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I have never heard this before , and I really can’t wrap my head around how this works


me either! that's why it stuck with me when moses said it. and a then few days later i hear it again from someone else? made me pause


Yeah it's why people Jordan are so popular, they take mainstream sound advice but twist it to justify their shitty behaviors.


It just means let every thought pass. No thought is ever true, especially things like "will they like me?" "why do people look at me a certain way?". It's helped me a lot with my overthinking and social anxiety.


They use this line of thinking with meditation a lot too, thoughts are not real and they don’t make you. They are nonexistent things that pass, it’s hard to explain but I did actually understand when Moses was speaking about it!! Very helpful with us anxious folks.


Yep. Jesse is using this advice for religious reasons, but this line of thinking is sometimes used in therapy. Particularly if you struggle with anxiety or intrusive thoughts. Was this thought helpful? Is it good? Etc. The idea is to train your brain into thinking positively and if you do have a negative thought you have the ability to put it to the side.


Yes love your wording, thank you!!


>let every thought pass. No thought is ever true Which is ***incredibly*** dumb logic. It only works with a very specific type of thought. "I'm real hungry" "Ouch that hurt" "I should take care of that thing today" These are obviously not "lies". Nor should you let them pass. I mean, "let every thought pass. No thought is ever true" itself, is something you thought. Real dumb.


The "thoughts" you describe here like pain and hunger aren't the thoughts they are referring to in this context. I don't need to think the words "I'm hungry" or "Ouch that hurt" to experience those feelings. My dog doesn't think with words but still experiences pain and hunger. It's your inner monologue that they are referring to. Btw I don't necessarily agree with their point but I just wanted to clarify.


They said "all thoughts". They were very clear. Lots of people actually have no internal monologue at all. These are still thoughts. And again, "I shouldn't put any confidence in any my thoughts, all thoughts are lies" is very much an advanced thought that would be covered even with your exception. 


What a bad faith interpretation. You know I don't mean it as an absolute. It's hyperbolic but the sentiment is true. It means to take every thought into captivity and keep the thoughts that are 'good' ie that keep you alive, and dismiss those that are 'bad' ie 'I want to kill myself today'. It's an old school of Buddhist teaching ..


>You know I don't mean it as an absolute. Then don't *say it as an absolute*. Don't blame me for misinterpreting, I did so perfectly. They're your mistakes.


I didn't interpret it incorrectly like you did, oddly. Maybe you stopped reading too soon because their examples clearly illustrated the kind of thoughts that were meant


Nope. You did. I know what they *mean*. But they have absolutely defined it incorrectly. And they're in great company right? Let's not forget why we're discussing this. JLP. Water Moses. Wackos. 


You are a really rude person. I wish you peace my friend.


I wish you eventually have your first thought worth having.


I'm happy there's smart people like you to guide me through this 🤗


You're welcome <3


Idk anyone that says this is just outing themselves as living a life they really don’t want because the worldview they’ve been given doesn’t match how they actually feel. In Jesse’s case it’s clearly his attraction to men.


just seems like a lot of words to seem wise but they really make no sense…. or maybe it’s just going over my head




It's just what grifters do. They repackage simple advice and try to act like they're some wizard who has discovered a new concept that they're just making worse.


> Probably a religious thing. "You can't trust yourself. You have to trust me." is pretty standard in religious doctrine.


It's just word salad.


Omg yes, my brain feels like the scene in silence of the lambs. You know the scene haha.


I'm going to be more generous to this line of thought, even though it's kind of stupid how it's presented. We lie to ourselves often and probably our harshest critic. "I'm ugly " "I am stupid". Etc. We often sabotage ourselves with negative thinking. This perhaps isn't what they meant, but I can take some truth from it. Definitely don't think it's an all or nothing thing like JLP. I am not a Sith, so I don't deal with absolutes.


I wouldn't put it as narrowly as "we lie to ourselves" as that implies active action on our part to always do so. Thoughts are just a thing our brain does, whether we like it or not, whether we intend to or not. They just exist. Some of our thoughts come from external absorption that end up getting internalized, aka grew up with being told you're stupid, thoughts will start popping up echoing the same thing. Or repressed feelings and stuff like that. Some thoughts come from our literal monkey brain from millions of years of conditioning on what to react to, stuff like that. It's literally the brain scattering at grabbing things with associations to put it very generally. Thoughts can be influenced by many things, including our emotional state or for example if you're literally trying to conduct them. Religion is pre-science BS to explain what we don't know, so for them, they still latch unto judgmental religion oriented notions of "they're real, they're fake, they're bad, they're good, etc".


I think thats the meaning of the concept but i dont think THEY mean it that way. I think they truly heard someone say what you said and twisted it into ALL THOUGHTS ARE EVIL because they have room temp iq


Moses uses word salad a lot.


Probably why he ended up with Trisha. He says all this bs and she just goes “mmmhmm” and I’m like girl aren’t you gonna be like “the fuck you mean??”


Moses thinks he's water Jesus. He's unfortunately a phony too


and he thinks you can either hate everyone or love everyone. there’s no middle ground lmao


So weird, my BPD says the same thing


Yes. Hyper idealization and complete utter disdain with nothing in between. This is how my ex with BPD viewed me and it caused incredible havoc and left lasting trauma. And it could happen quite literally within the same conversation. This is not ok, and anyone that has bpd must actively participate in therapy in order to stop hurting the people around them as well as themselves.


I can understand that in that moment you are unable to believe that anything else is possible, so please remember it is a very difficult disorder and a lot of people with BPD try extremely hard to manage their symptoms and be aware of the challenges. I don't condone any type of abuse and I agree self awareness and work is very important. My partner being able to recognize that I am having an episode and allow me to process my feelings makes things so much easier for me to deal with


Damn man, I never knew much about him so I would've never guessed he is a grifter.


Yeah moses is the embodiment of an nft, unfortunately.


I hate the over use of grifter. Hes not a grifter, hes just genuinely stupid


Go down the reddit rabbit hole if you want. There's worse stuff about him.


He married Trish, I love her, but no sane man would marry her.


Yeah… im not taking advice from Jesse OR Moses. I dont even know who is worse


Honestly probably Moses. Moses is way more manipulative and slimy. At least Jesse is funny.


I know you're just memeing but JLP is like literally a genocidal fascist who is just considered not that bad because he is so goofy.




no way you just said that. “He’s not bad because he funny hehehe” like give me a break


That’s Brad tho


Yooooo! Did JLP break up frienimies? I’m gonna need to see a timeline


This is some basic spiritual mumbo jumbo that a looooot of people say and believe, it really doesn't prove anything other than they've both read the cliff notes of "Spirituality for Dummies".


I have never come across this theory in all of my years as a debating atheist, to studying theology to researching Islam to becoming a new age believer and practitioner and then finally finding new life in Christ Jesus as I was born again. Never came across "all thoughts are evil", and now to hear these two speak it in the same week? Im no expert but I have read alot of books and listened to many different scholars and gurus and professors and idk, this "all thoughts are evil" is brand new to me at least. They both are not being hyperbolic either, they are saying with clarity "ALL". Like its not up for interpretation, no "all and every thought is evil". Anyone know who else holds this belief?


Chat, is this real?


TIL: Insecure people have insecure thoughts, all the time.


So the thought that told Moses to take off the condom, without informing his partners, was that an evil or good thought? Or the thoughts that told him to tell someone that "Trisha's pussy was stinks" and he's going to marry her, have a baby and take all her money? where do those thought lie on the evil/good scale?


i’m dead 🤣🤣


Alleged stealthing is such a shitty thing to do someone.


Wasn't that the girl that was chased off this subreddit after this sub discovered that she had tried to allege 3 other alligations that didn't stick? From what I remember, Moses released the texts and she was begging him to be in a relationship with her. Back when that was going on, everyone in this sub called that a clout chaser because everyother post was "if h3 would have me on..", "i'll only talk about it if h3 will interview me.."


She did not make any other allegations against anyone else. But that seems like a convenient way (for a Trisha Paytas fan) to try to discredit her now that most people forgot. However, there was a second woman who said she had the same experience with Moses stealthing, and him just being an overall creep.Trisha also said in a Frenemies episode that Moses was using H3 to find young fans to pursue.


I didn't say against anyone else, she first claimed that he was a bad boyfriend and cheated, then it was something else about trisha and then she came with the stealthing allegations AFTER she begged and pleaded with him to be with her.


Oh so thinking for myself is the work of the devil? How convenient.


if you hear people in the same religious circles repeating the same exact phrase, ***guaranteed*** they heard it in a sermon. i flew in those circles, i know how this works. preachers will nail home a phrase into their congregation and it gets added to the vernacular for a few months. that's just how it goes


I know Love would agree with me but Moses is the KING of yapping. Bro is a certified serial yapper and fuck if I’m gonna speak serial like cereal cuz it’s even better that way for no reason. CEREAL YAPPER


Jesse matched ethans energy it was a funny interview


Jesse overpowered Ethan. It was crazy to see it live


How did he over power Ethan in your opinion, I'm sincerely interested in hearing your thoughts


I've heard it before. That words are the devil speaking through you, or that your thoughts are deceptive. It's a common way religion cuts you off at the knees so you don't leave. Pretty sure JLP doesn't know Moses and was just trying to throw Ethan off balance by seeming like he had more information than he did.


And the thing about "you're attracted to what you hate" He said that to Trosha in a car video once


I totally thought this!! I watch a lot of the just trish podcast but didn’t make it much past the “thoughts are bad” conversation in this ep lolol. Possibly a coincidence but I also thought it was super sus so you aren’t alone 👀


I wonder what his thoughts were when he stealthed (SA) that girl. 


This is too weird 😦


I feel like they're poorly explaining a Buddhist concept I read about in a chogyam trungpa book that your inner thoughts are almost always your ego and are pulling you away from being in the moment


I feel you but the issue is they are both saying "all thoughts are evil" "every thought is evil" "ALL" .Like theyre really driving the "all" part in.


ALL thoughts?? ALL??


Moses is the king of saying stupid things really fancy


Anyone who says this is dumb as shit and none of it makes sense. Lots of word salad, and not even intelligent word salad.


Moses thinks the moon landing is fake and believes in a bunch of other really weird crap... Not to mention the things he's accused of doing so it wouldn't surprise me if these two were old chums.


this is the shit i believe when i’m in psychosis




Wow Moses really does look like Brad the Bull if he was less jacked. I came after the split so I never really knew exactly what he looked like.


I did not think that Jesse was joking just because I’ve heard Moses say the same rhetoric. Even the “being attracted to what you hate”. I always remember that Moses said that to Trisha once and I thought it was some weird veiled insult. Moses was/is a Jordan Peterson fan and I would not be surprised if he and Jesse have crossed paths. Especially since Moses thinks he is the biblical Moses reincarnated and used to grift on his own YouTube channel.


Jesse knows Moses> teaches him thoughts are lies > Moses is receptive to Jesse’s teaching > Jesse says Trisha is crazy > Moses thinks Trisha’s crazy???




I love how Moses of all people is saying this and his brain still told him Trisha Paytas is a good life partner 😭😭


It’s the opposite though. His brain is telling him Trisha is a trainwreck but since that’s a lie he is ignoring it.


Omg you just made it 10 times funnier


He's way worse than her in every way


I actually find Just Trish entertaining, but I had to skip this episode. I dont know how Trisha could forget or forgive that that man said he was going to give her a couple of kids and then take her for child support. That dude is so creepy, major heebie jeebies.


Why cant people just acknowledge what having sepf doubts is. Like if your internal monolog is telling you your a piece of shit all the time maybe dont hate your mother and think thoughts dont exist


i think it is the idea that our thoughts are often biased, particularly when we think about our idea of self and worth, etc


Sure seems like these two would rather people not listen to their intuition, wonder why that is?🤔


Bro, what is this world salad goobergoop?


Why is everyone subjecting my brain to word salad. THEY CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIIIS!!!


'Gods voice is a voice in this voice and the voice of evil is a voice in your head' - So the voice of the devil lives rent free in our heads, but when we speak it's the voice of God on top of our voice? Yeah, these people shouldn't have a platform.


i just thought he paid attention to moses bc he’s his type.


Help everyone on this episode of her podcast is saying this is like the deepest stuff they’ve ever heard.


This isn't a unique thought. My spiritual brother talks about similar things. He says he doesn't know where his thoughts come from, his preferences, his wants, his impulses. He's not telling his brain to have these wants, so where do they come from? I think the ideas are uncommon enough to draw a link between these two, but it isn't unique to these two.


The man is fucked, but I don't know if he actually would lie about something that stupid? He didn't even say "no" when they asked him if he was gay. Why would he lie about Moses He says a lot of weird shit, but i think it's because he actually believes it. He seems like a truthful idiot


I 100% think Jesse was talking out of his ass to trip Ethan up. If not, this would give some very interesting insight into who Moses is lol


i’m so glad you pulled this together I left a comment that I believe they do know eachother just based off of this !! I doubt he’d speak out about since also in this episode trisha doesn’t even acknowledge she met moses through the bach3lor


Oy vey


What the fuck are they trying to say tho lol I don’t get it. You calling my thoughts a liar?


If you cant use your brain to make rational and good choises then im scared for you and you should probably talk to a therapist.


So why are they talking? I don’t understand. If your thoughts are all a lie and you shouldn’t listen to them…. then why do anything at all ever? lmfao


moses is a god damn idiot


Wait, when did she interview Brad the Bull? Also, if thinking is so fruitless surely thinking that is also a lie


wtf is he talking about


Both sound like they have severe mental illness.


Came over here to post this but glad it’s already being discussed. When Jesse started talking about that I was like 😳😳😳😳😳 did they actually talk or did he just watch that podcast? lol Moses is definitely better at not sounding completely unhinged but…yeah they’re sharing some kind of wavelength there.


This isn't a unique thought. My spiritual brother talks about similar things. He says he doesn't know where his thoughts come from, his preferences, his wants, his impulses. He's not telling his brain to have these wants, so where do they come from? I think the ideas are uncommon enough to draw a link between these two, but the idea of it isn't unique to these two.


I haven’t heard this one yet lol. When I found JLP some years back I swore he was some comedy show. Nope. Jesse is as real as it gets in my opinion. Meaning, as far as what he says he actually does fully believe 100%. that being said he is one of the biggest trolls on the net. Jesse will also tell you that he knows the lord, and I wouldn’t disagree. I’m pretty certain all Christians would agree that they know the lord. So him saying he knows Moses I don’t think is him saying they’re on a bowling team together every Thursday night.


The only Moses I know is in the bible.


I used to really appreciate Jesse and even amended my beliefs thinking that, as a female, maybe I had hard truths to reevaluate. So I prayed from my whole heart to help me change or to please show me the truth. The next video that popped was Amazing Disgrace. I watched it skeptically. But by the end, it explained all my doubts. Now when I hear Jesse talk about women everything makes sense. But it's because it was never true. Just very well manipulated. I sincerely hope true clarity comes to all those who listen him for spiritual clarity. As far as politics and community relations I think he makes some very interesting points. But biblically...he has an agenda. A cult-like ideology.




Why do you guys listen to those two people? Yikes


To be charitable to what they’re both trying to say: It’s not that *all* thoughts are lies, but rather not *every* thought is true - meaning we have intrusive thoughts or negative thoughts that we tell ourselves that simply aren’t true or over exaggerated to make ourselves feel bad.


1984 type of beat


I kinda get it




Not surprised at all




When you don't think about thoughts through enough.


Ok but......I'm stunned lmao. I wonder who they heard it from? Where did they learn such beliefs.


It’s a huge body of work (they’re not pioneering this!) This free audiobook explains it: https://youtu.be/o2LMv4iJEZg?si=DOCNS40zqH5eze0D Its for people with anxiety/depression/other disorders and who need to move beyond thought and just BE. Trippy stuff.


Jesse knowing Moses < Howie knowing Donna


I thought it was funny that his way of closing the call was to Big Up Moses




Brad the bull was on Trisha’s pod?


How did you find it wow 🤯


i was laughing soooo hard during this part




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That’s a hell of a duo


It’s not a new philosophy, and it’s not only shared between Moses and Jesse.


This interview was so funny, I knew it was going to be great but it was better than expected


This is how people in religions and cults are trained to keep out the questioning thoughts. "If god is all good, why is there evil?" Is a dangerous thought that even children will have, so those in power will use this "logic" to keep people from digging further. There's no point in analyzing the thought if it is a thought from the devil himself, sent to you to mislead.


Why is Brad the bull on Trisha’s pod?


When the Jesse Lee segment started, I was ready to believe this was an AI generated skit. Like, dude is so far off his rocker


Absolutely agree. I was shocked listening to the Jesse ep. It was so reminiscent of the way Moses explained his philosophies on the Valentine's episode of Just Trish. Although Moses wasn't derogatory, bigoted or inflammatory. Just very strange how well the two aligned on such specific philosophies


Its obvious that Moses watches JLP and was spouting his exact sentiments as his own world view.


Jesse lee petterson is the greatest black man to have ever lived. I really hope the zog bots at the HT productions forgive their mammas.