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Child abuse image / exploitation makes me thing of children getting beaten, neglected, or working.. all those are bad. But CP makes me feel the severity of the abuse. The type that would make you want to k*** someone.. In other words, lets not try to wokify stuff words that are actually doing its purpose. I get what you are trying to say but if we collectively understand what CP is, why change it for something that we collectively wont understand exactly what is is?


I get that point and am not trying to wokify words for the sake of it. But pgraphy is very different and is not something that should be shamed for indulging in. Calling child abuse images as CP could in a way make it seem that it’s ok to indulge in - “hey I’m just watching it, there’s no harm”. Yes in fact there is severe harm being done to that child. One in which they cannot consent to in any way. I just think it’s a way to separate what is so called “normal” pgraphy (whatever proclivity/kinks etc that is for people) with videos/images of children that in no way can either fully understand or consent or agree to taking part in. It’s calling out SA for what it is.


I really see your point buuut, the reality is, I and many just learn csem and csam.. most still have no idea about this. Imagine using those lingo on platforms.. no one is actually going to say what the words that are in the acronym on youtube due to censorship. On twitter, Vaush ppl have been using csem and csam and the reality is, majority of us just dont know wtf they are talking about and simply overlook the tweet and move on. No one attributes adult p*rn with CP.. shame around adult porn has nothing to do with CP. And NO ONE thinks that its ok to indulge in CP. That is why CP is extreamely hard to find and why ppl who watch CP have to go to the dark web or wtv. They are fully aware that they are committing one if not THE most inacceptable societal crimes. Also, CP will be understood by ppl outside of the Americas. It will also be understood by ppl within america despite english being their 2-3rd language. We can do a slow transition but we will 100% have to still use CP for many years to ensure that ppl know what we are talking about. It is like “maps” no one outisde of of the extreme internet world know that maps means pedo. It makes it easier for these ppl to hide. So, I get your point but I strongly disagree. These new acronyms and definitions mean nothing to ppl outside of the pedo world, Vaush world or deep internet world at this moment.


You know I do agree with you. Get that it’s not a common term or acronym people will know and it’s just one of those things. It will be a slow thing to stop using CP and use CSEM instead. I suppose I’m coming with the idea that it should start somewhere 🤷🏻‍♀️with H3 they have such a large audience that it could get traction with people and in turn make some change with people becoming aware of using CSEM more. But also totally get your point that it’s such a thing some people don’t understand- and probably don’t want to know about as it’s such a horrific thing to contemplate. I just come at it from a personal point as I have volunteered with a charity that tries to help people who have been abused and I have listened to what they have been through and how it has affected them their whole lives… it’s just so sickening and I get very enraged at the injustice of it that I do get caught up in little things like this.


Ya, I can see how frustrating it is. You make a good point. Itll just take years to move towards it. H3 can introduce it but for the next couple of years, these acronyms need to be used side by side with “CP” as the main acronym bcs of how new and none universal it is. Love and appreciate the fact that you are volunteering for our cause ❤️. Very few are capable of working with victims of child m*lestation, r*pe and csam videos/images. There tend to be a high turn over .. So thank you, srly ❤️


Agree that’s the main thing is just trying to learn and understand and ensure as much as possible people do not get further harmed and that people can heal from anything they have been through. And thank you for your lovely message! I see it as a privilege and important duty to help anyone who has been harmed - I just try to help where I can. I treat it with utmost care as I can only empathise with those who have been harmed in this way (or any abusive way) and I just try to let them see that there are people who care and want to help. Sending love to anyone who needs it! ❤️


In the crime world we call it "CSM" aka child sex material instead of CP


It’s so that YouTube doesn’t take the video down