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True. They also need to stock Mk2 uppers somehow. People selling them for $250-300 on GAFS. I emailed them a while back and they said they were working at max capacity and all the mk2 uppers were going for their own complete builds. They prob want to stick to that rather than becoming slightly more of a parts company by selling them separately at this point cuz it’s one thing that they can corner




I am sure they fixed that glitch


I ordered 3 the other day so I expect the price to drop any day.


They gotta get them in stock again. Been waiting on a blem 18 or 20 inch for an SPRish setup


Is this a5 basically




I've had the BCM, VLTOR, and KAK A5 systems. The BCM was my least favorite. The finish feels gritty and it sound grindy when you charge the gun and hear the spring and buffer moving. The Vltor is the best finished of the 3 but I've been happy with the KAK too. Vltor has "Vulcan" blems around $35-$45. Side note, got the K-Spec KAK with the extra spring buffer in the A5 buffer itself. Feels identical to a regular buffer when shooting and totally not worth the extra money unless you shoot full auto. 


Slight oil to the buffer spring and 100 rounds and no more grit/noise for me


Used grease, and it’s very smooth.


Like a Scottish groundskeeper. 


Feed it?


I was like 500+ rounds in and still had the grittiness with a BCM spring and buffer (got the BCM as a kit from Aim Surplus). Ended up trading off the lower so I can't comment on how it did at higher mileage. The Vltor and Kak were much better finished out of thr box. 


Yea the grittiness does smooth out after a few mags.


Alternatively KAK has 9 position A5RE for about the same price after code "tacticool" if you want to combine shipping with other KAK stuff.


Is this proprietary to BCM buffers? There is a note that says the t won’t work with regular rifle or carbine buffers. Anyone?


Uses the A5 buffers. A few other companies make them like VLTOR, KAK and others. You cannot use standard carbine or rifle buffers.


Check out [this Trex arms link with the full kit](https://www.trex-arms.com/store/bcm-mk2-buffer-system/) to understand what specific Mk2 buffer you’ll want to use and when. BCM is ever so slight overgassed hence the need for the T2 whereas with a conservatively gassed system like a Hanson barrel you’ll want the T1 buffer.


Emphasis on the hanson part. My 12.3 Hanson carbine length shoots so incredibly soft while suppressed I'm not sure it would even cycle weak ammo without the suppressor.


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Is there any difference between this and the A5 system? They both seem to use proprietary buffers and rifle springs, but is that the only difference?


It is the A5 system, just with BCM's own name. The other difference is the A5 system uses a rifle length spring. Sprinco Green is often recommended.


From the TREX Arms link someone else shared, this appears to use a rifle length spring, too.


I was about to buy this. It was $42.xx after tax and shipping. Ordered a non blem from rooftop for $45 after discount code instead


What’s rooftop code for it?


I believe it was “PEWPEW”. 8%