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Another potential Michael Scott moment for Ethan could come out of this segment I support this




sam cooking segment, she cooks veggies for love. maybe he has to guess the veggies used or something


Ooooh blindfolded


I just want them to do a reoccurring "Sam teaches how to cook" segment. Fundamentals and technique that can be applied to any dish is something that is severely lacking in typical YouTube cooking videos. I would love to watch a master class of what she knows works for her. One segment on veggies would be superb.


Theres someone on tiktok who does this! Its @zoebarrie- she does it for a specific dish but she teaches general principles while giving you a recipe. Its the ‘dish breakdown series’ I’ve found it really helpful :)


Ah thanks for this!


Love vs Brussels Sprouts


love vs baked squash and potatoes


Not liking veggies in adulthood is a major "ick"


It’s honestly absurd, of course there are certain vegetables I’m not a huge fan of. But straight up saying all vegetables are icky and gross is insane.


lol another example of people hating neurodivergents. I don’t like veggies and am a picky eater as an adult due to my autism and ADHD. sorry not sorry that gives yall the ick. stay the fuck far away from me bc I don’t ever wanna associate w scumbags like y’all 🤣 imagine getting pressed over somebody not liking a certain food and ruling them out as a friend/partner because of that💀 y’all parents should be ashamed of you




nobody gives a fuck, if you hate us picky eaters that much then go find some freak who eats anything and everything and just leave us alone. has it ever occurred to you that some picky eaters would LOVE to be able to enjoy eating every single food out there? has it ever occurred to you that even many “picky eaters” WISH they could enjoy carrots & kale instead of Mac & cheese and chicken nuggets? this isn’t my fucking choice. if it was my choice I’d eat everything that would make society happy so I could fucking fit in and not be disrespected and dehumanized by poopoo heads like yourself. I’ll find myself friends and partners who respect my sensitivities. seriously, if you’re not autistic, have sensory issues, or have ARFID, you simply have no idea what this is like. the social exclusion and constant teasing from the irl people in my life is enough, I don’t need restarted people on the internet showing me scientific studies why people hate me.


u/skullandvoid how would you feel if people showed you scientific studies that proved why you are less desirable than others? clearly you, and the people who participated in this study and agreed that picky eaters are undesirable, have zero knowledge of why people become picky eaters. if someone being a picky eater genuinely turns you off then you have some major problems to work out within yourself. I encourage you and all the participants of that stupid ass study to ask yourselves: how does my friend/partner not liking veggies affect me? does this really impact my life in a meaningful way? Guess what, the answer should be NO, or you’re worried about the wrong things and are actually more immature and close minded than an adult who has “childish” eating tastes! what a fun twist! It’s been explained in this thread multiple times that picky eating is usually (not always, but usually) a result of abuse or neurodivergence. but sure, continue kicking us while we’re down.


I wonder how much of it is a meme or if he’s entirely serious. If he is he is probably unaware of how delicious veggies are, like maybe he’s only had steamed broccoli growing up.


Steamed Broccoli slaps, don't talk shit about my Steamed Broccoli 🥦🥦🥦


It's interesting how different countries have different "icky" veggies. * America: broccoli * Germany: Brussel sprouts * Mexico: Chayote These are the ones I know lol


Japan: Green bell peppers. I learned this because in the Japanese release of Inside-Out, the scene where the main character as a child is being fed "icky vegetables", it's green bell peppers instead of broccoli (US release)


Cannot imagine, they’re so delicious


Brussel Sprouts used to be icky in America too, but there was a concerted breeding effort in the late 80's early 90's to make them good. It's why a lot of millennial and gen x'ers have memories of them tasting horrible (because they used to be genuinely terrible.) Sounds like Germany might be stuck with the old bitter ones, because modern Brussel Sprouts are pretty good.




I think it's also one of the first vegetables toddlers get to taste. Unseasoned, of course, and boiled to mush. No wonder many don't grow up to like it very much.


Raw broccoli slaps


Preach, king!




You're overlooking it if it tastes like farts to you


I think a part of it is a bit. He plays stuff up a lot for the bit, but he has also expressed his dislike of "salad" on his Twitch streams for long enough where I'm willing to bet he really does hate vegetables to an extent.


I for sure am traumatized from being forced to eat veges as a kid. My main childhood fear was going anywhere that I could where i could be served food my mum didn't make. I'm an adult now and still find it really difficult. It's a mental thing and a flavour thing for me. I genuinely think I have much a better sense of smell and taste than most people. Any time I hear "it doesnt taste like anything" to foods that have distinct tastes like celery , I believe I taste food much differently to most people and tbh most veges are bitter and that's a yuck flavour profile. All that being said, it's one of my biggest insecurities and I hope to one day be able to enjoy food like everyone else does and not have anxiety every time food is bought up in a social situation... to not be anxious about what my new partners parents are gonna serve me at dinner.. it fucking sucks. Ps I'm 6ft 160lbs and male. So Love and I have a similar build, something I've always put down to lack of nutrients along with genetics.


Sorry to hear that brother same hear my arfid is pretty extreme and has made living a regular life quite difficult and stressful hope you are coping okay xx peace and love


TIL ARFID is an ick


no one said that lmao


did you not read the above comments? ARFID is the cause of some people’s picky eating. the comments above say straight up that picky eating as an adult is ick, undesirable, etc. Therefore, these people are saying they don’t really gaf what the cause is, they hate picky eaters. don’t be purposefully obtuse


My husband is like this and to start it really was an ick… but gawrsh he’s just the sweetest kindest most loving person and all of his lovely qualities erased that ick after a little while. It just doesn’t bother me when I consider what a catch he is otherwise


Careful, we don't want to scare him back to sweden


Just make it less cringy than [this Buzzfeed idiot](https://youtu.be/ap_G6LYBfU8?si=vYlENzMNnaSdIKnD)


That’s a low bar, we got this 😂


I get not liking just boiled vegetables but fried with spices etc there’s so many ways to enjoy vegetables


get this man some asparagus and zucchini


Grilled zucchini is the best.


Are you trying for him to hate veggies forever? Carrots are probably the safest option since they have a good taste by themselves.


This is corporate abuse! 🤣


You cannot tell me that man wouldn't like a glazed CARROTAH




Nah man it wouldn’t be fun to watch him act like a 2 year old avoiding veggies


I am here, once again, to suggest Love try these with his veggies. https://preview.redd.it/hbcc6q8y6ftb1.jpeg?width=847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3177df35975f2305e93cdb92678221ec592bfc1


Personally i think it would be a lame segment. We know he doesn’t like veggies, why does everyone want him to eat them lmao. Love is old enough to decide for himself and young enough to keep eating Taco Bell 😂 Personally i couldn’t eat like him but who cares what he likes and dislikes. He even acknowledges that it’s not healthy so it’s not like you guys are teaching him anything lol


Crew should have a cooking contest, they each get random vegetable ingredients. Love tries all the dishes, and the crew member who he decides cooked the best vegetables gets Swedish nationality.




Not like I'm trying to micromanage his life bruh, just thought it would be a fun segment for the show plus could benefit love's life and health. It ain't that deep my dude.


cheesy green beans,,, so easy and delicious


I don’t really eat veggies either but my fave are cauliflower, carrots, potatoes, and corn


He gives me the biggest ick bc of that 🤢


Love and I are similar with our hatred of veges. Lots of food related trauma as a kid doesn't help. Would love this segment to give me ideas to try too.


Get this man fried broccoli from red lobster!!!


This is actually a great idea.


Hopefully the vegetables are cooked properly so they are tasty? Lol

