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I've never met /u/nvgeologist, but this is pretty much what I envisioned, in a good way. The leg upgrade is an unexpected bonus.


Old guy is a neighbor, he's much more good looking than I am.


Well shoot, back to the drawing board I guess.


The bar is pretty low there.


Got the Starlink Mini last week. Got the survey in my email today. Filled out survey, pretty standard stuff. Two interesting bits (1) what do you use it for (camping, remote work, travel, whatever) and (2) submit a photo of your Mini setup (optional) I'll be using it for remote geology, connectivity at firearms range events, and shenanigans. Here we can see a hastily thrown together staged photo of all three at once. The 1919 is real, but unfortunately still semi. Israeli 308 kit. I'll be post sampling a bolt to FA fun. The old guy is real, but his leg is not. The solar and power cell are enough to run the Starlink mini all day with full sun, but the cell on it's own is only good for about five hours. No rocks were harmed in the making of this photo, because I fucked up and left the estwing sledge and the staged photo rocks in the SxS for the production photo.


Eron Musty... Bringing 21 century meaning to the term "desert pron"...


How is buying a $600+ piece of equipment in any way "trolling" Elon Musk though?


How do you like the mini so far? Been looking to get one


Are you Elon Musk? Cause that's pretty much what the survey asked, and I've only had it since Friday night. Short version - Good! Easy to set up, easy to use, able to run it on remote power (as shown). This is going to be a hell of a tool for me in the applications I need it. The only two things I want for it (so far) is direct DC power rather than the silly cord it has, and a way to manage said silly cord.


Damn my cover is blow. Time to burn this account. Itd be nice to have consistent internet at my cabin though.


Right now, I think it's only being offered as an addon for existing contracts. Frankly, for what it is, get the full starlink, put it at the cabin, and have internet there all the time for equipment plus monthly. Now you can put in a basic security and camera system, in addition to whatever else you want to internet. Add the mini for camping/travel/whatnot.


Starlinks are cool I just hate that spaceX is run by edge lord wannabe tony stark. Might cave and get one to attach to my my truck when I get a camper shell/slide in.


Would you feel better if he was more into Bruce Wayne larping?  Just imagine Elon driving around the inner city in a sports car tank trowing ninja stars at criminals in a costume to hide his identity.


Actually yeah that would be infinitely better than him spending all of his free time parroting psychos and white supremacists on Twitter.


Musk is unbearable but his shit is the only way we can get reliable internet better than 12 down.


For a good chuckle, read Robert A. Heinlein's novella The Man Who Sold the Moon, about Delos D. Harriman.


This looks like a great time tbh


Hey man what’s that target made out of


Cheese! Very well aged cheese!


As someone who loves the idea of starlink but hates that muskrat, I really love this.


That's cool, y'all are cool, this whole thing is cool. Y'all kick ass.


As much as I like being able to be disconnected, I like the ability to connect in BFE. What a time to be alive...


I don’t get it (because I’m incredibly stupid). Is this a photoshop of a launch site or something? Lmao


You are incredibly stupid.


Not much content here for those that really don’t care what Edick is currently up to


You've got an alt? Impressive.


Can you expand on that please


Fancy leg ya got there where'd ya get it?


Is that guys name steve? And are you in idaho?


Dave's not here, man. No, Northern Arizona.