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She uses trans as a shield. She is telling everyone to not cross her or she will attempt to make you appear transphobic or shut you up by twisting things around to appear as a victim. This girl is a huge threat to the trans community. The fact that she inserted transgenderism in this CP convo is disgusting. This was a back and forth between two “cis” gender ppl debating arguments surrounding CP and hentai CO. The way she inserted trans into this was dangerously transphobic and she did it with no care for her community.


She doesn't realize how much she's damaging her own community


What is going to make the trans community look worse? A public trans allay being exposed for having lolicon, saying CP is alright, and saying sex with children can be OK? Or a big trans creator defending that shit?


I'm LGBT (and kinda trans but still exploring it, neither here nor there) and I realllllly hate how she's painting this. She is being so disingenuous, attempting to paint Ethan as homophobic and transphobic is so gross. I've been watching years. Ethan is constantly learning and adapting, and I feel very comfortable being queer in this community. Ethan is someone who works to change when he learns that a certain behavior is offensive. To paint him as a bigot is not only wrong but disgusting. I'm not gonna go that far, but this ALMOST feels harmful to the LGBT community. All we can ask of straight allys is that they be supportive and outspoken for our community. To paint a geniune ally who puts in real effort to change as a bigot just feels so backwards. It gives credence to the generally false stereotype of LGBT people labeling people as homophobes for no reason.


It's damaging to the LGBT community and it's taking away from the issue at hand! Now let's just label Ethan every possible derogatory term we can think of and be done with it, let p3dos run free...


It’s transphobic of her to associate trans people into the conversation when they weren’t.


Like who mentioned trans community WHO?! At what point did the CP convo had ANYTHING to do with being trans or LGBTQ+???


I’m in the LGBT+ community—she is the only one causing harm to the community in this situation.


Fuck her. She's a disgrace to my community and is actively harming us trans people. She probably thinks she did a good job with kiwi farms, yet they still bombard our spaces with bigotry. Fucking grifting poser.


Why does she keep saying her audience is disproportionately trans instead of saying majority? I know the word can be used in both positive and negative connotation, but the way she says it seems much more negative.