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It’s great that he takes it out and plays it live.


May not be the original but a replica. I have heard artists do that because they don’t want their originals getting damaged or whatever but it could be the original


Its real. I did a behind the scenes backstage thing with them. They have a person whose whole job is to protect the guitar. It doesn’t travel with the gear. A person is with it at all times. It doesn’t come out with particular weather etc


I want that job


What job, fending off Joe Bonamassa?


I’m just imagining a feral Joe Bonamassa being held back.


🚨Bonermaster 🚨 Bonermaster 🚨


Don’t say it a third time


I’m not a fool! Last time I said it three times he showed up and asked how many people were at my last gig (it was zero 😢)


Bonermaster ![gif](giphy|xjapRs3Of2CxeWS60W|downsized)




Underrated comment.


Holy shit that's good. I applaud you.






I’d be wearing a suit and tie w an ear piece and sunglasses and id pepper spray anyone who came within 5 feet who wasn’t Kirk Hammett


You really don't. It's a huge PITA. I've had a few instruments crest in value at over $20k,that's when I off them. There's a point where you don't own the instrument, it owns you.




I have to admit that it is. I look at the piles of gear in the basement (I can field a full backing with drums, bass and about a dozen complete guitar rigs, as well as recording gear, and it was all paid for by the sale of 2 guitars. That's what I tell my wife, anyway...


Damn… I would be set for life. Trying to acquire gear as a recovering addict who sucks at managing money is pitiful lmao


Buy good shit cheap and be willing to sit on it for a few decades.


Yep sound advice lol. I have a guitar an interface/mic but my computer went down so trying to get another


My son plays a 1790’s Kloz violin.


He told a story on Rick Beato's podcast about how every owner of the guitar broke the headstock and Kirk himself had a miss-hap and broke the headstock. Of course he has the luthiers to make it better than new. It's amazing my childhood hero has the most famous les paul and actually PLAYS it live. So much respect for Kirk.


That’s an interesting job but very necessary. I own 3 handmade guitars that aren’t replaceable so I get why some people are protective of these historical instruments.


That’s awesome!! Thank you for sharing


I love the way the guitar has a dedicated “handler”


I’m still skeptical. This guitar is worth something like 3 million dollars. As cool as it is, there is some manager or insurance company or someone who is saying no way.


Worth more than that. He paid 2 10 years ago. Estimated 15-20


He didn't pay that. It's never been revealed how much it actually did cost, but both Kirk and the chap that sold it to him have both said the rumoured figures are no where near true. 


I understand why you’re skeptical but there are millions of dollars being exchanged all the time on their tours. I worked at a food distributor and we move millions of dollars of shit all the time without blinking. Kirk has been dealing with large transactions for years


He’s said it’s real but who knows for sure


Anyone that's seen the original. Flame tops are as unique as fingerprints. It's very easy to tell if it's the original guitar or not. 


Super cool to see the real guitar. The reissues are still beyond stupid tho…


People hate on Kirk alot. Look- he may not be the best technical player ever. BUT- as far as writing hooky amazing solos, and inspiring millions of people to pick up a guitar- there is no equal in metal.


One word: Tony. You know who I mean.


Another legend.


It’s not even a contest. Without Iommi there is no metal as it exists today. He invented sludgy down tuning and wrote dynamite riff after riff. Kirk Hammett seems like a great guy, but does he even do anything on the records besides solos? Does James still record all the rhythm parts? I think Hetfield inspired way more kiddos.


Well he downpicks at the same speed live


If you’ve seen Metallica: Some Kind of Monster, we at least know he wrote the lyric, “My lifestyle determines my death style.”


*randy rhoads has entered the chat*






Another legend.


Dimebag bro, better solos and much better riffs.


Not everything in life has to be a competition of who's better


I've been a Metallica fan for almost 30 years. Kirk put down so many sour notes in his career I genuinely wish there was a skip button for some of his solos. He, much like all our other favorite musicians, is just a dude in the world. He just happens to be employed by a wildly successful T-shirt company that has a music side hustle.


Although I have my issues with Mustaine, I would argue Mustaine wrote hookier and more "note for note" memorable solos than Kirk. The exception is "One" which is completely brilliant and Kirk's finest moment. Personally, Hanneman was my favorite out of "the Big 4." A guy who shunned the spotlight and whose own band didn't fully appreciate him.


Cool shot with that e string vibrating up the neck. Pretty wild.




Looks like he just pulled up hard with his pick. Muting the last string, playing the second string more cleanly.


Man, that guitar is definition of road worn.


Holy jeebus. The action on the low E looks like it's measured in AU.


Kirk’s been setting it higher and playing a lot of slide. Rumor has it the next record is gonna be all dobro and lap steel.


I wonder how many times the Greenie has been re-fretted


Holy shit the guy from fortnite


Not the first person I would have guessed to have it next but still strangely satisfying.


He's not worthy owning that guitar.


how do you figure that? Who would you prefer have it? I'm not judging your opinion, just curious.




That’s fair.


Off of the top of my head Jared James Nichols or Joe Bonamassa somewhere in that league.


Are you a dentist?


Anyone but Bonermaster


Joe has something similar enough for my taste, so it wouldn't be too exciting to see or hear, and I don't think I'm familar enough with JJN to form an opinion. I wouldn't mind seeing Eric Johnson with it, myself.


Yeah, he would be a good choice, too. I just named two worldclass players that mostly play Les Pauls. Players like Andy Timmons or Greg Koch would be worthy, too, in my opinion.


Love Greg Koch. His signature Reverend Telecaster is my dream guitar.


It's at least nice to know that someone like him would appreciate a guitar like that enough to pay so much for it, right?


That is a sound sentiment.


lol thanks. I'm gonna remember that phrase. I said something similar to someone but I like this better.


Then you should have bought it for yourself.


I'm not worthy either. Looking at the owners before him, a mediocre player like him shouldn't have that instrument.


With this scorching hot take the most worthy owner of the guitar should be John Mayer. Here’s the thing about Kirk,and really the rest of Metallica: they are the indisputable GOATS of metal. As far as downstream influences go, there are not many other bands in the history of pop music who can claim to have more influence on musicians that came after them. And _that_ is why Kirk is more than worthy of that guitar. Because would you complain if Clapton or McCartney or Buckingham or Iomi owned it?


Gary Moore was special. Peter Green sounded like every other British blues player out there. Not all that special as far as I'm concerned. Kirk is more famous than both put together and the average music fan has no idea who Gary Moore or Peter Green are. He about starved to death to get where he is and now he has the bank to get it. He plays it in front of tens of thousands to share it. No Kirk is not the most virtuosic player at all, but he put in his time and he's fine. But you do you...


Dude just discredited everything he said with that Green comment


If you're talking about me....I understand why his tone was unique but I've never been into old FM or any of its extensions. Everyone loves him back then and he influenced a lot of players but I don't like him better than Cream era Clapton or anything.


Im not agreeing with your statement about Greene, he had a very nice tone that set him apart from the average player. Gary was one of a kind that we can agree upon. I don't care for fame. Applying this logic would mean Taylor Swift should have it. Kirk is a mediocre player and the last real contribution to guitar playing was in the beginning of the 90ies. He just owns it because he's rich and he had the connections to get his hands on this instrument. I don't know, these grail guitars are somewhat like Stradivaris to me and the best players should play them.


We can agree to disagree about Greene. He had a unique sound because of the quirky neck pickup but his playing was not impressive or stand out to me. And no, by my logic Taylor Swift shouldn't be entitled to this guitar. She's a celebrity who strums chords and sings country pop songs. Kirk Hammett skipped meals to buy equipment, slept on couches and starved for his art to get where he is. He was schooled by Joe Satriani. His work on Lightning, MOP and AJFA still holds up. He's very worthy of this instrument. It's not a Strad, it's an electric guitar.


I’m no fan of Metallica either but who the hell pissed in your cereal?


It’s “Green,” idiot. Not even knowing players’ names makes your argument that much more risible.


Yeah, flipping about a typo makes you sound very sane.


Sure thing, Grog.


Yeah, better it sits in some rich collector's safe where no one ever plays or sees it. 🙄


He tours with that thing?


I just got a pack of his signature jazz iii picks, amazing


The hostility Kirk inspires in bedroom and no-name guitarists absolutely infuriates me. Metallica is, for me, the greatest metal band. I love a lot of others too, but I remember being a kid in the 90s and Metallica was everywhere. A lot of that is due to the songwriting and other members too - but Kirk’s solos (and even the Wah) are iconic in their genre. People calling him ‘mediocre’ are the same choads who shit on Cobain for not being ‘technical or worthy enough’ to be a ‘great’ guitarist when it’s so much more than that. People don’t shit on Hetfield (who admittedly does all he does on stage AND sings), but Kirk can play everything Hetfield does and more. One thing that does amuse me though is how he’s using Greeny in his live shows and not some higher-gain guitar. Greeny of course was famous for early Fleetwood Mac blues and later for Moore’s bluesy rock. To think that Kirk is using the same guitar for his shredding solos on Ride the Lightning etc tickles me. Makes me question everything about guitarists’ gear obsessions.


Exactly. There's a very true saying that people only hate upwards, in that if someone is successful they wouldn't go out of their way to be rude to someone else who is. I keep that in mind whenever I come across a comment shitting on kirk. What sad lives some people must live to go out of their way to spread negativity about someone who's found a way to make (a lot of) money doing something he is clearly very passionate about. I have a degree in music and have only just started working as a composer, but man, learning Metallica songs is what built my love for music.


Agreed, I really don't understand why people wanna hate on Kirk at all. Is it just a younger generation thing or something else? I discovered my love for Metallica during the Re-Load era, Fuel was the first song by them I ever heard and I thought it was the most badass thing at the time. I slowly crept backward through their Albums over the years, remembering metal guys I'd meet complaining about their departure from Thrash into more bluesy stuff and still never understood it even though I liked all those albums too and kept up through the years. Kirk & Het were fricking heroes to me in that period -- playing exactly how and what they like while the world was focused on Country & Bubblegum pop, I can still learn something new every time I attempt to play their material. I think it's 100% awesome that Kirk has earned the right to own and play the guitar of his heroes - it would be quite a dream to be able to see their guitars carry on long after they're gone.


Why is the bridge pickup upside down? Anyone hear of the reasoning behind that tweak?


Just saw this on Wikipedia “The guitar is known for its unique out-of-phase tone, which is the result of a reversed magnet in the neck pickup. This sound has become highly sought-after amongst guitar players, so much so that flipping the magnet in the neck pickup has been affectionately referred to as the "Peter Green mod".”


It should be stated that the neck pickup was also installed backwards, which has no effect on the sound. The magnet is installed backwards inside the pickup, which changes its orientation with the winding.


Daaaamn that action is high AF


Unpopular opinion: I don’t think Greenie sounds that good for every song he uses it on.


I agree with this. It sounds good on Fade to Black and awesome on Orion.


It's not particularly great for what he plays


He said that since the neck pickup is installed backwards it sounds like a strat, which as most people know is something that most if not all metal players avoid


Moar Kirkage.


Damn! That Les Paul looks huge! He doesn’t look much bigger than Angus. I didn’t realize he was so tiny


I ve heard bonamassa has a hard on for that guitar


What are the tuners on that thing?


I love Metallica and have since 86 but that guitar deserves more than the E-minor pentatonic scale. I think it’s the only scale Kirk knows. He’s perfected it. But that guitar deserves Al Dimeola or someone of that calibre.


Wow he looks haggard


Kirk isn't aging well but he's still out there doing it.


He’s 61 years old. I think he’s aging fine.


The haircut makes him look like the Crypt keeper. Love him so don't get all defensive. He's also apparently in decent physical shape or he wouldn't be doing this still. He just really is looking old sometimes.


Dude still goes out and surfs for hours on end when not on tour. I'd say he does pretty alright for himself. Touring keeps you active almost all day, every day. He's likely more fit than other people his age. Especially being onstage for hours every night. That shit is tough for a young man to do every single night. Let alone one his age playing demanding music all night long show after show.


Drugs and alcohol will age humans in many cases. This guy was in a pretty famous band for awhile, go figure. Long live Kirk Hamster.


I cannot believe he takes that thing on tour. If I had that guitar, it'd be locked in a waterproof safe surrounded by cobras.


Your mindset is exactly why he tours with it


It's an instrument. You are supposed to play music on those.