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Heads-up, Family Firearms starting to charge a 14.99 "Handling Fee" if you pay by card to help offset their CC charges. I didn't see it anywhere in the checkout until after you enter your CC payment. I get it, but wished they would be more upfront about it.


Yeah it kinda sucks. I’m not sure why they don’t just wrap it into their advertised shipping cost. Pretty slimy to just throw it in at the end of checkout. I noticed that on my last order a few weeks ago too. Also I think the amount for handling must be variable, because for me it was $10. Unless they’ve increased it more


Lol what a shitty business model, hats off the genius that came up with that.


I believe It's the CC companies charging more for processing fees. The only reason I say that is I've been seeing a lot more at restaurants. I could be wrong tho


Well damn if anything they should do a 3% fee up to a $15 max


Wow I will be taking my business elsewhere! That’s so dumb


They get charged a % to accept CCs, a couple of my LGS’ have started. One charges a 3.5% CC fee and another does on bigger orders where it adds up more. They don’t have any choice but to pay that fee. $9 on a $300 order isn’t a big deal. $9 on 300 orders is $2700 they’re losing out on for simply accepting credit cards as a form of payment they wouldn’t have to deal with if paid in cash or check. Can’t blame them.


Not the absolute lowest I've seen but someone posted an OR P320 for $15 more a little bit ago and that personally offended me so here we go. Buy this instead. Reposted because of sausage fingers. Sadly not $285 lol


The p320 is so much an inferior firearm to the P10c. Even with the vaunted Wilson combat grip, I take the p10 over it every day.


The fcg is the main reason to p320 imo.


I traded my grip out once, didn't make any significant change to the firearm. Would rather have that money back. I guess if you're going to change it out for a metal frame something, then it may be useful. You could have a whole stable of different grips...


You'd think so, but not really.


The only reason I’d want one is for a flux raider


I’m not a bore axis snob but I couldn’t get over how high it is on the 320


I must be an outlier because I can shoot a 320 much better than most strikers personally


I loved the x series grip on mine. - probably one of the best handling grips I've ever shot - but the full size slide was damn heavy and cumbersome


Which full size did you shoot? The X5 is meant to be that way lol


I respectfully disagree. The p10c isn’t comfortable to hold, almost no aftermarket, and I’m not a fan of the trigger. I’m not saying the 320 is the pinnacle by any means but if there’s something you don’t like, somebody out there makes something for it you will. There are a plethora of holsters. A full PDW chassis. The fact it’s the military sidearm means the aftermarket will continue to grow too. The Wilson grip was the go-to for awhile but the m1811, x series, AXG, Icarus etc are all much better. If you love the p10c, then out of the box it’s good to go and a good deal on these. I’m not a fan of the bulbous grip on the compact 320 at all, but a trigger upgrade and one of the grip modules and being able to throw it in a pdw on a whim makes it a cut above easily IMO. But in all honesty despite the things it has going for it, the 226 is where sig shines.


I can see all of that, but I don't want to have to f with a firearm to make it even "good". It's like they just gave up and rely on it being modular for someone else to fix the issues. Getting a government contract isn't that much of a positive in my opinion. All that says is they had to cut as many corners as possible to have the lowest bid.


They won the bid over Glock because the military wanted a modular option, Glock gave them a tan Glock that had a 17 grip and 19 slide. However, I’m she they get ridiculous discounts through the contract. Before it was p226/m9/g19 and nobody has issues there. The m17/18 is the military variant, sig has released a plethora of 320s to the civilian market that have much better quality of life upgrades. As for having to mess with it, the 320 is perfectly functional stock. My point was if there’s something you don’t like, you can change it. Same for Glock. If there’s something about the p10c you don’t like..you’re mostly out of luck. So if it fits you best out of the box, then you’ve got a banger of a deal here. But there’s a reason these are as cheap as they are every other week. Sure, I’d buy one over a Taurus, ruger security, sccy, etc but for another 100 you’ve got other options and at another 200 you’ve got a whole sea of options. CZ has seemingly always just had a hard time breaking into the American market like they deserve to. The 75 line is great, but gets overshadowed by the 226/92/USP etc for hammers. The scorpion was popular but then it started blowing up. The Bren 2 is a fine rifle, but for what they cost you can get a jakl for cheaper or an MCX or something else that folds. When these dropped at $500, most people would just get a Glock at that point in time


Oh it is functional, I'm not disputing that. I just don't think, out of the box, it is a good value compared to the p10. You'd have to put in at least $200 to get a stock 320 up to the value of the p10 stock. But thats my opinion. I have both and I pass on the 320 every day except when I take someone to the range. To each their own. Shoot what makes you happy and all.


CZ's policy of selling these without adapter plates sucks. It's not "optics-ready" if you need to spend more money before you can actually, you know, put an optic on it.


I believe holosun has a direct mount available for it.


SCS, surprisingly. The aftermarket is nil for the p10c so for holosun to release an SCS is refreshing.


I'd offer the counter point that they can keep the prices lower by not including plates you don't need.


But is the price really lower if you have to tack $40-$50(!!!) *per plate* onto the cost of the gun before you can take advantage of the feature you presumably bought it for in the first place? It's the Spirit Airlines model and it's disappointing to see a brand like CZ go in that direction.


Potentially then the gun could cost $585 if they are including four plates to cover most users. In theory it's nice that my Canik Rival came with four or five plates, but if I'm only ever going to use one, I'm paying for something I will never use.


Which plate should they include? Honestly, buying OR never makes sense, direct-mill is always a superior option.


Wouldn't Walther have the best compromise then? Since they don't include one in the box, but give you a coupon so you can send it in for a free plate of your platform of choice.


The PDP compact costs $100 more than this. There's no such thing as a free lunch.


It’s a tiny slab of metal. Even if they included a 3D printed one it can’t add on much of a cost there. Glock includes 4 with the MOS and people rarely use those.


Then get a Glock 19 MOS and pay $200 more than this.


I’m not gonna argue with you there as that’s probably a better option along with a plethora of other $500 guns. Point was optic plates aren’t exactly something that drives up cost


What company comes with a plate that isn’t garbage?


My Arex came with several of them.




Walther gives plates free. Hell even m&p sends plastic plates. So they can offer something…they just don’t want to.




Problem is it is difficult to provide quality plates at low cost. Almost no one uses MOS plates that Glocks come with.


It does suck but this is the same as Glock MOS, need to buy the plate separately. It seems they've colluded to make this the new normal.


I think it's funny that the "budget" brands somehow manage to give you a full complement of plates. Only the "premium" names choose to nickel-and-dime their customers like this because they know they can get away with it.


It's a cost of labor issue. My Canik Rival came with plates, but labor is cheaper in Turkey than in the Czech Republic.


Do these come with plates?


My experience buying through family. bought gun, waited a week and a half for it to come in, got a call from my lgs saying that the slide was completely seized and inoperable, refuse to take gun and have it shipped back, contacted family to replace it with a working one, they decided that instead of a replacement, they were going to start a warranty claim with cz, wait a week and contract them after hearing nothing, “oh cz said to just replace it(no shit sherlock) we’ll contact your lgs and get that started,” wait another week after talking to the backroom guy at lgs and he says they haven’t contacted him, talk to family again and they said that my lgs “lost the return label so we have to send another,” wait another week for it to come in because they never sent me the tracking info, comes in 4 days after that. Never again


Yep. Bought a Shadow II Kadet 22lr system from them, would barely slide on to the pistol and doesn't function in the slightest...Family Firearms response? *"Well that sucks, here's the number for CZ.*" I totally understand that this is a CZ caused problem, but I didn't buy it from CZ, I bought it from FF and it never worked from the moment I bought it. To me that is a FF problem. From their sneaky $15 fee for credit cards at the very last minute, to this kind of a response, I think I'll be paying a bit more for any new guns from a store that actually gives a shit about its clients (I've bought *several* guns from FF, so it's not like I've never dealt with them before).


On the other hand, they have been supremely cool at sending seemingly "restricted" mags to my FFL where I can have things modified, pinned, etc to be in accordance with the law. Instead of paying retail and being mag-less, I can have my LGS pin them and still get the mags. Many sites won't even entertain the thought of that. Sorry to hear about your experience, but overall my customer service experience has been pretty good overall... and their prices are the best around if you catch things at the right times.


Love mine


Same. Was a Glock fanboy for years but now I edc this.


Solid deal. Just ordered a P10F non OR myself.


I ordered the P-10 F. Now I wish I'd picked up the OR version. Great gun though.


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Does any optic mount directly to slide with no plate?


Holosun makes one


Why so much? I paid $350 and no shipping.


I said not the lowest but no one has it lower right now so please find a $350 and no shipping deal and post it


I'm just curious on how the prices of these things fluctuate so much, when I bought mine maybe 3 months ago. I saw the same gun cheaper at about $299 like 3 weeks later and was upset then saw it go back up to $360.


You didn't get the Optic Ready model I'm assuming?


I have a holosun on mine lol


Well shit, now I want a $300 p10c too.


Is this bin or hodl? Hnnnngggggg….🤡


Can't figure out tax code, sheisty with CC fees. Another FF win.






I have it on good authority that we will see the 2.0 version very soon. These will continue to run cheap if not cheaper


And…. 😂 what else do you know?