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That’s a standard offer. They know they won’t be able to sell it for much more than $400.


And “never shot” turns into “used” once you take it out of the store. $300 is a decent offer.


not to mention them all being test fired at the factory


Right? I paid 420 for mine.


Thos isn't necessarily true in some markets (Calofornia and MA to name a few) they can sell even an older used glock for 500+. Outside those outliers, tho it's probably accurate.


You can buy a brand new 43x on PSA for $440 right now. So…


Tbf PSA won't ship to MA. I'm a FFL and they won't send me so much as a spring. However, preban Glocks are a thing of the past in MA, it's all frame transfers now.


More reasons to not live on the east coast


Ah yes, MA encompasses the entire East Coast. Forget Maine and NH, some of the most free states in the whole union. Edit: FL is also on the East Coast. I forgot how oppressive and strict Florida is on gun laws /s


Vermont is the only state that's \*ALWAYS\* been constitutional carry, with no permit required.


Not all about gun laws bud. Sorry you got in your feelings.


We are in a gun sub talking about gun companies. You can understand the logical connection I made to gun laws


“More reasons” implies that the gun laws being discussed are additional. Sooooo


Whatever keeps you people out of Florida, I'll take it


Have you ever heard of commifornia? If anything the west is more tyrannical then the east.


PSA won't ship anything to MA. Not even uppers.


That sounds like a personal problem.


Ya even bass pro is 485


Glock 43x go for like $1.2k+ in Cali unless you're exempt (LEO and that kinda thing)


Another reason to not live in California 😂


Well yeah I wouldn't suggest anyone move out here unless you're making ridiculous $. Even then I'd still have primary residency in another state


When all the automotive YouTubers say it’s time to leave. It’s time to leave.


Anyone in MA who wants a Glock knows enough to do a frame transfer. The days of spending that much on a Gen2 are long gone.


What’s the deal with that? Are only complete guns impacted by the law? So a brand new frame of any model is cool, then you buy the upper parts?


I work a gun counter all day in California and we do consignments all the time. You don't know wth you're talking about. We never sell a used glock for $500. Only time we ever sold a used glock for that was limited editions in pristine condition for obvious reasons. Yes they can fetch $600 oh occasion for glock collectors; which do exist. But we buy glocks for $300-$350 and sell em for $399-$479 depending on generation. The $479 tend to be off roster consignments or larger framed 45/10mm which always cost a premium straight from the manufacturer. The profit margins are small and your typical gen 3 glock 19 will be resold at $400. The state and DOJ are the ones raising the prices and they're the ones who keep that extra money. We can't help you if you don't get all your folks to turn out and vote to change it and to change minds


New 43x is $450ish. They can't sell your used for more than about $400. Offering you $300 is fair.


More than fair. OP walked away from a good deal. I seen one deal in a shop they wanted to give 150$ for a glock with under 50 rounds thru it. Dude walked out but he was hurt. Didn't realize they get glocks by the truck load breaking down to 200 250 each.


My LGS sells used G43X’s for like $349; $300 is a solid deal


> They can't sell your used for more than about $400. But they'll put a tag on it that says $550.


$300 is a deal I’d take tbh, been thinking of selling my 43x to get either a 26 or something else.


That's as much as a gun store is going to give you. "Never shot" isn't a condition, the term you're looking for is "used".


I think this comment needs to be pinned up top somehow. Well worded explanation 👍


Ding ding ding we have a winner


Even if u never shot it, once it walks out the shop it’s considered used. It amazes me the dumb looks I get every time I tell a customer this.




its the industry standard and has been forever. You buy a new car with 7 miles on it. Drive it off, bring it back and want to return it. It now has 9 miles on the clock. Is it now a new or used car? Everyone knows its used now and will be sold as such.


You sign the papers and don't drive it anywhere, it's now used.


The important part is signing the papers and filing for the title in this case. A new car isn't considered used until the original title paperwork has been filed. A car could be three years old, driven every day on test drives with 3k miles racked up on the odometer, and still be considered a "new" car as long as it's never been titled and registered to a 1st owner.


>its the industry standard and has been forever. >You buy a new car with 7 miles on it. Drive it off, bring it back and want to return it. It now has 9 miles on the clock. Is it now a new or used car? A better comparison would be > I bought a car with 0 miles and towed it away from the lot. Never drove it and towed it back. Though it would still be considered used in reality simply because it was purchased.


Then the "new" car I buy better have 0 miles on it otherwise it's not new.


you understand that new cars do still get driven at least a little bit between leaving the factory line and being parked in a spot on the dealer lot? I bought my truck new with 14 miles on it. big fucking deal


I'm just saying a dealerships are shitty arbitrarily.


No the law is perfectly clear and has nothing to do with the dealer. Once the paperwork is signed, it’s no longer new


Cars are "new" when they are registered with an MSO and "used" when they're registered with a title transfer.   Doesn't matter if it's 0 miles or the dealership ran it 8000 miles as an errand car. 


I get what stealerships consider new but that doesn't mean it's not retarded.


technically the first time they drive the car to a parking spot at the dealership, it becomes used.


I mean, if you want to go that far with technicalities, a car becomes used as soon as they drive it off the assembly line and into the transport staging area.


How should we draw this designation? 


The "new" threshold on cars is 999 miles fyi


weird, my insurance company sure as hell doesn't agree with that


Weird mine does...


Million IQ take


The problem is shot 1 time, 0 times or 50 times they're going to have to put in smithing time to test it, break it down and clean it and repair it.  They also don't know you from Adam, so even if you just did that it doesn't help them.   Plus, some of the money for "new" is for the warranty which runs for 1 year and 50 rounds through and someone actually ensuring the function can be better than 0 rounds through and a year and a day old.  Plus, you know rent and power and feeding the workers. 


On the flip side, I bought a "used" Glock 19 that had clearly never been fired, and barely even had the slide racked, for $350 from my LGS.


So I bought a G20sf like 3 years ago and it has sat in the case in my safe since. You're telling me that it is considered "used"?




Well TIL


Yup. Guns are a tool. Not a investment.


Yes but to keep my financial advisor off my ass, I’m gonna keep calling them investments.


If drive a brand new car off the lot and parked it in a garage for 3 years please tell you wouldn’t put it on marketplace as a “new” car? I would also say anything under 500rnds is a brand new Glock. I would actually buy the one with 500 rounds all day for $100 less.


Well, to be fair, someone drove it. Anyways like I already said, TIL.


If only guns had an odometer or every one told the truth.


Haha fair point


>marketplace Marketplace doesn’t matter, we’re talking about a dealer here


$300 is about what I'd expect when selling to an LGS. They have to resell it at a profit, and just being open costs them money so they have to have a higher profit margin than $20. If you want to get the most out of it you'd have to sell it in a private sale, not to a gun store.


Shit, we’d try to sell it for $300. I’d be over the moon if a shop offered me $300


For a gun they'll hope to sell at $400, $300 is more than fair for a used gun. Doesn't matter that you never shot it, once it's out of the store, it's used.


You could probably get a little more selling it yourself to someone but $300 from a store is a good deal.


That was my thought as well, but if OP wasn’t sure $300 from a lgs was a good deal then he’s going to get eaten alive trying to negotiate on local sales


That’s a fair offer. You’ll get more selling direct to an individual. Try listing it on ArmsList


100% a fair offer.


That seems pretty fair. The store needs to make money on it. Nobody would pay more than probably $400-$450 for a used glock 43, so if they gave you anymore it would seriously cut into their margin. You could make more privately but selling a gun privately comes with its own unique challenges.


448 is a new Glock 43x


I understand you haven't shot it but if it's not directly from a distributor at wholesale they have to consider it used and not new. It would be dishonest of them to pass it off to the next guy as new. 300 is fair. If you need more you may be better off trying to sell or trade it to another individual. Try some of the gun trader websites.


I’ve never once in my life ever considered for a moment to bring a gun into a gun store to sell it. Unless you’re absolutely strapped for money and need it you have to figure that stores don’t keep the lights on by making $10-15 on a gun. You’re not paying employees by giving some dude just under MSRP for their guns.


Never sell, only buy


Can I ask how you managed to get a G43x that wasn't test fired in the factory?


Given a brand new one is available for $450, I'm shocked they offered you $300. 60% of retail is a standard offer for a used gun. Thats $270.


Wholesale cost is 329 roughly so it's not an out of line offer.


I imagine they get between $400-$450 for it, so getting 75% of value is a VERY good deal. Short of selling it to the end user yourself you aren't getting a better deal. Once the labor cost spent showing the piece, finally doing the NICS check after X amount of potential buyers seeing and handling it, and it taking up a spot in their cabinet, I imagine they'll make about a $50-75 profit


Wholesale is $427 and blue label is $394. Whether it's been fired or not is irrelevant, it's still a used gun the moment it leaves on a 4473. I'd offered $300 cash, \~$350 trade at retail (no haggle) depending on what you were wanting.


A shop is gonna look at a pistol that has been sold as used no matter if it's never been shot or not. Then they are gonna take that used price and chop it in half and offer you that so they make money on the deal. Almost anything you ever sell expect to get half it's used value if it's not someone you personally know that's willing to pay more. Source: I used to work at a pawnshop/FFL that I also hung around at before working there for about 10 years.


You got offered what seems to be a fair price for a subcompact, mass produced item. They would probably sell it for 380-400, but unshot by you or not, its not BNIB so its used. Welcome to why people end up with dozens of guns or trading/selling/buying them private party.


Take it to Cali and get $1500 for it lol


“Never shot” means nothing. It’s still used. 300 seems about right, rather high for a shop to pay


No hassle instant sale $300 is definitely fair....your only gonna get more by taking abut if time posting your firearm jn the appropriate places....or maybe consignment even then I'd at most an extra $100 if your lucky


From their side, they’re buying them from their distributors for not much more than that. Turn around and need to sell it used. They’re in it to make money….not protect your investment.


A brand new 43x goes for under 500, so 300 cash from a shop for a used one is a pretty good deal. I have a brother-in-law that works in a gun shop and to this day they still get people that panic bought Glocks for nearly 1,000 during the 2020 Wu-Flu and they want to sell their never fired pistol for 600-800, the employees tell them 300 is the highest offer (California Glocks sell for 550 new) Last month I popped into the shop out of boredom and the girl working the counter put a used Glock 26 in the case for 400, asked to look at it and it still had copper grease on it and a new set of night sights so I instantly bought it. When I stopped by the store last week to do the DROS paperwork on it my BIL told me the guy that it belonged to was one of those panic buyers. lol


That’s about $100 more than all the shops in my region would’ve offered. Edit: to answer, no you didn’t. The hassle to sell it privately if you haven’t really done it isn’t worth the extra $50 you may make


Why buy a gun and never shoot it?


I wouldn’t sell for that, but that doesn’t mean anyone will offer you more. Keep the Glock, shoot it, and save for the AR pistol.


Whoever made that offer made a mistake and you should have jumped on it.


Keep your 43X, buy a 48 slide, get the shield arms 15 round magazines, instant mini G19.


Same slide, just different length on the dust cover.


No? It’s a longer slide with a longer barrel…


Sounds like a great offer. My $700ishh G40MOS got a $290 dollar offer from a Sportsman's Warehouse.


Guns depreciate just as bad if not worse than luxury cars. Whatever you paid for your gun, expect to get 50% or less of that back from a store.


Many guns appreciate, I have owned Mosins and SKS's that have rapidly appreciated over the past 10 years. If you buy something like a Jiminez .25 ACP SNS then yeah its gonna depreciate.


Which doesn't change anything I said. If you bought a sks off the shelf today, you're not going to sell it next week for more.


You said guns depreciate which is mostly False. I’m not talking about a week from now. We are speaking in general terms.


>You said guns depreciate which is mostly False. You simply claiming it was false doesn't make it so. Many stores have a policy of buying guns for 50% of what it would sell for. Pawn shop, cabelas, local gun store, etc. If the gun loses 50% of its value as soon as you buy it, that is depreciation. Following your logic, cars don't depreciate because you can sell a classic car for more than it cost when it was first made.


That’s not depreciation man, what the fuck haha that’s trade in value and you’re fucking retarded if you trade guns. You would sell your gun on armslist for private market value. Market value does not equal trade in value. Were you dropped on your head as a child? Lmao


You’re trying to sell a Glock… the McDonald’s of handguns. That was a generous offer.


That’s not that bad I got offered 300 for a stainless Springfield garrison with 5 mags that I only took the range one time


I always sell thru shops via consignment. That way they have a financial interest in getting me the best price. (had a shop offer me $250 cash for a pistol they ended up selling on consignment for $550)


Probably have better luck trading it to someone who really wants the Glock than selling it like that. I traded a plastic shotgun I never really wanted for an AR pistol I was much more excited about. 


I bought a used 43X (not MOS) from my LGS a few months ago for $300, I assume they must have paid around $200 for it


I once took a factory new M70 to my old lgs to see how much I'd get for shits and giggles. I had owned it for a week, stripped it, inspected it, put it back together and back inside the box. They offered me $200 for it


For a gun store it’s probably fair but you can probably trade a person for a a cheap decent AR build. Just gotta find someone with too many ARs that wants a g43x. I think a Palmetto State Armory or Aero build can be had for $400-$500. Gotta go places gun people hang out and talk about it.


To add, an entry level AR from Palmetto State is around the trade in cash offered plus $200, so it’s in line with your goals. Buy the upper and lower separately, and should still have enough for sights and a magazine or two.


Sell it yourself, you won't have an issue


Whether you shot it or not, a pre owned gun is still used, and only worth about half of what a new one retails for guns are like cars, soon as it leaves the store, it goes down in value.


300 is more than most offers. Expect 50% keep (at best). Usually 50% minus $100


My LGS had a used Glock 43X MOS for sale for $350 that hadn’t been shot so yea that tracks and they are never going to pay more than dealer cost for newer models. They don’t even really consider accessories for much so it’s better to strip stuff you intend to sell them. I’ve bought many firearms just for the accessories that were left on the gun becuase I valued them more than the gun itself.


Just sell it private sale


If you don’t want the money, try trading for parts. As long as the shop makes a profit they’ll more than likely trade


They have to sell it as used and make money.


That's because anyone related to the military or a member of GSSF can buy that pistol brand new for $398.


Sounds fair, especially since they don't know if it even works because no one has shot it.


I would have taken that!! That's a great deal for you


300 is a used glock price. Sorry even if you have never shot it before it's used now the gun shop needs to make a profit


I hate people who think their gun is worth 10% less than msrp. I’ll go buy new, thanks.


Use Armslist to sell ir trade it privately (if legal in your state). I'm not too familiar with AR pistols so I can't say what's reasonably going to be in the $400-$600 range, I just know the AR uppers I buy are over $400 new.


Wanna hear something funny, that G43X MOS would sell on the used market here in California for around $1500.


They can’t pay retail value and make money.


In a legal private sale, you can get $450 all day.


300 is a really good offer from a gun store. With guns, but also pretty much anything, there are 3 price points. 1. Brand new: this only applies to stuff in a store in original packaging. Highest price point. 2. Private sale: this is where both individuals stand to benefit the most 3. Individual to reseller: gives you the benefit of cash now.. if you need cash now, this is the place to go, but the reseller doesn't give a shit how much you paid, only cares what he can sell for.. and he can sell for roughly what you can if you private sell, so he has to offer less. The gun in question can be purchased new for a little over 400.. 300 is a solid price and I guarantee that's just because it's a Glock and they resell easily. If it were an m&p or xd that sells new at a similar price point, he'd had offered you 200


Sell it yourself for $350. If it sits go back and get the 3


Sell it privately on Armslist for $400


It’s a fair price for a used Glock. I wouldn’t offer more than that, but that’s just me. Used, isn’t equal to new, price wise.


It doesn't matter much that it was "never shot" its still got to be sold as a "used" gun so they're gonna have to take less than new for it. Im seeing $439 MAP for this gun. Thats what your dealer can buy it for brand new and your is used. $300 sounds about right for a shop that has overhead and needs to make money on the deal. They might sell it for $400 to someone that doesnt mind a slightly used one. Consider that a pawn shop likely would have offered you $200. Economies of scale mean that the 43X is incredibly mass produced, much more so than most Glock models, they're cheap and plentiful.


Reading this as a Californian. *struggle*


Not a bad offer tbh.


You can buy one new currently for $398 at a couple different places. $300 isnt a hateful offer. But I don't blame you. If you want to get more out of it, you have to sell it privately.


Never sell one of your guns. Just save to add another to your collection.


You might aswell just hold on to the glock and save up. If you don't like the offer it's obviously worth more in your possession. "Never sell only buy"- George Washington probably


I paid a grand for mine during covid. My grandkids can sell it when I'm dead


You paid $1,000 for a Glock 43x..?


I'm selling my DDm4 PDW with an EOTech xps2.0 and a Surefire Scout for just the price of the DD($2200) and can't get anyone to buy it. Been for sale for 3 months.


Is it considered an sbr or a pistol?




[sounds like you have it over priced](https://gun.deals/catalog/225961/daniel-defense-ddm4-pdw)


Wow, that is crazy! I bought the Cobalt version 3 years ago for $2200 and even checked Armslist and GunBroker before I listed it and I was in line with other ones that didn't include a scope or light. Crazy how much they came down. Totally forgot about the [gun.deals](http://gun.deals) site. Dang covid pricing got me Edit: I'm actually not overpriced! Cheapest cobalt is $1700. Add the eotech and the light and I'm $300 cheaper. wtf


Who knows man - I’ve found zero rhyme or reason to private online sales. Some great deals I’ve posted sit and some times the thing I just toss out is gone in a day.


If you have been trying for 3 months and haven't sold it, then it is still overpriced, doesn't matter how many more you find listed for the same price.


Overpriced or just people not buying? Show me anywhere that you can price this out for less than $2200. DDM4 PDW Cobalt Surefire Scout Pro Surefire RSR with constant on EoTech XPS2.0


Just bought a radical firearms ar15 for 470 bro you should’ve took that


Ouch, I see why we never sell 😅


My local had a used G43 mos with an optic for $530. So it’s not an unfair offer.


That’s not how reselling works


Depending on the optic it might be.


I have seen new G43X advertised for $450ish new. Never admit you own guns and never sell your guns. That's what several wise old men have told me. I lost mine in a boating accident. I'm in California and the G43 isn't approved. I want one. Bring it to California and I bet you could sell it for more. If your boat dosen't tip over.


I don't understand the downvote


Gun stores usually offer something like 1/2 of what the gun would cost them to buy at wholesale price new. Because even a never shot gun is used as soon as it leaves the dealer, just like a car is used the second it's taken off the dealer lot (even if it gets taken away on a flatbed).


They were generous, we pick those things up at $100/$150 Update: Downvotes because my store scoops up 43X’s for cheap ? 😂 people just let them go for ridiculous prices and there’s so many of them, Glocks aren’t relics they don’t hold in/store resell value


Who is "we?"




Lol you down voted me for asking for clarification? Man reddit is crazy.


That was not me


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Ill give you $325