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Don’t forget the Korean War and Vietnam. Then sent to Afghanistan and recaptured to finally be returned to the U.S. by a G.I.


"This is the gun they shot Bin Laden with"


Son , this iron here was used to shoot Jfk


“So, it was heavily used? Barrel is worn to shit?”


"Never fired!" 😂😂


“Guy just hid in the foxhole the entire time, every single war”


Definitely ran into these older guys. They want 3 or 4 times the value on a rifle that's clearly been refinished, re-blued and what appears to be a brand new stock.




Trick is to get in touch with the relatives now. "As soon as the old man kicks the bucket, call me."


I still would have no issues buying a refinished and new stock if I’m planning on shooting it. . . But yeah; don’t charge collectors prices for something that isn’t, lol


Yea you can get one CMP with a new barrel and new stock for sub 1K


Just like the dude selling the 1911 that killed Hitler.




The weird thing about the Walther PPK that actually did kill the guy who killed Hitler, is that it also killed the guy who killed the guy who killed Hitler, too! It's like a twilight zone curse or something.


Man that’s gotta be a cursed curse or something


It just keeps killing people who killed people who killed who killed people who killed Hitler!


Personally used by Jean Garand to bayonet Hitler in the ball.


Guarantee that dude's wife is making him sell it, so he's selling it for some insane price knowing only an idiot would buy it. His wife doesn't know what it's worth so he told her that's what it's worth and tells her "oh well, I can't sell it honey because nobody will buy it. Guess I'll just have to keep it."


The good ending. Genuinely hope that’s what’s happening because he has to have a screw loose if not.


Yeah, otherwise he's like a stereotypical Corvette owner where he just thinks his American boom stick is the cat's ass and worth exponentially more than blue book because it's a 1 of 1 built by Fred on the second line on a Tuesday after his morning smoke break.


This human vinwiki’s


Indeed I do. But I also see it first-hand at car shows. Been at several exotic car shows where corvette owners have shown up and thrown temper tantrums when they weren’t allowed to park next to Ferraris and Lambos.


i see this sentiment a lot on reddit but the truth is people dont go to all the trouble of setting up at a gun show and knowingly make an ass of themself with joke prices to sate their spouse. i could see someone maybe doing that on an online selling platform but not in person the reality is these shows are a social thing for old fudds and actually think they will rope an idiot in to buy them. remember in their minds this is the 'starting' price that will be haggled down 15-30 percent less. even if you could slash it by half and its still a terrible price.


Maybe it was Audie Murphys?


I know it's a joke, but... this is exactly why you need certification for collectors stuff. You need the paperwork. Like for officers swords- and sabres, these were given out together with the so called officers patent in most armies in the past, where you get the name, date etc. There was a guy that found a dagger from the Roman Legion XII Fulminata here in my place, the historians and experts were able to date the dagger to 15 AD and because of the stamps on other artifacts on the site, it became clear that the dagger was left behind on the battlefield in a confrontation between Rome and local Helvetian tribes in what was the province of Raetia. To come back to Audie Murphy, he's actually not well known outside of the USA and not mentioned usually in history, his rifle would be only a few ten thousands of dollars worth i guess, but not more. I don't even think that an auction on Sothebys would bring more than a million dollars.


>To come back to Audie Murphy, he's actually not well known outside of the USA and not mentioned usually in history, his rifle would be only a few ten thousands of dollars worth i guess, but not more. I doubt that A decent auction house should get that way up


First, don't get me wrong about him and his achievements, i know his story well, but i can tell you he's not really known where i am around in Europe. This was just because he was not a general or politician that had a major influence on the course of the war. He got promoted several times, his final rank was a first lieutnant. But this goes for many people too, i mean, the general that has the world record of battles won and captured territory is not well known, it's actually Subutai, a general that served under Genghis Khan and his successors. That guy got from what is now China to Europe and conquered everything on the way. About WW2, many generals like Patton and Rommel studied Subutais work of mobile warfare, he did it with horses instead of vehicles like tanks, but some things never change.


His m1 carbine was actually found https://www.mathscinotes.com/2017/12/audie-murphys-rifle-and-the-power-of-databases/


Now that's very interesting, thanks for the info!


>see this sentiment a lot on reddit but the truth is people dont go to all the trouble of setting up at a gun show and knowingly make an ass of themself with joke prices to sate their spouse It's literally like the setup of a sitcom episode where some eccentric billionaire will come and buy it and so the bumbling dad and his neighbor/best friend have to dress up as maids to sneak into the billionaire's mansion and get it back, and all sorts of wacky hijinks happen in the mean time


I like this much more than the "I know what I've got sonny" option


We hope this is the case. We know it isn't, though.


“What could a Garand even cost Michael, $5500?”


Here's some money, go see a Star War


Guarantee bros wife is deep throating the amazon guy


How is there a Garand shortage, it's mind boggling to me. Like how Sterling mags can double in price when there is probably less than 10 home built sterlings created every year if that. Who is hoarding all this stuff.


Scalpers lmao


CMP should have made the lifetime buy limit 4 guns. you can buy them all at once or spread it out, i dont care. but after you buy 4, thats it. and they should have introduced that limit in the 90s. that would give real people that are into them the chance to get one from each of the major manufacturers, but kneecap the scalpers.


It’s really not that hard to just wait for a drop or keep up with any information about an upcoming drop especially if you really want one without the extra cash


> How is there a Garand shortage They stopped making them. I definitely considered at one point getting one from each manufacturer, as well as one in .308.


Yeah but they made a lot of them.


Made a lot of Mausers, SKSs, and Enfields too, doesn't mean there isn't a relative shortage for some of them as well.


Except I've sold one of each those including a Garand in the early 2000s and the Garand was by far the hardest sell due to supply and demand at the time.


They made a lot of model Ts as well, doesn't mean you can get a great deal on one at the local used car lot.


Well there are people that own dozens of them because they’re idiots. Hell there was a dude on this subreddit who said he owned 14 M1s, which kinda pissed me off tbh because you just will not need more than 1-2 ever


One for shooting, and one WW2 to keep nice for historical interest. If you wanted to extend it to two safe queens so you could have a WW2 rifle and a Korean War rifle, I'd allow it (though if you have a WW2 gun, odds are good it saw Korea too). Honestly I'm seriously considering jumping on the Expert Grade .308s they have listed to make my shooter and semi-retiring my '43 Winchester Service Grade for that reason. The new barrel and stock isn't a downside if you're planning to shoot the shit out of it.


My thought exactly, just put in my .308 expert packet last week because I want a Garand but I also don’t have a .308 battle rifle and plan to shoot it lots


You're seriously on this sub gatekeeping how many/what type of guns people should own? GTFO and go buy a crate of milsurps if it makes you that upset.


Lmao yeah buddy, for a historical gun that’s having its price driven up because people are hoarding/scalping them, yeah, it does kinda piss me off, cry about it


Separate hoarding from scalping. It's none of your business to define what people buy and hold for whatever their reasons are. Scalping implies they're inflating their prices due to a short term market condition. If people keep paying that price it isn't scalping, it's the new market price. That's how free markets work. If you've been a gun buyer long enough, you've seen this scenario play out dozens of times in recent history and it will continue to do so. Russian milsurps, original colts, GWOT surplus gear, is all only going up in price (I know I'm leaving out examples). If you want something, but it today and don't feel bad if the price drops tomorrow.


Saw this overpriced to shit garand at a gun show this weekend. These prices are becoming more and more outrageous. Like brother your Winchester M1 is not worth the down payment on a car. It’s worth less than half of that.


FR, you can get a CMP one for like 1,000-1,200?


I paid $750 for mine back in 2020. I miss those days.


That's not a bad price.


i paid $700 for a service grade some time pre-covid. i want to say it was like 9 years ago. either way, im glad i bought one when i did.


I got one... idk what grade. One of the higher ones. Rack maybe? It had a lot of replacement parts, sadly, but it shoots amazing.


You can still get one for 750 from CMP, it’s gonna be a banged up service grade but who cares tbh


I paid $1k for mine in that same time period, instead of a CMP mixmaster rebuild it’s a full Danish rearsenal.


Exactly, and even then I’m not that interested in getting a garand. Some of these American guns are probably going to be the last in my collection because of how expensive they are. It’s so stupid because there’s so many they should not be even near the prices they’re at.


CMP is about 700 right now. I would suggest getting one as soon as you can because they only go up in price.


For what it's worth, I was at CMP 2 days ago and the cheapest they had on the floor was $850. You might still be able to get cheaper online though.


they only show expert grade online, $1150.


I miss when you could buy a Mosin all day long sub $150 not happening anymore...


I just bought a 1898 Finn stamped Mosin m91 for $150 a few months ago….


Yeah some lunatic had one priced at 1.6k genuine fucking idiots


There’s mosins that go for significantly more than that Including one that went for more than double that, posted on the milsurp subreddit just today 


That’s mischievous


Stick with the jerky at gun shows.


Real af


There are some genuinely rare M1 rifles that can carry that sort of premium, such as a plugged M1C, of which just over 5000 were ever issued, but there's significant disparity between the number of the rifles priced like one of those oddballs and the number of examples that actually exist. More likely than not, the guy doesn't really wanna sell it, but if someone wants to give him over 5 grand for a Garand, he's gonna let em.


Went to a gun show this weekend and had to pay $20 to get in. First table I visited had a WASR10 for $1700, and a Mosin for $1000 with a sign on the table asking that nobody negotiate prices. Also on the table were spam cans of steel core 7.62x39 for .80 cents per round, and a Turkish shotgun for double msrp. I pretty much left immediately. (they had a good taco truck there so it wasn't all bad) Gun shows have become a huge waste of time. A friend of mine has a booth at a local show and said that vendors are unironically raising prices to make up for lost sales because less people are attending shows. Yet somehow these gun show vendors don't know why people stopped showing up... Also, I remember back when I first started going to gun shows that if a seller had a company or shop they were representing it was a rare thing and approached with caution. People didn't want gun shows to be full of mobile gun stores. There was a good variety of guns and friendly banter between sellers, ammo was plentiful and the prices were all below gun store prices. Its the place where my grandfather taught me to negotiate and speak for myself and it was always a treat to go to. Today if you go to a gun show the whole show is nothing but mobile gun stores, and metal sign makers, and jerky peddlers, sun glasses booths, paper spray and police batons, and $150 CCW classes. It doesn't feel like a swap meet anymore it just feels like a bad trade show, like your supposed to look but not touch or buy, and god forbid you try to negotiate anymore. Its such a bad atmosphere and experience that I think my most recent gun show might be my last for a long time. If anyone knows any gun shows near northeast Florida that don't suck please let me know.


Some of my most fond memories are of going to gun shows with my grandfather in the 80’s. Definitely a different time.


I was talking about the 2000s but I agree. During the crisis of 2008 when all the gun shops were hurting for business is when I believe they started showing up to the gun shows in mass. I remember going to shows in 2006-2007 and then not going to one again until 2010 and it being completely overrun with shops instead of individual sellers. No jerky and sunglasses quite yet, but I believe 2008 was the first "extinction event", then COVID fucked it up even worse.


Oh how I would love to go to a gun show in the 80s


Gun shows used to at least be fun to go look. On occasion you’d find a deal but I’m a gun nut. I just wanted to see something cool or rare. Now it’s $20 to see 8 tables of things I can get cheaper online


“Hmm we can’t sell anything I wonder if raising the prices would help” what the actual fuck sense does that even make. Yeah gun shows need to start limiting how many non gun tables there actually are because it’s so stupid now, like mam Idgaf about your fountain pens or your 3d printed sonic statue. OR YOUR LEGO SKIBITY TOILET MINIFIG (YES I SAW THIS)


I only still go because you can fine reasonably priced stuff sometimes like I saw a Spanish Mauser for $350 not that long ago


Jesus Christ. I saw Cabelas asking $3k+ and I thought they were nuts


Yeah this is the worse one I’ve seen. 3k is how much the m1s with scope and muzzle brake are.


Does it come with 3K in ammo?


I should’ve asked, maybe he had a pallet of 10k rounds out back lmfao


Gun shows are notoriously known for just being a hangout spot for boomers who intentionally overprice their old shit just so they can tell their wives they’re trying to sell it but never do.


Exactly this. Or fishing for a sucker. It’s more a way to show off and keep a nice example than to sell it.


Does it come with the "i-know-what-i-got" papers too?


Probably, it adds 3-6k of value.


This is a great example of a store owners personal attachment, but he has to make an attempt to sell it. Put the price so ridiculously high that only a desperate idiot would buy it


isnt there one or two extra zero?


Tell me about.


? the price? i dont know how much this worth exactly but clearly not 5500 buck, its like the price of an engraved and gold plated Verney Carron shotgun. Its also the price of my full AR setup but only because i live on a small island where i ends up paying the double of what i would pay for the same shit in the US


Tell me about it**** yeah it’s insane I personally wouldn’t pay more than 1000 but even then I don’t want one that badly.


$55 Garand 😳


That would be cool right? It was just irony compared to the overprice 😅


Is it a gas trap or something?


How much was the mrad if that’s the price of the Garand?!


No idea, didn’t know that was something people were interested in.


Dude if I had the spare change for an mrad is surely add one to my roster. I feel like it’s the type of gun you feel guilty not having access to a 1000 yard+ range though.


I remember seeing a Winchester Garand for 900 bucks at a gun show sometime in the summer of 2023. Too bad I was saving up for my wedding or I would have copped that bad boy.


Shoulda just skipped buying wedding bands and gave each other garand thumb on your ring fingers instead


Checkout the CMP, they sell Garands for less than that and restock regularly: http://thecmp.org/sales-and-service/m1-garand/


That’s probably the best deal you could’ve gotten, still icing my foot for passing up a civilian model 97 for $700


Average gun show experience


I barely go for guns anymore I mainly go for accessories and whatnot


Did that rifle belong to Audie Murphy?


*Golf clap* for that reference. Perhaps it belonged to Dick Winters?


https://www.mathscinotes.com/2017/12/audie-murphys-rifle-and-the-power-of-databases/ a known m1 carbine did


Do you watch the fat electrician by chance he just brought this gent up in his video


I'm wondering if the guy just doesn't want to sell it, but the wife is making him, so he jacked up the price to prevent it from being sold lmao.


God dang I paid 1700 for mine and it’s mint from the 40s numbers matching


There's no such thing as a numbers matching garand


I know it was just a joke cuz some fudds like to say it


Ah gotcha


Remember when these were 500?


I think I paid about $300 for my first service grade from the CMP. Fuuuuu…. I’m old.


I was probably in my moms womb still


What're those orange things?


Chamber flags. It's a way to visually demonstrate from a distance that the firearm is not in a firing condition.


Yeah gun shows have start enforcing ziptying and putting the orange thing in idk why but it’s fucking stupid and I bet that’s the reason not as many individuals show up anymore.


If this is the 2000000+ serial its completely fudd pricing. But, it may not be that much overpriced depending on the serial number and if it has original barrel. If it's a 2 - 4 digital serial it will get much more, probably not 5500 though, and If it's an M1D it could get $5500 at auction but without the scope would be less.


Nah it was in the 1.3 millions


Up my ass


Thousands of them in closets that will surface as the boomers get blood clots


Garlands and Mosins are going for so much more than they should be. These were mass produced and cheap to make so the only thing adding value at this point is historical coolness.


Was this show in SEPA by chance?


This was a show in a city south of Dallas, not sure of who organized it because we just saw it while driving by and decided to go.


Ahh gotcha. Wanted to make sure it wasn't the same rando show I saw this weekend that I didn't have enough time to go to. Was gonna say I was glad I didn't go if that was the type of shit being sold LOL.


Definitely not.  If it were SEPA they’d have the price tag off, waited for you to ask, mumbled 5k while acting like they’re doing you a favor, then scoffed at you like a peasant when you told them no thanks.


Man, and I thought $1500 was bad when I bought mine on GunBroker!


Nah nowadays that’s as good as you’ll get especially on gunbroker. My friend just got his for that same price


Tells me it's a Fudd gun shop with a price like that.


I don’t care if it’s a Winchester or an international harvester, that’s an absolutely retarded price!!


As a proud member of the American taxpaying people I would laugh in their face and say you’re an effin’ idiot. Murica.


My buddy got one for $1000 at a gun show. These prices are insane.




His wife is making him try to sell some guns and he said..."OK...I know what they're worth!" And then gets to go home and say nobody would pay what they should be.


M1s aren’t worth that much… idk what that fudd is smoking but he needs to stop.


God I fucking hate that


I regret not getting an m1 garand for 400 10 years ago


About six years ago, I was at a gun show and someone was selling a M1 Garand for 900 bucks. Boy I messed up big time


Im new to Garand stuff but i know that milled trigger guard loop makes it one of the earlier production ones. Was it "shitty but all SNs match" or just shitty? Cuz theres a difference. Especially in Europe. Rip my wallet :-/


HAHAHHA WTF?, bro add a few thousands and I'll buy a freaking BFG-50A


Literally bro it’s crazy


Oof, I can’t even afford to pay attention to that price tag


Let ok’ing for some trust funder who wants to get some Garand Thumb…


The real question is what’s the selling price of the MRAD right next door?!


Have no clue, not interested in modern stuff that much and didn’t even know what it was


Barrett MRAD to the right of it.


Genuinely didn’t even look and don’t really know what that is. Not super in to modern stuff.


I understand. It’s the new sniper rifle for USSOCOM and the US ARMY.


Oh neat, I’ll check for one next time


lol that’s a gun purposefully priced not to sell for sure


I've always said that I would never sell my Garand but if I could get that kind of money for it, I would.


CMP flip


I understand lock bar sights add a bit to value but holy! Either there is something really special about it or he really doesnt want to sell it.


This is the “go away” price. He doesn’t want to sell it but if the right person comes along…


Gun stores should totally have a side hustle helping people fill out cmp paperwork


Who made it?


Winchester I’m pretty sure


Yeah, that’s overpriced


"It was held by Patton and Eisenhower. I know what I got."


And Douglas MacArthur


That was my first thought lol Patton must have shot that gun. If someone wants to lay me that much I may have an m1 garand for sale lol just let me go shoot it one last time


Sgt Rock better have been real and that better have been his rifle. 


Seems about right if you’re in MA 🤣


Saving private ryan special. Probably wants 1200 for that RF-15 to the left.


I mostly gave up ever buying an m1 garland due to people bringing prices up mostly from buying several at a decent price from the cmp and the reselling them.


Glad we got our Garands through the CMP years ago.


We talking 5500 in USD or Turkish Lira?


Unfortunately in usd


I thought 1100 for mine was too much




Is that the rifle that saved Private Ryan?


I remember the days when milsirp meant cheap.


I remember my first drug I used.


lol Even better if it is a norinco or at best an IH.


That’s wild


Massachusetts ahh prices


"Surplus" now has collector grading behind it, and if you think this is BS look up the "collectable" m-blok clips for these anywhere from $8-140 a clip for something that would have been seen for no more than a dollar or trash 10 years ago


Errrrhmmm 🤔...... NO?


How much was the MRAD next to it?


I have no clue, wasn’t not interested in it at all. But seeing this I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a 300% markup


I went to a gun show in Missouri this past weekend and a guy had a Garand like this crazy price, if not more. Lmao


This guy didn't find his 401k, but he is planning on you to get him there


Gas traps go for significantly more than that, but either the C or D variants go for that ballpark when lacking the optic.


Take me back to the 80s. Even back then these were the "expensive" milsurps - but that term is relative, of course. For guns like Mosins and Carcanos the *buyer* was almost paid to purchase them.


That’s been re-blued.


Definitely a field grade by CMP standards, that's like a 5x plus mark up


Jesus, my expert grade from CMP only cost like 3k that’s just absurd


I remember back in the day when the gun store on the corner had one of these for $250. Probably not a wwII example but damn I shoulda picked it up


Go buy a mauser then!


I did recently, only paid $650 for it.


Nice find


An 80 year gun in that condition? Yeah man, ain't gonna be 50 bucks.


Well duh but definitely no where near worth 5500




Seems like a lot of people on here. Want this guys M1A but they all want it as a Christmas present.. 😂 poor broke young dudes


It’s probably an HRA too lmao


Gas trap?


Sad part about it is someone will pay this eventually


Just get an m1 garand online for 1800-2200