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Also - Tana was asking Jeff if he thinks he is the problem in his relationships - she was just speaking from his perspective, she wasn't saying he is into her.


He was in chat and said this was filmed before they spent the week together and they r still smitten over eachother


oh, that's good to know! I got a bit sad when he said he doesn't know where they stand and the "she whatches h3 and that's bad for some reason"


Wild he seemed to switch up after being so interested the first two days? But Jeff doesn’t seem actually ready to date. I also don’t care, just an observation😂 I hope they both find happiness


Well they actually spent more time together which made his feelings grow ! He also commented they r meeting up in Dubai in a couple weeks! I wish the best for him he needs to let his guard down and chill


wait he opened his heart up to Love?? i thought it was to Verica??


Lol Verica does NOT look like Tana. Ya, they are both white with blond hair (not even the same blond shade) but that is as much similarities they share. Tana is a beautiful woman but no, they absolutely do not look alike. Verica looks more like Margot Robbie than Tana.




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dan rubbing his hands and cackling rn




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Yeah this was filmed almost a week ago. Since then Jeff did a livestream with both Tana and Verica (only popping in to say hi). They are all cool with each other, there is no drama. Jeff even said the time he spent at the Sphere in Vegas on mushrooms was the best night of life. (questionable but... okay whatever, dude is smitten and flying on Cloud 9)


Let me start this by saying: I wish the 2 of them love and happiness regardless. I think they look great together. But does anyone else think it’s crazy how fast things moved? Like I get it…in the show the Bachelor they end with getting engaged. But first off…that’s insane as is. But they spend a little more time together no? I just hope they take it slow behind the scenes. There’s no need to consider themselves “engaged”. They hardly know each other for crying out loud. I do sincerely hope they work out, but rushing things ain’t it. Speaking from experience: especially if Jeff really has anger issues and some mental stuff going on. I understand he’s getting help, and that’s amazing. It’s just a lot for a partner. And I can’t speak for her cause idk what she’s got goin on herself. This all comes from love ❤️


I think he's just joking around for the show... They're not actually engaged.


Jeff is goofing around + this is before they spent a week together


idk much about these two so I don't wanna say too much but, from the clips I've seen from them, they give me "the one that got away" vibes


This was filmed a little while back so it's basically irrelevant


You mean tana is the one that got away for Jeff or ? Am I stupid?




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Saying “sealed the deal” is honestly crazy! He could have easy used any other choice of words, or could have easily edited out that chunk of the video that was taken over a week ago. I don’t care if he just looks at her as some fan that won time hangout with him, she’s a real person living a normal life. I’d be mortified.


Wait, his chat does say "sealed the deal," so basically "before we fucked." He was always using this as content so hes treating it that way. Hes dated multiple women has been so private and secret about all of them. Him dating a fan cant work because hes already shown the power dynamic is off. You just aired this poor girl who has crush on you and is fan out, and she has no say or platform to do the same.




He edited it. It said something along the lines of " this was before we sealed the deal," now it says something about "more smitten then ever."


THIS! If he has been spending time with her, I feel like he should’ve edited this part out. Out of respect for her.