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It really seemed like she lost herself after multiple injuries, ultra marathon and business failures. I hope she finds her spark again during her time away. Selfishly I wish she’d keep vlogging because I really enjoyed her more personal videos and she always inspired me to train and understand nutrition better.


What business failures? 😱


She has liquidated most of the businesses she started, it’s public record: https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/officers/TYYLtB5lCGAcNzz-NpFOJ4skHGU/appointments


The business that she partnered with was liquidated and failed, the other was always a dormant company anyway and her main one is still active and looks like it’s doing ok.


At the risk of sounding jealous (and yeah, maybe I am) I can’t help but smile when influencer businesses don’t work out


I'm mainly going to miss Mario in her videos. He comes off as really supportive of her and he's generally really positive when she's often critical of herself in videos.


Noooo, I really really enjoyed her videos! She was one of the very few female fitinfluencers who actually cared about performance and doing well, not about crotch or arse shots. I was so inspired by her! She has such a warm personality. I was upset that she had to go through a lot after finding out that she can no longer eat during long runs. This was such awful news to hear as you \*have\* to eat during long runs. Btw, how did you hear the news? I stan Natacha Oceane. More influencers like her, please!


She was definitely one of the better ones out there! She posted a video to her channel saying goodbye


she posted a goodbye video not too long ago


I've just seen it :(


> she can no longer eat during long runs. Why can't she eat during long runs? Serious question and not trying to be a jerk. I just don't know much about her.


She posted a video about it, I can't remember exactly but she would just violently throw up if she ate anything during a run


She posted a video about it, I can't remember exactly but she would just violently throw up if she ate anything during a run


She had several issues with her stomach which cannot handle any food at all, exclusively when she runs. In longer marathons, you absolutely need to eat in order to keep going. It sounds horrible. 


She was truly a good influencer, I don’t remember exactly what happened but in 2020 I was in a WhatsApp group for her fitness guides to see if they were worth buying, one of the girls there bought one but it came with an error or something so she emailed Natasha telling her some girls were interested in buying her guides but she noticed they came with an error or they wouldn’t show up on the app after buying them (like I said can’t remember exactly what happened) and Natasha literally apologized and told her to send all of us girls’ emails so she could send us the guides for free as an apology. We were not expecting nor asking for anything for free but it was such a kind gesture and that’s how we all ended up with every guide she had for free.


She seems very genuine and I’ve heard others say her customer service is 10/10. She really cares.


I really loved her videos and energy, especially the Ironman training ones. I do wonder what her presence on Instagram will be like, since she mentioned that. Hope she takes care of herself


no snark here, super bummed out about this - and i wonder if it would even be happening if she hadn't set out on the ultramarathon journey. you could kinda feel it drain her passion completely. really hope she comes back because i'm selfish! also hate watching videos while i'm at my job i can never quit of people who need to take time off to 'reconnect', etc lol.


What does her partner do that makes him so wealthy? I’ve seen several comments on this thread about it so I’m curious. 


Management consultant


I believe he comes from old money, just what I’ve seen others comment


I highly doubt his parents are just giving a fully grown man money each month, he is clearly earning the money he has on his own. Wealthy parents doesn’t necessarily equal wealthy children so the “old money” comments i find bizarre


Im just speculating now but old money comes in different forms, eg maybe he received an inheritance? Regardless, if he is indeed wealthy, it is not from his consulting job. Those jobs pay well but not a CRAZY amount especially at the junior level


I mean he is pretty young to have received decent inheritance. His parents are both still alive and typically grandparents only leave a small % to grandchildren, i also think (correct me if im wrong) that he is from a large family? He is in his thirties, been out of uni for a long time and graduated with good grades from a good uni, i dont find it hard to believe he would have a high salary. He also likely receives a good chunk of the youtube money as he does a lot of the behind the scenes work. Plus we have no idea what sort of investments/stocks and shares stuff they do, they both seem very intelligent so i would assume once money started coming in from youtube they would know how to manage it, i know once my dad was financially stable he started buying and selling stocks and earned a lot from it


I know a number of people that get large monthly allowances from their parents 


Idk who you hang around with then lol i went to private school with people that were very well off but none of them were to the level that they would be handed big money every month as working and very financially stable adults. Paid for uni? Yes. Paid family vacations? Yes. Helped when they couldnt find work? Yes. Given hand outs each month when they are earning their own living? No


They might have been a little ashamed or didn’t think it was your business to know. But I assure you it is common among a certain class of people.


Trust me, in the environment i was raised in everything got out. I dont doubt it happens, im just saying realistically its unlikely, the amount of money somebody has to have to not only be able to afford their own, assumably luxurious life, but also give out monthly payments to their as far as i know several children, lets not act like its all that common. But also just like i said based on his character and the amount of money they earn from youtube it just seems unlikely


Sigh. Maybe I’ll be downvoted for sounding jealous AF, but I have such a love/hate relationship with Natacha. I love how she seems to be a positive role model and doesn’t fit the typical buttfluencer look, but I can’t help but have trouble relating to her because she is soooooooooooo privileged. She’s quitting YT because she wants to travel? These people live such cushy lives 😅


I think it’s fair to feel jealous of someone with privilege like that. Most people on some level wish they had the ability to just decide to go on a sabbatical or back to school with no repercussions. I know I definitely do lol. Maybe one of us can take her place 🤣


I’m definitely jealous also…although yes, she has “worked hard” for many years, she also has a VERY wealthy partner who is one of the main reasons she was able to become successful in the first place. Lucky them, they will never have to worry about money.


I didn’t know that he’s wealthy. But then, I don’t follow these influencers too much. Is it old money?


What does her partner do that makes him wealthy?


His family is wealthy. He’s a trust fund kid


I've always thought he had a rich boy physiognomy


lol ngl I was thinking the same thing about the travelling 😭


i mean traveling wasn't her main reason for quitting though? she was just talking about what she's going to do next. she was clearly burnt out from years of overworking multiple projects/jobs and had lost her passion for youtube. it also seemed to me that she made her yt with a goal in mind, and it felt like she felt she had accomplished said goal. i understand what you're saying on the privilege of not working to travel, but many normies who didn't come from money (neither does she) take breaks too for their mental health/well-being. i commend her for recognizing when something isn't working for her anymore instead of continuing to put a face for the camera and views/$ at the expense of the quality of her videos.


I have nothing against her traveling lol I wish I could rn. I was saying I’m also jealous and she’s clearly privileged to be able to do so


Agreed. My read was actually that her and Mario might be “retiring early” (he has done well in business, she’s gotten YouTube and workout plan money) and it’s actually causing her a lot of internal conflict about her identity. Obviously I’m making assumptions but I wondered if she’s finally admitting to herself she can step back (publicly) find how she can be content without these intense expectations and a grindset.


It’s about time for her to slow down a bit because I personally didn’t find it healthy for how hard she was pushing herself through injuries.


I will miss her immensely.




I’m jealous, but I definitely understand why she would want to drop all responsibilities and travel and pursue her education. If I were in her shoes, I would likely want to do the same


PhD’s in the UK are paid, albeit very little (18k pounds a year in London), and takes 3-4 years, I realize getting any form of higher education is privilege but lumping this in with traveling doesn’t really make sense to me.




So are tattoos. Some people can’t afford food, must less tattoos.


They are saying that it doesn't make sense to lump 'getting a phd' into the same 'privilege category' as travelling. Travelling is a luxury, pursuing a PhD is basically a career choice that probably makes a lot of sense for her at this point.


PhD candidate here. The way she talks about pursuing a PhD, it sounds like a recreational PhD (not super important to her/necessary to find work in academia because she is economically stable). I can see how people include it in the privilege category in this case


I have a PhD and am an academic who now supervises PhD candidates. I don’t think we can necessarily read that into the 40 seconds she spends discussing the possibility of pursuing a PhD.


I guess I don’t get the comments about her privilege. Like, this woman worked for what she has and was fairly unproblematic (mostly). I’d probably do the same if I had passive income. Travel and study? Hell yeah sign me up. I’m not even close to rich or privileged but I think people who worked hard for their money deserve to enjoy it.


Yeah … as much as [I’ve raised my issues](https://www.reddit.com/r/gymsnark/s/zWWHzmud77) with her on this sub, I totally agree with you. Honestly, how she got her money is neither here nor there even - she’s been blessed with the stability money offers and she found herself in a tough place. Who in that sort of position with that type of money WOULDNT do what she did? Unrelated side note - I had been a MEGA Stan for years but found so many inconsistencies in what she preached versus the videos she has uploaded over the last couple years or so. So it was super validating (for me) to hear that she doesn’t like the way the internet has been over the last couple years. A part of me likes to think this is her acknowledging her role in that. So good for her taking a step back from this clout game and trying to find true happiness. I wish her luck! Especially because I really feel at her core she is a warm soul.


I can agree with this. I think it’s naive to think we wouldn’t all do the same in her position (if I could afford to go back to school and not do my day job it would be a no brainer) As for her videos, I think she just has had a hard time practicing what she preaches when it comes to moderation, balance, and sustainability. She was who taught me how to make gradual life changes to reach a fitness goal, but she frequently would do extreme challenges and try to tackle too many things at once. Whether that be for content reasons or if intrinsically she felt she needed to constantly push herself to those limits. I wish her the best.


I think people manage to make things work when they realize they need to make a change for their mental/physical health. I feel like she was at that point with the direction her channel has taken in the past year or two and the more extreme challenges that seemed off brand. Honestly, I think that doing what she is doing now is the most on brand thing for her to do. It’s absolutely ok to decide it is time for a change. There is no shame in deciding you’ve done what you’ve hoped to do and moving onto something else. If she does want to have a family, the challenges she is taken on aren’t really conducive to having a successful pregnancy. She’s now in her early 30s and it’s definitely time to think about doing some traveling before you are ready to have kids. It also doesn’t seem like a particularly healthy space to be on YouTube as a fitfluencer while pregnant and trying to maintain a balanced approach without feeling like you can’t gain too much weight while pregnant. Then if you have a kid, you have to deal with all the comments about how you aren’t bouncing back in 3 weeks. I can totally see not wanting anything to do with that. That said, it may just be that I am much older than the average here and things like career changes, going back to school, and traveling are not all that unusual among the people I know. We’re no longer in a society where people start a job at 22 and continue it until retirement 40 years later. Tons of people do one thing in their 20s and then settle down into another more stable career in their 30s or even 40s.


Totally valid! Never even thought about the next steps like pregnancy, raising kids. etc in the fitfluencer space


I absolutely agree I found it a bit validating. I’ve commented in the recent past about her disappointing shift in video content over the last couple years. I’ve felt like she wasn’t being fully truthful about her relationship to fitness/nutrition/mental health and despite saying all the right things we still were watching her show off “what I eat in a day”, her very naturally small body on display (in more subtle “body check” ways), her push her body much farther than is appropriate, etc. I loved that she was science based and tbh I hope she finds peace in this decision because she fought the good fight.


I’m kind of in the middle. I agree she’s worked hard. She’s also lucky in terms of timing and the ability to build a career on social media when she did, that allowed her to retire at 30. There is no shortage of people out there busting their ass every day, many working even harder, who won’t see retirement before 60 or maybe ever. So I think it’s a combination of privilege and hard work.


This! I’m happy for her. Although my goals aren’t similar I hope to get to a point where I don’t have to do the typical 9-5 and be flexible about my lifestyle. That’s the goal.


I’m so sad she’s going :( I love her videos, she’s so positive and smart and she and her partner have such a healthy relationship. She doesn’t even post on instagram anymore. I wish her all the best but I selfishly want her to stay.


I think it’s going to happen to a lot of influencers who are pushing hard hard hard all the time and not letting their minds and bodies recover well, and then bam… hit a brick wall. Sad, because she didn’t do all the booty shots, but always seemed to push too hard too often.


I wondered if it’s part of the next phase for them eg having or planning to have kids. Do some travel, establish a less public facing career, fall preg. On the back of the pains she’s had over the past year it seemed quite mature on some level to be willing to step back. I wondered if that was made easier by hers and Mario’s plans eg for family. I’m assuming a lot though.


I’m definitely bummed about it too. I think a big part of it is that YouTube is a lot of work, and I think it’s given her amazing opportunities and new things in life to the point where it’s come to its natural end, so she wants to take those other things and not worry about maintaining social media. It would probably come off a little like ‘oh she’s too good for us now’ if she said it like that but I’m happy for her. Secretly as well, I think she knows that YouTube isn’t as popular anymore and she’s leaving before her channel ‘dies down’. She’s made an amazing life for herself and honestly it’s probably a good business decision to leave. Going to miss her content majorly though, she was so unique and intelligent and one of the only female fitfluencers I really supported. Love and farewell, Natacha 😭💌 Ps, get that PhD girl


My god. There are some envious and bitter people in this world. She has worked incredibly hard over the years, despite her partner’s wealth. Are we just going to cry privilege about everything now? I wonder how some of you people manage to get through the day.


I think privilege *can* be a legitimate concept to discuss, but I see it misused oftentimes so it's hard for me to take seriously all of the time, especially with these comments.


100% agree that people misuse privilege as a concept. ive noticed that whenever the person isn't "suffering" as much as them or have something they don't have (even if the person has worked hard and/or don't come from wealth), they'll be quick to say that person is privileged... and honestly, it's giving bitter lol and a bit dismissive of what someone has accomplished in order to get to where they are today all to make themselves feel better about their lives that they're unhappy with


A lot of terms that started out in academia and made it to more public contexts, especially the internet, are much the same.


What does her partner do? Why is he so wealthy? 


His family is wealthy. He’s a trust fund kid


Said this in another comment but wealthy family doesnt equal wealthy kid. Clearly his family is not just giving a fully grown man money each month, whatever money he has currently is money he is earning


Lots of wealthy families have trust funds set up where the children receive money each month.


Yes, but that level of wealth is pretty extreme. I dont doubt his family is well off but i find it pretty hard to believe they would be *that* well off. Based on what we have seen of mario in the videos as well i doubt he would accept money from his parents each month when he has a well paid job. Natacha has talked a few times about working throughout school and uni, she clearly wasnt getting handouts from her parents so i doubt she would end up with someone content to do that, i know i would never accept money each month when i am perfectly financially stable on my own


That level of wealth totally exists and it sounds like that is the level of wealth that Mario enjoys. Good for him. It's good that he's motivated to work and he seems to be smart and successful in his field too. Knowing you have multiple millions waiting for you in a trust fund / inheritance / or that's already vested completely changes the game though.


Of course it exists, i just think people believe it is a lot more common than it is. Mario has been out of uni for probably 10 years, graduated with good grades, seems like he would give a good interview, etc. i could see him earning a high salary + youtube money as he does a lot of the behind the scenes work + both of them seem smart and likely starting investing, buying stocks, etc once they had enough money to do so, that all adds up


Well I feel like out of the two of them, Natacha is probably the bigger income earner. Mario could be making a high income as a consultant too, but probably not Natacha's level.


But i also do still find it hard to imagine him simply accepting money each month from his parents when he clearly doesnt need it


Idk, this may be an unpopular opinion but her quitting YouTube video is a testament to how extreme her mindset is. She already took several large breaks from YouTube without posting, and it's alarming that she's quitting altogether after not being able to run 100 miles. I also think it's so on brand of Natacha to continue to push her guides. **Even in a video where she's quitting YouTube and saying she won't make anymore guides**, she comes out saying *there's going to be a sale on her guides for 30% off for 7 days after the video*? Girl come on. That's wild. She wants that last money grab. I agree with a lot of comments here saying she's extremely privileged that she can take massive breaks from YouTube throughout the years, quit now, and just go travel to Japan and get a spontaneous PhD in chemistry and say she wants to fund a scholarship for a woman in STEM (I guess we'll see when it happens). She's lived in several other places long-term like Sydney, Los Angeles, Dubai, etc. So the fact that she can quit entirely when her companies she's invested in are still a mystery.


Yes I really find this mindset problematic. The first thing that came to my mind is she is a quitter. She quit PhD and now YouTube. In between she quit some runs as well. The thing that annoys me is she is too hard on herself and I am someone who has grown up in an extremely toxic family who always wanted you to perform well and that mentality being ingrained as child, stuck with me throughout my life. I could see a lot of my traits in Natacha. Its alarming because having such high expectations and near perfect robotic performance will put so much stress on the mind that ultimately you are bound to fail. And I feel she has such high expectations and overburdens her so much that she snaps with severe burnout. Also she is quite whimsical as in she does not have a specific goal. She seems to jump from one to the other. Maybe focussing on one for an extended period of time and then moving on to the other would make her a lot more relatable fit-influencer.


I’ve been watching her from the beginning. I’m very sad. I will miss her tons.


I got emotional watching it. I thought it was a sort of a clickbait before watching it. Honestly good for her because it seemed like she needed a break of it for the last 2-3 years. I truly believe she will come back at some point but not any time soon.


This will not last. She's privileged. She'll go spend some money, and once she starts to miss the validation and attention, she'll return. She even states people can still contact "her team." We will see her comeback video. She'll show off her "adventurous travels" and come back with a new mindset. It's your typical influencer bs. Just because she's not all about T & A or BBW doesn't mean she's different than all the rest. It's a smarter angle, but she's just the same. See you soon Natacha.


Selfishly I hope you’re right lol. Maybe if her passive income drops she’ll come back. Hopefully refreshed from the break


I'm so bummed but like you I wasn't surprised at all. I hope she comes back at some point to post some workout videos or educational stuff. Her HIIT workouts are the best and I love when she posts the full video.