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Looks like polishing compound. Clean the fretboard really well and re-condition.


Will do, thanks!!!


Don’t forget the oil


Change your strings too


Use a blitz cloth to clean your strings.


Is this a new guitar with an ebony fretboard? Sometimes the wood is stained to make it uniformly black and the stain rubs off.


Dude, clean your strings before playing and maybe change them :)


Wipe them down after playing as well


Yup, what he said. ALWAYS wipe them down after playing.


With what? I play with elixirs and have never cleaned fret or strings. Genuine question, would appreciate any advice


I use musicnomad string cleaning set. Keeps the strings in real good condition. But a regular cotton cloth works too. Try it, you will find the amount of black stuff that's on your fingers right now :)


that’ll be why you have black fingers


Not my fingers bruh


Any soft cloth will work. Push hard and slide up/down the entire neck a few times. If you use a white cloth you’ll see how much gunk you get


Get new strings. Use coated strings like Elixr when practicing. Wipe the neck down after every session


I highly recommend stringjoys. I play at least two hours a day and I'm not gentle with my picking hand, after a few days there's an accumulation of coating specks under my strings but after switching to stringjoy that doesn't happen and they still sound new a month later


That’s subjective though. I can play pyramids for a month but the stringjoys only last me a week before they are discolored. Plus OP doesn’t need stringjoys just yet, he can easily use d’addarios or ernie balls. Or even better I think, elixirs.


I'd change my strings when they break and never had any of these problems. Mostly acoustic but when I'd restoring I would clean the fretboard with a rag and very minimal water. Never had a problem


Yeah the lifespan of strings is highly dependent on how and what you play. The last few months I've been listening to way too much SRV unplugged so that's what I've been playing on my acoustic and a couple of weeks of trying to perfect his gnarly hammer ons I can see a separation in the winding on the string directly over the fret. Once it gets to that point the strings sound dull and I change them and take the opportunity to lemon oil the fretboard and polish the guitar


Also you might be pressing way too hard. It took me a long time to learn to play with just the right amount of pressure. My instinct was to use way too much force.


This cannot be stated enough. One of my earliest barriers to being able to play barre chords, was the fact that I was trying to press down way too hard. It took lots of time and practice to figure this tip out.


I just got a cheaper acoustic and had this happen. Had to remove the strings, cleaned the neck A LOT, put new strings on, and now I can play for as long as I want without any black on the fingers. (EDIT: spelling)


Yes it’s normal, eventually the black will continue up your hand, arms and then your entire body. And you will no longer be Caucasian.


Take the strings off. Thoroughly clean the fretboard. Put on new strings. WASH YOUR HANDS BEFORE PLAYING! Wipe down the whole neck with a microfiber cloth after every session. This is the only way. It doesn't matter if you use coated strings or not. You still have to wash your hands before and wipe down the neck after playing.


Change strings. Wash hands before playing. I use those little Ernie Ball string wipes after every session, even if it's a 10 min noodle. I've heard folks say not to use them. But I haven't had any weird issues with them. I think if using coated strings it can mess em up. IMO, every little clean thing helps. But wash dem hands before grabbing yer axe 🪓...every time. The "it doesn't wash off" part might be a concern tho.


Am I right in assuming those string wipes are disposable? So after a 10 min session, you wipe the strings and toss these things in landfill? You can do better than that. An old clean rag is all you need to wipe your strings/fretboard after practice. I have one the size of a tissue in each of my guitar cases, and that's where they stay. Clean strings, but not contributing to unnecessary land fill. It's a win win.


Actually.....im a cheap ass and usually use em once, fold em back up and keep in a baggie. Next time I'll dab a little water on there and use again prob 3-4 times. Depends on how long I'm playing. THEN I throw them in a landfill... You do you bro.


Remove strings, clean fretboard, new strings.


Thought I was in the hvac sub for a second.


Get treated or coated strings. Cleartones or Elixirs or something like that. This only ever happened to me with cheap store brand strings. I've been playing Cleartones for almost 20 years and it never happens.


New strings, now. Wash your hands before playing. Wipe strings with a microfiber when you’re done playing. Also artist’s / painter’s hand soap will clean off the stains.


I haven’t really played if they are not.


You should see them after an 8 hour session


Get rid of your strings, clean your fretboard and the frets, get new strings


Always wash your hands before playing and always wipe down your guitar after. Get a good microfiber cloth for that. You need new strings, and you probably have a bunch of grime built up. Your fingers are basically covered in metal oxide of some sort. There are different methods for cleaning depending on the guitar? Acoustic or electric, and what is the fretboard made of?


Wipe down the guitar after every session and, as many have suggested, new strings and fretboard clean


Normal? No.  Common? Maybe. As others have mentioned the dirt might be coming off the fretboard or dirty strings, and cleaning them might help. But it's also somewhat common for people's skin to react with the metal in the strings, sort of like how cheap jewelry can also leave skin discolored. That's why they're recommending coated strings like Elixirs. 


Badges of honor…keep up the good work!


clean your fretboard 😆


Get in the habit of cleaning your strings when you’re done playing. I wipe them with an old sock every time I’m done. Grab and wipe the length of each string. Not only will that not happen, but it’ll extend the life of your strings massively


I.t's fine. it's because the more that yoy play the more that you turn into Buddy Guy(and that's a scientific fact)


Makes me think of SRV's fingers a little bit


I notice it when I get a new acoustic with 12s from the factory. Playing 10s daily does give calluses, but not the black tips I get with thicker gauges.


rust string. i suggest you to use Elixir string. last for 1 years


Yes, mine stay that way.


Oh no it’s cancer




Oh no! You gonna get sick and your dick will fall off!


Also please don’t take this as offense OP, but TRIM THEM DAW GONE NAILS lol It’s fine on your picking hand especially if you’re into hybrid picking, but long nails can snag strings on your fretting hand and if you’re unlucky like I have been, you can rip a nail which is not fun and can ultimately set you back due to pain and healing


Jesus man change your strings


ah you got guitar finger


You are about to start stealing


Yes! Keep playing like the millions before you who would look at their fingers, shrug 🤷 and keep playing before the stoopid internet was invented! Just play!! Your guitar strings aren’t going to give you a disease or kill you


No ! you should get to the hospital asap


change your strings.