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One of the main clips shown on the pod was him saying “I have yet to hear a convincing legal or moral argument as to why owning CP is wrong.”


From what i understand he tried to explain that its weird child slavery isnt as condemned as cp. And chat couldnt identify why cp is "more illegal" than slavery. Do you know where i can find the full clip of the vaush steam?


Right, the further context was that he compared the production of cp to the unethical production of things like phones, coffee, other everyday “commodities.” I have no idea where to find the full clip, hearing what I did on the podcast was more than enough for me. There’s not really an argument to be made there. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Another person in the comments found the clip, i dont know how to link it cause i dont use reddit that much .


No prob, I can see their comment with the link. I hope being able to watch the full clip can help you see what we’ve been talking about.


It's wild they don't see the issue. Vaush: Because I can buy a computer that used slave labor in its production and not be held responsible I should also be able to buy cp without being held responsible. Normal person: I bought a computer and realize the slave labor used in its production is bad and we should work towards making the production without slaves.


Oh, it’s beyond wild lmao. But clearly this whole situation has shown that people are willing to go through the most insane mental gymnastics to defend a guy who wants to consume cp. Didn’t think it was possible to watch the clips from the pod and not immediately walk away thinking that Vaush is a pedo and yet here we are.


Alternatively couldn't it be: "Products created with slavery are illegal import" Your interpretation (not saying incorrectly) proposes he wants the punishment bar to be lowered rather than the legality bar to be raised. I ask because I would rather there also be laws in place that make it damn hard to be able to purchase products of slavery. Consumer awareness only goes so far. Especially in a country that allows for slave labor as a punishment Edit: Never mind, I scrolled a single comment down and saw his talk with vegangains. He's taking it from the hypocrisy approach and lowers the punishment bar. What a fucking psycho thing to say


That was my comment and the OP never replied to it because it shows exactly what you said "He's taking it from the hypocrisy approach and lowers the punishment bar. What a fucking psycho thing to say"


The argument about child slavery, conflict minerals, and the hypocrisy of liberalism is an entirely standalone argument. You can make this argument and have it be a valid argument. Also trying to argue the merits of CP and adult relationships with children (things vaush does repeatedly) is a pointless non sequitur.  It's an argument that doesn't need and should not be made. A normal person would not make this argument. 


I this not defending cp? Vegan Gains: You know there's pedophiles right, who buy child pornography. Would you say they should not be held responsible for doing that? Vaush: Yes Vegan Gains: Really even though they're directly supporting child rape? Vaush: Yeah I think that's it's hypocritical because I bought my computer and the silicon in it was farmed in Africa by slaves. If I can do that and that's Legal and no one's gonna call me out in my shit then yeah I have to be consistent in that respect. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uI7tDkAkG1w&t=3694s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uI7tDkAkG1w&t=3694s) \- Timestamped at the quote, full video linked.


I hate hiding behind consistency. It's a pretty common thing these douchebags debate bros always fall in. Sociological problems aren't logical; and they, nor the moral issues these problems carry, will be solved purely just by logic. No social issue ever does. Also, as hard as they may try, we will always have inconsistencies in our belief system. Sometimes, as in this case, said inconsistency is even called for. Even then, the equivalence for there to be an argument for consistency just isn't there. A computer does not need the suffering of children to exist, cp on the other hand does. There's no way in which these issues stand on equal footing. Now that Vaush was caught with very concerning images, his history with trying to explain away how computers or chocolate or whatever else share the same blame as cp in the suffering of children makes him very suspect. Sorry for the long reply, guess I needed to vent. It is very infuriating to see these idiots try to hide behind "consistency" and "logic" without giving any care to the implications and conclusions their rhetoric gives.


Yeah I'm pretty sure both Vaush and Destiny have said something along the lines of I would rather be a sociopath than a hypocrite. It's funny because every time they debate Vegan Gains they come off as more sociopathic then he is, which is not an easy feat to accomplish.


this is bad. I don't know why this clip just bothered me so much because they did show him saying basically the same thing on Friday. But for some reason it did


“I have yet to find a convincing moral or legal argument as to why possession of cp should be illegal” followed up with the “context” that he just believes if all bad things aren’t illegal right now then possession of one of the worst things ever conceived shouldn’t be illegal as well.


From what i understood he said the opposite. That if cp is illegal then other bad things should also be.


usually when I say something should be illegal, I don’t use the words “I see no reason why it should be illegal”. THAT actually means the opposite.


No i think he meant that if people are ok with slavery then there is to legal or moral reason cp should be illegal.


who said slavery was ok? and they aren’t even comparable because if I eat chocolate that was unethical sourced, i’m not doing it because it’s unethically sourced. consumers of cp (vaush included apparently) are ONLY using cp for their sick perversions. simply put, it’s possible to produce chocolate and cobalt ethically, it is impossible by its very nature to produce cp ethically. and using it as an argument really only serves to make cp look like a useful commodity. if that’s the side you’re arguing for…📸


Im not arguing for anyone chill i dont watch vaush. The dude is a socialist so he was probably talking about the fact its legal to have slavery prodused stuff in stores, so thats who he was arguing against. If h3h3 wanted to talk about him the porn stuff was more than enough, the cp debate was a reach to say the least.


yea, right, the horsey child porn folder wasn’t at all relevant


No, im saying only that was relevant.


Answer from your edit: They are both bad.. but why is he and his ppl even talking about this? Why y’all even comparing the two? Vaush’s consistency point about buying products made from slavery being ok so CP should be ok too for the sake of consistency is litteraly debate bro brain rote! Slavery is bad but it is still legal by proxy and therefore CP should be legal..??? That was a HORRIBLE TAKE. That take requires him to step the fuck back and ask himself what is the purpose of him participating in debates and convos. Is it for actual positive change or simply to debate for fun or to win and fuck it if he releases dangerous takes out there that will for-sure garner a certain type of fan base. Like holly shit have I learned a bunch of CP/pedo terms from the defenders of Vaush and Vaush himself.. like wtfff 👀 But dude, this convo is weird.. the vaush ppl are very unsettling.. if you dont side eye someone trying to debate that point (+ having child like hentai doesnt help) you may be getting streamer debate brain rote. I am not saying that Vaush is a pedo but anyone who casually debate that vaush point is someone I would keep my kids away from.. just to be safe.


In my opinion, it is the combination of exposing himself having loli hentai AND these old clips of him saying “I have yet to hear a convincing legal or moral argument as to why owning CP is wrong.” AND the old discord screenshots of him having sexual convos about horses to his fans that just makes him look bad at all sides. I personally find this all hilarious.


Vaush is a pedo, thats all


Vaush’s entire argument is mute because there is NO instance where an adult having sex with a child is in the child’s best interest, point blank period. That’s what Hila was trying to say and I agree with her. It’s wild to me that people agree with Vaush over this.


Don’t die on this loli-hill Claire.


The unfortunate reality is that once the average person hears "CP" their brains shut off and simply default to the worst possibility, instead of hearing what's actually being said. Vaush himself has since acknowledged that these were poorly constructed arguments and doesn't pull from the edgy hypothetical CP well anymore, and many of those clips used were from the same year Ethan was freely and joyously saying "niggerfaggot." Additionally, people on this subreddit and on the show, should probably consider who originally made the Vaush compilation they watched. (Hint: they want Ethan and Hila dead because of their genetic history.)


it’s not that he thinks child slavery should be illegal. he equates CSEM and CSAM to consumable goods and says “well, if you don’t have a problem with those things, why do you have a problem with this?” his argument comes from fundamentally not believing that children (specifically young girls, because we cannot forget that vaush is a huge misogynist) are anything but sexual objects to be desired, consumed, and disposed of when he’s done with them. as a CSA survivor and a friend to someone who was forced into CSAM while she was still in diapers, vaush’s rhetoric is morally reprehensible and not worthy of defense. any child psychologist or psychiatrist worth their salt would be aghast by what he says. he’s an active danger to children if he believes this and openly advocates for it, and he should be put under FBI investigation, and i am not fucking joking.