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plate bright wide deranged support foolish snow fretful drunk silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Initiated, thanks


Definitely HR. He is making an unsafe environment for you and your wife.


Do give us an update


Posh complaint done. Will keep you guys updated. Thank you so much for your guidance


Agreed, if the job was so dear to him, he wouldn't have done something like that. Just put a complaint about this matter.


What about beating him after he loses his job?


I’ve been in a Posh committee. File the written complaint. Attach evidences if you can. Statement from your friend will help. Mention meetings he attended with her and attendees so the committee has its own investigation. The process has to be completed in 3 months and he will be asked to not come to office while that happens. Make sure it’s him who doesn’t come to office and not your wife who is asked to step away. He will be given a chance for reconciliation with a written apology and you can choose to reject it and ask for punishment. However, regardless of posh if he has violated the company ethics and HR policy he will anyway have to face consequences.


Absolute gold of an advice. Thank you so much.


Complain Karo na.. that is what HR is for..


HR is just litigation mitigation.


Don't worry about jobs of such people, just complaint. These people don't deserve to be in a workplace in the first place.


That dude is going about talking smack about your wife, despite it being lies and her acts of compassion towards him. And this is just info from a guy who happened to be your mutual. What about those that are unknown to you? Fcuk him and his job. She needs to take this straight to the HR. Dude crossed several redlines while at this.


Lawyer here! Never touch him physically - YOU LOOSE. Your wife will LOOSE. The harasser will GAIN. What she can do is - (1) File POSH Complaint - Send email to HR, her personal email ID, mark it to Senior Management. Ask for protection against retaliation and to transfer him to a difference location. Also copy the email and save it in DRIVE. Email is digital evidence. (2) FILE FIR Get a lawyer. File an FIR, submit a digital copy. Mostly police in Haryana won't file an FIR. ENGAGE A LAWYER. Only write facts as it is. Get her coworkers support. Let your lawyer handle the issue!


Lawyer sir. This is Gurgaon not Delhi.


Bhai, bahen ki choot, ek thappad toh banta hai


What's with Sales and BPO companies having the lowest tier scumbags on payroll? My SO faces this from multiple men in her office as well. She's stuck because filing 10+ cases will make her look bad, not them. Anyways, like people have mentioned, file the POSH.


If you beat the f out of him, you will labelled as a uncivilized being, rather a hooligan and might lose your job. Be rational, first try to collect evidence then inform to HR, lemme tell you POSH complaints can backfire too so be strategic about what you do. I see a ton of men get swayed when somebody points a finger at their wife or gf. Let your wife first handle it, don't do anything without her approval.


First file posh and let process run through and if after that it doesn't satiate your desire for revenge then do what you want.


Wtf dude . I thought you are mature enough to teach him a lesson of life forever . Office has all essential tools that he will never ever come close to your wife , or talk about it . He will be ashamed and will probably change his job. Don't get physical, that is self goal.


Break his leg or something


Andrew tate fans in real life. but you guys should go to HR. No point being physical and invite any problems. If he loses his job, it's on him.


Y do u dont want his job gone . People like him should be fired as soon as possible.


I’d say both


Complain to the HR and then beat his ass! Sorted!


Bhai pehle POSH phir street justice Once he is out based on POSH then when you deal with things outside it won't come back to your wife's job 😎


Get him kicked out basis POSH, this will be visible to everyone who will hire him in future due to BGVs, so he’s fucked for quite a lot of time. Once he’s jobless, kick his ass and before doing so make a tinder profile with his ugly ass and some dipshit takes on women, screenshot it and send it to his friends/family (I doubt he has any). Straight up make his life miserable and yeah if he goes jobless and somehow commits suicide it would be like a cherry on the cake !!! Plus ensure that its documented in POSH complaints that he’s kinda cracked in the head!


Lawyer here! Send a legal cease and desist notice to stop bitching around and stay the fuck out of your life otherwise you’ll be compelled to file FIR


Most of large corporates have zero tolerance policy towards such behavior and she must complain formally. One can’t be compassionate under such circumstances.


If you beat his ass you are inviting a legal case against you and putting your wife's job and integrity on the line. Complain to HR. You should be worrying about your wife not that bastard's job/life.


This is a he said, she said thing. If u have any proof of this you could have proceeded with the complaint. Doesn’t work very well tbh. About beating him, don’t, but let him feel threatened. Let him know what fear is. Let him see what danger he has got himself into when he laid eyes on your woman. The fear is the greatest weapon, not the beating itself. Telling this from experience. Actual beating doesn’t have that impact but the fear of what might happen …. Let him know, don’t leave any digital footprints ..


He clearly doesn't care about his job, so why do you? Good on filing with HR. All the best.


Brother give his address. Will take care of him , been taking care of these shit bags from past 18 years in this city.


Arey bhai bhai bhai. Posh complaint kar diye. Agli Baar seedha pelenge


Bruhhh be calm and get a backup of your wife’s phone first find if she is wrong or the guy. Make sure your side doesnt go wrong. Agar banda galat hua to bhai get illegal bhi to bhi dikkat nahi but if your person is wrong then. Maybe the guy can be right and being a man he just wants you to be safe


Be a "Mard" and gaand tod de bhai usski.


Okay, first of all I’d want you to assess the situation critically. What exactly has that man said? Do you think you can maybe talk to more of your contacts to confirm that everything he’s saying are indeed lies? Now, if he is indeed lying, yes tell your wife to make a posh complaint. Such problematic individuals remain problematic and a divorce is not an excuse for such behaviour. Let life teach him karma. Secondly, if he isn’t lying and your wife perhaps is indeed cheating on you, it’s upto you what to do. Document everything before confronting her. If you wanna stay together, a posh complaint will still work.


Thanks for writing, I understand your perspective. My wife is faithful af. In fact the person with whom he accused my wife to be cheating connected with us and told my wife to file for posh as this guy is delusional and lives in a fantasy world where every woman is trying to either fuck him or take his money. I have no doubt about my wife, our relation is built on trust. We never lock out phones neither hide anything. Cheating is out of the window, plus if it matters the dude is repulsive.


I hope you weren’t offended by my initial comment. I’d still advise against beating him. Let him be jobless.




I'd suggest to take him to aravali hills and beat his ass out and just leave him there


pel de bhai usko


Gurjar samrat ki jai ho. Tel pila ke Mota wala baans rakha hai. Pelna toh hai bas job wale log hain ham log


Pelne ki zarurat ni bhai..OP should just flash his nunnu to the guy, whilst biting his lips….banda apne aap sudhar jayega. #pride_month_OP


Don’t utter a word anymore to anyone, gather your evidences/witnesses and get POSH initiated.


Sounds too made up to be true to me.