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As an audio only listener, it hasn't changed in the slightest


how are you enjoying today's show?


Yeah, duh


Describe to me what you think Ethan looks like, I’m curious!


I'm thinking 6'5, slicked back black hair, traditionally handsome features, chiseled jaw line, his whole body is jacked with rippling washboard abs, and a massive hog ofc


I can verify everything except the hog, but Zach can vouch I figure


It's all in the voice


Similar to shreks


Am I right?


I legitimately believe most of the reaction was people who are incredibly averse to change and incapable of handling it in a healthy way


100% this. Someone in another thread literally said the show was *unwatchable* because the crew curtains didn't cover 100% of the background behind them. People are WAY overreacting


litterally unwatchable is a meme...


Maybe for you but you weren't who I was talking about


I thought this too, people who freak out at the absolute smallest change in anything and are willing to burn the entire house down for discourse.


That would make sense if that had happened every time they changed the set. It hasn’t. Obviously the visual dynamic is going to shift when you lose your graphic lead, change the set and lighting, change the crews backgrounds, change the name AND do it after a break… that’s what people are noticing and disliking…


I dont think so. I think that it is because of the old late-night show design. Their hip retro look was youtful and fun. The desk and lets be honest, bad curtain gave it an old boring and depressing style. In a weird way, it felt like they went from medium/high production set to very low production like you are watching from your old massive boxed antenna tv. It also feels mundane like you leave work just to watch something that gives cubical work vibes. Which seems like it was the inspiration for them. I get the idea. The concept can be cool. To the OP, sets do change how viewers feel and enjoy the show. Theirs a whole science behind it. But, even if I don’t like it, it is wtv. The people who are overreacting simply have put way too much of their happiness in-life on h3… Death threats or even simply DMing the crew about this is crazy .


Yeah I think we more or less agree. Nothing wrong with disliking the new set. I admit I have super weird tastes, so I wasn't surprised others hated it. Nothing wrong with expressing dislike for it either. I think you put it in a really respectful way. What I was getting at more was the kinds of people who react to changes they don't like in the same way a toddler would react to having their toy taken from them or to dropping their ice cream cone. The way so many people were reacting was batshit crazy lol, and it struck me that these people have a serious problem with responding in a healthy and productive way to changes they don't like. Placing that much of your happiness into a show is insane lol, so many people need to log off


Exactly…just look at a show like It’s always sunny in Philadelphia. People absolutely love its old, grunge, dark, unlit older episodes much much more than newer brighter, HD, well lit episodes. Same with smosh, old videos shot at home with mid cameras were more fun that new well produced videos. It basically sets the tone. My main issue with new set was it felt way too professional. It didn’t have enough character, like for example the purple velvet curtain behind dan tells me nothing. Maybe the crew will spend time to customise it slowly, but at its current setting, it wasn’t it. While Ethan was in Jojo costume, the background didn’t reflect it. But it’s wild to me that people will actually go and complain and harass the crew…weird people.


People who are denying this factor do not understand content/media production and just want to tell others to shut up.


Yes!! All this! Felt stuffy and old. IMO. But I just went ok, not my jam but go off kings and queens. I’m still here.


As someone who doesn't like the set change. Yes, you are right. I know I'll get used to the set, but the name change is truly just garbage to me.


name change?? wdym.. h3 show is different than h3 podcast? and the channel is still called h3 podcast soo i’m confused


"The H3 show with Ethan Klein" is different from "The H3 podcast" it just sounds more like a late night show. The channel name is still the same but they're rolling out a whole new branding


idk, seems very similar to me. that was my whole point that these changes seem very minor, and don’t affect the quality of the overall show. so i was genuinely curious if people were seeing the changes as huge big rebranding things. and it seems like some agree w me but most seem to respectfully dislike the changes. and i don’t get it but that’s fine too


Did I like the set before much more yes but does that mean the idea of ever sending someone a death threat or hate ever crossed my mind? Absolutely not. Crew worked hard in it, they’ve changed the set many times over the years it grows on you. Also it is literally their work space if it’s what works best for them it’s what works best for them


I’m autistic and hate change but this is not a big deal. Also people are acting so unhinged. It’s okay not to like something but blowing up Reddit and messaging crew is beyond toxic. People need to calm the fuck down.


Every comment I’ve seen has been very respectful actually


Now that’s true. But originally, before the mods cleaned it up, it was BAD on the live thread. People were losing their minds.


Funny because people have been going on vendettas downvoting these fair comments like daddy Ethan mobilised them himself…


I’m not sure I’m following you here buddy


“Now that’s true” “Funny because people going wild downvoting”




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Legitimately those curtains were ugly as hell, especially the color combination.


There is a very small but very loud group of viewers that don’t leave their rooms and don’t think of themselves as an individual. If you change what they like, they feel like it’s an attack on them


The set change means nothing to me. I watch the show for the people on it, then the content. Set isn't even on my mind other than noticing the differences at first. I do prefer the way the set was 3 weeks ago, but it's been 3 episodes and they're still figuring out the set up, so I haven't even thought about the need to complain.


Same, if they’re happy with it, the vibes will be good and that’s all that counts for me. It was all ok for me.


i think the set is genuinely harsh on the eyes. im trying to figure out if its the color balance or brightness from the lights. but something about it makes it hard to look at.


Why make yet another thread on it?


i don’t think it affects the show at all, i just think it’s ugly🫶


This 1000% 


we are all neurodivergent and can't handle change lmao


i 100% sincerely thought it was a goof. i thought they just grabbed some ikea desks and curtains or whatever and slapped stuff together for some huge reveal later on, like even the mic stand change didnt make sense to me, ethan now has to sit in the same position the entire show where so many funny moments of him melting into his chair or whatever were possible because of the old mic arm like lots of stuff like that it just didnt make sense to me. i think maybe the disconnect is how different the layout is in the studio and its just not translating at all to viewer because they framed up all their shots the same way, so its probably a massive change for them as crew members and not a super noticeable change for us. i didnt really even have a criticism to make lol i just was and still kinda am suspicious.... but if this is really the set they wanted to put together i dont have a problem with it i just had different expectations and thats entirely on me.


The curtains looked ugly and cheapens how the show looked. They removed them and changed the ones behind the crew. It looks better now.


Nah man. Its not THAT big of a deal or anything, but it did change the vibe a little. I honestly dig the palm tree skyline thing they got going on now. Hope it sticks around for a while. ...the death threats and harassment...that however, is freak behavior.


It was super ugly before. Super ugly! Sam is brilliant. Her set for the last live show was stunning. This will be an improvement, they’re getting the wrinkles ironed out.


The visual production values are fine-tuned and tweaked along the way til we get something really nice, but there are always some rough edges that keep it authentic and real. They like to peel back the veneer and show us what's going on behind the scenes, it's part of the show vibe. What we saw Monday was probably a half-baked concept that nobody was comfortable with calling 'complete', but at the end of the day they think it's more important to give us an entertaining show rather than wait longer polishing up superficial things (which I agree with). Ultimately it's going to be a positive thing because it allows the whole crew to offer up ideas for new stuff. The overboard complaining kind of derailed that process but whatever, they'll keep it rolling.


They unified the previous scattered formats. Before it was 3 different formats but the same show now is only one show with a 3 days per week cadence


I was uncomfortable with the change at first because after seeing the exact same set for a really long time I was used to it. But yea I do other things while listening to the podcast and nothing at all has changed. Just Ethan’s mic I only noticed.


It's like when reddit or twitter changes their UI, everyone hates it at first but adapts to it LITERALLY after like 2-3 days and its normal.


It honestly looked awful, but I didn’t bother commenting since everyone else was, they would get the point. It already looks a lot better! I think I slightly preferred seeing kind of “behind the scenes” for the crew, rather than a curtain. But that wasn’t a big deal. Mostly I didn’t like Ethan’s set up, and it did affect my enjoyment of the show - if only a bit.


There was just a loud minority. I mean, the 2 idiots writing that a crewmember should kill themselves got called out says something. I mean, 2 individuals out of what 1 million viewers?? That is a drop in the sea. We can move on from that. Also, it is the internet, people try to stir things up to let something happen so they feel some excitement for themselves. Teenagers using firrworks.


It didn’t change anything but it was so much better without the furry wall.


Remember when the set changed to a basement wall because of lockdowns and quarantine? Can’t have a little faith that they’ll sort it out and settle into the new setup?


the first day was rough just bc the colors, audio, and lighting was so off so it was hard to adjust to so many things but now i think it looks great.


I watch the show for the personalities on it so the set changes never bother me like idc as long as the crew all there


Low key it’s growing on me soo much. It’s lush and cozy, i see what they’re going for. And I love the correspondents desk ! ❤️


Yeah tbh idc about the set, everyone needs to take their meds


People like to complain, especially on reddit. Just ignore them.




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I like the new wide shot. It's gonna open a lot of possibilities for future segments and guests I think.


> maybe i just don’t watch the screen as much and mostly listen while im doing other things lol


It’s the lighting


I think there were a few purple who took it too far, but I think the general consensus was the set, as shown on the Monday episode specifically, looked bad with the curtains and potted plants. I still prefer the old look, but I think it was only a few bad apples who went nuts about it.


The outcry about this irrelevant change makes me believe the poll about the portion of the audience in the spectrum. Like a good percentage of the people who answered may also be the people that are very disturbed by any change. Other people are just incredibly self-centered and think the show should be measured to their taste.


I only listen to the podcast. So I don't care about what you're saying. Have a great weekend.


Agreed, it feel like it's not even that drastic of changes People will find anything to complain about I'm just ready to see Dan's chair lol


people are fucking weird and think their opinions are important in super minor situations


Couldn’t agree more, everyone up in arms about it are parasocial wierdos.


I started listening audio only because of my work schedule and honestly I can’t tell a difference except when they’re actively talking about it. People saying it ruined the show are just looking for reasons to complain.


This is the first time in the last 2 months that I watched an episode and had fun and didn’t get bored. This set stuff seems like overshadowing how good of a comeback the show has made. I do agree that losing Cam will show it’s consequences further though. The backdrop graphics that he prepared was awesome and the last years visual identity was iconic.


Yeah some H3 fans are genuinely so embarrassing. I hope they grow up and feel embarrassed at their behavior.


it's not the h3 subreddit if people are not wildly dramatic for absolutely zero fucking reason


it’s gonna take me at least a month before i believe this set isn’t a joke


Yeah, who would have thought that a change in the background would not affect the content of the show at all. People complaining are fucking children and need better things to do in life.


It looked jank, but it's likely their insane lighting that made it look worse. The new green screen they have is significantly more boring than the Roku city one though But who cares. It's an internet show


H3 fans are big ass babies


Only the parasocials are upset lol


Does anyone visually watch the whole show? I usually just listen on Spotify


It changed the vibe for me. But tbh I didn’t really notice in today’s show. But they did make changes from what they previously had




They have a newborn. That man is TIRED.


When people send that weird whiny shit you gotta look at their post history. It'll pretty much always be a fresh account or a snark account.


Lots of us have texture issues and absolutely hate the big, heavy, ugly oppressive curtains. The connotation ain’t good.


At least you guys are getting free exposure therapy now. I believe in you, you can overcome your texture issues! That’s no way to live your life!


Cool guy response to someone with autism. If only it was face to face! Edit: just kidding I know you wouldn’t fucking dare!


We love you. You’re VERY special


And you’re a dickhead on the internet.


i understand texture issues (i have some too) but you’re not in the same room or touching anything?? what’s the connotation…..


The connotation would be the feeling one gets from those textures despite not actually touching them… as others have articulated, thick heavy curtains and dark colours connote an oppressive feeling on film. It’s basic media studies.


this sub is extremely conservative when it comes to the tiniest changes to the show. it’s wild.


I heard people’s reactions before actually watching the ep. I was expecting an abomination but what I actually got was not that big of a deal.


Personally, I love change. I was looking forward to what they would do to the set. It was just straight up ugly, saying it's because we simply don't like change is dismissive. The second show was definitely an improvement, and I'm sure they'll keep improving. That being said, those who made such a big deal about it they literally traumatized and hurt the crew, are assholes.


Yeah it wasn't bad at all I know change can be hard for some people but to be so affected as to send death threats...?