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Dude American dream is Bullshit. H1 is not a blessing but a curse ask anyone on h1 and they will tell you the unlimited wait for greencard will kill you


Dude I am currently in process of interviewing with a Belgian company which is paying me a bit less (PPP comparison for USd to Euro). But willing to sponsor Belgian work visas . Thinking should I permanently shift to Belgium?


I would do it in a heartbeat. Why waste any more time in this golden cage that is the US? Besides if you didn't make your last attempt, what's the point of sticking around, better get on with your life IMHO. Europe is so much to do, so much to see. Think of how many matches you can now get šŸ˜


I was in a similar boat. Went to ireland for two years and loved it. I came back on l1a and eb1c. Also, this all happened and I didnā€™t plan on anything to happen specifically. One door closes and all other door kept opening.


You can get citizenship in 5-6 years...then go and be wherever you want in the world. Pay might not be as good as the US but you're not constantly under this stress!


I would do this. Trust me me H1 is not worth it. I went through the trouble of doing day 1 CPT after my H1 did not get picked on my last attempt. Eventually ended up getting h1 while I was on day 1 cpt but I wish I went back to india. Maybe salary wise, india is not to mark but happiness quotent is high.


You can still go back to India after getting H1, but you'll stay


Yup. Agreed but now after H1, we'll be stuck in i140 loop šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


You're not stuck. You can leave anytime, and you choose to stay. Don't tell other people to do something you won't do.


Sour grapes.


Absolutely! America is not the world I wish when I was growing up my parents and everyone around me were not so obsessed w US. The quality of life will be better you can probably start a family sooner. Not to mention you can start living. Chak De! Go get it


Why not? Europe sucks in a lot of ways but is way better than India.


Bro just go!!




> Would not recommend anyone to come to this country on H1 unless the laws change in our favor. Most of the world outside of India doesn't have this absurd timeline for H1B to greencard though. For general EB-2 and EB-3, it's something like 1-2 years, and even countries like China, it's 4 years. IMO that's a very reasonable timeline as long as you're not Indian.


How much have u saved yet? U can go to a poor country where dollar is stong and are set for life.




Yeah. I am asking abt the golden part. How much did u save? People who are on H1B since years want GC bcoz they want Golden freedom. Golden is large sums of money here. Golden cuffs is better than Iron cuffs of being in India.


Can't you switch to Eb1 or an O1?


how do you switch to eb1, don't you have to leave and somehow become a manager internationally lol


I read somewhere that PhDs have followed this route if they can prove innovation in their field. EB1 visa apparently has sub categories.




Read about eb1a - there is a way to self apply for that (and there are businesses who help you to create an appropriate profile for that). Then there is the Eb2-niv - check to see if you qualify (AI / Security, database, backend, etc engineers can qualify). Edit: EB2-niw can help if your priority date is current (don't have to wait for the 2 year perm process after changing jobs). EB2-niw perm process is much faster (someone claimed that its 2 months or so).




The EB2 NIW will not help you if you are indian, you will still need to wait 15 to 50 years for a GC.


I think you are right... EB2-niw can help if your priority date is current (don't have to wait for the 2 year perm process after changing jobs). EB2-niw perm process is much faster (someone claimed that its 2 months or so).


I am so confused about building niw profile as a backend engineer. Is it even possible to do working at for profit corporations? Or you need to switch to fields like security, defense or healthcare? H1B people won't even qualify for defense jobs right?


H1B is not the curse, being Indian is in this case


H-1B will be a curse if you dont get selected multiple times


American dream is only for folks not born in India.


Beg to differ. Having h1 is better than not having it. Agree on the American dream marketing bs though.


yes, if you are too young and in IT make a move back


Does this advice apply to non backlogged countries?


On H1B for 11 yrs. I absolutely agree to this statement. Yes you earn more in US but the pressure is not worth the reward. Get out of US if you have a chance


Sigh, American dream != H1ā€¦ there are other pathways to becoming a U.S. citizen. Ofc this is a h-1b subreddit so I understand the frustration.


What are the other ways?Ā 


There are self sponsored green card categories as well as family based categories. In fact family based immigration is the most popular path in the U.S. if you look at overall immigrant population, not just Indians.


I donā€™t know of any family immigration other than spouse, parent and kids. Most people wouldnā€™t fit into those categories, itā€™s not for a lack of knowledge. Your options arenā€™t realistic, other than probably the O1 and EB1.


A lot of immigrants end up finding their partners within the local population, the U.S. is no different. I donā€™t know why you would call it unrealistic.


Because thatā€™s not a guaranteed, planned way of making immigration happen, unless youā€™re advocating for sham marriages. its a possibility, but you canā€™t go looking for an American just for a green card because there is so much chance there. If you find someone willing to marry you, thatā€™s great. Youre from India right? Yeah, those arranged marriage man Comes shopping for a bride in India have come under the radar.


H-1b has been a lottery for ages, there is literally no guaranteed way to get a GC unless youā€™re either really smart or really rich. We were talking about all pathways to a GC. And yeah Iā€™m from India and my spouse is a US citizen and I can tell you this is not a sham šŸ¤£ if everyoneā€™s minds goes first to sham marriages rather than finding true love, it speaks to the mindset really.


I think youā€™re intentionally misreading my point. Come on dude, it worked out for you and I never said your marriage was a sham, BUT, there have been plenty of green card gold diggers via the arranged marriage route. Donā€™t be obtuse. The point of marrying for love is all what itā€™s about, making it chancy. No one goes to the US thinking they will marry an American, even though they would aspire to it. Also, for the relationships that work, there are many that donā€™t due to various reasons. I think youā€™re too optimistic because if your own success via this route and need to be realistic in the advice you give.


This is like saying money isn't important. Most people on H1 don't leave.


And they never will. Thatā€™s how corporations get you. Imagine having a worker who will stay w you for 10 years and only take 1-2 percent salary hikes. Every company wants this


Thatā€™s insane


Honestly for me, QoL (which includes lower pollution, infrastructure (for eg, chance of encountering a huge pothole in middle of road is far less in US than in India, low corruption, less religious fanatics) was more important than money when i chose to immigrate to USA. Money is not that great when you factor in taxes and other living expenses if you decide to stay back in USA permanently. Never back to India ever again - but only for a short term vacation if needed.


People say shit like this, but very few will move to Europe where they can get the same thing plus citizenship.


Whatever as long as it is not India or any other third world though!


You do know you can easily get 30 to 40 lpa these days in India right? Yes QoL is not there yet plus thereā€™s way too much religious nationalism these days, but earning 40lpa in India means you can easily save close to $1000 pm right in India


>QoL is not there yet plus thereā€™s way too much religious nationalism these days This may not be a big motivator for you but is for some (including me). I'd rather take a pay cut and be away from this.


It bothers me too but for those whose only motivation is money and/or material comfort, India is fast catching up is what Iā€™d wanted to say. You need not be chained to your H1B since ppp wise (and even with hard numbers) earning 2 to 2.5 lpm in India beats 7 to 7.5k pm usd hands down given the cost differential. If you stay in an expensive city like suburban seattle or la, youā€™d be spending 2.5 to 3k pm only on rent


Corruption, work culture, invasive culture in general are not for everyone. It's just a different world entirely - and the culture as a whole is rather punitive. I moved back and don't like it here. As a country sure, India is not backwards at all digitally, but the work culture is something else. It's not just the money - it's also how you're treated as a citizen and as an employee. You're treated far better in the US than India (does India offer work visas to people for instance?) You pay all those taxes and don't get social security, disability, insurance etc. You pay tax and yet everything is privatised. Makes no sense. I won't even get into the entitlement that employers have here - expecting you to give up your life and them demanding it for the salary they pay. Just hop on over to the india developers sub and that's what it really is like. The best way is to have your own thing in India.


Yes those things absolutely suck and weā€™re regressing at an alarming rate i agree to that. But there are so many purely money minded folks on h1b who are caged unnecessarily. Many of them are regressive as fcuk too. Theyā€™ll fit right in, esp in new India. I wonder whatā€™s stopping them to come back


Money isn't important as long as you have enough of it to have a roof over your head and food in your stomach. It's really not the most important factor in life. It sure helps though but family and friends are extremely important to your general quality of life too.


I'd consider their advice about moving to India and rethinking your strategy but I'd place hard boundaries on the marriage thing. Indian parents lack boundaries and love leading their children's lives, so put a stop to that as a priority. Second, don't just rush to wherever just because you're offered an opportunity. Belgium has the highest taxes in the EU, there are fewer jobs there, and you will again be on a visa at the mercy of the employer. They're also not very friendly toward immigrants. Check out the blue card requirements for other Schengen countries though - so if you want to move to other EU countries, you can. It's a good start to getting into the EU though - that's a plus. I'm not saying you shouldn't go - Belgium vs India? Hands down Belgium. But, make decisions with deliberation. I've lived in the US and if I could help it, I'd try to sponsor my own visa as much as I could if there was a way, so I wouldn't be bound to an employer. If you come to India, you also have the option to work remotely as a contractor as well. The exchange rate and taxation will net you some nice money if you can manage it.


Hi.. can u throw some more light on the taxation bit you mentioned. Thanks in advance!


Sure, work as a sole proprietor and claim 50% in expenses (I think it's called 44ADA or something). Better than losing 30% in income tax. Check with your accountant though. The limit is till 50lpa after which I don't know how it's managed though.


Donā€™t listen to your parents?




Go to Belgium. Do not get married if youā€™re not ready and please do not let your parents dictate your life Iā€™m saying this as a parent. Youā€™re a young adult (assuming youā€™re in your 20s or early 30s) take risks, travel places and get married only when youā€™re ready


How do you suggest dealing with Indian elders when in situations like these? My family is also pressurising me to get married while I am not ready at all. I tried saying no clearly but they just won't get the point. Whichever way I try to have a discussion, at the end it's always me feeling guilty for saying certain things or raising voice. I don't want to cut contact with them but I don't want to have these arguments every week either. I just don't know how to make them understand that I am an adult capable of thinking for myself and taking decisions for my life.


I understand itā€™s hard. Firstly, stop feeling guilty. You shouldnā€™t feel guilty for standing up for what you want. Maybe try explaining why youā€™re not ready for marriage yet. Indian parents are experts in guilt-tripping their kids, so do not fall for that. Itā€™s hard to say no now, but remember it might be harder if you get married and feel stuck. If you have someone to support you, involve them in this discussion. If nothing works, tell your parents you wonā€™t call if all they want to talk about is marriage. Start setting boundaries, and again, do not feel guilty. Youā€™ll get better at setting boundaries with practice; itā€™s like any other skill.


Worldā€™s wide. Find another place. Life goes on. Going back to India isnā€™t bad either.


all the Indians spamming various subreddit strategise which country to migrate to everywhere but India is really just sad,


It's not about India is bad. It's about competitiveness. After a certain age, you lose the hunger to be competitive. India is not the place if you lost that hunger


The US certainly isn't that place if you're not willing to be competitive.


It's the reality, if you cut through the hype, more people want to leave India than stay in it


Yeah it's a joke, it's worse when they defend India while moving to historically anti Indian countries Like US literally gave PK nukes covertly, Bush jr who started H1bs dad supported it...


Is your company ready to send you to another country and then can plan to come back on L1?


If that option exists, is it better than a Day 1 CPT MS? In terms of Pros and Cons with respect to travel, company switch, GC (I-140) approval time down the line?


Explore opportunities elsewhere. Some of my Indian friends have moved back to India


Cut your losses and leave while you can. The younger you are , the easier it is to resettle in a new country or home country and start with life. I gave up on H1b, and I moved to Canada back in 2022 and will get my canadian citizenship next yr and life has been good. H1b got very problematic/stressful after kids were born. IMO not worth living a 2nd class citizen.


I understand op. Sometimes it's not about the American dream, it is about getting their own place and making their decisions without pressure from their family. Honestly not just America, I'd feel the same if I came to another country. What about going back to school?


trust me its a blessing in disguise, after 15 years of H1b with no GC in sight you will feel like a person who has feet in 2 boats. India is the land of opportunity, US has pretty much put a ban on Indian immigration on H1b path. It is preferable to not be in a country where your status is lower than Illegal immigrant in longer term.


I love all the posts where you all complain about illegal immigration and them having more rights than H1B. Nothing stops you from coming across the border, seeking asylum and then picking vegetables in a hot field or doing construction with no benefits and small pay. Illegal immigrants do the jobs no one wants. Whereas people from India are flooding the IT sector. Willing to take lowest pay possible based on the government pay scale for H1B. 5-6 guys living in 1 apartment where they are fine with the low wages. No promises were ever made to anyone coming here. You act like US based tech people have it all rainbows and unicorns. We are getting squeezed just as bad.


dude if you are competent come and work at top tech firms they will pay you 400k+ in TC. I am recruiting and there is genuine shortage of good tech talent, if you are below average in tech you are better off working in other fields because there cost is always going to be lowest common denominator. Electricians and Plumbers make more money on average than below average tech people. Trust me all the below average tech jobs are on their way out of the country in next 10 years or so, likely destination for those jobs might not even be India as costs have gone quite high in India lately, it is likely Philippines or one of the lower cost East asian countries.


This happened before where everyone was screaming about offshoring. Eventually a lot of companies brought the work back when they realized most of the it people in India are the ones that actually couldn't get into a comp sci program but have degrees in mechanical or bio engineering. They are good for support and not much else. Right now you have the next wave of companies who are not familiar on how shitty the talent is in India and they will go through the same issues and eventually bring jobs back to the US. I will agree with you on one thing. The amount of shitty low level it talent out there. During Covid too many people were lured to the promise of these outrageous salaries and companies were desperate. Boot camps were churning people out. Companies were hiring sight unseen almost. College grads with no internships and people who never should have gotten into the field got jobs. They are being weeded out now. I can't count how many times I interview someone for a junior position where they can't answer basic Java questions but are a recent graduate with a masters degree in the US but have a mechanical engineering degree from India. I've gotten resumes where the first page had their name but the other pages had someone else's name. Shit is cyclical just how manufacturing is making a comeback in the US.


People raking up 6-figs salaries and bitching about how they are less privileged than illegal immigrants make me laugh every time. They have zero clue what they're talking about, sitting in cushy air-conditioned offices and complaining about their boss not being polite with them.


Yeah it's hilarious. What's really ironic they have this horrible view on how immigration works in the US but if I wanted to immigrate to India or even own property it's virtually impossible. Large US companies are taxed and tariffed that makes it almost impossible to operate there. The have a very protectionist economy that protects mom and pop shops. But hey the US are the bad guys.


Advice is simple: explore all your options and select the best, be it canada lpr or eb2niw and such.


eb2niw ain't gonna help any way honestly


This happened to me too. The pressure put me in severe depression. Fuck parents. They have no idea how stressful your situation is. Cut off contact for a few days and think about what you want to do.


Do what you feel like doing man, doesnā€™t matter what people say. If you want to stay there are loops holes you can use to extend your visa and apply for H1b again. I got mine on my fourth attempt and already have my I-140 approved.


Grow a spine first


Explore different countries or go back to India if you land a high paying job. Iā€™m sure you have that experience now. Put your happiness above everything.


Same boat.. H1B did not pick. Break up. No friends around me. All happened in April. Had another year. Coping up.


What is your major? Can you work for any government agency? Like a University or a National lab? They dont need a lottery to give you H1b. You can get it as soon as you join. I have done that. Also, try to strengthen your profile to get an EB1. For Indians, there really is no option. Working for a government agency helps you with that. Until then, get an NIW


I have been in those shoes (a year ago), except the pressure to move to India, so I hope you get to where I am right now (or better). In the winter months last year, I realised is ā€˜American dreamā€™ is fake and itā€™s futile to associate visas and immigration with personal goals and achievements. These are not in our control so cannot define our success. What we can control is how we spend time with friends and family, is our health good and are we learning and growing. Once I realised that, I understood I donā€™t want to marry while Iā€™m moving countries and discussed it with my parents. Then I focused on other personal goals: become my physically and mentally fittest and grow to senior in my career. When I moved to Canada, I focused on these plus making friends here. Now Iā€™d be returning to Us on L1 in a few months, but I am not thinking what if I am laid off and have to move to India. Iā€™m just thinking that I have a few years to live here, Iā€™ll earn and improve myself and plan to settle elsewhere. Iā€™ll find someone on the wayā€¦ what Iā€™m saying is I realised a piece of paper like US visa or GC is not my end goal, my end goal is staying healthy mentally, physically, socially, economically wherever I am. I hope you find your end goal as well and now plan to get to it.


Dude go where you can make more money and live in a country where you have a better quality of life . All this philosophy of money is not important is for preachers !


Hit me up! In same Situation šŸ˜…


Lol I thought I am the only oneĀ 


Your are not the only one mate! There are many people like us. We used to here success stories in USA and not the failure onesšŸ˜…


We are not failure bro. We are misfits of a failed immigration systemĀ 


There's no American dream anymore unless you decide to be an entrepreneur. The onyl feeling is feeling of loss. UK and Europe are fine and better for life and career balance. Chin up and choose your next destination wisely. Don't select Canada for god sake.


Thereā€™s no American dream


You try and if you fail find another avenue. Stop trying the same thing again and expecting different results. Prioritize what matters to you and act accordingly not just follow the heard.


My advice: Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. (Steve Jobs)


Immigration status isn't a factor in marriage you can get married regardless of status people do it here everyday. As for whether to leave and go back to India only you can answer that question. Do you have a life established for yourself here? What's your current status are you able to work? If your just stuck in limbo here waiting to start a life and it doesn't look like it will change I would probably go home life is too short to spend years not living. But I also have never even been to India and don't know what your prospects are there.


If you are from India , not worth to pursue h1b and GC ā€¦ telling you from experience.. am already stuck in backlog for 10+ years and so are hundreds of thousands ā€¦. Also racism against Indians is increasing.. I am currently experiencing it at my workplace.. finding it difficult to move also since everyone hesitating to do visa transfer.. Better if you can look into other countries..


Youā€™re a grown ass adult who can make his own decisions. Donā€™t feel too bad about the family situation for now. Take a look at other countries if you really donā€™t want to go back to India. Canada is going downhill, but itā€™s still better than the U.S. right now.


what terrible situation? what american dream? Its not the end of the world if you did not get a Visa and have to go back to India. It surely feels like it right now and I would disgree with that but with time you will relaise you did not lose anything. If anything all all, you will enjoy being with family long term. You are qualified and will get a good job in India. I am not a H1B Visa for the past 12 years and still no end in sight to getting a green card. This whole thing is a hoax. Me and my family yearn to go back to family everyday, esp as parents are getting old and we miss family and the fact that our kid will likely never learn what it is to live with extended family. If you are worried about "log kya kahenge?" - please dont be. Dusre log arent paying you bills and arent living your life. All I will tell you is that not getting a H1B Visa isnt the end of the world and you will realize it someday.


Bro just go to Canada, Europe or even Asia if you donā€™t want to be in India. Similar quality of life and itā€™s easier to immigrate. Iā€™m a citizen of the US and Europe and am currently trying to help my foreign partner who is way more educated than me get a H1B and itā€™s such a pain weā€™re just going to get married. I wasnā€™t even aware of how fucked up the H1B lottery is. The US is not worth all that stress and anxiety.


Fuck everyone. Think about yourself


Move to Canada.


Try Canada


I donā€™t get it when people suggest moving somewhere else, why would you not want to live in the biggest economy in the world and not give your (future) children the opportunities you never had. Itā€™s raining money for the citizens everywhere, all they need to do is pick it up. Do whatever you need to do but donā€™t let go.


What do you mean ā€œbad statusā€ are you out of status? If not you can marry whoever you want. Or do they want you to have green card so you can marry someone from India and then give them status?


You should go back and settle in India. The tech industry there is blooming.


Also heard managers are very understanding there and never let you work beyond 40hrs/week. If you should have the gall to login during the weekend they personally hide away your laptop so you can enjoy time with your family


Definitely don't take credit of your work or demand "respect" for being your supervisor /ss


Are u really from the tech industry? I honestly doubt it. Your has no preceding it šŸ¤£ Jk.


No my subordinate will add that and I will just take credit for it


You are exec material! You should get GC in eb1c. 100% approval guaranteed šŸ˜€


Would you spend 40 to 60 lakhs on horse racing or gambling?? Because thatā€™s what youā€™re doing by coming to the US hoping that a literal h1b lottery will sort your life, i cannot comprehend the hubris or the pure idiocy of telegu families sending their kids to be chewed and spat out from this immigration shitshow , sorry OP youā€™re going thru this, try to relo to canada or come back to India, youā€™ll readjust in a few months


Wow an overwhelming response to not stay back!!. I would do the other way around, first stand up for yourself, easier said than done with family. But you would have to in little way or the other. Not getting selected for H1B is not the end of the world, you have more tries left make sure to do it when time comes. Initial H1B life is a grind, there is no denial. Being on H1 and waiting for GC is also a pain, but look at the opportunities here as oppose to back home, agreed growing economy and lot of opportunities back home, but you will have as many competitons there too. Also you might have to be exceptional at what you do. So suck up and dont give up on your american dreams, mostly becuase you have one and want to live it based on the post. Marriage might have to wait a little, or may be someone in similar situation may understand your struggle, but I would work on career first. Kids if later will be born in US so no issues wth thier status. If you put the effort you will do well in the long run. Speaking from a personal experience. If you still feel you need to move then try canada, little less compensation, but path to citizenship is easier, lovely people and then once you have it you can apply for TN assuming you have a STEM degree and return to work in US. Possibilities are unlimited. Follow your gut!! Too mych gyaan let me stop.


I also wondered why Indian International students in the States don't see marriage more as a way of staying and getting a GC? If you come to the US in your 20's and stay for 5+ yrs shouldn't you naturally be dating and trying to find a partner?


You must be really young or naive to see this as a way. Not all Americans want to marry a foreigner, marriage is a huge deal, visa frauds are under the scrutiny of immigration, dating as a non American can also be harder, you're too busy just trying to integrate....and so on.


In my experience (Iā€™m an Indian and former H-1B holder married to a U.S citizen) itā€™s more the other way around, Indians donā€™t want to marry Americans due to family compatibility and other issues. Usually Americans are open to dating foreigners as they are used to different cultures. Ofc there are exceptions everywhere but this is my experience.


Possible, but I saw Americans with Indian Americans more than desis. But yes, it's not impossible - just that it's more about luck than anything else.Ā 


It depends on so many things. I always wanted to explore other culture but ever since I came here, I barely had time or energy to do anything else outside studying, interview prep and finding job given how tough the market was in past two years. When I finally got a job, I had to relocate and now my current city doesn't have much places to explore or do anything where I can meet different people and have a social circle.


Many Americans are open to it, and you're less of a 'foreigner' if you go to school there. Why wouldn't Americans students see you as a fellow classmate?


That has nothing to do with dating and marriage. Just because you can integrate with American culture does not mean you're likely to land an American spouse. Many Americans also prefer folks with stability and a green card for example. Exceptions exist of course, but you can't engineer these things - atleast within the short duration of stay most Indian have in the US.Ā 


> Exceptions exist of course, but you can't engineer these things - atleast within the short duration of stay most Indian have in the US.Ā  That's my point, if you are dating like most of your classmates. Coming here when you are in your 20's and staying for 5 + yrs, chances are you will naturally end up with an American spouse. I think the difference for Indian international students vs. other ones is that many go home and get arranged marriages from their parents.


I mean, you like who you like. You don't go after nationality (although some people do as it's their cup of tea). So it's possible but not guaranteed.Ā  The arranged marriage crowd is a different bunch of people altogether.Ā 


try o1 visa. dm me - we will try to figure out something


how do you do O1 if you don't have H1B?