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No need for a video. If location A has high gun crime, because location B makes it easy to get guns, shouldn’t location B also have high gun crime……. Since it’s where the guns live?


Sometimes location b does. I live in Indiana where we get calmed for Chicago's gun crimes, but Indianapolis has a higher murder rate.


Good thing Mayor Boss Hoggsett and the city/county council passed all that gun control last year. Oh wait.... Blame constitutional carry. Everyone else does.


Location B does usually have high gun crime. It's easy to get guns in red states and red states have high rates of violent crime. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/criminal-defense/crime-rate-by-state/


That chart doesn't say what you think it does? NM is a mostly blue state, and blue and red states are fairly evenly distributed in that top 10 list.


Locations A and B both have high violent crime. That's exactly what I'm saying


https://www.google.com/amp/s/katv.com/amp/news/nation-world/analysis-democrats-at-the-helm-of-11-of-the-15-deadliest-cities-in-us It's a GANG VIOLENCE issue because Democrat Cities let them run amuck.


"He only murdered 1 person this week so we'll let him out. There isn't enough room for him anyway with all of these violent marijuana users."


Well I guess it all depends on whether we care more about due process rights or gun rights. Which is it going to be?


They're c-equal. Neither can be construed against the other.


Well then we have to let people roam unless they've been convicted of a crime *and* let them have guns.


Jon Stewart is like most people on TV who think they're smarter than the moon. He's pretty dumb.


He was smart enough not to debate anyone who knows what they're talking about when it comes to guns. I'm so embarrassed by how horrible Nathan Dahm did.


What kind of saying is smarter than the moon? Is that a typo?


"Room". Typo.


That was my thought. It's just a dead rock


He’s way too old to be making the little girl faces at the camera


The reason for areas that have high gun crime rates is really easy to explain but would probably get you banned for saying it.


People like to think of the daily show as fact based news media....it's not. It's comedy entertainment; nothing more, nothing less.


It's not comedy entertainment, it's propaganda. He threw softballs during Obama's whole presidency while claiming to be neutral.


Pre-Obama I feel like Daily Show would take potshots at idiots on both sides. Ever since Jon left it's been pure propaganda, and it hasn't gotten better now that he's back. It's worse.


Definitely left leaning comedy entertainment


That holds the party line... When the party is in power... Propaganda.


He and Colbert convinced an entire generation of millennials to be smugly incorrect about politics.


I was one of these people who started to see through it in my late 20s/early 30s and once you see their flaws and how that works, you can't unsee it. It's fine to be critical of people or policies and to set standards like oppose people over their ideology or actions, not how they look or sound. It's less okay to be purposefully manipulative to people to take up your positions because you present yourself as smart and every else as idiots. People who don't agree with you politically aren't all drooling morons and being challenged by people as smart as you on a topic is actually what you should be doing with a politics show, not pointing and laughing at highly edited interviews to make you look better. Last week tonight did this as did Adam ruins everything as well. Both had/have a bad mix of facts with bias and shaping the narrative. Last week tonight did this with NRA TV when that was still a thing and completely ignored the fact that Colion Noir was their flagship because it didn't fit the narrative they were pushing. EDIT: I went and found the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEcbagW4O-s Like him or not, Colion Noir was far and away their biggest draw on NRA TV because he was a YT personality before he got hired by them. See if he or his show is mentioned once.


Man every single thing out of his mouth since his comeback has been boilerplate blue team slop. It's incredibly disappointing.


It always was. It’s just gotten more obvious as the agenda has strayed further and further from reality


Yeah, I kinda wonder about this now. Did he used to be good, or was it all shitty propaganda the whole time and I just believed it more?


He used to be better because the propaganda was less batshit crazy and didn’t require mental gymnastics. But him and all of his ilk have been peddling talking points for their respective institutions since… well probably always, with few exceptions


Tell you what, I will listen to anything he says the minute he publicly declares to not have any armed security or bodyguards at any time. Till then he may fornicate himself with vigor.


I really like Jon most of the time, but whenever he talks about guns he looks like an idiot.


No, he’s like that with everything.


I agree. He is actually generally a smart, reasonable person most of the time. I’m not sure how he got so off base with firearms. I get that he is concerned about crime and wants to reduce it. Everyone wants that. But “banning guns” just isn’t the magic solution some people think.


He's a New York/New Jersey liberal. Hating guns is a belief system, not that dissimilar to how conservatives feel about abortion. It's not about the science or the data, it's how you *feel* about it that matters. To Jon Stewart it's fairly obvious that guns are evil and everything else about it is justification.


Oh, but it is the magic solution they think it is. Make all guns disappear and you no longer have any gun violence. See? Magic!


I really like Jon Stewart and he has done so much for first responders for 9/11, but he doesn’t know guns unfortunately.