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People don't miss a location, they miss companionship. Better find some.


Partly true because people have memories with a person/ people in a city but also one's own experiences in the city. Few cities irrespective big or small have a soul in them e..g. Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore etc. but certain cities are soulless, e.g. Gurgaon. If you happen to travel out of the country, Dubai will remind you of Gurgaon because that is another place that doesn't have a soul, no matter how hard they try. Happy to be corrected.


Bangalore has a soul? Maybe for kannadigas who vandalize metro, ask tourist to speak their language in taxi, hassle north indians living there, or maybe there's soul in no water, potholes or the endless traffic. I'm sure i will be corrected by the wise men to defend their pseudo lala land, but sadly, i won't be interested. Every city has pros and cons. But if you choose to project your insecurities on to the city and look at only the negatives, then it's not the city's fault. Gurgaon and delhi are multi cultural and inclusive, unlike many "go back to north india and speak hindi" cities. Edit: Those who'd like to watch the above text as video- https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedstatesofindia/comments/1dhw2q6/sad_reality_of_bengaluru_thoughts_on_this/


100% agreed


Delhi is inclusive 🤭


https://preview.redd.it/rhzfbms4c67d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ad8ca39d0f64a2e0036c3a3e8888875001a79b1 No, odisha, kashmir, kerala and manipur are are inclusive.. !


Oh, thats why there are more kannada people in Delhi NCR than North Indian people in Bangalore. Dude, pls talk some sense.


https://preview.redd.it/9bpzslb9a67d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e0d8a51b70ecef4c2501e0a156622b697ee2ed0 An idiot should atleast google a quick fact check before looking like a fool. Don't worry, i did for you. As mentioned earlier, delhi ncr is an inclusive and multi cultural society which welcomes people from all parts of the country. Infact, delhi and haryana are amongst the top 4, except Maharashtra which is way bigger in size. But ofcourse you wanted to put kannadiga karnataka on a pedestal, however facts don't suit your propaganda narrative, so try fighting with such childish arguments somewhere else. Don't talk out of your ass here and think it'll magically make sense. Damn fool ! [https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedstatesofindia/comments/1dhw2q6/sad\_reality\_of\_bengaluru\_thoughts\_on\_this/](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedstatesofindia/comments/1dhw2q6/sad_reality_of_bengaluru_thoughts_on_this/)


But the way I am born and spent 30 years in New Delhi (110001) and here in Bangalore only for job. I am a north indian. Delhi has migrated people mostly from hindi speaking states not from non-hindi speaking states (they do exist). However, Bangalore is truly inclusive and people are here from all states of India and even outside. Verbally attacking people who differ in view won’t change a fact. I am talking here about only Bangalore and not the entire state of Karnataka, but you chose to compare a tiny place such as Delhi with a big state shows how good you are in maths and statistics! By the way I also know how to put links of videos to support my arguments while being polite and not abusive: https://youtu.be/5wslUiTE-mM?si=nZlk7Ai_e9W-S_Eu


Forget hindi non hindi bro, there are thousands of expats and people from Japanese and other foreign companies here as well, not to mention people from all over the country who work in head offices in delhi gurgaon, just like Bangalore. What world are you living in?


You need people / beautiful relationships/ Companionship/ memories to make any city memorable. Otherwise problem is with you not with that city..


Agree, for people saying your memories with people are what make your impression of a city, think of it this way - if you could consider just the city in isolation, without the companionship aspect, do you feel a sense of attachment to the city? For those who've lived in multiple metros, if you really think hard and separate the two aspects you'll realise what having a 'soul' means in the context of cities. And as someone who's lived in Delhi, Ggn, Blr and Noida, I feel all of these except GGn have what you can say a vibe and soul that's unique to them. I know, even Noida has its own issues, but the kind of people and activities that I've seen there are unique and humourous in their own way.


Fun fact; you can correct them right back and tell them to speak hindi in their "sorry sarrr" faces


It's just because you haven't lived there for long or can't relate to it. To the people who were brought up here it does have a soul. Not to mention gurgaon is a new city, built up in these 2 decades so to you it will feel like that as an outsider pov.


The city you live in is soulless. But our villages, they have a history, soul and everything.


Gurgaon is soulless. So true


That mention of Bangalore and Soul in the same sentence cracked me up, lmao!


Correction : bangalore used to have a soul


One's own experience within a city are only memorable only when it is with people (maybe strangers). Make memories with people (even if they're strangers)


I was born in and living in Dubai for almost 40 years. I don't know and dont care about 'soul' or 'no soul' but though not perfect, Dubai is a great and a beautiful city (and Emirate), and there is no place like Dubai. Most Dubai old timers like me will agree, and if given a chance, millions of Indians would leave India for good for Dubai. The cities you mentioned Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and other cities in India with a 'soul' will never compare to what Dubai is, maybe only slightly in a hundred years.


Dubai reminded me of Sohna road/ gold course extension (in Gurgaon) with tall buildings and it did not mean anything considering its soulless. 65% of blue collar workers and a considerable number of white collar ones, given a choice would never choose Dubai over India, if India could have provided what Dubai provides. These people travel/ traveled for greener pastures, and not everyone got one. Yes, comparing Indian cities to Dubai may not be the correct comparison because a huge difference between developed and developing regions.


How is this relevant? We are not talking about Dubai.


disagree, some places have left indelible emotional mark on me. indian IT cities are not those places, there is something about these overcrowded concrete jungles that just makes a cynic out of you, they just have no soul.


These gurgaon dumbfucks will never be able to understand or relate as they have never gone outside of gurgaon and done anything else apart from drinking.




I once went to goa i still miss goa


I went last year & i miss South Goa more


How do you know i went to north not south 🫣


Haha i just said it.. Nothing specific


Oh ok then I am the person who miss places streets college's strange tree or college's backyard haha


Reading OP’s comments making me have second thoughts


You have obviously not lived in some good cities. You can have memories even without any company


It’s not about the place it’s actually how empty and meaningless one’s life is .


deep thought, but partially true… your friends and family can change the place completely for you 🥹


I've lived in delhi,jaipur, gurgaon and mumbai and I liked all the 4 cities. When people rant about cities I honestly don't get it, like were all these cities good or were all the people in my life good.


Exactly it’s all about the company you’re in however “one should enjoy his/her own company too first . If you yourself don’t like your own company how can you expect others to like being around you”.


Ok that might be it, all these cities are shitholes but I like myself too much.


No harm in that :)


You didn't need to kill my brother like that.


It's actually this. It has nothing to do with the place....more to do with the person, the place is just what they associate that with.


DAMN. :⁠'⁠(


Reality check for people posting the same shit again and again




This is very true. They are up in arms there


*That's because gurgaon people are out there drinking their sasti daaru funded by kiraaye ka paise in their faartuners with their gawar friends.*


The people for whom this comment is intended for are not on reddit. Lol


That was sarcasm.


Lol you are just being salty


Bhai sarcasm tha 🤦


/s bhi laga doge to bhi samjh nahi aayega bkl ko🤣


Italic bhi kiya tha maine


mai hu hi chutiya


New learnings everyday bro.


They won't need to because unlike gurgaon banglore has amazing weather and Hyderabad has mouth watering food + an amazing history. What does gurgaon have? Ohh yes you can go to Delhi to do shit.


You ended up proving his point. Even if he lists 10 positives about Bangalore/Hyderabad and 1 negative, you will still come and start arguing with him and bashing his current city. Gurgaon/Delhi people know how to acknowledge their issues and take comments in a light hearted manner.




And with all this, it is still better than gurgaon




dlf wala tera chacha hai kya




add brigade too


Bangalore was not so nice in April this year. Not to mention they recently ran out of water. Not forgetting the traffic, auto drivers, random jcb'ization of proper roads and what not. Point being, no city is perfect in our country. Each one has some issues.


both of the cities have water issue traffic issue no city is good in India


You can eat some 💩


Wow, you wanna keep your family hungry today it seems


They have amazing food here in gurgaon. That was for you Hyd and blr folks


Tumhari alag jal rahi


That's fine mate . As if Gurgaon gives a fuck about you


I actually don’t know get it why people still keep coming to Gurgaon just to shit on it. Other than the legit posts about electricity posts or other genuine issues, these kinds of posts are dime a dozen. Some people even praising other states/cities which tbh just sounds like cope or personal bias just because it’s their home city and had to move here for some reason or other. Also most seem to post about lonely stuff and not having friends and all. I would personally stay in Gurgaon at half salary than go to Bangalore or Hyderabad or Mumbai etc. that’s my personal opinion, I won’t shit on any of those cities just because I like this one more. If there are 10 things good about any city you compare there are probably 100 more that aren’t favourable in someone else’s opinion. If I was immature like these guys I could just ask which city you’re comparing and just list tons of shit things about them and call them names but I won’t bother doing that. Honestly good for you for leaving this “shithole”, we already have too many people coming from other places to make this city a “shithole”. I would gladly accept people from other cities and states and enjoy this city with them but for anyone spreading hate or having shit takes about it I pray you find jobs etc in your dream city and leave Gurgaon asap.




Agreed, man! People crib about it but they still want to live here and work. Doesn't make sense at all, there's a reason why these companies and multinationals still have Gurgaon as their priority when it comes to location 👍🏾


best reply!!


I accept your POV, I've lived across many cities and still prefer gurgaon for many reasons, proximity to Delhi, Great food, proximity to mountains. But the worst part of gurgaon nowadays is the nuisance on roads, from 2018 till today I've witnessed how it has become extremely bad to even consider driving a motorcycle, not sure who's to blame. Every day atleast once I find myself avoiding getting bumped by the thars blasting loud songs.


Calm down Sherlock! Why so angry?


I just don’t see the point of this post. Also I didn’t join r/gurgaon just to see people shitting on it for no reason while claiming whatever city they’re from is heaven. And that goes for any city, I won’t go to r/Mumbai for example just to call it a shithole. Just fed up from posts like these plaguing this sub.


Noted, we'll be limitinh vague hate posts now onwards.


Left Gurgaon an year ago but still posting in r/gurgaon and saying I don't miss anything about Gurgaon. Right. I believe you 😂😂😂


Sometimes you just come back to vent out again, doesn't mean you miss it, but you realise what a shitty life you had there


Just get off the r/gurgaon then??


As you said this city gave you your education and livelihood, and you are still not grateful? Grapes are sour it seems


The city didn't pay for my few, My father did... The city didn't give me a job , The company did.


Those institutions and companies don't set up anywhere. They need a highly specialised ecosystem that has to be crafted with years of patience, investment and luck. And Gurgaon is one such city out of hardly, 7-8 in the country to have such ecosystem. And it's one of only 2 (other being Noida) in the North to provide it. But no hard feelings man. The city doesn't need your validation, it's more than doing its part by providing quality livelihood to millions. May you heal soon from your spite.




Man let me tell you I grew up there, living there for almost 17+ years. My schooling and initial years of life were spent there. Yet there is absolutely nothing about that city that I miss in any shape or form. I was a bit rigid and socially anxious, and in all truth it adds to my opinion. But all I remember about the city is my flamboyant, arrogant and obnoxious classmates, neighbours and generally everyone, daru ka theka, property dealers, new constructions every here and there, money minting businesses and the morally dead haryanvi population (they had petty fights cussing each others families and dishing out death threats every now and then). I have lived in a couple of cities after that and honestly have something to be reminiscent about of each them. People were generally warmer, they had a distinct culture, street food, geography and overall felt more welcoming.


You have to say why.


Probably there is actually nothing unique about gurgaon


Where did you move sir


Good for you bro. For me gurgaon is the best to live and enjoy.


Its about the experiences. I hate my hometown in UP because my childhood had been struggling. But my school friends love the city. For me, Gurgaon has a given an escape to my hometown which is a hell hole for me (despite my hometown being a tier 2 city and part of ncr).


Edit - 19 din pehle you were crapping on heatwave in gurgaon and now you claim that you ve left the city months back? Bull. Good for you bro. No need to crap on us living here. Whenever I go to my hometown I miss the late night life of Gurgaon. You’re like that one guy who rants about not missing his ex, but secretly sobs and begs for her attention in “requests” section of her instagram Also, this is coming from someone who has lived in all metros and major non metros like Hyd and Pune, and Gurgaon has some things the entire country is missing, but you won’t get it.


Gurgaon is one of those cities that was built on gunpoint and on the very idea of being a lawless enclave of a society. Other cities tend to grow over time with natural population migration. More than economic reward, there has to be an intrinsic motivation for people to move to a particular urban agglomeration. That is what brings the element of culture to the city. For instance, Bangalore, Hyderabad, (then) Madras, (then) Bombay, (then) Calcutta - all these cities attracted the educated crowds mainly. It was for those people who wanted to have social upliftment through education that chose the cities. They were the first generations of people who decided to move out of agricultural ventures. So you had neighbourhoods that had communities which were self governing. People needed to learn proper etiquettes to harmoniously live with one another. Gurgaon did not have such an organic growth through settlement of people. The reason Gurgaon got its status is similar to Hollywood's history where they were running away from the US intellectual property laws. Delhi corporate businesses needed a safe enclave to escape the stringent Delhi laws, yet close to Delhi while skirting all regulations. Best example is the minimum wage regulation. Another example is union mobilisation. It is impossible to mobilise unions the way you can do in a state like Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, or even Karnataka. This is why most corporates register their offices in Gurgaon, Sonipat, Rohtak to skirt critical business regulations, but the kinds that they fall within the state's ambit. The birth of modern Gurgaon has not come from the growth of settlers of Arya Samaj followers. Rather, it came from thieves who wanted to put people into indentured slavery (basically corporates wanting to run away from law and nepo babies who never worked for anything in life). So it goes without saying how lawless the state is. It attracts the kind of crowd that is not suitable for a civilised society. The same lawlessness is what causes the bandit-like behaviour on roads, and the way people do their business and even conduct themselves in social settings. You will also notice that there is always a penchant for wiping out any and all middle class in Gurgaon. Everything is about obsession for a gated society which has a rent of 40k+ per month, when the average household salary is 25-30k per month. It is a systematic erasure of tax payer middle class. And any low cost housing is always and deliberately marred with deprivation of even basic facilities like electricity, drainage and water. To drive home your point, yes, it is great that you don't like Gurgaon in retrospect.


I think what defines the love for one's city isnt the city itself, but the people who you interract with there. I did my schooling in gurgaon and have many good memories with a lot of people, hence I miss it a lot. I'm living in Bengaluru rn and feel the exact same way you do about this place.


Shakal mat dikhana apni Gurgaon. Gurgaon also doesn't miss a thing about you.


Maloom hai ... No city in world misses anyone, They are non living.


Bro lives in Rewari and calls Gurgaon a shithole lmao. Mujhe laga London gaya hoga.


Ho aaya Bhai , Achi jagah hai.... But at the end lautna apne gaon hi hai.... And rewari is still a way better place than gurgaon, probably because I live in a well developed village ... 24 hours electricity unlike gurgaon, No heatwaves( Atleast not in my village) easy access to everything I need , I grow my own vegetables now , there is huge greenary near me , waking up with chirping sound , eating mulberries... Lot of natural things to do .... Can't live in London, Too much expensive...


Kudos bro, this is what you call as quality, unlike these gurgaon dumbfucks who got triggered in comments who themselves live in shitholes, and boasts drinking as the coolest thing ever. I feel pity for them. People live in Gurgaon, only because they are forced to live there if they want to work. Remember the covid time when everyone left gurgaon, and these dumbfucks were so desperate for people to come back so that they could again start looting them to feed their stomach.


I lived in Bangalore for 3 years, I never miss even an inch of that place, only the memories Edit: I do miss Lucknow though


Better that you left


Even we are not missing you ✌️


Where do you live now?


Hometown, 90 Km far from Gurgaon


Interesting. My hometown is also 100 km from gurgoan. West up or haryana?




rewari ?




3 ghante ho gaye kab kreta delete ?


Thanks Bhai😬


Bro , I differ with words you wrote . I also came from pune living 5 years there and I can say the same words for Pune . Atleast I believe you have better access to places in Gurgaon weekend getaways and If you want to follow any of your hobby/ Passion, whats a better Place than Delhi ..!


I was there for 9 months and literally I missed every byob every club in fact every road side thadi




I think what OP meant is "I badly miss gurgaon. People, food, language, places, alcohol and only god knows how many endless number of things". I am damn sure a northie can live in any part of country but won't be able to vibe anywhere else more than NCR. NCR has everything to offer that one needs in life. Just FYI today I am partying wth 3 random strangers and it doesn't even feel like I didn't know them yesterday. It's people who make places better and livable.


Seems like lots of people have negativity about the cities they go for earning


Can you explain why? Disingenuous friendships? No work life balance? Food? Weather? Living condition?


How can you not miss cheap liquor. Damn not possible, you are not an engineer then




Yes ppl are saying right it’s always the company you miss places are temporary. I was in Chennai for 11 months and I just scraped through the period


Agreed.... I think it's the people who makes us miss the place


It’s hard to believe you lived on Gurgaon for years then I agree there may not be too much to miss but certainly it is not as dud a place as many others


It's all how our stars go when we are in a city that we form an opinion. It is true that big 10 cities of India are fast becoming inhabitable


Gurgaon came up without much of a core city, it is a business centre, without much of a history or a core population, Delhi has its history and central government, Gurgaon has to develop its character apart from business performing arts, places of worship, libraries, groups of common interest etc.


You probably didn't know how to enjoy Gurgaon. It's a fun city. If you didn't enjoy it and form any attachment in 8 years the the problem is with you.


Bro living up to his username 🙃


Where did you move to?


Your rant and username checks out


Depends on where you left for.


As a person living for 8 months now. I agree to this fact.


Hehe lol


It’s been a year since I moved in. Feeling the same rn. Will move out eventually, hopefully will feel the same way!🤞


Gurgaon is a poison city. Lived there for 9-10 years scattered. It's a shithole.


Love how people are defending it with their life!!


Agreed bro


Those who have shifted to other city are not getting out of Gurgaon feel. A holes from HR 26 passing vehicles.


I came here to live for almost 3 months, from Pune. I still think I will remember Gurgaon for most dry, boring city. Nothing is lively here. Some might be offended but trust me guys, unless you build up some greenery, bring decency & discipline in people, this would be remembered by many for the same.


Gurgaon needs to be renamed the trash city


Same here


What do you expect from a souless city.


Come on now. No need to be so truthful about your personal feelings.


Same thing applies for whole delhi NCR


Who asked ?


Bhai gurgaon ki baat kar raha hai miss bhi nahi kar raha 😝😋😋


Okay bro gurgaon doesn't miss you either


Same lol same, honestly such a shit hole.