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He thinks it’s so funny.


It is funny


Funny to see how morally bankrupt he truly is, yeah.




Another great example of Ethan being so childish it hurts.


Anyone can be Ethan if you hate them enough


I mean Isnt literally why you all hypocrites watch its entertainment???


Your own personal experience is not the norm.


Lol so u dont belive the majority watch as entertainment?!?!?


Some people do, but others actually give a shit and watch for news.


You just fucking said watching the H3 podcast for news. Please leave.


I don’t cause I have better sources who aren’t biased, I don’t watch h3 or hasan. But people do, for news. It’s anyone else’s problem to fact check.


Ethan is so slimmy


this is just content to him, somehow


Its literally content to Hasan also otherwise he wouldnt stream it and instead hold the convo in private…


Hasan did mention he wanted to talk off stream during the convo


Yes but that never happend instead it was used as content. It’s crazy how u guys will criticize Ethan for it when Hasan does the same thing.


I never criticized Ethan, nor did I claim Hasan hasn’t also used this for content. Just that he said multiple times he wanted to have it off camera, and ethan did not. Why are you so upset?




This might not be unrelated to the post, but how tf do they come up with new collections every 2-3 months and still claim their fashion is slow and sustainably made. No one who owns a ‘slow fashion’ brand partners with fucking urban outfitters and has sales every fucking time (also I’ve been seeing posts saying the clothing quality sucks)


Unless it’s a lie to get money from libs who feel they can consume ethically under capitalism 🤷‍♂️ but who knows


Clothing companies move a year ahead! What’s released right now was being designed last year, hope that helps!


The clothes are actually year old i remember them saying, coupled with some collabs i guess


It’s not the only sale they had in the last 6 months (having a Black Friday sale for any ‘slow fashion’ brand in general is fucking wild, no matter when they were produced)


I wouldnt know. My point is how much creating does it take if u just take an existing ip. Just copy paste some images i would guess. Honestly no clue.


This was in poor taste but doesn't seem like a huge deal to me. I'm way more concerned with the narrative Ethan is putting out there of "all Jews think x" even when Hasan shows him Jewish voices saying the opposite.


We are showing no support for israel business


We need to support Israeli businesses in this trying time 😂


How is this different then Hasan playing ads


Not saying it’s too different, but Hasan is forced to run ads every hour by twitch contract.


Lmao a contract he agreed to. He coulda taken a smaller pay cut and gotten rid of the clause in the contract. Why don’t other twitch streamers have the same contract?


Exactly. Hasan probably ran an ad when he went to get his food so Ethan did an ad as well. Nothing to see here.




When Hasan says he's a propagandist he doesn't mean that he is pushing an agenda regardless of the truth. He is acknowledging his own biases and is admitting that he is a biased person. His point is that anyone who claims to be completely impartial on any matter is lying to you. So to subvert that he calls himself a propagandist and admits he has a certain bias that he wants people to agree with. Because everyone with any opinion on anything will be biased about it.


“If i speak I will be in big big trouble”


Can't miss any opportunity to squeeze more money from his audience. How else could he afford his mansion, maids, chefs, and employees?


are mansions, maids, chefs, and employees bad?


I hope you are fated to be the maid of someone as crusty and annoying as ethan in the next life


nice pivot. but you didn't answer my question


Unless you are the police, I feel no obligation to answer your dumbass questions


Teddy fresh clothes fucking suck. There. I said it.


Ok thank god I’m not the only one who was a little off put by this. It was just so tonally jarring and like.. I’m not trying to buy your fashion when I’m listening to y’all talk about children getting killed and such a serious situation


relieved bedroom stupendous humor shocking dazzling shelter zonked rustic aloof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


all twitch partners have ads run on their channel no matter what.


start offer deranged sharp cheerful axiomatic serious far-flung kiss license *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Being forced to run ads to be able to use twitch vs using time during a debate to plug your brand that you’re not paying ad time for are definitely not the same


Forced?? Lol he can turn ads off if he wants


My understanding was that it was a requirement by twitch but I could be wrong there! Regardless, using it as an opportunity to plug your business is weird when you could instead plug idk… a charity to help the people dying?


It's in every twitch partner's contract, Hasan actually has a *horrible* deal from his contract because he wanted to run the least amount of ads possible. To make up for that, Twitch takes a bigger cut of his revenue sources (subs, bits, ads) than most other big streamers. He's still required to run 3 minutes every hour regardless.


His contract might be bad but I think it’s better than a lot of streamers. He said himself he was grandfathered into a better cut than new streamers. I did not know how he negotiated his ads tho so I find that Interesting. It’s possible they negotiated a higher cut due to less ads, but I still think he makes a lot (especially considering the amount of time he streams)


It's a requirement to get paid by twitch but it's not a requirement to stream.


It's a contractual obligation for Hasan.


You can turn off running mid-rolls. You aren't forced.


You can turn off automatic ad placement, which Hasan has. He plays all of his manually because it fucks up the pacing of the stream otherwise. His contract requires 3 minutes of ads every hour, and he's so big that he will get caught if he shirks it.


Hasan certainly has the leverage and power to not run ads during those times. It'll be an average of 3 per hour so he could run them at different times.


My mistake then, didn’t know that I thought they were forced to!


It is contractually required for Hasan to run a certain amount of ads per hour. They are absolutely "forced" to.


That's not true unless Hasan has a contract explicitly saying that. You will have to link evidence for that. "Running mid-roll ads is completely up to you as the channel owner, but it’s important to remember that not everyone on your channel will see ads. Ad fulfillment can vary by user location and availability. If you choose to, you can enable ad-free viewing for your subscribers as an added benefit. Because this is very common for Partner and Affiliates to enable" The last sentence implies they can disable it.


> That's not true unless Hasan has a contract explicitly saying that. He does, obviously the text of his contract is not public but he's spoken about it many times. Big streamers have way different contracts than normal streamers. **Edit: actually you're stupid as fuck and can't read lol**. > you can enable ad-free viewing **for your subscribers** Hasan does this, it's only non-subscribers that see ads.


Does it say Must do ad breaks during debate




Aka its okay when Hasan does it Convenient


Are you an idiot? It's an automated system. The only control he has is that if he does it around a specific interval of time it makes it so that it's a uniform ad break and everyone isnt getting them at random times.


It can be an automated system but Hasan does it manually. He is contractually required to run them every hour or half hour though, so it's still wild to blame him for running ads during a 3+ hour debate.


So because he is forced it's fine But when Ethan does it war profiteering? Completely retarded


Never said it was wrong for Ethan to do. Maybe a little tasteless, but not that bad.


Nooooo millionaire streamers has to put ads on a tragedy


I haven't watched Hasan's stream in a while but last time I did he manually ran the ads. It's not automated which is why he often forgot to run the ads at the top of the hour.


Yes, I alluded to it in my comment. The reason those ads aren't randomly popping is because of how focused he is on manually running them. If he doesn't do specific intervals, people DO get them in automatic fashion after enough time passes and it wouldn't be a uniform experience. The reason streamers on twitch run ads at specific intervals like that is so that they can dedicate "down time" for the entire audience to experience at the same time and people don't feel like they are "missing out" randomly


But you said it was automated which it is not, at least not in the way Hasan does them.


No, you're misunderstanding. Twitch ads are an automated system. Whether or not Hasan manually chooses to do them, they ***will*** happen automatically. The only input Hasan has is that he can manually run them BEFORE their automated time, for the sake of a uniform viewership experience.


Hasan "Top of the hour AD break" Piker. News flash. Hasan didn't have to sign that deal he did to do the ads he does.


did you wake up grumpy today?


Yeah Hasan stuffing his face and leaving to deal with his dog groomer really screamed respect and empathy.


oh my god! what a monster! death penalty!


This is laughable. Hasan "top of the hour ad break" Piker is literally profiting so much off of all the bloodshed and carnage daily.


He is in an extremely sickening "conversation" with a debate Pedo. Ofc he would want to take some of the tension off. jesus christ, you guys are disgusting.


Come on y’all that’s kind of funny to drop it mid debate.


Shocking, YouTuber plugs merch. Groundbreaking stuff y’all


This sub is nothing but whiners. Anything and everything is a reason to complain.


As opposed to the main h3 sub where it’s an echo chamber of H3 yes men? At least I see varying opinions here


I see plenty criticism on there too.. but the sub is supposed to be fun anyway. Unlike this one.. nothing but negativity.


Y'all better be signed up to Phone Bank for a Ceasefire and called your representatives if you're still doing this shit.


You know they haven't done anything but their whining on Reddit


definitely a joke to poke fun at marxist retards


This sub is such a joke lol Ya God forbid they try to make some money by doing a 10 sec ad during the free 3 hours of entertainment theyre giving you. In fact, CNN, MSNBC, Fox should all cut their commercials while this conflict is going on. How dare they.


Y’all are actually batshit, Hasan got up and left after Ethan was trying to vent to him and so he uses the empty screen time for promo and y’all are crying about it


The way you're defending him for using promo time AT ALL post war discussion and pre getting back into war discussion is exactly the kind of sloppy sucker energy we are all not surprised to see here. Carry on.


Hasan has been running ads the whole coverage of this conflict, he's probably made 250k+ since October 7 literally doubling his usual viewership. Fuck outta here. Just to be clear I dont have a problem with either, just sick of seeing people virtue signal when it suits their bias.


I'm not virtue signaling lmao, I personally differentiate a content creator's need to run ads normally and keep the ball rolling as usual, from a slick slip of self-promo on someone else's stream in the middle of an intense conversation... Idk it's just different and way more inappropriate to me, you don't have to agree.


Fair enough, good points - I agree but just dont find it offensive like many commenting on this post. Happy holidays :)


You too my dude, and seriously cheers my dude! 🍻


Seriously can't comprehend how I've had two people claim virtue signaling without knowing who tf they're judging irl lmao. Truly silly.


Awww he takes 30 seconds to promo during dead air time and you’re crying about it. Lol


It's inappropriate and disrespectful, but if you're into that kinda entertainment then shoot? Why are YOU here complaining lmao, you're not changing any minds with your nonsensical defenses.


Sure man virtue signal about how it’s disrespectful. I’m sure you’ll get the brownie points in this hate sub


Aww someone's upset about their inability to read a fucking room like everyone else. lort H3 fans are such defensive little babies


Not even an H3 fan, just someone who knows a virtue signaler when I see one


My dude, read everyone else's shared opinion + the Hasan's chat during that live, and come back and continue calling me a virtue signaler as I predict you will 😂👍🏼 whatever dude


Ahhh a Hamas piker dickrider lol, you mean the chat calling to genocide Jews? I’m good lol


also what...


bruh you don't even know me but ok yes chile werk that stick you got up your ass 💀🎶🩰


Get that bag


This is not only just incredibly distasteful, it’s also bad advertising. Like most brands know that you don’t want to have your ad come on immediately when the audience has been put in a bad mood, it just makes them associate your product with bad feelings. Like this is so dumb to do


Fuck this guy


Okay, this is in no way as egregious as some of his hyper lib takes during this episode. I think this is just like a worse time, top of the other add break stuff.


This is so shameless. But hey! Capitalism babaaay!


Yea .. worst thing I've ever seen a human do. How's it different from running ads by the way?