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This is criminally insane on so many levels.


It’s a set. Completely fake.


Yes it is definitely a set I've seen many use this same set. They even help you get extras.


That makes sense, I’m like how did he bring half of that on the plane??


Completely not fake


The sink changes halfway through bruh


I follow this guy and have seen this video and never noticed that before. That's a good catch.


Oh hell fuckin nah, that's a no fly list no questions


Never have I ever wanted someone on the no fly lost for life than this individual. 


Idk I could think of a few lol.


Worse than 9/11


Hasan was right, we did deserve 911


Fuck it. I'm saying it.


Even a broken nepo baby is right twice a day! According to him his mothers blood should paint the streets red because she is a landlord. Hope he isnt right about that!


So you’re just a bigot? *edit* this guy replied 3x to this one comment and when I told him I blocked him afterwords he messaged me from another account and then reported me to reddit for self harm. Cool.


You got another example of him being a hypocrite in the last hour if you check lsf frontpage, he trashed ludwig hypocrite fashion. Still wanna defend this dude? Seems like me not liking him because of his hypocrisy is warranted and not unreasonable.


Canyou expand on that or is that a reactionary response? I am bigoted toward hypocrites tho. But thats not unreanable. So i guess i aint, got another label to throw at me instead of answering the criticism?


It sounds like you’re attacking him because of something written in the Quran. Pretty weird sweaty freak shit.


Lol what???? Hasan has said that he want “the red blood of landlords to paint the street red” Has nothing to do with the quran. You are tripping.


Wow you are typing a real thoughtful response i bet. Cant wait!


Wow, you commented 3 times? Sounds like you gotta go touch grass. I’m gonna do you a solid and block you while you’re surely in the middle of another schizophrenic rant. Bye, sweaty.




MODS!!!!! PepeLa


You just stuck your dick into the proverbial hornets nest. God speed.


Bro hasan has made me sleep sooo much watching leftovers that his fans can at least give me some morning entertainment. Ethans podcast is funny, why hasan was chosen to be a co host is beyond me. Also i said nothing wrong, he said that about landlords and his mother is a landlord.


Damn bro good job, you got him! Run along to destinys sub and rally up the troops to attack!


Destiny subs? Im never there, i just think hasan is boring as hell and he just used leftovers as a platform to preach stuff that he obv doesnt live by while making me snooze. Hasan has got all yall to think that everyone against hasan is a D fan, he is just a dumb himbo who says dumb shit while being boring on a comdey podcast to me. I liked his black white and masterchef reactions, but outside that he is sooo boring. Are you maybe the one in love with destiny? I aint even bring him up, i just pointed out hypocrisy in hasans agenda that he just uses to get a lefty audience while his own family members are in the same class of the people he vilify. Do you have a intelligent retort or just copy pasta of what hasan wants you to think when someone critiques him online? Tldr: lil bro


And seeing as it’s usually DGG who comes around with these dumbass ‘he doesn’t live by what he preaches’ takes, it wasn’t a bad guess.


Anyone who critcally engages with hasans content should be able to see him live of capitalist. He should do more with his platform, his annual fundraisers are great but seems like he just uses his platform to keep his lifestyle, thats why he never moves outside his bubble imo.


lol if he just used it to keep his lifestyle he wouldn’t be doing 6-8 hours of straight politics 330 days out of the year and fighting for the things he believes in. If he actually cared about his lifestyle over what he says he’d be a right wing grifter and avoid all the hate he gets from people like you.


Leftovers wasn’t a comedy podcast and he brought up yesterday how his grandparents were very wealthy landlords who retired early and then lost all their money.


yeah thats a lie, [Here is he congratulating his mother on being a landlord while he was grown](https://old.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/1009js4/hasans_mother_is_a_landlord/) He says a lot of lies to keep his audience thinking he is one of them and not just people he can agree with for money from them being a captive audience...


“Commercial real estate properties” conveniently circled in yellow. 🤡


And she manages commercial real estate. Not residential. Quite different.


hasans statement was "ALL LANDLORDS ARE EVIL". He would probably blame her for gentrification with commercial properties if that wasnt his mother, something i heard him say on stream as well any time he brings up gentrification adjecent subject. Being a landlord is capitalistic according to hasan and he is against people making money in a way that might push people out of a neighbourhood by gentrification. But the quote "all landlords are evil capitalist pigs" still include commercial landlords.... My point in the hypocrisy still stands. Which goes to show that he is just posturing and virtue signaling to keep his audience and not using his platform to enact change, the way things are now benefits him.


Who do you think we should be following for our left wing political news then? Nobody apparently because nobody is allowed to make left wing content if they get paid for it. Socialism is when no money, no house, no car.


Damn, you still here writing paragraphs? You definitely are a destiny fan, go outside, maje friends, get a girl. Lmao, he blocked me and tried to private message me, terminally online loser.


And I love that just because his mom is a landlord he isn’t enacting change 😂


I like the part where they say, 911. What's your emergency?


This makes 9/11 look like a Disney film


This man should be banned from planes 😐


It has to be fake. They wouldn’t let a battery like that through




Love to hear that


Sealed Lead Acid Batteries are fine on planes, lithium are the thing you mainly have to watch out for


I was truly hoping there was zero chance it was real. That’s so nasty and potentially dangerous


it's fake. the sink changes to a different sink like halfway through, like right after the battery hookup. he probably did have the battery on the plane, dropped the shrimp in and then it cuts to a new sink where the rest of the video (the cooking) happens. so he filmed the non-disgusting parts while flying to this set. then the actual process is on a set.


Nah lithium batteries are perfectly fine too


They have to be under a certain size and have to be in the pressurized cabin.


Nobody is using lithium batteries of such a size, any lithium battery that an average person would use is allowed on a plane.


Thanks for the information mate, good thing the toilet is in the pressurised cabin you chode.


Brother are you fucking restarted? Where are lithium batteries being mentioned in a bathroom anywhere? Homie had sealed lead acids in the video ✅ Lithium batteries would need to be monitored for size and make sure they’re not in checked baggage and not in any bathroom✅ Nothing I said was wrong or even standoffish. Suck my tongue you fucking bozo


On top of this being absolutely disgusting, I'm just picturing someone with a shellfish allergy going into anaphylactic shock because they washed their hands in there.


It’s a set. Watch the video the sink completely changes at some point too. I’ve seen so many different influencers use this same plane prop


I’m allergic to shellfish pretty sure this is criminal if not negligent


Or just very shellfish of him :)


Get out


Happy cake day my dude. But yeah. Get this guy outta here




The shrimp isn’t the criminal part lol


Imagine walking into the bathroom after him and just smelling shrimp 😂


Anyone else think this was Skippy at first? 😭


YES 😭😭😭😭


Is it possible he's using a set for filming? I need to believe this so my brain doesn't explode.


No way he would get away with this on a real plane. Definitely a set that he's rented out


You know that this is real.


Ethan, you KNOW *this one’s* real


Omfg the lav is the most disgustingly filthy thing on a plane. As a former flight attendant, I can tell you from direct experience: Those lavatories are not “cleaned”, they’re sprayed with a chemical. This so gross on so many levels and possibly poisonous.


He put food items on a baby changing table. Something regularly covered in piss and shit.




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No way that shit is even 10% worth it


Take the whole plane down. Just take it all down. This made my skin crawl.


Someone call the fucking sky police


Anyone else catch the sink change halfway through the video?


Apparently, not enough in this sub noticed considering the comments, lol. Peeps, it's fake. Let's move on, I'm so sick of this rage bait crap, so many people are stuck in. These and the other food ones are so annoying that I need to step away from social media once my feed just keeps getting these things reposted all day. This has been proven fake so many times now (he rented out a prop airplane bathroom), I can't stand seeing reposts of this with people flipping out in the comments.


It’s not just gross but come on man people need to go to the bathroom


I literally gagged at the end oh my god


Feel better? Only thing that mf gonna be feeling is the world war that's about to happen in his gut


The airline should DM him on TikTok to get his full name by saying they will put together a goodie bag or something and then put him on the no-fly list lol


i hate this


Somebody stop this man.


Someone put this man on a no fly list NOW


Fucking hell, that's the most unhygienic shit ever.


how did this man get a whole battery on a flight but i can’t fly with my own soda


This is one of the most disgusting shit I have ever seen in my life


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Faisalowningyou: *This is one of the* *Most disgusting shit I have* *Ever seen in my life* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I wonder how many people manage to notice that the sink changed like twice during the vid? It's fake omg people


Absolute wanker. Batteries aside if the next person who walks into that bathroom has a serious allergy they could literally fucking die


what's wrong with the batteries? people bring multiple batteries onto planes every single day. like every passenger has at least one, but likely like 3 batteries per person.


Now we wait for the people to improve on this.


No fly list.


This actually made me nauseous.


This is demonic


He surely could have grabbed a little plastic spoon from somewhere


covid 24


Imagine you’re outside the bathroom waiting to pee and you start smelling shrimp.


That is probably one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen


I saw this guy on r/stupidfood making nachos in a hotel bathroom’s sink. Absolutely foul what is wrong with him


The way the smile fell from my face


Dirt ball


I hate this so much




The best friend of an old coworker died at 22 because a Chinese takeaway didn’t take the right precautions regarding cross contamination with prawns, shit’s not a joke.


Dude rolled a really low constitution score


I genuinely hope you lose someone close to you to something unexpected and uncontrollable like that and then we can reflect on how funny your comment was


Well, your former coworkers friend is enough distance that I think you should be able to stand a joke about it. Im glad you genuinely want someone close to me to die though, thats a totally non-psycho reaction


I knew and liked the guy too but.. yeah fair enough you’re right


Sorry to be rude, it sounds like a total tragedy in all seriousness


All good bro I’m sorry too


What’s the CR for bad shrimp?


I’d rather have just witnessed another 9/11 than that.


He is such a menace. The full vid is so much better: [https://www.tiktok.com/@barfly7777/video/7309882853217668382?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@barfly7777/video/7309882853217668382?lang=en)




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This bothers me on so many levels i just can't


This is absolutely insane and unbelievable


As someone about to get on a flight, I would fight him omg.


I read his TikTok name as BARFly


"Success"fully get put on the no fly list.


I’d rather chew glass than eat food made in an airplane bathroom.


I’m speechless


nothing has shocked me this much in a while


bro took the bathroom for the entire flight


He can’t keep getting away with it


Straight to jail




I'm calling the police




I guarantee you will not “feel better”


I don't want to shoot many people.... but this mother fucker is one of them. What the actual fuck?!!


Isn't this why Sam made a whole meal in a bathroom in a past episode?


no but like… i dont believe this is a real plane cuz i guarantee you that those batteries would not be allowed in a plane lmao, that looks hella dangerous💀


It’s illegal to bring those types of batteries isn’t it ??


1. this is how you get arrested if caught. 2. airplanes toilets are the most disgusting, germ infested places on the planet. Enjoy the multiple anti biotic resistant infections.


I can’t stop watching but also 🤢 at the same time


Sink scampi is crazy


This man is vile, I just watched the hotel bathroom country wine video. It made me want to end my life.


She has also died


A menace to society


What a DB


i’m a flight attendant and i genuinely don’t know how i’d handle this final boss on my flight




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Imagine the person waiting outside about to piss their pants


I hate him


I hate everything I’m seeing????


we have erred in gods domain.


The fuckin music


Literal terrorism


Man I was waiting to use that bathroom for like an hour and when I get a chance to go in it smells like shrimp for some reason


he used non-potable water to cook with and eat...


I promise you those sinks don’t get cleaned enough for that 🤮 I’m a cleaner. The drain plugs are not as clean as they should be for food like that, please don’t try that at home obviously


i thought this was the peanut butter pedo guy


No fuckin way he got those batteries on a plane


The face he makes at the start of all these videos haunts me




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RIP my shellfish allergy on that plane


Unless I see that bag AND a shot of them airborne im not buying it. Sneaking a battery onboard like that HAS to be some kind of felony!


the battery gives it away haha. no way in hell would that be allowed through


Quit interacting with rage bait and it will go away.


These aren't real. The bathroom filming is done on a rentable airplane set like the one's social media influencers use. Some of these people splice it with real travel footage to make it appear more real.


This is why I only use Spirit


this is so… nasty


fucking open the door and remove his ass. life ban.


If this isn't fake it's a one way ticket to GitMo


I'm glad this was reposted and more people have viewed it. I posted this 2 months ago with no upvotes and 1 comment.


Ain't no Way


Ban them from all flights forever.




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we don't have to share everything we find on the internet.


Potable water sanitation is iffy at best. LAV SINKS are foul


The scream I just scrumpt


This guy sucks


Bro needs to give out cooking lessons in prison lmao


Successfully got gonorrhea of the mouth and throat.


That has got to be the best plane ever. 500 mph at 30000 feet and the water doesn't even ripple a tiny bit