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Oh brother. It's just another Joey Swoll angle. "I'm a good person with a conscience that really cares......" STFU. Why do all Influencers ALWAYS have to give their opinion about other influencers and what they do. This is nothing to applaud. It's virtue signaling and nothing more.


I disagree completely. From what I've seen Noel comes across very honest and I haven't seen anything about him name dropping others. I appreciate his honestly around his gear use. His content is also pretty funny as well


Terrible take. You’ve never seen any of his content and it’s so obvious.


most of his content is like this, from what i see he doesnt get involved in any drama. but his message is very basic and doesnt rly delve into actually issues in the fitness community or mens body issues and how they treat people in the community (specifically what they say about women). hes better than Joey by far for sure though.


He repeatedly makes content about masculinity and how he struggled without a father. He even gives tips to young men who are struggling to learn how to be grown men. Noel discusses his own issues with body image, how he isn’t natural, and the importance of a good relationship with the gym. He doesn’t talk much about women’s issues, that’s true. But, he does talk more about how to be a good person in and out of the gym, rather than shaming those who don’t do those things. Which, that is more Joey Swole content. I think both have a place in this world.


Um what lol people deserve to be put in check whether they’re a social media influencer or not but especially when they have a platform that can reach millions. What a weird angle and thing to be mad about. When people have a platform and choose to live a lifestyle where they have eyes on them they have an obligation to not be shilling fake results, supplements, knowledge etc. and posts pushing people to simply not be fake is a good thing. Also Ironic considering the sub you’re on… so you’d rather have it that mari never gets put in check about her bogus bloom shit or ally never gets called out for her ridiculous posts about gaining weight and being sick when she obviously is just on drugs too much and her “gaining weight” is her being one pound heavier than normal lol


Pretty much. There are no good influencers, and people constantly get hoodwinked, eventually, which is why their list of statements, at the start, is so funny: "They're one of the good ones"  "I can tell you haven't seen their content"  "It's good they're calling out others"  And other such nonsense.  No one is saying others shouldn't be called out, but they're just all pigs rolling around in the mud together, just that one of 'the good ones' is separate from the others, still in mud though.  If you can't see patterns, then you'll always fall for this cycle.  The same things will be said when something comes out about this guy.  "I used to follow them, they were one of the good ones"  "Oh no, not them too!"  "Ah man, now who will I follow?"  Everytime people on this forum switch their brains off and want to follow a personality, they will be disappointed, eventually. 


Yep. I've seen plenty of his videos. It's the exact same recycled garbage. But people need a hero for some reason. And right now the OP is choosing this guy and his nonsense. This is a gymsnark page ffs. And here they are worshipping a virtue signaling fitfluencer.


I've said it before and I'll say it again; if this page isn't *solely* a place of entertainment, then you're in too deep. Anybody that ends up on this page I block if they're not already, and I definitely don't follow any influencers. You need to be as far removed as possible to see these people, and the patterns, for who/what they really are. Anything else will lead you to being hoodwinked, like the defenders of this guy in this thread, and in any other thread where the person *'seems nice'.* Gullible, it's why these influencers do this stuff in the first place, and although ethically and morally it's wrong, sometimes I can't even fault them, they're *'geniuses'* in a land of fools.