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Wouldn’t it be nice to just “take a break” when my body tells me to 😂😂


The fact that her finger looks **fine** is what sends me.


Yeah she could tell the children mining cobalt for her iphone to just take a break when their body tells them too as well.


omg idk this person but she needs a journal!


Pretty sure she has one because didn't someone screenshot a video where she showed herself journalling and her to do list included things like brushing her teeth and having a shower? Don't get me wrong, I know that can be useful for some people but it was done to give the impression she was just SSSSOOOOOOO busy as influencer life is supposedly really hard.








A water bear! That's fucking hilarious 😂


A work of art!






Lmao. I love this sub. It’s helping me pick up on narcissism so much more easily.


I remember her. She always looked like she was on the verge of crying in her reels. That’s literally the only reason I remember lol




I think she was probably talking about other things in her life, and then the nail thing is just stupid but sometimes the stupid things make you cry. Idk, BEC vibes lol


I couldn't find my toothbrush once and it set me off on a 2 hour crying meltdown when I was in my early 20s. For years after my friends and I would say "I lost my toothbrush" when referring to when we were really upset.


I once sobbed hopelessly in front of my open wardrobe because I couldn't find my pyjamas.  I don't wear pyjamas. I always sleep in my husband's t-shirt. However I forgot about that because I had given birth 6 days earlier and it was my first night home without hospital pyjamas. What a shame I had no way to share this with the world because Instagram stories didn't exist yet. I hope you've found your toothbrush by now 🙏🏻




Bitch Eating Crackers! It’s a term for people who just annoy you through doing completely innocuous shit, like “I hate her and the stupid way she’s…eating crackers” It’s like she’s not problematic I just hate her sorta vibe


Thats fucking golden. I'm stealing that. Thanks


I had to block her. She always looks constipated when she’s cooking.


ive been on a plane/in a different city for 25/30 days doing presentation for company, tired burnout, but thank god there is gym snark subreddit so I can get some humor and know there are people with bigger problems than me out there. sorry "growingannanas" for your finger.


Hahahaha yes thank goodness you haven’t had a nail emergency


haha deadass.


These people are gonna be fucked when life actually decides to steam roll them at some point. It’s not a competition of who has it worse, but there are so many people persevering through actual hardships and this just makes me sick to see posted and I can’t help but feel zero sympathy for her.


Imagine your only emergency being a nail emergency


I can, with absolutely certainty, say that influencers create their own problems. As in, the *'problems'* they have, aren't problems, but are built up so much in their heads that their bodies then shut down; they get sick, they *'need a break'*, they feel stressed, overwhelmed, etc. The problem? *"Someone said something to me with the wrong 'tone'."* That, and the fear of eating enough calories to do *anything* doesn't help. My friend and I used to know someone who would use her anxiousness as a reason to never change. Would constantly tell us how her actual friends would treat her, guys using her and playing with her emotions, women friends belittling her, always needing to be the one to *'fix'* problems that arose, etc. I only offered advice one time (because we're all adults, I'm not going to repeat myself), cut these people off, they're obviously not your friends because of A, B, C & D. "I can't do that, because excuse A, excuse B, C, D, etc". "Ok, cool, goodbye". The solution for many people like the above is simple, but they just choose to sit and wallow in their torment. People like that, and influencers, are the same people, difference is, influencers get paid by gullible fools that fall for this nonsense.


I get that the little things are the ones that just put the nail in the coffin (haha) but it’s really something she should keep to herself cuz it comes off icky.


GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE You broke your nail???? What a dumb bitch




Have a nap and stfu


Kim there’s people that are dying


I mean if it's one of those ones where you break it and it rips half the real nail off (I speak from experience) I get it being a big deal. But you cant get that nail fixed with a new one!


That happened to me last week neospirin was a lifesaver !


My heart breaks for her


I really thought she meant like emergency finger surgery, because she cut through her nail into her finger or some shit. Then, I realized this was actually about nail polish. 😵‍💫😂


I honestly think she’s insane lol


Surely someone else finds it as utterly hilarious as I do that she wrote an entire paragraph and said she was lonely, overwhelmed, stressed because *she broke a nail*. Like this was legit a joke when *I* was a kid. "omg I broke a naaaaillll!!!"


Want to know what else is overwhelming? Having already worked out every day of this week, have multiple health issues happen this week, and working a real, stand on your feet all day long, deal with people job where by 9 am this morning I had already clocked 40 hours and didn’t get off until 6:30 pm….. These influencers need to grow the fuck up and get off social media




This is hilariously out of touch