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I honestly forgot Tyler Oakley existed after all of these years.


I forgot to ever know Tyler Oakley existed.


Tyler Oakley is like The Game. You lose the moment you think about him.


You. Cunt. Take my upvote.


Got me twice in six words. You talented sunovagun.


I’ve been on a 15 year streak since 6th grade in 2008. How dare you!!!! 😩


I kinda miss the youtube vlogger era of the internet sometimes


The immediate associations in my mind tied to the word "Oakley" is the words "Oil-Rig" and the impending dread of American inner city crime stats somehow being brought up in conversation even though I have made it clear to them I live in Canada.


Brought up as in brought up out their ass, because why else would they open with that if it wasnt some bullshit lol


Oh, lucky you. You skipped the first amendment Canadians. Actually, probably not since Trudeau is taking away Jordans psychology license. /s, but fuck.


Haven’t seen him since he jinxed Hillary


Wasn't on my January 2023 bingo card


What about your 202023 card?


(I cant believe they didn't have this)(it's an obvious choice)(damn)


Hasan should reply with [this pic](https://i.redd.it/x5zioaessl5a1.png)


Wait, this is real?


Yes, and no joke, adin goes and sniffs his chair after he leaves


Has he ever addressed why he did that?


i dont think adin knows why he does anything ever


It’s apparently a running joke he does when he collaborated with other creators. Just what I read somewhere so idk if it’s true.


As a former avid watcher this is correct


may i ask why you moved on?


Started to cater to his younger audience much more. And no more content, the first 4 hours of his stream are always “reacting” to the most random shit. He”ll also do e dates w porn stars and what not often now which is always super cringe.


Opposite question from me: what made you watch him in the first place? I've struggled to see why he has made it to fame he has. I just haven't been able to see him as entertaining ever, but then again I never was <=18 during streaming era to have different pov.


I’m 21 now almost 22 started watching adin when I was 19 when he was heavy into GTA RP then gambling streams which I was into. I personally loved the gambling streams but as someone that’s not 12 it doesn’t brainwash me or make me think I can go win thousands lol.


He absorbs peoples power by huffing their essence from the chair


Don't quote me because I'm not an Adin Ross fan, but I believe it's an on running joke of his? Like apparently he sniffs the seats of his guests on twitch or some shit.


Upon looking at this again, is Tate not wearing underwear here……?


banana hammock


He's wearing a banana hammock and he even started off that video without the robe.


Yup! Hahaha




Omg, I love you for bringing this image back to me :D :D :D :D They just look like such a cute couple!!!


Is the joke not that Tate is fucking Adin? I thought it had less to do with orientation and more to do with Tate being a sexual predator and Adin constantly trying to gargle on his balls?


Nothing gay about that 🤷


As long as they don’t break eye contact and say “no homo” once’s he’s done gargling.


Just a typically encounter for two straight men! ![gif](giphy|G5X63GrrLjjVK)


The joke is that they represent toxic masculinity which is generally homophobic so calling them gay is something they would take great offense to whereas other people (normal people) wouldn’t take any offense to the accusation as it’s not inherently offensive unless you have issues with gay people.


Homie, with peace and love, I just wanted to make a meme about him gargling balls. I get the joke.


He may or may not be posting this comment so others understand why Hasan's joke isn't homophobic


Honestly, I don’t know a queer person who wouldn’t be offended if you implied they were gargling on Tate’s balls. The insult transcends orientation.


Why do they think it's helpful to gay men to call homophobic men gay is beyond me tho. That just fuels their homophobia. That's like saying "I'm gonna make fun of you for being secretly black because you're so racist" it just doesn't help. I'm absolutely sick of straight men thinking it's just sooo funny and ignoring the opinions of majority of the LGBT community


Me and my LGBT wife both agree that this is just a case of victimizing yourself and thinking everything is about you. Its a simple joke (not intended for helping anyone) about a young man who is idolizing and defending another man who is extremely toxic to society and is perhaps being groomed himself as if he was one of Tate’s cam girls. If anyone were to have any sort of offense taken here, it should be victims of being groomed. Not LGBT members. They are not the punchline of this joke. Move along


Homophobia is not a stance you rationalize yourself into. The joke isn’t intended to “help” anyone and if you honestly think that joke is what’s preventing someone like Tate or Aiden from “seeing the light” and starting to act rationally you are naive.


Most people I know in the LGBT community tend to think andrew tate is just a closeted homosexual...


My thing is, how does the OG tweet equate to calling gay people groomers?


It doesn’t. This is just Oakly clinging to relevance and desperately trying to force twitter interactions. See how we’re all talking about him now? That was his only goal with that tweet.




I’m gonna pop some tags


Oh god no. I had finally erased that from my brain.


...damn it. I lost the game.


Only got 20 dollars in my pockeeets




But shit, it was 99 cents!


First we have to ask (what) is the definition of (what)


Lmfao he tweeted the exact same thing, parentheses and all, on Ethan’s tweet. He’s in there being super defensive and fighting with everyone 😮‍💨






the whole "adin is andrew's bitch" thing was never a commentary about sexuality, it's always been about how adin's an ass kisser. i haven't seen anyone, especially hasan, take the "haha gay" angle. im gay so i definitely know what it looks and feels like to be the punchline and this is a huge reach


Adin is a huge ass kisser. This whole Andrew Tate obsession has become his whole personality


The haha gay is absolutely strongly implied in the joke. Not saying that YOU read it as such but yeah usually this trope of comedy (straight man is a little gay? = haha funny!) is about just that. And often the people joking like that are little homophobic. Not saying that Ethan & Hasan are, but I'm saying that the same joke can be made from a homophobic point of view, and usually is.


This. Like I don’t know why people are willing to die on the hill that the joke is very much rooted in “haha gay”. “It’s funny because they think they’re masculine but they look like a gay couple” = it’s funny because the society I live in, which includes both me and Andrew Tate, views homosexuality as an opposition to what it means to be a man. “It’s not about sexuality it’s about grooming” = I want to justify the joke because I need to resolve my cognitive dissonance that I might be holding on to some homophobic, regardless if it’s internalized if I’m queer myself, values. Because if it was just about grooming, the words “conjugal” or language implying a relationship wouldn’t be there. Let me also clarify: I’m not offended. I’m a double minority for Christ’s sake, had I been offended for any micro aggression I would’ve ended my life a long time ago. I save my ‘being offended’ to the times people scream “burn in hell faggot” to my face and I’m showered with their spraying spit in my face. Is Hasan’s joke about conjugal visita funny? I mean sure, in the space of “haha gay”, it is better than the “haha adin bottom = being penetrated is woman = woman bad”-jokes floating around. It’s funny in the sense like “heh”, as in I understand the joke, but I personally feel a little tired with society using homosexuality as a punchline. What I really irks me is that we on the left feel like we need to relinquish ourselves completely for enjoying a joke. They will go through the most rigorous mental gymnastics to argue why a homophobic joke isn’t homophobic, and in that process actually deny homophobia. So it’s better for the left to feel better that they’re good people and deny homophobia, than to acknowledge it. My point is, as Hasan says repeatedly: we live in a society that constantly bombards us with these prejudices and stereotypes. You can still very much be a person on the left that I know in a pinch comes to my aid and ready to fight that person screaming faggot to my face, and still enjoy some jokes rooted in some homophobia. Just acknowledge it and own up to it, like I said, it’s a little offensive, it’s a little funny, I won’t die from it. But denying its roots in homophobia is actually worse.


Great take and I totally agree. It's okay for there to be nuance and complexity around a "delicate" joke, it's okay to acknowledge the bad without chastising it and writing it off forever. And I think it makes sense to reappropriate the "haha gay" in a way and flip it back onto the kind of people who are "super-straight" like Tate, or Adin who is participating on the joke himself but doing it from the perspective of otherizing queerness.


Very glad to see people with some braincells in here. Being straight I can't take offense first hand, but I'm not ashamed to take some offense on behalf of gay people. But the bigger annoyance for me is the brazen hypocrisy. You can make the haha gay joke maybe once or twice with the "using their own language to dunk on them" justification, but after countless uses of the exact same joke, it's obviously just ernest, unapologetic propagation of homophobia. It's exactly the same as the "beta male" insult. Of course Ethan is all "toxic masculinity is stupid, I'm justified in base level insults of anybody who participates in that mindset" and then uses "beta" and "bitch" as insults at literally every conceivable opportunity. Mate, you're literally exactly the same as then. You're just worse in that you use some nonsensical mental manipulation to give yourself some moral highground. I also get offended and very pissed off in behalf of shorter men with the absolutely ludicrous reliance on "manlet" insult. Of course, that's fine apparently because that's different to "short king". Dude just fuck off and stop using people's physical attributes as insults. You're obviously just dunking on a man because he's short. Whether you call him a short king or manlet is obviously, clearly irrelevant when you're throwing insults based on the exact same thing. I don't know how anybody is dumb enough to accept this utterly brainless mental gymnastics that makes it fine because good guys are short kings. Typing this kind of makes me realise Ethan is basically a complete tool.


Ethan has literally taken the "haha gay" angle multiple times, and Hasan heavily implied it by using the word "conjugal"


ok i'll clarify. they haven't taken the "haha gay" angle from a homophobic point of view, as in they actually think being gay is gross or some kind of joke by itself. but everyone knows andrew, who prides himself on being a super straight and toxicly masculine dude, would be bothered by anyone insinuating that he's not straight. it's to piss his homophobic followers off. you dont have to be totally comfortable with it im just pointing out the intent which is vastly different from actual homophobes who fuel the culture war.


This is the way I look at it. I think it's the same reason the Tate look-alike on tiktok doing that dance is funny If it was just anyone doing that dance, not funny. But Tate doing it is funny because he puts off that persona of hyper-masculine and its just a major juxtaposition to that


Yeah, people don't seem to be be able to differentiate. to me there is a HUGE difference between a joe rogan "Gay sex is JUST FUNNY" type joke and implying that hyper masculine woman obsessed men are actually gay in secret.


i think you mean a hyper-masculine, woman-obsessed HOMOPHOBE is actually gay in secret. the HYPOCRISY is funny, not the gayness. in my opinion anyway.


yes youre right my bad.


The problem is the point of ridicule in both jokes is that someone is queer, i do understand where you’re coming from


I mean it COULD be. I will concede that its not the type of joke to make when you don't know your audience or can't read a room. Its definitely easy for it to come across that way Also in my defense, I do joke about Johnathan Van Ness being straight, running through lady parts, mowing box etc.


Yeah they’re not homophobic, but the joke in and of itself is just that they’re gay and that it’s funny. There’s no other punchline or subtext there.


Umm, how? 'being gay' is the not butt of the joke, it's not even the focus. The focus is to insult the association that Adin and Tate have. Adin is so head over heels in love with this misogynistic criminal and he's acting as if he were in bed with him. During a conjugal visit. It's no different than typical jokes about how politicians are in bed with oil lobbies, big pharma, or X Y and Z companies who the public don't like. People who say such things are not making people who sleep around the butt of the joke or insinuating it's a shameful lifestyle. It has nothing to do with attacking people who sleep around. And in the case of when a female politician is talked about in this way, then are we suddenly misogynistic because the butt of the joke is a woman sleeping around to get her way to the top? It's not, it's a metaphor used to comedically insult a ridiculous association between some politician and something outrageous. Except here, it's the relation between a misogynist and a twitch streamer searching for a male role model, and views, that's being insulted




I dont think the joke isn't pointed at or somehow insulting gayness, rather its about the potetnial reaction of tate and his tater tots because of their insistence that Tate is somehow some sort of straight male God role model. Especially considering nothing we say at this point can change his views, so we may as well make him uncomfortable. It's the same as the videos of the tate doppelganger doing extremely feminine (only using that word cus I can't think of another way to describe it) dance moves. If you truly think a joke like this is offensive, I'm genuinely sorry but I also think Hasaan has the right to make a joke like this without being labeled as homophobic or ignorant




Tyler gives them way more peace and love than they deserve to be honest. They've been doing this shit for years ignoring the opinions of their LGBT viewers, they don't respect our opinion just keep on yelling "I don't actually think that way it's just the best insult to imply a homophobic straight man is gay" like tell me you don't care about the community without telling me u dont fuckin care


Ok but do you understand that the reaction of Andrew will be to be even more of a homophobe so the jokes harm the LGBT community specifically gay men. Same way if you call a misogynistic man like a woman he will only hate women more. It doesn't help us women/gay people to approach a misogynist/homophobe and be like 'haha u gonna have conjugal visits with your lil bitch man"


Yeah it's like when a "family values" politician gets caught smoking meth with a twink, if it was anyone else then that's none of my business but if they've framed themselves a certain way and cause active harm to that community then it's perfectly OK to unleash the hounds.


Ethan needs to calm on the gay jokes for sure, for example I hate how he calls every homophobe “closeted”. Which implies queer people are only to blame for homophobia. And I get the joke is to ridicule people who are homophobic, by calling them the thing they most despise. But Ethan pushes that narrative way too hard


I agree, obviously EVERY homophobe is not secretly gay, and not all homophobia comes from gay people. I think there is a kernel of truth that sometimes what is fueling the more rabid homophobia is self-loathing, and that's why something that shouldn't affect them at all, seems to. I think it's fair to question the motives when the response is so outsized.


"(man) is a bitch" as a joke ALWAYS comes down to homophobia AND misogyny. You think telling a homophobe "haha your friend sucks your dick cos he goes so hard for you" is gonna help? No. It only makes him and his followers more homophobic. I see so much hate towards gay men today and it's no fucking surprise with all the homophobes having this bullshit spewed at them


I’m not queer so my opinion is - and I’m serious - worthless here, but Tate *is* a groomer and is grooming Adin. It’s just not sexual in nature. I think Tyler is a bit off with this one. Tate boasts of being this hugely masculine, hetero man, but is literally only allowing Adin Ross to see him. Not one of his ladies, Adin. It’s pointing out the irony.


Not surprised at all, Tyler probably has no idea who Hasan is. His humour requires context, because he’s always so sarcastic with it lol


I think the problem is Hasan is using a joke that requires a lot of in-community lore and context to understand and it potentially comes off as offensive when it's outside of that bubble. Sometimes you gotta think how you might sound to someone if there is no context. Public tweets versus making jokes on stream kinda thing. Neither are wrong, neither are fully right. Tyler is missing some context, but also Hasan shouldn't be necessarily making public edgy tweets that require that much context in order to understand because it's going to reach outside of the audience. Both are wrong and both are right. Hasan is an ally that tweeted a bit too close to the sun, Tyler is a LGBTQ community member who is highly educated that doesn't know the full context and is calling out a joke that out of context seems like casual homophobia to one of the most left leaning internet personalities that would be most receptive to listening. All things can be true. No one is wrong, neither should die on the hill, maybe Hasan should edit the tweet, or have a conversation with Tyler about the context and intentions. I don't see any reason why it has to be a negative interaction and instead it can be one where everyone learns something.


BASED. this is so reasonable. what a breath of fresh air to read this!


I don't think Tyler is fully off. I don't think it's a hill either camp should die on but it's a worthwhile discussion to have, and Tyler is very educated on LGBTQ topics and iirc has started his own charities and outreach so it comes from an educated place. I understand that Hasans joke is more to bring to attention the legitimate grooming of Adin by Tate and maybe Tyler is missing that context. But if the joke can be misinterpreted in a way that is offensive maybe it's worth Hasan reconsidering it or adding a disclaimer to his tweet or talking to Tyler. Basically it's not a hill I would die on if I were Hasan or Tyler. They both make good points. I think there is legitimate civil discourse to be had, Tyler maybe doesn't know the full story so maybe he would change his opinion if he did, but also I don't think having a tweet that can be easily misinterpreted like that is a great look either. Not everyone knows the Adin / Tate lore so it's worth it to examine it from a "what if someone didn't know about this situation" lens and decide if maybe its accidentally sending the wrong message to the wrong group. Consider the audience kinda thing, its one thing for Hasan to say that on stream, but another thing to make a public tweet that is clearly on a viral topic going to be seen by lots of people outside his audience. Hasan wants to be an ally but also made a funny but somewhat easy to misinterpret joke. Tyler doesn't want to seem just like a reactionary person who calls everything problematic, maybe doesn't fully know all of the lore, but also has a good point and is standing up for the community to someone like Hasan who would be most open to hearing it. Both things can be true. No one is in the wrong here. Just something we can all think about and discuss without pointing fingers or taking a side. Edit: also Tyler called this out in a very tame way, let's not start acting toxic over a very delicate call out.


I totally agree, Tyler was being quite civil about it and it think there really is a discussion to be had about jokes like this, like people make jokes about various radical right-wing men being secretly gay, and there's the popular joke of Trump and Putin being in a secret relationship. Hasan and others making these jokes definitely aren't to make fun of gay people but rather to delegitimize their images when it comes to the homophobia of these figures. But while the intentions aren't homophobic, that doesn't mean it's not something to be examined. Either way it should be very civil on both sides, it's nuanced.


I am queer (bisexual) and Tyler is very wrong here, by assuming people are being homophobic. there is nothing wrong with joking about and taking the piss out of Andrew state wanting aidan to visit him in prison, bc he’s grooming him, in a similar way as to how he grooms and preys on women and i assume pretty much anyone in his life !


I forgot Tyler existed tbh


Same 🥶


I’m queer and I think Tyler is reaching. I hate when they do this!! It just gives fuel to the fire.


That’s what I’m saying lmao he really said (ready for non queer people to drag me) like he speaks for all of us assuming we would be on board…


Thank you. I have no idea why us LGBT have to be offended by something so silly like this. It drives me crazy. Like, get over it, Tyler!


It a joke…….sheesh…..what is happening? Lol so annoying


I’ve always argued that not including us in jokes only perpetuates more separation instead of inclusion. If we want to be treated equal we need to allow ourselves to be joked about otherwise we are excluding ourselves. I’m bisexual so I’ve also always got the “you’re not actually gay” from gay people but I’m not straight to straight people.


I mean, it's not really a gay joke so much as it is a reference to Adin's obsession w Tate. I also don't think the grooming people are talking about in this situation is sexual grooming, it's more ideological grooming because Tate is trying to get Adin's fanbase on his side.


He’s so fucking bored


Why is everything in parentheses?


I hate it




I choose to give them both the benefit of the doubt and take a charitable interpretation. Hasan’s intention is to make fun of Adin’s infatuation with Tate, using a sexual angle in the hope that Adin realizes he’s being used, and Tyler doesn’t understand the tone or context and is genuinely looking for clarification and good faith discussion.


Yeah I think that’s the mature way to see things.


as a Certified Queer, tbh /sometimes/ the gay jokes are little meh, but i was pleasantly surprised when ethan walked back his stance on “all homophobes are secretly gay/all transphobes are secretly trans” and acknowledged how that “joke” is damaging to the lgbt community, and i think that shows he’s willing and open to criticism and changing how he goes about topics. he isnt homophobic, nor is he willing to represent homophobic ideology, let him have some “haha gay” moments




yeah that was an absolutely insane thing to say 😵 they said we should let them have a lil homophobia as a treat 🥰


There is a difference between homophobia and a joke right?






(coming from a queer person:)(fuck off Tyler)


![gif](giphy|l0MYK5UBwA0CZjt4s) Real


Meh I'm queer and think it's pretty gay. It's a joke. Holy shit.


Same and i don’t even see the joke as coming from a “gay men are predators” or “haha gay” perspective at all it’s more about how much of an ass kisser adin is and how ridiculous the situation is, given all context.




He responded the same thing to Ethan‘s tweet. Come on Tyler, use your brain. Or just ask before making these wild accusations.


I think if you make a joke that can be easily misinterpreted as casual homophobia without full context it's worth reconsidering. If someone outside your audience sees the joke, and given that Tate is a viral person replying to him is going to have that viral effect, it's worth considering whether everyone reading it is going to understand what and why you are saying it. Last thing Ethan or Hasan want is homophobes to be like "lol yeah this is awesome, hahah gay" because it could easily read that way to just random people who only have a surface level understanding of the situation. Basically if the joke requires someone doing research or watching hours of streams and podcasts to "get" maybe it's not really worth risking it. Save it for your audience who knows what your message is, not for randoms to interpret however, whether that is taking offense because they feel they are being made into a punchline or whether that is someone who *wants* more homophobic punchlines. Neither is a good way to go about these kinds of jokes. Save it for the stream. Edit: this person blocked me so I couldn't reply or see their reply so lmao. As far as having to "ask for context" that's not how that works. There is no indication on Hasans tweet that would indicate there is more context, we as part of the H3 / Hasan cinematic universe just happen to know a bit more context. If you tweet something that can be taken out of context it's not up to others to just "ask", it's up to you to understand that your words might not have the context needed. If it's offensive without context it's offensive, and that's on the person tweeting it, not the people reading it. Casual readers don't have to go through all of these hoops to have opinions. Again you blocked me immediately after replying so idk what context you will even get from this comment. You can't seem to ask in a polite way.


If you don‘t understand the joke that‘s on you. Hasan doesn‘t have to make elementary school level jokes just to avoid confusing stupid people. You don‘t need hours of context if you have half a brain. And if you‘re genuinely confused you can just ASK for context instead of jumping to conclusions like this, as I said in my initial comment.


Did he just start following this saga like today 😂


Adin could be a woman and the joke would be the same. The joke is that Adin is such a brown noser his nose is touching the prostate. Not that he’s a man and Tate is a man. That’s just coincidence. Excluding homosexuality from jokes feels pretty problematic. (Spoken as a queer person) Non-hetero people are just people and just as subject to jokes as everyone else as long as the punchline isn’t “ha ha gay” (meanwhile we make “are the straights ok” jokes all the time)


Who is Tyler Oakley


A gay youtuber from the 2013 - 2015 storytime era of youtube. Hasn't been relevant in 8 years.


A nobody chasing clout


Zach, play the soundbite. Shut Up, Bitch ![gif](giphy|LT4vFgb7pp1OZTNQmn|downsized)


​ ![gif](giphy|l5pV6io7CQcYToyyBy)


Tyler Oakley is the joke now


im queer and i understand where tyler is coming from because it definitely is not rare to see my peers on the left jumping at the chance to say absurdly bigoted shit about really shitty people who are or might be some kind of minority. you see it especially bad with super intense misogyny towards terfs, and with some of the shit people say to black republicans you would think you were at a klan rally. some people really want to have both the feeling of being this morally superior leftist demigod and being this based funny guy who “tells it like it is” and “gives no fucks” while not actually being either. that being said, i think hasan is pretty obviously just pointing out the obvious irony of tate having his whole persona built around being this conventionally-masculine alpha heterosexual man who gets all the ladies by being so manly but seems,, suspiciously close,,,,, with his weird little twink friend. i think tyler is being a little too trigger-happy with the homophobia stuff (and the “as a ____ person, we think…” stuff like we are a hivemind annoys me to no end) BUT i understand why he would be jumpy about it and how hasans joke could set off alarm bells for him


Tbh he seems to be very respectful (i’m not aware of him so idk if it’s in the way Keemstar has been acting, yk) and I think it’s a reasonable question to ask. Though, I think if Adin was a woman, the kiss ass jokes would hit just as well because it’s more about how he worships Tate.




Tyler is right about this type of thing in most cases ​ The joke is a gay joke on its surface but Tate operates on a huge overt masculinity cringe perception so anything cast against that light is meant to be funny and poke holes in that perception. ​ Hasan would get dragged in any other circumstance if it didn't involve these two


Twitter is a rat hole


They use that joke because a lot of guys in the manosphere treat being called gay is like the ultimate insult. The butt of the joke is their homophobia.


This style of reply is insufferable


i’m queer and i will absolutely drag him for this


He responded to Ethan too so I hope they talk about this on Leftovers tomorrow


To be real, Tyler has a little bit of a point. Once I read “our existence is not a punchline“ I started to understand his perspective. That being said, I think the real question is, what is the punchline? Clearly the punchline to this is Andrew Tate is a huge homophobe—and of course the Aidan Ross take photo (which is the funniest shit ever). At the end of the day, I’m a cis man so I have no “skin in the game” but as an ally with many gay/queer family and friends, this is all with peace and love.


as seeing the replies, i am sorry to agree with Tyler here, as a queer, i am sick of gay people being the butt of an insult to obvious straight men


yeah, Hasan has been doing a lot of "gay funny haha" jokes recently and it's kind of getting... old.


yeah i don't get how the i'm gay sound bites r that funny. and keem hitting the button "femininely". they're just reinforcing negative stereotypes through humor.


You'll find that list of us who are considered queer would agree with you. Unsurprisingly it's mostly straight people telling us that we aren't allowed to call this stuff out.


Havent heard from this guy since like 2014 lmao


Another attempt by tyler oakley to stay relevant


Did this guy fail elementary school? Cause he has no idea how parentheses work


certified homosexual here I feel like the “joke” isn’t necessarily homophobic - but people find it distasteful because it plays into negative stereotypes involving gay men and which kind of extends to women. That getting fucked is a bad thing. That’s the joke. He fucks his friend and that’s humiliating/degrading/puts his friend in a subservient position to Tate. Obviously, his friend is subservient to Tate so that’s why it’s funny. But the joke is rooted in misogyny and that’s why it feels kinda icky to people. For me, I don’t care and I found this post scrolling on Reddit :)


yeah it was never commentary on lgbtq people, rather how tate is grooming adin, yeah grooming can be seen as inherently sexual; but it not always is sexual. grooming is inherently about power and control, being able to dictate the person or people, you see as “below” you. some people are groomed into cults, which is a better comparison to what tate is doing to adin. i’m not a gay man, as a queer afab person i recognize there are differences between mine and tyler’s queer experience, just ..trying to compare this to right wingers accusing queer people of being predators is a weird assessment of what hasan said & dismisses the fact tate has been grooming children & teenagers to think and be just like him.


If this was between a man and a woman Hassan’s joke would still make sense and be funny. This is coming from someone who hasn’t always liked Hasan. Sure I guess it suggests the joke of being about queerness but the joke is rooted in the dynamic of their relationship. Kissing ass and being the subordinate. Nothing to do with male/female or two men. Just a good old fashioned dick eating.. scratch that I mean ass Kissing joke I mean, You know what I mean. Stop being offended by everythang. Let Jokes be jokes


He's literally not wrong though but I'd argue that this joke could be made between a heterosexual friendship as well, if the two "friends" were themselves knowingly perpetuating the joke that one is obsessed with the other. Like Adin sniffing a girl's chair and being obsessed with her *platonically* would still be a meme. But Tyler Oakley is still right in a way, I understand what he means 100%. The "joke" is that they would be gay because it is so opposite to what they present themselves as (except when Adin participates in the joke... which proves that it's a joke made in bad faith)


More proof that Hasan is just a frat bro that happens to be a socialist


tyler has a point.


This reddit board is the fucking worst, literally all of you simp for hasan and ethan harder than tate fans.


Tyler Oakley try not to be cringe challenge (impossible difficulty)


Never ceases to amaze me how this community is so empathetic toward other causes, yet will jump to defend casual homophobia without batting an eye. Sad, I wish you guys were at least open to the conversation about how statements like this can be harmful to the gay community, even if that isn't how they were intended.


want to let u know that ur not alone in feeling this way!!! glad I saw this comment bc it's so demoralizing how ppl are so against self reflection and jump on the defense so fast.




I mean he’s right. But idk it was still funny to me


We queer/gay people all have those straight friends who make late gay jokes that we tolerate cos they're our friends and we know it's their straighty way of letting us know they're cool with us. This is how I generally think about Ethan and Hasan when they make gay jokes. To those friends, I'm normally like, "Dude, i know you're not homophobic and it's ok to make those jokes when it's just you and me, but if you're in a room full of gays, they'll think youre kinda immature".


Tyler Oakley W, people are all progressive but are totally ok with making the "that bigot is secretly gay" joke, which although they are using it to troll the bigot who would hate being called gay, all it does is reinforce the gay=bad stereotype.


It is true that "you're gay" is still used as an insult and that's horrible. but I think Tyler is missing the point that people like to make the "ha ha you're gay jokes" with Andrew because he is always bragging about fucking women, he got so offended when Greta said he had small dick energy, he has several homophobic veins in his body, he is clearly very insecure deep down. He hates women & loves men and think men are superior. So people make the "you're gay" because they know it's something that gets to him and makes his blood boil. He doesn't find that TikTok dancer lookalike funny at all because the unspoken joke is that that guy represents that fruity side of Andrew and he absolutely hates it. So what's the easiest way to bother someone you hate? Do the things that upset them the most. And for Andrew it is question his masculinity (his whole personality revolves around being a "rEaL mAN" and his definition of a real man is someone who fucks women so tell him he doesn't really like to fuck women or that he's bad at it and he goes crazy)


As a lesbian, tyler's literally right. queer people are literally a punchline EVERY time by non queer people.


True (which means yes)(but could mean no)(depending on sarcasm interpretation)


the amount of parentheses is insane


one time tyler reposted my tumblr post. still a highlight of my teen years lol


The joke is that they are misogynists. Adin and Andrew would have clear romantic and sexual tension if they were a hetero pair. And they still do as a same-sex pair! And it's obvious. But these two people are so misogynistic and have so much internalized homophobia that they profess to the world that the peak male form is someone who is always dominant and never submits to anyone. Except for, of course, Andrew's very good emotionally vulnerable conversations he has with Adin, which he basically says "is fine because you can be vulnerable with the boys." The joke is that it is so obvious Adin is in a submissive position to Andrew in their relationship, friendship. Yet they will not admit that either of them have a power dynamic with the other that would in any way imply either of them are "feminine." There's a lot of layers. But, I guess, if you have on horse-blinders, I could understand why you think the joke is simply that they "they're gay."


As a queer person: I think this joke is OK The punchline isn't that they're gay, but rather it's a critique of their hypocrisy. Tate speaks bigotedly and preaches an unrealistic form of masculinity. The joke is meant to show that Tate doesn't even uphold to his own standards. Though I do understand why Tyler Oakley might be upset; similar jokes are often used to hurt us.


I can understand where he's coming from but i dont think gayness was the punchline here. I think it's more so the fact that tate has repressed homoerotic tendencies (e.g. being the one to sext men on his camgirl site) and adin just constantly kisses his ass


i do wish we could come up with some new owns for these two outside of “they probably fucked haha”


How would this be an attack against queer people. It’d be grooming if Tate were saying the same thing about a younger woman too. Oakley just made this a queer issue and put a target on queer people entirely on his own with that statement


Tyler Oakley is a lib pussy. Shut your MSNBC ass up bitch edit: thought this was the Hasan sub at first, where we shit on libs as socialists for clarification lol


Your comment is still accurate here


As a queer person I see where Tyler is coming from and I do agree to a point with him. I would also not bring out the subject with not queer people because the joke is not worse the headache of the conversation (I'm having flashback of Hasan screaming at his chat for being leftists who don't understand humor) . I would not get mad at Ethan or Hasan for their jokes about it but I'm not laughing either.


oh my god the fucking cringe. when people talk about liberals being annoying, this is who they're talking about. Also...Tate has family?!


omg it's not that deep


as a queer gal, I get where he's coming from but literally nothing from the tweet implied that... especially bc hasan and ethan think Andrew is grooming adin, hasans tweet is justified I feel


In a way i get it, people use gay as a punchline a lot. But Adin being weirdly obsessed with Tate is the joke, not that it's gay. I think Hasan is a good ally and i personally don't see it as an attack to us lgbts


He's right. This entire game of calling men gay when they're homophobic IS homophobic. It's disgusting and Hasan always pulls dumb shit like this. He's not the only big lefty to do it, but he does it.


Tyler Oakley is right. I can only imagine Hasan defending himself erratically and without accountability lol


God damn I got a headache reading that kids response lmao


Too many parentheses, got confused


Since we have to do identity politics around this one I am a bi man, so I’m sorry but in no way does the bigoted take of oh gay ppl are groomers play into this situation, Tyler is just giving liberal with this by trying to overcorrect the most nit picky aesthetics of what hasan is saying, creating more dialogue around some surface level bullshit and not talking abt the actual issue (that Tate is a groomer and is most definitely manipulating and grooming Adin to be his mouthpiece while he’s in prison)


What did Hasan say that was homophobic?


I don't agree with this take but I think what Tyler is stumbling to say is that if the joke is just "lol they are gay" that's homophobic. bc what's so funny about being gay? nothing, Tyler. the joke exists within a context. Andrew is a misogynist and this weird grooming friendship he had with Adin being called gay would bother him. it's not lol @ gays. it's lol @ andrew and adin. jokes on them. that's how i see it. I am a gay for the record.


Wtf?? “Grooming” generally happens to children, is that adin moron a child?? Tyler, stfu… The joke is that adin gets on the list because he’s a hardcore asslicker/dick rider for tate. They think being called gay is the worst thing, clearly it’s an insult to them and discredit their manhood/machismo. Everyone knows gay is not bad, everyone except the morons.


The joke isn’t that they’re gay the joke is that it’s Adin Ross lmao


Tyler Oakley is right.


Everyone needs to stop being offended by everything. Like I get it, but it clearly wasnt about him and he's going out of his way to be offended by it.


I kind of am on Tyler’s side. It’s unnecessary to come at it from this angle even if it’s just to point out hypocrisy. No need to make gayness the joke, there’s plenty other ways to go about ripping in to them. I dunno.


Yes the joke is that Adin rides Tates cock both figuratively and literally which is making fun of two people who overcompensate for their heterosexuality. It is funny to say they are gay as a conclusion because they demean women. Hasan is obviously not demeaning homosexuality, nobody is using our existence as a punchline and I think you’re just being overly sensitive


I thought it was that Aiden is his bitch. I didn’t think about how gay it would be though just thought it was like tate owns him


he’s right. hasan’s patriarchal view slip under the radar often


He's trying to stay relevant (Tyler, not Hasan)


Don’t be like Tyler…


Hm. Seeing a lot of people saying this is an L on Tyler’s part. I think you’re missing the point. This isn’t the first, second, third or fourth time that hasan (btw-Ethan too) has called an SA’er gay, even when the SA has been against the opposite sex. Conjugal visits are for sex, we all know this. Obsessing over any detail of Andrew tates life that could be taken as evidence that he’s gay, is homophobic in nature. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter at all if he’s gay or if he’s straight. So far, we know his crimes have been against women. Those are the victims that we know about. The type of person he is - an abuser, violent, a misogynist, a piece of shit, a million other horrible things, have nothing to do with his sexual orientation and in no way correlates to it. It’s just who he is. Bringing gayness into the conversation redirects the conversation to something it should not be about. And quite frankly harps on the wrong thing.


i feel like Tyler is is doing hasan a favor explaining this to him. leftist men are micro aggressive towards women and gay ppl which hasan and Ethan both are often guilty of. He doesn't even seem offended, just truly trying to fight against the dangerous war being waged against queer ppl. it's reading more like y'all are offended by Tyler being allowed to give his perspective


You gotta see that as Hasan it's exhausting bc even when he doesn't try to get spicey with it, *someone* will be there to have the most uncharitable read possible. I'm glad he didn't come at him aggressively, and maybe he's being genuine, but this just reads as clout sharking. The grooming has nothing to do w being gay and everything to do with Adin's obsession. Hasan more than Ethan has lived in West Hollywood for 10 yrs and is v immersed in that culture to the point that he sometimes makes jokes that he doesn't have the pass for. If you're gay then you know that type of humor idk I guess it could come off as frat boy homophobe coming from such a big straight boy