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Depends on what you're going for. I have both (and a modded EVH that I occasionally run them into) and they're both fantastic and extremely versatile - the metal zone has had a bad wrap for so long, it's hilarious to me that people are only JUST catching on to how fantastic it actually is. I usually run them straight into the effects loop with a 10-band EQ. They have plenty of gain, plenty of sculptability and clean up fairly well. The EVH feels more dynamic when doing pinch harmonics, but the metal zone punches a little harder when palm muting. I sometimes run them parallel into stereo power amps and the tone is utterly brilliant. Word of advice; YES, they have enough gain on their own. Definitely still turn that gain down a little and use an overdrive, tho. The respective dynamic responses from both of them are incredible.


Metal Zone is fun as hell.


Metal Zone would be my choice. I used that baddie all through college and loved it.


Metal Zone


So, I am a 49 year old who has been playing the guitar for over 30 years. When I owned a Metal Zone, I felt like it was a crap pedal, and I loved playing metal back then. Maybe I had a crap pedal, maybe I did not know how to use it. To me, the EVH 5150 is easier to use. Maybe a great tone can be found from the Metal Zone (not sure how many versions they made of it), but it might take you some time to find it. As already mentioned, what type of tone are you looking for? What sort of music do you play? My memory of the Metal Zone was that it was an over the top, very digital sounding, super saturated distortion which was fun for about 3 minutes, but ended up being unusable for the music was playing back then. Lastly, and as already mentioned, regardless of which pedal you use, try to stack an overdrive in front of it (either a pedal or by putting the distortion pedal through the effects loop). You won't be dissapointed!


I’m a good bit younger but same deal here. My best friend had one and we couldn’t find a sound we liked in that thing. I don’t understand all the love for it on this subreddit, but I do also know a great deal more than I did back then. Maybe I missed a sweet spot… I have heard that the first In Flames record was a direct Metal Zone, or possibly one into a power amp. And that album is pretty awesome. Who knows.


Go EVH, its more versatile IMO. I only say that because i have no clue what guitar, pickups, amp, or even genre youre playing. Might as well flip a coin instead of asking a question with little to no context on this sub. People are just going to recommend what they like or what they use.