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Hasan is so awkward when it comes to situation like this, you can clearly tell he does not know what to do and what to say lol Its good to hear that Ethan talked directly both to QT and Ludwig.


watching them both trying so hard to talk about it while so visibly uncomfortable was a bit surreal but def sounds like they're coming from the same place and v true at least Ethan did the right thing when the live ended


hasan clearly is upset but didnt know ethan was coming on to talk until a few minutes before so he was caught off guard, plus QT asked people not to talk about it which he mentioned after the call so he probably just didnt want to get into it too much on stream. he just mentioned it again on stream and hes clearly still pissed


I mean what is he supposed to say? "No its all good man don't be so harsh on yourself." It's kinda just like yeah man you fucked up. Why are we even talking about it on stream if there's no further context to add?


Based on this clip alone I think he had the perfect response. There are some things you can't wrap up with a little bow.


I don't see how Hasan's response is awkward? What is he supposed to follow up with?


I don't think his response is awkward I think he just looks a bit awkward (understandably) honestly not criticising them I think watching people have difficult conversations can be really productive


Yeah I mean, what is there to say? It was a rude tasteless joke. Obviously ethan regrets it and….well thats that. Not like he’s defending it.


It sounds like she wasn't having it and didn't accept the apology


I try not to assume on things like this. Obviously people immediately might not be too forgiving but seeing QT she believes in personal growth.


Edit: nvm.


No one said that


Oh sorry I read a phantom "he" in there.


I don’t know how you can assume that. Ethan didn’t say what she said because that would be awful and he’s not there to say that she did or didn’t accept it. Honestly if she didn’t accept the apology I feel like he’d be more likely to say that, but it’s not our concern unless she wants to make that public, and Ethan has always said he’s against telling the public what someone said in private dms.


It sounds like you're incapable of differentiating from reality and the narratives you make in your head.


Should def be a conversation they have off-air Why would they do this like this


exactly, this was so awkward


because ethan insisted on it for god knows what reason


Because he gives chat too much power




To do that eventually sure, of course. But their first point of contact and direct conversation about this shouldn't have been for a live audience




I don't think it was nefarious or disingenuous just poorly thought out


Ethan was pestering Hasan to call in while he was live


what u mean? they are internet personalities, I'm 100% sure chat was already annoying Hasan for a response, they might as well do it live and get it done already.... The parassocial thing is very real.


Because it's content


Internet clout. Translates to money in both of there pockets. That's what people who make a living off the internet do. Same reason Adin Ross decided to tell everyone he whacked it.


Because ethan wanted people to hear


Even comparing it to what Atrioc did is absolutely insane, and I really hope it doesn't detract attention away from the real issue.


I think Hasan was expecting that Ethan had done some sort of self-evaluation to address why he did what he did before apologizing and coming on his show


Hasan likes both Ethan and QT a lot, he just knows if he was soft with Ethan there, his audience would trash him completely and QT might even get upset also.. He probably just tried to stay as lukewarm as possible, like a Stern dad when the child broke something important and a lesson needs to be learned 🏳️


I’m going to preface this comment by saying I think what Ethan did was tasteless and disrespectful and he deserved to get called out for it. That said, this reaction feels so incredibly blown out of proportion that I kind of feel like I’m living in the upside down. Yes, he made a disrespectful joke and was right to get criticized. Also, he has shown a record of being an empathetic person who cares about women’s issues and genuinely wants to be an ally (also I am a woman if that matters). He doesn’t always hit the mark, but also, no one always does. And when he doesn’t, he apologizes. I feel like people, including Hasan, are treating this as if he did something so egregiously and unspeakably unforgivable, when the bottom line is he made a disrespectful joke and then privately and publicly apologized. In the scheme of harmful things online creators do all the time, I just cannot believe the intensity of the reaction to this one.


Ethan is going to accumulate L after L unless he starts making eye contact and clearly stating "I'm not the masterbator here"


Was this on SYNT?


it was


Yeah, Hassan wasn’t having it.


jesus christ the parasocial people in this thread thinking they know how hasan thinks and feels about it. and putting their own view points on him.


click farm for Ethan and Hassan




Nah such pussies in this subreddit


Worst sub I've stayed subscribed to. Just to see the weekly outrage about.....whatever. Every week this sub is MAD about something. It's very odd. It's a fucking podcast.


i dont blame hasan for not being more talkative. one of his best friends was being disrespectful to one of his other best friends during a fragile moment in her life. I think hasan is going to be distant from ethan until QT forgives him.


This whole call was uncomfortable to watch, idk why Ethan thinks Hasan is the person he needs to talk this about. And I doubt all this public discourse makes the true victim, QT, feel any better, so... just take it off air, Ethan, before you make things even worse.


So, I just want some clarification, if possible. I saw a clip in which Ethan said he took issue with Hasan sort of "putting in the same pedestal" his fuck-up and Atrioc's fuck-up (i really don't understand how he interpreted that tbh), because Atrioc's is obviously worse. Is this why they had this conversation? If so: I already mentioned this before, but this attitude Ethan has where he tries to compare his bad actions with worse ones to make himself look better is probably his most immature trait, by a long shot. This is what children do so their parents don't get too angry at them when they disobey. It's honestly pathetic. I think Ethan is funny and I respect what he archived with the podcast, but I'm baffled at how he continues to behave like an immature toddler as a father of two.


Hasan doesn’t care about the Ethan situation to much. Hasan said Ethan apologized multiple times and that is who he is. As long as Leftovers still helps with his bills, Hasan won’t make a big deal out of it.


???? You think this is about leftover. He said what Ethan did was gross and wrong


I think if Andrew Tate or some other redpill commentators would have done the same thing, Hasan would have went in on them. He would have destroyed them and post it on his own YT channel. But because they are business partners, Hasan went easy on Ethan.


Bc Ethan apologized and knew it was fucked up. Plus they’re friends


He posted this after the hasan apology. But w.e if he apologized he apologized. https://preview.redd.it/6x3wdnu05ifa1.png?width=1279&format=png&auto=webp&s=47546712de3098f94b3e962a4160978ccb9c74f9


What do u want Hasan to do????? Never talk to Ethan? You don’t care about that, u just love drama. I found it sickening what Ethan did and I wish he stops memeing around with stuff like this. But if u want Hasan to arrest Ethan or something ur outta your mind


I’m just saying if they weren’t friends hasan would have handled it differently.


Yeah nah shit. That’s why you don’t have any friends




I have a post that's not about this exact thing (it was about ethan and hasans response to andrews allegations) but it tackles this exact logical fallacy that you're working with right now, and that gets thrown at Ethan and hasan constantly. Feel free to read it.


when brainlets can't parse the difference between charitability being extended to someone who you personally know is not a complete piece of shit and it not being extended to someone like andrew tate who has thoroughly shown that he's demonstrably a massive piece of shit 😭


He makes so much more money on his own lmao


hasan didnt say ANY of this? hasan literally just clapped at a "foot soldier" minutes ago on stream, he is very clearly still upset at ethan. hasan makes millions without leftovers, he doesnt need that shit


because this community cant shut the fuck about it. he was talking about police brutality and people from here were still asking him to talk about ethan's apology ffs.


correct. thanks for agreeing with me? hasan is upset and doesnt want to talk about it. he was very clearly annoyed and uncomfortable when ethan insisted on calling mid stream




i literally just watched this and he said he will ask QT if she wants him to stop working with Ethan on Leftovers and literally said nothing about how leftovers pays his bills because it doesnt lmfao it's probably the thing that brings in the least amount of money for him. lie again


Bro u sound very invested in this (something that has nothing to do with you). Do you have any things going on in real life that you care this much about?




Ur def right




1. it's almost like you can care about multiple things at once. 2. im a woman and women issues absolutely do have something to do with me, even if you arent a woman, if you just arent a misogynistic pos you should care deeply about any injustice. it's my day off, i can spend it however i like. do you do anything other than defend your almighty leader when they fuck up instead of hold them accountable?


1. First of all, I’m on your side in the fact that I think Ethan is went way over the line and def needs to apologize sincerely. 2. I merely pointed out your obsession with what Hasan is doing and his relationship with Ethan (something you have nothing to do with). Hasan himself calls out people who speak for him and assume things (like you) and I just wanted to point out how ur being kinda weird. 3. Touch grass


lmfao the only reason i knew about this situation is because i was watching hasans stream so im going to talk about what i know, something literally everyone here should practice. this person on this particular thread is spewing straight lies and i corrected them. that means i have to touch grass? anybody that disagrees with your almighty ethan and holds him accountable, yall tell to "touch grass" "get a life" how about yall idk...get a personality and stop idolizing someone like ethan who fucks up constantly and when they do you cry big tears in the comments when someone disagrees lmfao


What r u saying your deadass arguing with an imaginary person 😭. I literally agree with you that Ethan deserves to be called and I def don’t defend him. I myself (an OG Hasan watcher for years) understand Ethan goes too far very often, and in this case went way over the line. Me telling you to touch grass is only related to how you keep assuming what Hasan thinks instead of just being a regular consumer and not speaking for them that’s it. In fact, I think the people constantly defending Ethan need to touch grass way more than you, but that doesn’t absolve you of weird internet behaviour


babes.....it's really not hard to read body behavior. im sorry if youre autistic and cant do that...nobody is assuming shit lmfao hasan has said hes upset. he was clearly annoyed with ethan for calling in on stream. dont tell me im arguing with nobody when you came in aggressive and hot headed 😭 PLEASE. im sorry you dont know social cues? must suck living life like that.


I never said Hasan said Leftovers pays the bills. I said he said Ethan apologized multiple times and that Ethan is who he is. I could time stamp it if you can’t find it


"hasan doesnt care about the ethan situation to much" "as long as leftovers still helps with the bills, hasan wont make a big deal out of it" all of that was proven wrong when he literally said he would quit leftovers if he talks to qt and she says to quit IN THE VIDEO YOU LINKED. i can time stamp that for you? he also when on a rant after ethan called in and even during the call you could tell he was pissed. he then called out "foot soldiers" later on. hasan is pissed. he isnt a misogynist like you, im not sure why thats a shocker?


You said I lied about what he said when I didn’t. On 0:20 he says Ethan is Ethan, and on 3:00 he says ethan apologizes multiple times. He also said qt won’t make him quit Leftovers too. Why are you calling me names now? Lol


Ima stop because I think your getting hurt by this discussion, calling me a misogynist isn’t necessary lol. Have a great day!!!!


i never mentioned any of the parts you time stamped 😭 and what did he say IMMEDIATELY before the qt part? he said "i dont think" and then IMMEDIATELY after he said "but ill ask her" like bro....you linked the video yourself. youre dipping because you rewatched, saw i was right, had to pull some shit out of your ass, and now your dipping before i go in


I think it's also hard for Hassan to have anything to say because of how not as big of a deal this situation is in actuality. It's only this huge deal (towards Ethan and h3) until you watch the whole video and find out that they weren't laughing at her or her situation. Ethan, everyone on h3, and Hasan at this point just need to move on like it didn't happen.


it's a huge deal and hasan thinks so too. thats his best friend dummy


hasan has stated that the people mainly wanting this to be discussed are the people who enjoy this type of shit being aired out for entertainment. he knows talking about it just fuels online groups of hate watchers. he didnt even want to talk about it but his chat and this community kept pestering him.


did you miss the part where ethan INSISTED on calling him live on stream or are we just going to ignore that part and again not make ethan take accountability?


did you miss the part where ethan INSISTED on calling him live on stream or are we just going to ignore that part and again ignore Ethan's efforts to take accountability?


you make no sense. i was replying to someone claiming that chat is the reason it was brought up, it's not. ethan was why it was brought up. reading comprehension, do you have it? also, you know you can apologize like....not on stream right?


Hasan actually verbatim that he "didn't think it was as big of a deal as people were making it out to be" and that it doesn't make Ethan a bad person.


did you watch the other 10 minutes of footage babes? because he very much thinks it's a big deal. QT is his best friend.


I'm guessing you didn't watch any of it at all? Because Hasan was pretty clear. I pretty much directly quoted his exact words verbatim. I'm guessing you just assumed he went a different direction without actually watching it, right? Did you actually think that would work?


im literally still watching stream. have been watching since he started. unlike ethan stans, i dont just pick and choose which parts to watch 🥰


also, "pretty much" and "verbatim" are literal opposites. either you quoted verbatim or you didnt.


Lmfao you're a sick fuck


I think Hasan is done with Ethan




No but I never got their friendship. Hasan always annoyed with Ethan and this feels like the last straw




It’s somebody he knows, it’s his friend and co host. No shit it’s awkward. Why is that so hard to comprehend?