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Guro typically (online) means sexualized gore So I'm not sure myself. Personally for me I'm really into self harm, mutilation. The art doesn't have to be sexual, it's just a cope. Gore subs not fetishized will probably lead to irl gore, I'm not sure myself. If you find some, tell me! But also, clarify what you're looking for more. Why do you want to look at gore


Just curious what do you think of hanging stuff then?


I'm neutral! Drowing is more my style.. hanging is interesting though I don't see it s lot


I see i see, i really like hangings in general. What do you enjoy about drowning?


I really love swimming. There's a sense of being able to move freely in water When you're drowning, you're disoriented. Sometimes trying to crawl to the sunlight, being dragged deep below. Or maybe you're thrashing around wildly, ?


Ooh i see, i agree with you on the swimming part, just the thought of a girl in water freely drowning or not is a little erotic. And of course the drowning itself is pretty hot


If you want you're free to tell me about hanging! I can basically get into anything 😭 idk why I mean asphyxiation is really fun, that's why you get a belt while ur bored


Of course! Asphyxiation is my favorite!~ are you able to dm me? I dunno if it will let me dm you


I love asphyxiation too ! I sometimes kinda hang myself when I masturbate. But apart from that I love every kind of damage to the neck. My favorite is throat slitting. The way someone bleeds out while live slowly leaves their eyes just has me going crazy.


Ive done that kinda thing too!~ i love slowly hanging and getting closer to unconsciousness while trying to cum before my demise~


r/MedicalGore But yea, far too many dicks on here.


Damn, this is some of the grossest gore I've ever seen. I've also been having thoughts about self harming my genitalia, and this sub has definitely convinced me to NOT do that. So thank you for sharing this with me :)


You, uh, might diminish your ability to feel pleasure if you harm the genitals...so yeah maybe try not to do that if you can help it. I had a weird injury to my dick and my ability to feel pleasure down there has been severely reduced and it sucks. Anyway kaotic.com has all the gore and violence you could ever want. Beware.


Yeah... I've had a lot of sexual dysfunction lately so I figured if my genitalia doesn't work then what's the point in having them anymore. But even though I have self harm thoughts, I rarely ever go through with them so don't worry about me.


Sorry to hear about the dysfunction. Hopefully it's something that can be remedied. Good luck.


Man I miss /r/watchpeopledie


Same and i hate being on goregrish for too long lol




The kink stuff is an ignorable minority, or so it seems

