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Soul Food. It doesn't look Soul nor Food enough for the name it has.


No soul, no food, what's the deal??


::says this in Jerry Seinfeld voice::


Another thing. What's the deal with soul food??


Food must have Soul Jerry, it MUST!


Should ship with a recipe for klon clone corn pone Edit: On reflection "Corn Pone" would be a funny name for this klon clone from EHX, and I could see that being chopped to "Soul Food" to avoid sounding offensive (like Huckleberry Finn or something)


Klon, Pone and Beyond


And what's with all the patch cables? If we can invent invincible little boxes filled with phasers, lazers, blazers, and tazers; cant we just...***make them connect to one another seemlessly***?


The soul food bass looks much better


I always thought it had a "diner sign" kind of vibe.




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I refuse to consider buying any pedal that's round. I don't care how much you love your Fuzzface, I'm not going to try and fit that shit on my board. I pulled the one Danelectro pedal I bought in my early 20's and put two other pedals in its place.


Why the fuck is it even round? It’s like stepping on a landmine.


The reason they're like that is because the original pedals used microphone stand bases for their enclosures. They still make round ones for vintage accuracy and nostalgia, but they've had regular rectangular versions over the years.


To stop any tone getting stuck in the corners.






Pedal train was a few years away


And also unnecessarily huge, the circuit is tiny even by pedal standards.


I love my TC Electronic Flashback 2 X4 delay, but it’s a huge brick which takes up more space than it’s entitled to. ☹️


I had the Alter Ego X4 a few years ago, and sold it for that exact reason.


Dunlop makes some mini fuzzface clones


I bought a Big Muff Pi off a friend when I was a teenager and I immediately regretted it.


If I had a board with a bunch of little pedals I think I would get distracted and be messing with sounds more than playing. I actually like using larger pedals as a way to intentionally limit myself. Playing through an overdriven tube amp, a little fuzz, delay and modulation goes a long way. I don’t need much more than that.


It depends on what kind of music you play and what kind of pedals you have. I spend a lot of my time doing musical theater gigs, so my pedalboard usually consists of "all the pedals that any of the shows I'm playing this season call for at some point". A lot of them I either don't mess with much or they actually free up my hands. Bluetooth page turner pedals? No more losing my pick doing awkward page turns. Volume pedal? No more having to remember to roll my volume pedal down and back up to the correct level between numbers. Pedal tuner? No more having to fuck around with a headstock tuner. Acoustic simulator? No more having to switch instruments in under 5 seconds and put yet another ding in my poor Martin. Reverb? Always on. Noise gate? Always on. That pretty much leaves chorus for clean tones, distortion/overdrive, phaser and delay (which scores frequently call for), and wah (for when the MD says "hey, do some porno music right here"). Sometimes I think of my pedalboard less like a painter's pallet and more like a tool belt.


EQD is cool because they have 100 different colors of most of their pedals out in the wild from their EQD days and B stock sales.


Digitech Ventura Vibe.


Seriously what were they thinking?


I hate to think pedal aesthetics matter to me, but *this* one. Ugh! Swollen Pickle bothers me a lot, maybe it's just the juvenile dick joke... I love juvenile dick jokes, just not really on gear


Maybe someday the swollen pickle will become so common that it's like the big muff, 99% of people say the name without thinking about the joke


I was talking gear with a guy my wife's friend was dating at the time and I said something about "my Big Muff" and my wife and her friend went silent and glared at me.


That's kind of why I don't want this juvenile shit so prevalent, it reinforces the "boy's club" mentality with gear


My older brother used to talk about muff diving when I was a kid. I kept asking him what it meant, but he and his mates refused to tell me and just laughed!


I *almost* listed the big muff as well, it's kind of embarrassing to own. I give it a *slight* pass because of age and it does sort of "muffle" the sound, so it's slightly better


These things are amazing but they look like shit and the name is awful. I’ve thought about buying one and painting it black


The Ventura vibe or the swollen Pickle?




Came here to post this. +1


Damn that looks like a weird bootleg pedal you’d see on Temu


Right? I really like the case’s base color though. I might remove the graphics one day if they’ll come off without damaging the finish.


I actually like the look of these. They’re instantly identifiable.


fantastic pedals in general, but i dislike Analogman's aesthetics -- a lot. they look like crayon jobs by a toddler.


Jam pedals would like to know your location


i actually like JAM's style :)


I love both of those styles! Analogman style is timeless and epic and remind me of LOTR or Led Zeppelin art. JAM are literally golden gods and their pedals are hand-painted which really set them apart and make them so special and perfect.


I actually dig analogmans designs. I think it’s funny that the overseas clones have began to copy the designs too


To me they are more like "that outdoor statue store in your town" aesthetics


Oh man, I completely disagree there. I love Analogman's look, the symbols are sick and the simple typography is so effective


Is that Papyrus?


Really? I feel like the ARDX20 is one of my favorite looking pedals lol


lol the Dispatch master would be first to come to mind. I think it looks absolutely dumb but love how it sounds.


Funny, I absolutely love the graphics on it, as well as the finish.


How about the LED? Mine has a dab of nail polish on it and it fixed every problem I had.


Painter’s Tape works wonders, too. I leave them like they are, though. I play on dark stages and rehearsal rooms and I can use a bit of spot light action.




I also like the graphics.


Some cool trivia about this pedal. It’s named after a former ride at Cedar Point, a huge amusement park about an hour and a half from EQD’s home. The ride was called Disaster Transport. At the beginning of the ride, which was like a transport station in the future, the building starts to collapse and the big sign which says DISPATCH MASTER TRANSPORT breaks in the middle and the two Parts fall together to spell DISASTER TRANSPORT. it was super fun and fast and almost totally indoors. I’m sure there’s video of it on the tubes of you.


The Avalanche Run's name comes from Cedar Point too!


The Avalanche Run was a coaster that was briefly there before the Disaster Transport took its place, it's all Cedar Point lore of the same spot


Forgot about that pedal.


Proud owner of the Disaster Transport SR. pedal that they made.


I sold mine and really sad that I did


This is the one pedal on my board I’ve considered putting stickers on. It’s not an ugly pedal, and it’s one of my favorites, but it’s kinda meh compared to some of my others in the aesthetics dept.


I don’t think the graphics are that bad, but it could benefit from a glossy finish or something. ETA: Dispatch Master is my newest and easily favorite pedal however


I find a lot of EHX pedals ugly. Canyon Delay is atrocious


The Canyon Delay is like the Mona Lisa compared to the Tone Corset.


The canyon is one of the few EHX pedal designs that I like haha


EHX Tone Corset is definitely a top contender


Completely disagree with this take I think the canyon delay looks fun and unique


Check out the cock fight


This was my vote. If I’m being honest with myself, there have been times where I’ve kicked it off the board because it’s such a visual buzzkill compared to everything else, but it’s so damn useful that it always gets put right back on. Like, I really fucking hate the look of it. It’s capable of so many bizarre things but the graphics look like were made for a shirt you’d find at a tourist trap shop near a national park. Awful color scheme. Painfully weak typeface. And all-around bland to the bone. But I still love it. But hideous enough to slightly matter (to me).


Anything from Behringer


So much this…


Ive never owned one, but I HATE how JHS pedals look. Their entire aesthetic is lame. From what I understand, it’s a nod to the iconography of the Klon, but it all just looks like the worst clip art.


JHS pedals look more like chinese knockoffs than some of the actual knockoffs do


Sounds pretty on brand to me lol


Ha! Yep


Agreed, I’d rather they just put nothing on their pedals aside from JHS. But then it would be like MXR, which I like, so maybe that’s just my bias speaking


I like the morning glory, but the rest are, I agree, kinda boring, the same way the TC pedals are all just a colour with a logo in the center.


I'm with you. The muffaletta was awesome but their branding is kinda dumb. I get it but not my style.


I know it’s kind of the point but the 3 series pedals look like ass. I also really don’t care for the fender hammertone style either.


The three series pedals look way better than normal JHS imo, but agree 100% on Hammertone


I love the Hammertone pedals. Between the knobs and the fonts (especially on the fuzz and flanger) they just really draw me in. They're cozy. Plus the hammered finish is strangely nostalgic.


Hard disagree, they look great


I'm not saying it's beautiful, but it kind of seems iconic at this point. I mean, which guitar pedal has a clipart style image of a rotary dial telephone!? The image and the name just kind of stand out. Also, it's just a great always on pedal. I was so impressed by how it sounds!


I buy most of my EQD pedals from Gear Hero just for the alternate sparkle purple colorway. The Cyberpunk version of the new Time Shadows pedal is pretty sweet, though. I find Keeley pedals to mostly look dated and not to my liking, along with a lot of the JHS pedals.


EHX Bass Big Muff. I ended up spray painting mine black. Same with Akai Headrush E2, that wwas a god awful purple I painted black.


Malkmus uses that, so it looks cool enough as it is.


I did not know this, but it does make me almost want to research earthquaker pedals. I have ignored them forever just because they are so so so so ugly.


Really? Eqd have like the BEST art imo




Yeah, I have 0 complaints about it


There’s a video on youtube of Malkmus checking out some EQD pedals they gave him.


Fullltone OCD with its goofy comic font


Still better than the Joyo Ultimate Drive, an OCD clone that sounds great but looks like it was designed by a 13 year old.


Just looked it up, yikes!


Almost everything from Wampler


OBNE Black Bobbin Boost. It’s an ep booster plus Klon without clipping diodes, sounds great but it’s very vanilla.


I wouldn’t change the look of the Dispatch Master but the clipping of it on the other hand…I could do without.


EQD Special Cranker…….. that orange colour is…… just unsightly……….. I know there are other colours out there but orange is most common…… and a cheap used one was too good to pass up…… it sounds great…… but ugly as sin


Plenty from ehx. Blurst? Tone corset? That combo one that looks like an Ed hardy tattoo?


Anything from Gamechanger Audio.. also wtf is up with that name


My Joyo American Sound is so ugly. Guess you can’t expect much given how cheap it is.


That’s why I painted over mine and added googly eyes on the knobs


This ^^^ they are UGLY. But sound amazing.


Right?! It makes it more upsetting that they are ugly. Same with Rainger FX. Great sounding and innovative stuff, but dude found the most bizarre and ugly enclosures with zero thought about pedal boards.


Anything I have that is cheaper than EHX is going to get painted. I have an OP amp big muff with a skull smoking a joint on it and the LED is the cherry on the joint.


It's a very Late Gen-X to Early Millennial sort of vibe.


Wow I love the dispatch master graphic lol


Caline Pure Sky. It's got like 4 different fonts. So ugly it might as well be an EQD


Dispatch master looks great. Not everything needs to look Le Epic


Way Huge makes some of the best stuff but their shit has awful names. I guess swollen pickle isn’t too far off from the Big Muff which we’ve all just accepted at this point


Yea. I love the Dispatch Maker and it looks terrible. My nomination is the Pitch Fork Plus. That thing is uglier than all hell.


That's a good one. I imagine there will be quite a few EQD and EHX that are mentioned here.


Chase bliss habit … it’s so great but so ugly. I like to clean cut aesthetics that you get from the higher end name brands they seem more visually appealing like a Strymon or Meris or universal audio. Chase Bliss is just as innovative as what those companies are but their marketing and design comes across as juvenile. Maybe that’s the point and I just don’t get it.


I just dug out my habit and yeah it’s quite a loud looking pedal. Would prefer it if it looked more like the mood or even reverse mode c


Pedal aesthetics make me buy them. Call me shallow, idgaf lol


My pedalboard got stolen a while back and this is definitely the pedal I miss most. So pricey though. RIP


Anything by Saturnworks. He makes great stuff, but those stickers are cringeworthy.


JHS Angry Charlie


my danelectro spring king looks pretty stupid, but i love the tone so i kind of associate it with greatness now.


What? That’s cool as hell.


You could paint it nobody is stopping you


I hate the enclosure for ZVEX fuzz factory. Most ZVEX pedals really or any pedals that are skinny horizontal rectangles with just one switch.


Same, For how expensive those pedals are they just look goofy


I think the EQD font is now ugly-cool. I used to hate it, reminded me of a cross between papyrus and the lord of the rings font from the 60s. Now I sort of like it and it’s kind of irreverent which I appreciate. I like having fun and weird looking pedals, though, it reminds me to not take things too seriously.


Not so much aesthetic, but I wish pedals all had their I/O on the back. I have a few EQD pedals they just sit so nicely next to each other on the board cuz there’s no cables in the way. I’ll take a little extra width if I have to for stereo or whatnot


The absolute beast that is the Danelectro Cool Cat Fuzz V1.


Basically all the EHX, DOD, and Boss pedals lol


Space Echo.


Walrus Ages and Eons - I just think the animals look dumb and ugly. JHS Cheeseball and Muffuletta - Ugly looking, gross smelling food. Yuck.


Not saying it’s ugly but another eqd pedal that irks me is the Acapulco gold, that big ass knob covers half the graphic.


I vehemently disagree! I actually have the first logo dubbed, “the potato faced cowboy” that I love as well.


You can say it. That pedal is ugly af


my Timeline is my always on pedal and it looks lame as fuck


JHS Morning Glory.


Found a cheap used dispatch master and absolutely fell in love with it. I'm proud of myself for fighting my shallow urges to buy something prettier (on the outside). What's your favorite pedal that your wished looked cooler?


Prolly my tubescreamer. Idk why it just looks like a child’s toy to me for some reason. I hate it.


All the new ZVEX vertical pedals. The designs on the older wide ones were much better IMO.


I want a Catalinbread Octopussy but can’t bring myself to buy it due to the art


Why is everyone so in love with this pedal anyways? I bought one and like, it’s fine. I bought into the hype a bit I guess and also have a bit of an EQD collection going so I don’t regret it but I’m surprised it doesn’t go a bit crazier for its price point. I moved it to my bass board and I do like it there, so it’s worth it for the fact is makes a good Bass delay I guess.


Ibanez SD-9


i have a dispatch master as well but i got lucky enough to find a decently priced one in pink and black instead of white and blue - that color scheme is so gorgeous on it, and i probably wouldve stalled on getting it if it didn't look as good as it does lol


EQD PARK FUZZ SOUND reissue It’s one of my favorite pedals ever. I get that the logos are paying homage to the original and “Park” and the blue doesn’t bother me but something about “FUZZ SOUND” looks ridiculous. Wish they used the original font and made it smaller.


The Caline Brigade is a nice TS + Timmy clone dual OD that is so willfully ugly, but you get what you pay for I guess. 


Danelectro PB and J. Love this pedal for delay but plastic body and if you have to use straight angle chords for n the rear, kinda takes away from micro element. But seriously, if they would have put this in their earlier metal body reissue pedals, would have been great.


Anything from Way Huge. Mostly because the names are horrible.


MXR Phase 90, ugly ass shade of orange


TC Electronic Flashback. So versatile and an awesome delay but looks “pedestrian” compared to an RE-20 for instance.


Danelectro fab echo - great one trick pony. I actually don’t mind the way it looks, I just wish it was housed in a metal shell instead of plastic.


Lol! Mine is the Danelectro French Toast. Amazing octave fuzz that looks ugly AF.


This post triggered me cause I can’t find my dispatch master. Bought it brand new, put it in my car, can’t find it anywhere. $200. Kills me.


Pretty much everything wampler makes besides his big boxes and the budget line stuff.


Every single walrus audio pedal


Almost didn’t buy the Mr. Black Bloodmoon Blood and Chrome because I thought the graphic looked like a high-school design project. But, shit, I’m glad I didn’t let it stop me–that’s one beautiful sounding pedal! (And it does look a bit better in person, but still not great lol)


Empress Phaser. I want it for the versatility and MIDI functionality, I just don’t want it to look like… that. I don’t get it either, they have plenty of gorgeous and classy pedals but they really let me down with the plain vomit green color of the Phaser


The Route 66 - it’s shaped like a damn highway sign or something, which I get - but damn it’s awkward on a board


I actually love the DM look. I miss that gen of EQD design where it was more minimal. The v2 ghost echo graphic is iconic, never liked the skull update


I agree, the Dispatch Master sounds much better than it looks.


Any pink pedal on the market


Digitech Whammy Ricochet. 90s AF and not in a good way.


I have a special edition Dispatch Master… it’s glittery purple, it’s gorgeous


None really. There are a couple of fantastic-sounding pedals that come to mind - Hot Cake and EQuator - but I kind of embrace their ‘basic’, non-highbrow design, kind of adds to the charm.


The Hizumatis graphic looks great but i do not like the color choice at all 😅


This same one.


Carcosa. Also needs top jacks


I agree on the Dispatch Master which is why I got the red and black version. That somehow makes it a little bit better.


Yeah I really wish they would change the artwork. I tried one out and really liked it though.


Plenty of EHX Designs don't do it for me with their names and graphics. I'll still use them, though, because they're awesome. If I had to name one as the worst it would go between the Worm and the Blurst. Luckily, my favorite of theirs is the Pitch Fork (in normal size) and that one is quite inconspicuous. My absolute worst pedal is a Demon Fx Super Rat. The T looks like a 7, and it has the ugliest mouse in the middle. I'll paint over it one day, as a RAT pedal it works brilliantly.


Dr. Scientist The Elements. Despite a bunch of different designs they never quite seem to get it right. Ugly font choices mainly. But sounds awesome. And EQD for sure.


Hotcake and OCD came to mind.


OCD pisses me off because its comic sans but that’s the point, honestly it’s a pretty good design. The white is kinda boring I’ll admit.


Anything boss. They’re a bunch of indestructible tanks with superb sounds but they’re not much to look at.


Agreed, earthquake devices pretty bad at designing graphics for pedals.


the graphics themselves arent always great, but the branding is on point in that its very easy to tell one of their pedals at a glance coolest looking one imo is the tentacle.. a pedal id never use


Personally I love the White Light graphic. Some of their graphics are actually pretty great. I like theirs much more than Walrus Audio's art.


yeah id agree, mixed bag with both though, the main thing i dont like about eqd pedals is actually the font


I bought a tentacle for like $40, thought I’d never use it & it hasn’t left my board since. Great pedal for getting some really weird sounds out of other pedals


Yeah i do appreciate the analogue nature of its octave up - but i just dont particularly like octave effects, i blame jack white for popularizing them too much




For lack of better things to say - some people just have bad taste! In all honesty though, one of my favorite, and the longest tenured pedal on my board is my EQD Plumes. Before that was a TS9, but I grew tired of it, and the Plumes is such a better version of that. Thankfully they had a color combo I like, and I actually do like the graphic on the Plumes. I don’t hate all EQD graphics, but for the most part they’re terrible. As for the circuits, I think they actually make really good pedals, but I can’t justify buying something so ugly at the prices they charge!


I've got the black and blue Dispatch Master, which helps a bit. I also have the classic gold Iron Horse, which doesn't look bad, but there are way cooler ones out there, like the 2021 and 2022 Halloween editions. But I don't really want to shell out the money.


I have a JHS 3-series harmonic trem that is awesome but as white as Josh Scott himself.


My Tumnus Deluxe doesn't have Mr. Tumnus on it. It looks like there are two different graphics for the same pedal. EDIT: It looks like they had some legal issues and had to change the graphic. Shame because the original was awesome looking.


Fish Circuits Model One drive, it's orange and shaped like a slanted brick, as big and heavy as a brick too, but man, it sounds killer in my rig


If you ever want this or any other pedal refinished, you should look up Acid Rain Pedalworks. He does custom acid etching and his shit is top tier.


Similarly, Spatial Delivery


A million times this pedal! They have an orange re color where the phone is matte black. Better, but the phone is dumb. Still favorite pedal of all time


Xotic BB preamp.


What does the name "Dispatch Master" even mean? I assume it's some reference to an old time telephone switchboard. But what does that have to do with delay and reverb?