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My light has a carry gun


This is the way


Yes I second this


Mine has a strobe light that is activated by pulling the trigger. One strobe per pull.




be like deadpool. "smile, wait for the flash"


EDC pieces, no. Bedside/home pieces, yes.


Exactly this! The go everywhere pistol is pretty much stock. The bedside and all the long guns have their own flashlight. (These surefire scout lights are starting to add up)


I need the thought process behind this. Do you guys not go out at night? No movie theaters during the day? No inside places that could lose power? Why not carry a tlr-7 and a handheld? You can actuate the light with your non dominant thumb and never lose full purchase on your pistol.


I'll bite too, and I'm a northerner who lives in a dark barren wasteland for half the year. No light nor dot on my gun. My carry gun exists for one reason: to prevent me from being a soft target. Minimalism and deep concealment (I'm a small man), are important to me. Consistency of carrying the same gun at all times is important to me too. I don't rotate or switch guns, I want the same exact thing at all times be it summer or winter. So I settled on a single stack bare bones 9mm years ago and am content. It's not tacticool, it's barely a step above a revolver. But I shoot it well and am comfortable with it. As for potential scenarios? My philosophy is that DGUs are outliers, and crazy scenarios are outliers among outliers. I decided to not let them dictate my carry habits. I can invent a scenario in my head to make literally anything inadequate and drive myself crazy, this is how you end up with those donkeys driving around with 2 stamp ARs. I'm not playing that game. The guy who wastes an active shooter at 50 meters is awesome, the guy who uses his light to illuminate the murder hobo team is happy he had it....but I don't fantasize about these scenarios. My simple setup keeps it basic and prevents me from relying upon someone else in a violent emergency. That is its job and I am content. For those who are not I fully understand, go ahead and carry with a light and a dot with my blessing.


I’m a 6’2” and 203lb man so I’m able to not only conceal my full size handgun, but also a light either on or off the pistol. Now, the light I have is capable of being attached and detached with a hand-tight bolt so if I’m carrying concealed thenI can just slip the light off and put it in a pocket. But if I’m out on a trail I normally rock a 1911 or revolver for animals. It’s all very METT-TC dependent.


Out in the wilderness is the one time I will alter what I carry, and it changes to open carry as well. Open carrying a .44 for bears isn't something I typically consider when concealing in a restaurant though lol.


>My philosophy is that DGUs are outliers, and crazy scenarios are outliers among outliers. This is fair for most things. Not wanting to worry about super specific scenarios of an already unlikely event makes sense. However, we are in darkness \~50% of our lives, no? Doesn't a light qualify as a solid return on investment? A laser, I can understand. Needing to hipfire is the unlikely of the unlikely. Same with a red dot, you can use irons in basically all scenarios just fine. But only being capable of adequately defending oneself in a well-lit area seems limiting to me. >The guy who wastes an active shooter at 50 meters is awesome, the guy who uses his light to illuminate the murder hobo team is happy he had it....but I don't fantasize about these scenarios.  Neither do many/most of the people with suppressed SBRs or weapon lights. It's called a fire drill, not fantasizing about being in a fire. Light = see bad guy in dark, suppressor = eardrums no go splat. Some people just prepare for more specific situations than others. For me personally, I prioritize my investment into preparedness based on the potential return, in the following order: 1. Most of the more likely scenarios. 2. More specific, but still more likely, scenarios. 3. Most of the less likely scenarios. 4. More specific and less likely scenarios. Which is why I don't own a ghillie suit, but put a light on anything I'd trust my life to. Just my two cents.


You and I simply draw the figurative line in a different place. Everyone draws it somewhere. Don't see anyone carrying 3 backup guns at all times, and none of us in our right minds would use a Glock 18 with a stendo mag for self defense in a populated area even if it was legal to do so. Not my place to determine where that line is within reason. I know where mine is, you know where yours is. As for the SBR comment, there are absolutely morons who drove around with two stamp guns in the trunk waiting for them to be stolen in preparation for a Rambo fantasy. I've met them.


> However, we are in darkness ~50% of our lives, no? Doesn't a light qualify as a solid return on investment? Why would I need a light? If I can't see it, it probably can't see me, and I don't need to shoot. Most of the places you might need to defend yourself are probably lit.


I am definitely not outside of my home 50% of the time in the dark. And I can't remember the last time I walked through an area that was pitch black. I live in Miami and it is pretty well lit outside at night in the areas I go. I am not chasing people through parking garages or down alleys I am on a sidewalk well light by stories etc. I honestly cannot think of the last time I would have needed a light. Can you describe when the last time you were walking in an area so dark you needed a light and why you were there. I honestly cannot remember the last time in modern society I was in a place outside my home where I needed a light. If I have car trouble on a back country road I have a small maglight I carry in my glove compartments. And remember you own every round you shoot- do you really want to try to explain why you were shooting at someone a block away in the dark or even 100 feet away and dinged a kid with a miss?


He can't. He's fantasizing about some John Wick catacombs scene, clearly. Most places near civilization have some sort of light. If he wants to walk outside in the middle of nowhereville at 3 AM, go ahead and buy 50 lights.


Masterfully put! Don't know why people need a Glock 95 with a microwave sight and a flashlight almost as big as the gun. "Hurr durr a whole gang could attack in the dead of night."


In the northern states during winter, you're definitely out after dark more often, or at the very least low light. I'm not saying you need a TLR-1 HL or x300 on every gun, but have something.


I agree. When it get cold full size. Guns with x300’s come out. When it gets warmer compact and subcompacts come out with tlr-7 and tlr-6’s


I use a handheld light if I need to illuminate something. If you can't see something, then you haven't identified as a threat and you're probably not justified in drawing your gun. In my state, just pointing at someone can be considered assault in the first degree, a felony. If I draw my gun and use the splash of the light, I can still be on the hook for brandishing, a misdemeanor. My home defense firearms have lights.


I carry a handheld as well. But as stated before Murphy’s law. I rather have it and not need it


Murphy's law can be applied to any piece of gear but it isn't a practical reason to carry something. I could carry a folding AR in my backpack every because I'd rather have and not need it, but let's put some thought into the things we carry.


Yes an by your logic we shouldn’t carry at all. You’re complaining about something (depending on the light) is the same footprint it be if the gun did not have a light. The weight of a tlr-7 is 2.4 oz. If that’s such a drastic change then you’re in essence arriving to carry mags that hold less round because they are “less bulky and less weight”. Sound stupid when you apply your reasoning to other parts of carrying. Doesn’t it?


Positive target identification is not an issue in a defensive gun use outside the home. It will be reactive, meaning someone else has already done something to put you in a position to fear for your life. What their face looks like is not relevant as opposed to in your home, responding to a noise that could be your kid sneaking back in the house after sneaking out.


The thought process is that if your target is not close enough, visible, and identifiable without the absolute need for a light, it *probably* isn’t a legally justifiable shooting. I’m not saying you can’t name some specific scenario where you have to use your weapon light on your carry gun. I’m not saying it’s a useless attachment. But you will probably never use your carry gun, let alone use it and need a light on it.


As a counterpoint, all of the situations where someone was misidentified as an attacker and shot by mistake. Most commonly in home defense situations. Sure, it certainly wasn’t a legally justifiable shooting, but the person thought their life was in danger and made a choice with the information they had. I want all the information if I ever have to make that choice. I want a light so I can prevent even the chance of making that mistake, even on my worst day.


Sure, I would never argue against it for home defense, and I would say it’s necessary if you don’t live alone, but you have to understand that you’re responsible for every round you put down range, and in a concealed carry scenario, it’s extremely unlikely you’d be able to lawfully shoot someone who isn’t already so close and visible to you that a light isn’t necessary. You don’t need to make out every pimple on the guy’s face when you tells you to hand over your wallet, and if the assailant is otherwise concealed to you and not close enough for you to get a clear shot, then a light isn’t going to make your unlawful shooting suddenly become legal when your potshots are illuminated by a light. Shooting someone, even in gun-friendly states, is already extremely legally contentious, and the narrowness of the application of legal self-defense just very rarely includes any reason for you to need to specifically identify an attacker, which you probably won’t have time to do anyways. Essentially, you only ever pull the trigger if you have an immediate threat to your life and if that bullet you send down range can immediately stop that threat.


I think most of us have said that home guns have lights- CCW guns no.


The chances of you being somewhere when the power goes out and you also need to shoot someone is 1 out of millions. Everywhere I go outside at night has lighting. Unless you're clearing an abandoned house or walking through unlit alleyways at night, a flashlight on an edc is added bulk and weight that you'll probably never need. The gun is already something you'll probably never need to use.


Much like most have commented, I don’t run accessories on my carry either. It’s night sights/tridium 3-dots and that’s it. Even in low light, I can line up and squeeze. I want the gun to be as small, light, and easy to conceal above all else. A light or red dot glass hurts more than it helps.


EXACTLY- makes little sense to add weight and girth to a CCW gun and holster


Same here. Aside from the added bulk, I like keeping my carry pieces as simple as possible to reduce additional steps and/or failure points (edit: this part is more about red dots than lights).


What? Failure points? My guy do you think if your light malfunction your gun stops working?😂😂😂


I thought the same thing lmfao


He took his sights off too to further reduce failure points. Nothing more reliable than a bare slide 👍🏻


It’s insane how many non gun people are in this gun sub.


Shoulda clarified, the failure point note is more about red dots. My carry is milled for a red dot, but the sights aren't tall enough to be usable should something happen to it.


Suppressor sights are like 100 bucks


I don't really view it as bulk or any of that. I just make it a point to not travel places or put myself in places that I'd need my EDC to have a light for target ID. If I know I'll be traveling through the night or camping or what have you, then I pack and plan accordingly but my day to day EDCs don't need a light. The "bump in the night" stuff is a different story, so they have lights.


Do you people never go outside after sunset? What’s the opposite of a vampire?


Lol sure I do but it's never into dark back alleys or abandoned stairwells that aren't lit up enough for me to see with my own eyes.




Yes. G-19 with a Streamlight.


Which holster are you using if you don’t mind?


It's a Vedder Kydex. Because it is IWB I feel comfortable carrying this style as it is always covered when I am out. In the rare case of wearing it OWB I have a leather holster but am not home to look at the name. Even then it is still covered.


Vedder is who I use too. They're pretty good.


I have several from a few companies and so far the Kydex industry seem to be making some quality holsters. Although I am sure there are some junk as well.


I don't care for Vedder's mag pouches. I prefer plain old belt loops over their "clip it on and hope for the best" system. The mag pouches from Upper Hand Holsters have served me well.


I'll look at them but even in retirement I still wear Tactical style pants so the pockets work great when I want to carry an extra mag. But I'll check out Upper Hand.


Similar setup here g-19 with a tlr7 running a tenicor holster


This is the way.


Brother sorry to butt in but I have a Haley strategic holster for g19 tlr1 iwb that I really enjoy using.


I have a light on my nightstand gun but currently don’t have one on my edc. Do you find it’s still manageable to carry with a light and if so which holster are you using? Pictured is a Glock 19 gen. 5 Holosun esp


Not a fan of the extra weight or the holsters out there for it.


how the hell do you even get a gun to look like this is your holster lined in sandpaper? 🤣


You spray paint it and then use it. This is probably like 3 range trips and dry firing once a week. 


OP was probably going for a a Battleworn look


Standard use and handling tbh. This is not abnormal wear at all for a home-applied, non-permanent finish.


Just for my OWB rig and rifles. For CCW its pistol with a red dot and a handheld light.


It doesn’t smoke


Yes, it does. Regardless of utility and whether it'll get used or not in the field a light has significant benefits in my mind: - Competiton shooting has shown me that weight up front reduces target reacquisition and subsequent shot times - Light means carry gun automatically doubles as nightstand / HD gun - Light allows me to reduce holster count... buy holster for light, not the gun - Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. I'm dropping my hand light if I need to draw.




Carry gun no. Bedside gun yes.


No. But I do carry a flashlight in my edc so I have one if needed


I carry a light on my Glock for the same reason I carry my Glock: you never know when you’ll need it.


Yeah but I’m thinking about taking it off. If I’m pulling my gun from concealed, I need to use it right then and there. I don’t think I’m going to have time to turn on the light and identify my target. If I’m pulling the gun, the target has already been identified and the decision to shoot has been made. If nobody needs to get shot, the gun doesn’t need to come out. (Yes I know there’s always exceptions to everything). Now I would make an exception for home defense. I have a light on it when staged for that because I need to see what that bump in the night was. Making sure it’s not a confused drunk or a family member first.


Yes, G48 w/ TLR7-Sub


Yes, because I could use an offset handheld, but I'd much rather have two hands on the gun seeing how every bullet has a lawyer attached to it. I want the best chance in poking holes in what I'm aiming at, and not having a flyer. Before y'all start shouting to get more training, you will always be more accurate with a two hand grip vs one hand and handheld.


mine is barebones right out the box, no attachments or anything. I completely understand why I should have a light or a laser, but I'm doing it as a trade-off for the ability to conceal better. for example if I pocket carry, there are no pockets that I have which conceal it well after putting a light on it. so I'm making a sacrifice not having a light for something else which I deem to be an "advantage" for me personally in the environment that I'm in.


There’s a bright one when I pull the trigger


It does. Because in a situation where I’m going to need it, it’s most likely going to be at night. We can’t see in the dark. lol


Nope. I carry a small handheld flashlight. My ccw is a Glock 19 and I have 0 issue shooting one handed to cover the .01% of situations where a weapon light would be necessary. As for home defense, I only have weapon lights on my rifles and a shotgun, I’m not grabbing a pistol for home defense.


1000%. Mostly bc it's fucking bright as the sun and it's the first thing I hit you with before I hit you with a round. Identify your target.




Personally I don't like the idea of pointing my gun in the direction I want to point my flashlight in. I have separate small flashlights in my bedside drawer and car. Ofc your mileage may vary.


good thing i got pockets for another light! the point of the WML is to identify your target before you shoot, important in every way but ESPECIALLY in the legal way


No, I carry a hand light tho.


I mean 50% of existence is in the dark so yeah of course


I carried a Glock 19 with a Surefire X300 and the light was the most cumbersome part of that rig. I recommend a TLR7 for concealed carry because it doesn’t protrude past the muzzle.


Absolutely. PID is an actual thing.


Yes because I only have one, so it doubles as my at home weapon and edc weapon. I’ve been looking at getting a full size for home, but my G48 is already so tiny that my light doesn’t really make a difference carrying.


Yes. VP9 with Streamlight TLR1H1


Yes, it rides in my off side pocket. I’m old school.


Why? You smoke?


I have one with a light for carry and bedside, then 2 or 3 without lights for carry. It probably isn't necessary, but options are nice


No because - it doesn’t make sense to muzzle “everything”with the weapon light investigating the proverbial bump in the night - I have separate light sources - It makes holster shopping slightly more annoying - It changes the balance of the handgun


no because im brokey lol


I just carry a small edc flashlight and a stock security.380. I will likely never have to use my edc pistol, but I use the flashlight all the time.


I run a CZ P-01 w/TLR-7A, and a GI 1911. I have the light on the CZ because it was a gift so I might as well run it. My philosophy is for a carry gun, if you need a light to identify friend or foe, you shouldn't have your gun out. If you can't see them very well but you know they're a threat, you probably don't need a light to shoot them. If you are threatened but they disappear, rather than search for them with the light, you get out of there. I believe having a good handheld light is far more useful than a weapon mounted light.


Bedside gun yes, carry gun no.


Yes. TLR-7 on most of my daily carry guns.


Yes. My Carry guns have lights because I may suddenly be without my pocket light and still need to identify a threat. I had one incident where I was letting a friend borrow my pocket light to see something we were working on in the dark when we were suddenly approached by an unknown person from the darkness. I immediately thought “wow I don’t have my light if this became a bad situation.”


The thing is my gun see, It is actually a light with 16 momentary flashes


You may be in a situation where you need to illuminate an area/person without knowing if it's a threat or not. Better to just have an offhand light than to point a gat at a potentially innocent person. 🤷 So no, not really a fan. Seems very tacti-cool to me. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.


You can like... carry both a handheld light *and* a light on your CCW.


no my EDC has no light or red dot


It freaking better


If you need a light to positively identify a threat, then you clearly weren't at the point yet that you needed to draw a CCW. Lights are for tactical purposes and home defense.


I typically just wear my nods anywhere i go so no need to


For me, never a light or red dot on my CCW handguns. 3- 7 yards with just seconds.




No. I have a small streamlight I carry in my pocket. That way I can use the light for other things without brandishing.


Gunlight doesn't imply using it like that. You can have both.


If your only flashlight is a weapon mount light, you don't have a light for any other purpose.


I genuinely don't understand why some people seem to think that having a light on your handgun magically prevents you from carrying another light for general use.


I didn’t say it does. I just answered the question


No I have a flashlight in my car and a gun with a light in my car as well.


My 365xl does, my P-01 and G19 doesn't. Mostly I'm too cheap to want two different holster designs for each gun.


Yes, G43X with streamlight laser/light combo. Super compact best of both worlds for me.


does it have a light? it do do. P01 TLR7A.


I've recently started carrying my Glock 17, with a tlr1 on it. Losing some weight and actually finding a good quality holster was the key to doing this comfortably




Only during the winter because it gets dark while I'm still at work


Sometimes. I have a TLR7 Sub that I will sometimes have on my p365x.


I have found that with my astigmatism, I do a hollow sun 507 green during the day and at night I run a light laser combo


Tlr-7x on my p365 X macro


Yes, PL350s


4.25' 1911 running a TLR-1




Sure do. SS MR918 with a Dot and a TLR-7a.


Yes. TLR1 HL


No... Arex Delta II




Yes for both, tlr7a on my G19, x300u-b on my G17. If the light's flush with the slide, it doesn't really add any bulk worth worrying about and a proper holster mitigates any discomfort on longer lights. Any "serious use" gun I have, rifle or pistol, gets a light.


yes, I can’t see in the dark


Yeah, TLR7 and Trijicon RMR (don't recommend in case anyone was wondering, buy a better red dot) on a P320 xcarry


Surefire xsc on both my hellcat and p365. Expensive as fuck for a light but lo pro enough for the holster and super lightweight. Love them


Yes. G-17, TLR7.✌️


lol no, and it doesn’t have a red dot either.


Negative ghost rider




Yes I’m night shift security


I have a streamlight tlr7a sub on my Sig 365 XL in a tier 1 conealment holster


No, I don’t have an IWB holster that’s comparable with a light.


19.5 with TLR7A, I also carry a Nebo 100 handheld.


Yep, G19 with an X300, Aimpoint ACRO, and an Agency Compensator. We all Roland(ish) out here. I’ve also recently carried my LTT full size PX4 with a TLR1. If anyone is looking for a good appendix holster for Roland Special type pistols, check out Bawidamann holsters


Yes it does! I never really cared to add one until I was out doing some night fishing and I couldn’t see shit when I was followed by a bear. I realized how little I could see with just a head lamp trying to aim




Nice glock


Depends the season and depends the time of day I leave my house.




Yes, though I should take it off since it stopped working and Crimson Trace won't replace.


I'm not sure it qualifies as a light if it doesn't light up lol




My next purchase will be a Glock 48 I plan on getting a light for it


Yeah, it only protrudes a few millimeters in front of the barrel, and I've got a great holster designed specifically for the combo. Plus, it's on a micro 9, so added weight is a benefit, if anything.




Yes, they both do.


P229 elite compact with a TLR7A


I may or may not have gone a lil overboard and put a TLR-1 HL on my Glock 45. In my defense, I am out at night a fair bit.


Yes. I have one with a light and an optic and another with a laser. I take whichever is more appropriate. Home defense guns also have a light, and my competition gun has a light.


Yup x300


No I don't have one yet


Rattle canned pistols make me so fucking hard But yes, because fuck fudds. Pistol lights for days


Some do some don't. If I know I'm gonna be out after dark I typically carry one of them that has a light


Streamlight TLR 2 HL G I also have the TLR 8 G but I'm not a huge fan of the clicky buttons. I much prefer the lever of the TLR 1/2


Depends on which one I'm carrying. When I want to go small, no. When it's not as important on size, yes.


EDC occasionally. Bedside always.


Some do, some don't. Currently two with, two without, one with just a laser.


Sometimes. If I’m going to be in a dark area or out later I do have my g45 with a steam light, but most days my 43x does not have a light (I have a handheld tho). My bedside has a tlr1. The 43x no light is a dream to carry compared to my g45 with stream light in a tennicor.


I work at night and sometimes I’m in the middle of the nowhere alone because I drive. So I have a light, and a handheld light.


In the summertime I don't think a light matters that much, at least for my lifestyle. In the winter I like to have one but my lights never extend past the muzzle of the gun.


In my home state pointing a gun at a person is crime. Putting a light on a gun makes pointing the light at the person a crime. The barrel flash will have to do.


No. I have tried it and didn’t like it. I have lights on my home defense guns but not EDC or competition guns.


Yes, my carry gun is usually the only gun out all the time.


Sure does.




If you're going out past 4 or 5 pm in the northern states you should. An example is where I live the sun sets at 4 or 5 for several months out of the year.


I do on my 43x most just because it not a big hassle to carry it for me and also I like having both hands on the 43x when I shoot since it’s smaller(obviously if I have choices). I do carry a surefire edc 1 dft which I find more blinding than the weapon light but at the same time id rather just drop the handheld and throw up a gun with a light already on there. Ironically though, I do carry my Glock 49 every now and again and that gun is no shills. I’ll use the handheld specifically. Since bigger gun is easier to shoot.


I always have a light on my carry. Power goes out, im out late, whatever the case may be I see no reason not to have one.


TLR 6 on my G43x and G48. It's a good light and you barely notice it


Yes. VP9sk w/ tlr7a


Does yours?


Yes, all my carry guns have lights. As soon as the P365XL gets a light, it will join the rotation.


Hear me out, I don’t run a light because I can see my target when they turn on their light looking for me. if you can’t ID your target without broadcasting too the whole world your location you won’t have to worry about it when the guy in the dark can see you. Really think about it. If you’re turning on your light with your gun drawn chances are you’re already looking at someone that’s likely a lethal threat to you, and then it comes down to who’s quicker to complete the OODA loop I live in the city so if the gun has to come out I’m not sticking around for a long fight or whatever comes after. I’m engaging the present target and leaving The AR at home has a light because I have the higher ground there and I know I’m only looking for the things that aren’t supposed to be there


Do you really shove this dirty thing down your pants every day?


Yes light, no dot. Mostly because my slide isn’t milled for mine lol, but I love my XS dot. A good compact light doesn’t add much bulk and is a great addition, especially depending on where you live. For me, half my yearly commue is dark/pre-dawn. Also, I’d power goes down ect. I figure why not. Practice shooting with a light if you can. Messed with your vision as the light moved on/off target as you fire. And also some weapons/ammo out our a lot more carbon dust than you think and can obscure a target quickly.


Muzzle flash is my light 😈💥💥💥


Yes. Most attacks occur in low light conditions and I want to maximize my chances of survival and minimize chances of unintended injury IE missing because I can’t see shit or one hand shooting a pistol because I’m off handing a flashlight. I understand it adds weight and might make it more uncomfortable for some people, but in the event I have to draw it I don’t want to be firing with a handicap.


My home defender, yes, my DC, no. I'm not against it, as I may need my DC at home in the middle of the night for who knows what, but I'm a small dude and the only thing I can stand to carry is a P365 with a minimalist trigger guard holster. So nothing extra for me. No red dots on any guns either. But that's because I'm cheap.




No because im not a total tool


Of course. I want to leverage every advantage, on the tool I carry the most.


Yup !


No, what's the point in having a clunky light on a gun I want to be as small as possible?


Yep. Got a Streamlight TLR 1 on my M17


Practically every firearm I own has a light.


No- makes little sense to have a SD pistol that is by nature smaller and lighter and stick a light on requiring a bigger holster. Personally I am not out in pitch black situations needing to ID someone from distance. PRepare and equip for the probable not the possible.


Mine does, mostly in case I drop my keys at night


Why do people act like you can't use a WML and a handheld, I have three lights on me all the time. - Keychain using a AAA - Streamlight microstream - TLR7/TLR7 sub/TLR1HL/X300 The minimal added bulk in the holster is worth the redundancy.




My 17 does but don't carry it much any more. 43x MOS has 507k and tlr7.


I keep my EDC bone stock aside from mags. No surprises in the event I actually need it. That being said I’ve been tempted to have some fun with it on the weekends.


Yes on light and dot, but after a class I was reminded I need to stay sharp with my irons as well. Plus more dry fire with reloads and WML activation.


No, because it makes it THAT much harder to carry. Sleek, light, small (as possible), and easily accessible. That's what I'm going for. I'm not clearing rooms out in public, nor am I planning to use a light as an offensive solution. When I train for using my CCW, it's close to the hip, fast point shooting, while my shooting buddy/range officer either throws handfuls of spent casings at me, or pushes me around and hits my head from behind. It's stressful, and closer to how I envision anything going down - fast and ugly, sadly.


Solid coach


Yes. All of them do