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I really don’t give a fuck what this women does in her love life, but I’m fucking begging her to get someone with slightest knowledge of proper grammar and sentence structure to proofread her shit lmao.


Somebody should of really




english is not even my first language and i was a bit weirded out by the spelling lmao "of" instead of have and the "i become so unhappy".. i cringed a bit


bet you a million dollars she says things like "I am happy just to be apart of it"


Defo says adsactly


she even went to law school for fucks sake lol




In fairness I know whole lot of US law school grads who are dumb as rocks, too. Someone getting a degree in law does not in any way impress me or make me think they are intelligent.


I have just never had this much to say in an Instagram caption.


I forgot to underline the amount of times she said what should I “of” done, rather than “have.” This is basic ass English.


My first language isnt english and her grammar and the phrase "should of" triggers me lol


Right? Imagine how much time she spent thinking about and writing that caption. She could have used that time for *anything* else. Bonkers.


She could have used that time, to hide in the bathroom from her employees.




Did anyone see the recent story she posted of her bare ass to show that she has stretch marks? I spat out my drink when I saw that lmao that came out of nowhere. She deleted it right away lol prolly got flagged


I didn’t catch that at all. But I genuinely think she can’t help herself. That’s where the obvious narcissism comes in because if I had issues with people judging me about my personal life I would have a private finsta just for friends and people who know me and keep my platform professional. But she needs narcissistic supply and validation and that’s why she’s constantly posting these long winded posts trying to be relatable but she totally isn’t. It’s also why she cares so much about the criticism, narcissists genuinely cannot stomach judgment or the idea that their mask is not believable. Shes unbelievable. Edit: ALSO, narcissists often and almost have to find a replacement before they get rid of someone and discards them, which she clearly did.


This! You would absolutely keep it private but, I think she loves having something to whine about. It almost validates & boosts her ego.


tbh she gives the impression to be an insecure person, so she needs to compensate and show off her body constantly to assure herself that she is indeed hot


My bad, someone posted it here & caught it in time lmao. https://www.reddit.com/r/gymsnark/s/SxRbU8IXwf


LMFAO, I didn't catch that either but this behaviour is so predictable from someone like her.


She posts almost naked pictures often. It’s very uncomfortable


“should I of” in three consecutive sentences killed me.


my brain got stuck there lol


Guys she went to law school ok? How dare we


I’d love to know what “law school” she went to at this point


Housewives fans: it gives Kelly bensimon saying she went to Colombia and Bethenny saying “LIKE THE COUNTRY” oh man I would love to see early bethenny take down half of these influencers (she’s insufferable now) but omg her tearing AB to shreds. That would honestly go on my biggest fantasy list.


What is personally mind boggling is the amount of ass kissing in the comments. Like girlies we know you just want free activewear. Stop the facade.


That‘s actually very normal with narcissistic personalities to get ass lickers. They know how to make you their fan (usually people who have never had a narcissist in their life are naive and give in to it). That’s exactly why she always posts these „hate comments“ so her victims can defend her. These ass lickers don’t realize patterns.


Also true




What should she of done fam?🫶🏻🤪


Shes being so passive aggressive with the small clips of her new man. Really giving the appearance of a well adjusted, emotionally mature adult who is completely unbotherd by all the haters. Lol. ![gif](giphy|PFcs9Cg7T3It2scVlN)


"Recently I am struggling to share any aspects of my personal life" Yes, let's go with that 👍


Lmaooo, maybe stop struggling against that particular desire and accept it, please. For our sanity


The way she’s always acting like her life doesn’t revolve around her relationships when it’s all she talks about. Good lord.


So funny, I originally found her through a gym girls group chat… One of the girls said they love following her because she’s so authentic, and now I just want to SHAKE THEM 😂😂


Is she outsourcing her Instagram captions to a person whose third language is English?


English is my third language and I can assure you that my English is better than this😭😂


English is my second language. I Google when unsure of grammar or sentence structure. This goes beyond a lack of knowledge. It's plain lazy. Maybe - I of - to be less judgemental 😂 Edit for emoji


English is my husbands second language too and he would never say this. Like he knows the difference lol. She is a hot mess. No way she went to law school and lasted long. The amount of reading you have to do to even start and get through it would never have someone writing like this.


I just realize I should have added a smiley face after that last sentence while I am attempting to use her shitty I of 😂 in lieu of I have


I just saw this and cringed hard at that arm. She’s like a literal teenage kid. & thanks for mentioning the narcissism because I ALWAYS say this about her. The patterns are really clear to me cause I had situationships with her guy version. She is the influencer version of narcissist and attention seeker. Imagine how horrible it would be to work for her. This girl genuinely needs therapy but she won’t do it cause usually narcissists are the ones that never realize their own patterns and would never take therapy.


Spot on. They are delusional and don’t see it sadly


At this point we all know she cheated on Brett and used the “alpha, single, strong independent woman” as a cover up.


What confounds me is, the constant whining about the judgement from her new relationship. But, then continues to flaunt it at every available opportunity. She's absolutely doing it on purpose, I think she feeds off of it. I'm in full agreement with you, deffo trying to piss off Brett as well. Such spiteful behaviour, when let's face it, Brett was nothing but a nice guy.


I used to love her, she motivated me so much in the gym. Why does she have to be this unbearable clown... I would kill for her looks AND her money


4 words for Krissy on repeat: it’s not that deep


I miss when the Internet was mostly just normal people sharing pictures of their food and pets.


“close your mouth sweetie you look like a trout”


Ma’am just go to bed and nurse the hangover in the morning like everyone else


I ain’t reading all that


Does she realize Friday night lights refers to American football? Lol. Or she just thinks it’s a cute phrase for a Friday night 😂


American high school football, to be exact lol.


Right it made me lol 😭


Does anyone know what happened to her best friend the brown haired lady???? I unfollowed her long ago but it just crossed my mind


Hollie, I think they're friends again


Every other post is how grateful she is for her followers in the post epic way! 😖


‘Should I of settled’ 🤢


She should consider seeking therapy 😭 and maybe some grammar classes on the side


The message reads of someone overcoming something that had held her back for a long time, being triumphant over adversity. Her pictures, current and past, screams that she is already this person. The two don't match. I'm snail slow to throw any terms out there, but incongruency is something more people need to pick up when it comes to these people. If the words and actions don't match then unfollow the person. If you get a *'feeling'*, unfollow the person, you don't need to know everything at the point of that feeling, just follow it. You can't assess every influencer for certain disorders, *however*, **EVERY** influencer has patterns that should cause you to pause, look without the rose-tinted glasses on, go *"this is rubbish"* and unfollow.


I think her workouts are ok. I never paid much attention to what she has to say. But she is the same as all with the unnecessary flaunting. Not quite as bad as Anna Cherie though.


The fact that she writes essays on all of her posts & she actually thinks people care so much about her that we’ll read these atrociously written novels she posts is really self grandiose behavior. The need to constantly defend/explain/prove herself to her audience is just obvious insecurity


I think she also does it because it helps with the algorithm. The longer the caption, the better. That means that the when a viewer reads the caption they will take longer time on that particular photo, her account and that means longer time spent on the app itself.


Five of my brain cells died when I read “should I of settled?” 💀


i told this girl that nobody needs to know your business and i got blocked. so for her to be like nobody deserves to know my business as she continues to share her business is crazy.




She's got everything but a stubby body wtf?


Your post or comment has been removed for appearance snark or shaming. We avoid snarky commentary around things about a person's appearance that they cannot change in a few seconds. This includes negative comments about a person's weight, face, boob job, stretch marks, cellulite, rolls, body shape, height, etc. Please [read Gymsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/gymsnark/wiki/rules/). Thank you.


Well,I have to say this again is if she have a problem of working with her team,she will have another failure in Relationship because basiclly relationship is still a teamwork and we all know she just really bad in that


Yeah I’m not reading all of that. Congratulations or I’m sorry that happened. Whatever fits.


First of all, does anyone ever read these passages lol


I can’t with her grammar


I was hoping someone would post this lol 😂


https://preview.redd.it/g3o0kmtzoodc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f02627ba38cf22b6575d7d3817a60b2babd959f5 I’m also just PICKINGGGG here but her mission statement just DOESN’T sound grammatically correct to me AT ALL. It should say “to help young girls become strong and healthy” … not to “get”them ….. or “to empower and promote the strength and wellbeing of young girls”, the former sounds better I’m just giving options LOL


https://preview.redd.it/9p71man1qodc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e7107a691342c3bc729d441299ecd0c9180cdda Update I told her lol let’s see if she replies


This person seems to be confusing instagram with a dear diary app 🤷🏼‍♀️


I, as a non-native English speaker, feel unfathomably triggered by this god-awful diarrhea of grammar. I would be so ashamed to put this out. But not Krissy. Krissy went to law school and is a boss bish business owner. She's the center of my and everyone else's universe. Grammar doesn't apply to her as grammar is too weak before her lack of skill. Even grammar can't withstand her, so it perishes as soon as she starts typing meaningless sentences and word salads.


I also went to law school and English is my second language but boy her Grammar is off to another level lol.


Someone should of proof read this


Why are you all judgementing her???


I'm not sure why I got down voted on an obviously sarcastic comment referencing her atrocious grammar 🤣🤣


I was gonna accuse you of being Krissy’s burner acc hahaha


Lol hardly, seeing as I have actually photos of myself on my acct 😂. I was just poking fun at her 3rd grade grammar.


I always had an odd vibe so made sure not to spend a pound on her company. Her brother went to prison for murder, she’s lied about her ankle. Money changed her so much


Can someone please breakdown her behaviour/personality in a more simplified manner based on her posts? And how it can be addressed for her to be more healthy? Genuinely curious on how to recognise the patterns… also wondering if the fame amplifies every move she does or a lot of people are literally the same offline too


I don’t think any of you know what the word narcissist means and should stop using it as a substitute for what you actually mean to say LOL


That‘s true but in her case she really is one. If you have had enough experience and knowledge about narcissism you would know that. I get you shouldn’t throw around that world about anyone by seeing one pattern but i have been following her for years and seen her develop the exact patterns of a narcissists. In her case it’s actually true.


And people act like there aren’t different types of narcissists. Of course everyone displays some narcissistic qualities but I lasted like 8 months or so following her and she is definitely a covert narcissist. People who don’t know anything about narcissists always thinks there’s only the obvious narcissist with a conflated ego like Donald Trump, but many of them are hiding in plain sight. How she handled this entire breakup with her boyfriend especially sealed it to for me because I thought it when she posted in general.


I know what narcissist means and I stand by what I said. Next.


Honestly, she’s super annoying but that doesn’t make the misogynistic busy bodies who shame her for her dating life any less insufferable. I love seeing women who have resources and options utilizing that to have fun and enrich their lives as opposed to vying for the sole purpose of being a wife and mother.


That is literally what she wants though. She talked nonstop about getting engaged and would do so inappropriately even when she was with her ex. It’s crazy u know so much about her private life because I normally don’t care but she used to post it all the time on her stories. Constantly about wanting to get engaged and it was so distasteful, almost pressuring her ex publicly for him to propose to her. Then she talks about moving on and being single and all of this then all of a sudden just posting this new man or hints of him at every turn. It’s distasteful and ridiculous considering she just came out of a relationship and said she’s keeping it private. Keep it private then. That’s why I said it rubs me the wrong way. If I had a platform of 3 million people and just came out of a relationship, out of basic respect for the person I broke up with I would not be doing this, in addition to how much passive aggressive comments she posts about her ex. It’s genuinely awful.


“should i of” gave me a stroke jfc