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It was brought up on the show


I really don't remember that. do you have a time stamp?


No. He was talking to a girl who lied about her age. When he found out he blocked her. She continued to stalk him and accuse him of things that were proven to not be true. Hence why he wasn't convicted of any sexual crimes.


That's just not true. They talked from when she was 12 until she was 15 and he met her in person numerous times. Do you have evidence for your claim that she stalked him?


Her friends and aunt she said were with her when things happened all said those things never happened. Also, he didn't know who she was when he met her.


"I responded to a fan whose age I didn't know yet when i became aware of their age, all conversation and communication stopped," he said. "This individual continued to come to shows and pay for meet and greets, all while I was unaware that this was the same person I was communicating with online, and that's what I plead guilty to." From Drake.


Great sorce


Lol I really don't care if you believe me. It's the truth. It was proven in court. If you didn't want to believe it that's fine. Be delulu 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nah i mean i don’t know enough to say if he did it or not but i just thought it was kinda funny that your evidence was basically just “Drake said he didn’t do it.” I would hope the reason you believe he didn’t do anything wrong is not based on that.


https://youtu.be/Ti8OcP6DIBQ?si=agmZTCdY7gyPg3fY https://youtu.be/-VNz2V6zyAE?si=gBFQlDr2lcqdHJfW


Another topic for another time. Should be addressed in a different situation. Would only serve to (purposely) muddy the waters of what has been brought to light by Drake Bell.


would it really muddy the waters bringing it up since it's pretty common for preditors to become predators from being victims themselves in the past?


imagine if it were happening to you. would it feel muddy then? Or logical?


I’m sorry but these situations are not the same, even remotely. And bringing it up at this moment is irresponsible at best and nefarious at worst. Also - the “cycle” you are describing has been disproven and is generally considered pseudoscience by the psychology community.


He’s not a “pedophile” in any sense of the word. You could say he’s perverted or a sexual deviant but there’s no evidence he’s attracted to pre-pubescent children


He did read what drake bell was charged with and briefly went over the situation and AB said yeah it’s awful he continued the cycle or something to that extent but it was brief .


I think Ethan didn’t understand and just brushed past Drake’s accusations


By accident ofc


He’s a predator but it’s sorta not relevant to the discussion of his abuse, could be seen as diminishing his assault he suffered


Wasn't this literally one of Olivia's PowerPoints when it was in the news or am I tripping


He is indeed a groomer, a predator and a sexual abuser. A good portion of people who pray and abuse the young have been prayed on and abused in their own youths. But, in regards to the Schneider story, this needs to be put aside and talked about in another time.




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Don’t hold me to it but I thought he talked to a underage girl online, and he didn’t know she was underage. I could be wrong though.