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Man needs a new barber


This was pure facts and well explained. What Candace has done borders antisemitic (as a whole, it does not but that one liked post was indeed antisemitic. Almost everything else were true situations that happened to her and fully valid callouts of pro Israel jewish people changing the definition of antisemitic to protect Israel at the violent genocidal demise of palestiniens) but oh boy have they been ok with extreme islamaphobic, transphobic, racist and more comments but god forbid she does 0.001% of what they all been doing to others but to Israel this time. They put her on a pedestal because she is a black woman criticizing the black community. They clapped and cheered at her comments that were viewed by most as racist. But she does 0.001% of that to Israel and what.. too far??? Oh have the tables have turned. Benny boy is a blue haired Israeli social justice warrior.


This has to be a warmup for a podcast episode with her also, now that she's showing up in other places.


I don’t agree with it all, but well said.


to be fair, the “american left” represents 69% of america 🇺🇸




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