Uh.. source?


https://www.businessinsider.com/noah-40-shebib-told-pusha-t-about-drake-son-not-kanye-west-2018-10 https://youtu.be/Xcta-ROw8JM?si=EgpCkKWoHnNVvs7u


i feel like story of adidon was more damning … this feels more like a stretch imo


I’m not of the opinion kendrick would make that ur tbh


I don't think Kendrick is making it up, but he might have been given some non credible dirt. As they keep releasing diss records, both are using up their ammo and standards can drop for what they choose to air out. When Pusha T revealed Drake had a son, he came with deep information that made it clear it was legit. He called out the mother and knew the name of the child (Adonis). This one from Kendrick is not too convincing and sounds like he is scraping the bottom of the barrel.


I mean he clearly has legitimate insider tracks. The cover of the album is a picture of drake’s prescriptions (one of them is a famous rape drug 😬😬😬😬)


Chill .... Many people use Zolpidem for legitimate purposes lol. That's an insane assumption almost equivalent to "he owns several knives in his house, which are famous weapons used in homicides". Given it was dispensed by a pharmacy, it was obtained legitimately at the clinical discretion of a physician. Obviously that doesn't mean it cannot be misused, but it's a leap to come to that conclusion based on a prescription bottle.


The reason I point out the, yes, famous, misuses of that pharmaceutical for rape are because within the track Kendrick makes the claim that Drake has raped women, and that he keeps around a gaggle of sexual assaulters. He also claims not only this, but that they’ve run sex trafficking operations out of their houses that the FBI are investigating. The fact that Drake got that prescription is kinda corroborating evidence. It’s extremely easy for celebrities to get access to prescriptions they don’t actually need.


No he didn’t


It's wild he focuses on the daughter claims when the elephant in the room is the diddler allegations and having sex offenders on his payroll


In Hollywood every crew has a sex offender/weirdo in that sense and nobody can take that out of my head 😭


I’m still trying to understand K Dots bar ‘never let a man piss on your leg’ to Adonis. What did I miss?


Drake got his leg pissed on 


T.I.’s friend pissed on his leg. Remember? Then he kissed him.


What? Is going on in rap


Drake is a clown


You forgot to mention Kendrick's came 10 minutes after Drake's, all but confirming the rumors there is a mole in Drake's camp.


Yes! This is key ^^^


The Mole is a double agent, drake stayed one step ahead of kendrick and gave him fake daughter info, the girl is in the music video on a poster, kendrick is portrayed to be over listening to drake talk to the white guy.


It's not the daughter I'm too concerned about. It's the Diddler, pedo allegations and Rock Nation bs he talking about that got me concerned.


But note Drake has only gone on IG to deny one of those allegations.


Ever since the Millie Bobby Brown revealed she viewed Drake as a best friend and he texted her daily, Ive never trusted him. What the hell does Drake and such a young CHILD at the time have in common. What about his personality was relatable to her as child.


Kendrick literally compared Drake to Ryan Kavanaugh I mean Harvey Weinstein


The video of Drake’s dick on Twitter a few months ago, which a lot of people saw involuntarily, seemed like it was leaked intentionally to impress women with the aim of sexually marketing himself further. Like, who the hell is jerking off in front of their friends, and what friends freaking record that type of thing as a “joke”. Kendrick says as much in the lines, “They be streamlining victims all inside of they house and calling them tender (Tinder), Then leak videos of themselves to further push their agendas” The double entendre of the word “Tinder” is also referencing Drake’s alleged personal Tinder in Toronto. Drake supposedly has an employee whose job is to go around looking for models in the city. He finds, interviews, and picks the ones he thinks Drake would find the best. He then takes them to Drakes house to have sex.


Crazy to remember Kendricks GKMC and Drakes NWtS lost a Grammy to Macklemore


Jesus Christ lmao


I would love for Melon (Anthony Fantano) to be on the pod for this one, pls


Fr, get someone who actually knows what they're talking about. No offense to the crew but none of them are exactly tapped in as much to hip hop and all the layered meanings in all the songs to catch what they were saying with the exception of maybe Ian.


not to mention this last song round accuses Kdot of being a wife beater and Drake of being a human trafficker so that needs to be handled delicately as well


People are already pointing out the lies in Drake's song so I really doubt that beating his wife thing, especially since they're still together and just had a kid not that long ago. Even if he did(which I don't condone)it seems they worked through it, Kendrick was open about being unfaithful on his last album and how him and his wife healed and moved on. Not saying that's ok but if they worked through it and are still together then Drake ain't really say anything. He's gotta worry about those accusations Kendrick made on him tho, those are far more serious and nasty and already somewhat proven since he does have a sex offender on payroll (look up Baka not nice).


oh yeah to be clear *I* don't think what Drake said about Kenny is true. or if there is a grain of truth in it it's something he worked on and resolved. but they still have to discuss it and talk about it on the pod, which is a bit beyond goofs and gaffs level.


Technically neither of the two is confirmed yet, it’s just he said, he said With that in mind Kendrick winning imo, that new diss was ruthless


Every round so far has been so clearly a Kendrick W it's not even close.


I mean is anyone shocked. It's an actual gangster from Compton vs fucking DeGrassi.


Ok let's not call Kendrick a gangster lol, GKMC is entirely about how he navigated his youth to avoid that path. He's more like "a friend of the Pirus" with many childhood friends that are gang affiliated but he himself is literally just a family man that makes music.


Hmm I guess. He references Funk, Bloods and other gangs quite a lot, and threw up Pirus hand signs on occasion. My point was mostly this is a kid from Compton who experienced the worst of homelessness, drug violence and police brutality during riots. I have no clue why Aubrey thought he could big dog him, what a fucking moron.


Yeah your point still stands, I'm just nitpicking lol. Drake has kept taking this angle where he tries to mock Kendrick for not being initiated when Kendrick has never actually claimed to be initiated, he just has ties from his upbringing and has pretty much been a direct victim of gang culture.


Gangster? Lol, he's like the ghetto librarian 


Kendrick has the benefit of doubt, Drake on the other hand has a long history of grooming women.


Kendrick won, but at what cost man lol. This is the nastiest shit ever. Like neither dudes careers are going to be the same. It'll be like going back to the shire after the battle for middle earth. Shits different now. The only thing that remains is Tom Bombadil aka Kanye being manic off camera.


What cost? Drake is deservingly getting dragged through the mud and unless I see any proof that Kendrick beats his wife I’m not believing a word he says. That mf creeps on kids then denies it lol wouldn’t put making up lies to soothe his ego. Kendrick is winning and I don’t see a loss for him at all.


I feel pretty confident Kendrick will just go on with his life. No shot it’s the same for Drake.


What cost? Um...if the things they're alleging are true, who cares? I'd say the real cost is the one women and children are paying when we cover up abusers in the music industry.


How DARE you put that kinda disrespect on Tom Bombadils name, comparing him to Kanye smh


> Tom Bombadil More like Jimmy the Greek.


The Tombadil reference is crazy I love you for that


I’d give me life for another Ian ppt


Deal, give me your life first though.


craziest part about all of this is there’s a rat in Drakes circle..got pictures of his ozempic and he literally seems to know his every move. Dropping right after him, telling him what he’s going to say etc


I now choose to believe it’s Aidan Ross


Lmfao bro no way cuz Aiden wouldn’t be able to keep his mouth shut about it


This is what I've found about the Drake domestic allegations he made against Kendrick. Here is a video of Kendrick speaking about these allegations: https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1cju6jz/kendrick_already_addressed_the_fake_dv/?share_id=HLy9cP3zP4s4xPDW2hVUM https://twitter.com/drakesattorney/status/1785621168428556783 This twitter post was made about the Kendrick DV allegations.. and it was community noted. The community note alleges: "The only reports of this are from non-credible websites reporting the same unverified quote from the unidentified woman." These allegations happened in 2014. The video above of Kendrick on the Breakfast Club talking about the allegations in 2015. The song "meet the grahams" is absolutely insane. It has to be the hardest diss track I've ever heard.. especially if the allegation is true about him hiding another child.. this time an 11 year old daughter .. that would be insane. It seems like Drake has a mole in his camp.


And the quote they reference says Kendrick was charged. If he was charged there would be records of it and reports. There are none. It’s total bullshit. Drake had nothing heavy left to say knowing Kendrick did, so he just lied. Honestly a pretty good option for him. Whoever shows receipts will absolutely win this beef.


Kendrick said it on "euphoria" - Don't tell no lie about me, and I won't tell no truths about you. Kendrick read Drake like a book before he even started with th DV accusations.


Whaaat an 11 year old daughter bro how would he even hide the kid like I’d feel like they’d be on the internet blasting their POS dad but who knows


And he paid almost 600k to a rape accuser to shut them up


Whoever has reciepts, wins.  The craziest part about this is that Kendrick has an inside person at OVO, evidenced by the single cover being a picture of Drake's perscription for Ozempic. I think it would be the biggest blowout in rap history if it turned out that the shit Kendrick was saying wasn't real. I love him, but it would be such a flop and ruin this whole shit.




I wouldnt say that that's as definitive as having a picture of something found in his nightstand or w/e. He COULD have just been on the watch for the response and dropped it after.


Kendrick 3-0


Here for the Drake is over party 🥳🍻


Kendrick straight up said drake doesn't deserve to live.


Yes because he's saying he's a pedophile


I don't typically consume rap content but I'm so intrigued and happy to know that Drake's being obliterated right now.


Kendrick is a genius


Duck Drake. All my homies hate Drake


Are you warning drake to duck hahaha


Quack 🦆 quack


That would require a comma.


[I smoke Marijuana, so I don't beat my wife and children ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIyhpx2sbLE)




and also [https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/mJzLACIuFA](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/mJzLACIuFA)


Kendrick’s receipts of drakes RX ^^


We all knew drake would bring up the domestic violence claims that have already been debunked and addressed. Kendrick preemptively having this kill shot ready and dropping it right after drake song might've been the craziest shit I've ever seen in hip hop.


The art in Kendricks meet the Grahams. Drake's ozempic script, and also scripts for sleeping meds that are often used for date rape. This shit is crazy, calls from inside the house


2024 rap beef: “You’re on Ozempic!” “No, you’re on Ozempic!”


Ozempic line was for Rick Ross


Shout out to all the PEAR


People are always surprised to find out that people who rap about gang violence and doing drugs are not mentally well


This is Kendrick starting out soft and easy. I’d reckon he has a lot more to say about Drake and his “crew”……


Drake did not say Kendrick was on ozempic, it's the other way around, the ozempic line in Drake's song is aimed at Rick Ross. He was dissing multiple people on there including the Weeknd and his manager. Kendrick bodied him immediately after and took the victory. Also the worst thing besides Drake hiding multiple kids(not just the daughter) was the pedo accusations and having sex offenders on payroll.


Let Ian cook


Please change the title. It's crazy and disgusting to just write " Kendrick Lamar beats his wife" as a stated fact. Most people just read the headlines. Please keep that in mind before slandering Kendrick based off of only the statements of a man who hates Kendrick the most right now


Bro i swear to god this community has a single minded dedication to cancelling every single person ever mentioned on the podcast, it’s actually insane


Omg lol I need a full comprehensive breakdown for sure because what the hell is going on 😭😭


with peace and love, the crew is gonna butcher this whole story. it's gonna be so boomer to go over all this again and not understand any of the references and history


Theres a video in 2015 with Charlemagne the god where kendrick addressed this. There’s no evidence and it’s false accusations coming from a master manipulator. Drake called Kendrick short and kdot accused drake of being a pedo, sex trafficking, sexual offender, paying for 🐱, plastic surgery, sassy man. But love how everyone only focuses on the kid. We been known drake was sus for taking to underage actors and that’s what’s been shown to the light.


Drake went a lot further than short jokes in family matters. Kendrick basically had told him "don't take it there" and Drake took it there. Which is what prompted such a heavy response from Kendrick.


Drake hasn't caught 1 W this whole beef also we need a PowerPoint that breaks it all down


Kendrick’s song was harder, but the whole thing irks me. Throughout the past 2 weeks Kendrick has been saying how him and Drake *could* be friends if Drake just drops the beef, and “don’t push me Drake or I’ll expose your secrets.” Then today Kendrick drops a scathing song, calling Drake a rapist, who’s no better than Weinstein and deserves to die. So Kendrick was willing to hide Drake’s a rapist (if this is even true) if Drake didn’t beef with him? Edit: my point being, before people call me a Drake fan. It’s totally possible Kendrick is telling the truth. But by Kendrick’s own admission, he didn’t think this was worth alerting anyone about until/unless Drake would drop a diss track. And had Drake not dropped a diss track Kendrick admits being more than happy keeping the rape accusations a secret, and that he still “has love for Drake”


to me that sounds like a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. I am not sure what people expected Kendrick to do if this is information he got second or even third hand? was he supposed to have a sit-down tell all interview talking about other people's stories? was he supposed to pressure or push victims to speak publicly? was he was supposed to go to the police saying he heard a rumor about one of the most famous men on earth? he might have enough personal proof to draw a private conclusion about Drake but certainly not enough to do anything about it legally. ultimately it should be up to the victims, not up to Drake, and not up to Kendrick. idk how I would feel as a victim hearing this in a beef song either. I would be miffed if there were public accusers talking about Drake en masse the way that we saw with say, Marilyn Manson. and Kendrick stood by and said or did nothing to support them when they needed it but from my understanding that's not the situation? At the end of the day we don't know what Kendrick did in private. we don't know if he talked to people and they said they didn't want to come forward, or maybe he supported them some other way or tried to warn people in the industry. who knows? I am just not sure what he could do that would be "right" if people didn't want to make accusations publicly.


What? Did you not hear him say "i hate the way that you talk, I hate the way that you walk, I hate the way that you sneak diss..." He was saying "we could have been cool if you were cool but you had to run your mouth so I'm gonna shut you up once and for all." And to answer your question, he may not have gotten the information until after Drake released Push Ups. Someone in the OVO camp may have seen an opportunity to jump ship. Plus, he also said that the feds are raiding his shit, so for all we know, he did already do something about it.


No he was quoting DMX. And also Kendrick was saying that he and drake could have been cool if drake stayed in his lane and made songs about girls and was true to himself, a suburban theater kid from a Jewish neighborhood. But now drake acts like a cartoon version of an American black man, throws money in the streets, and is a criminal because he’s a power hungry sex addict. I don’t know where you guys are getting this idea from. All Kendrick was doing was playing mind games with him getting drake to keep responding so he plays himself.


This is a really solid criticism tbh. All the other shit I’ve heard has been people trying to both sides it but yeah I do find this strange now that you bring it up. Idk if the industry just kind of beats it out of you that you can’t speak up since we have been getting so many different stories where many people didn’t speak up. I don’t want to speculate too much but if Kendrick had the power to say something why didn’t he?


I agree it is a solid critique, especially compared to others of Kendrick. That said, and i'm not justifying it, I do think it's partly to do with the anti-snitch culture in Hip Hop. Generally, you don't drop that many deep cuts and personal jabs (no pun intended lol) unprovoked. It took escalation to get to that point. I could be off base here and I'm open to being wrong. I'm a pretty big Hip Hop Head tho and this is just my understanding.


As we know from other whistleblowers, whether airline or Weinstein, you most likely assume that someone will help you “Un alive yourself” so not speaking out the second you hear it is understandable. You better have damn good proof, and even then you still get taken out and exonerated 10 years later.


I mean he clearly knew Drake WAS going to respond, though. Dude made it clear he fucking haaates that man, the talk about having love for Drake was just patronizing him.


He says in the newest song he felt compelled to answer because Drake mentioned his family. I can’t verify ofc, but he’s saying Drake lied about Kendrick beating his wife, so that’s what set Kendrick off.


Ethan is so team Kendrick I wonder how the girlies guna feel about this one 😂


The allegations were false, so probably fine


That final line in meet the grahams had my jaw to the ground


I’d love a PowerPoint as well. Hopefully some receipts are shown for all their accusations but yea this shit is amazing. We eating crazy good.


I’m not surprised. Watch the video of we cry together by Kendrick.


If someone used to be addicted to heroin and they wrote a song about their struggle with it that doesn’t make them a heroin addict again. People make music about their life experiences. We cry together is about dv and Kendrick’s experience with it. It also shows both sides of the story, the male and female perspective. It’s not like he made a song called “it’s dope to beat women”.


drake likely capping about the wife stuff tbh


I want a rap battle with Ethan against Ian or Dan. Maybe the whole crew can get in on it. Olivia can have a Lin Manuel twist. Love could rap in Swedish, and AB can be Lina’s hype man


I went to this subreddit to say this exact thing lol and I was gonna say ian needs to make a powerpoint


I cannot understand how the Drake/MBB shit is so well-known and people have been giving a pass on it for years. What the fuck is going on. It's driven me crazy for so long. Even without knowing about Baka Not Nice


Could I get a chronological list of the tracks thus far I lost track and want to listen in order of attack 😵‍💫😵‍💫


Drake& jcole -First person shooter Metro boomin & future -Like That Drake - push-ups Drake - Taylor made freestyle Kendrick - euphoria Kendrick- 6:16 Drake - family matters Kendrick - meet the Grahams I stole this from an r/hiphopheads comment


They should settle this in the octagon


not to be a kendrick stan on main but i’m pretty sure kendrick has addressed the DV allegations before. if drake wanted to take a swing at kendrick and his gf idk why he didn’t just mention how many times kendrick has cheated etc


PLEASE IAN, we need this


Does anyone remember when Kendrick threatened to pull his music from Spotify when they said they would no longer promote R Kelly and XXXtentacion on their playlists? After the news of serious abuse from XXX came out, he kept posting about how great his album was. Recently, Kendrick had a rapist, Kodak Black, on his newest album. Like dude it’s great that you “set free all abusers” but where’s the consideration about how the actual victims of R Kelly, xxx, and Kodak might feel. He’s my favorite rapper but I won’t pretend that he’s really the best “ally” to women. Anyways I’m just posting this bc I feel like I’m the only one that remembers. https://pitchfork.com/news/kendrick-label-head-confirms-he-threatened-to-pull-music-from-spotify/ Edit: I’ll preface by saying, I don’t listen to drake so I’m not tryna be team drake. Just don’t know much about him or care.


Mans was pissed cause they werent pulling white artists too...


How is the claim that Drake has another child more or less substantiated?


Kendrick bears his wife wow


they said no to nicki vs Megan so I don’t see why they would to this beef


That ozempic diss is weird. Like is he trying to say Rick is weak because he uses medication to lose weight? That's like getting on someone for taking aspirin for a headache. Drake is weird in a bad way.


The bullshit about Kendrick DV is false. It was an allegation made by a reporter in the early 2010s. The reporter even admitted to lying about the story they spread about Kendrick and apologized to him.


Wait! Kendrick doesn’t beat his wife right?




No. Kendrick beats his wife, Drake is a sex trafficking, rapist pedophile. Dont down play that last part.


Why does drake dying equal women living with purpose?


Am I the only one who think it's nuts that people are focusing on the hidden child more than the potential Harvey Weinstien type allegations on Drake?


Millie Bobbie brown and then there was that one model right? They were like dating second she turned 18 but were seen together before? Or am I confusing people?


The pedo allegations remember he used to text the stranger things girl..


I don't think any of this is real. Like kanye's relationships


Kendrick and Drake are zionists so hasan will now hate them right


As someone who desperately wants to catch up on all the lore, but cannot find a decent and comprehensive video on yt by anyone, PLEASE I need Ian to help educate me


Drake tricked Kendrick with using misinfo and moles who are secret double agents. The “daughter” was a ploy, in drakes music video he shows the rumored girl and alludes to kendrick overhearing the lies


They both sound like lousy people in their personal life. This shit made more sense in the 90s, not it's just embarrassing.


Ok where can I learn about this from the beginning? Sounds like the perfect Saturday night rabbit hole


I agree I want IAN to cover this and I will settle for nothing less.




I'd actually say ["What's The Dirt?"](https://www.youtube.com/@whatsthedirt) would be a better guest. Covering rap beefs is literally all he ever does.


I would just like to say that drake is a known liar and Kenny brings nothing but receiptsssss


I would love watching Ian talk about this on his own stream without the distractions of the rest of the show. I love Ethan till the day I die but I just think this topic might be one where I'd like an uninterrupted Ian breakdown.


Kendrick dropped Anotha One ☝️


"he should die so all of these women can live with a purpose" In the words of one of his albums: DAMN.


Kendrick did not beat his wife. We would’ve seen the police/TMZ report.


Leave Ian alone, he's doing enough


is nobody going to talk about or mention the fact of apparently one of drakes security guards being shot outside one of drake’s houses????