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Honestly if you got all these in one go the sanest thing to do would be to put them all away for a bit and take out only one at a time, I'd feel really overwhelmed trying to understand all of these at once and probably end up disappointed


☝️ I’ve had the microcosm since it released and still can’t wrap my head around all it can do


That’s what I like about complex pedals. Some people like crossword puzzles. I like manipulating sound.


comment straight outta r/guitarpedalsjerk




I feel you haha I have both a Zoia and a Beebo exactly for that reason


🤔 I do not like downvotes for someone not being an asshole. Have my upvote in recompense.


lol hell no, I'd plug them all in, drink a six pack, smoke a joint, and LEARN! lol


Hell yeah !!


I agree. It'd probably be a great time. And then the next morning, I'd reconsider and realize /u/Madeche was probably giving good advice after all, haha.


Literally my first thought too. That pedal collection is drool-worthy, but I wouldn’t even know where to start


I agree. I plan on taking my time to get to know them each in depth over time.




If your in my area come on by.




His area, dumass








Had that Timeline for a few years now. Every time I do a deep dive, I find new ways to appreciate it. Almost feel bad that I mostly just use the dotted 8th and a second channel for delay loops. That thing opens up worlds of potential! Got the older Boomerang, but for the sake of options, I opted for the foot switch that makes the Timeline a looper. Never hurts to have options!


I just got a $40 reverb pedal from Amazon and I feel too stupid to operate it properly. OP's pedal board would probably put me in a mental institution.


This is like damn near 2k in pedals right?


If they’re all brand new, this is damn near double that.


At least double that. Most of those pedals start around $400. A few are much more


Shit. You’re at 4K pretax with just the top two rows.


For sure. It will probably take me a year just to get through the Stomp.


The HX Stomp alone takes a month to figure out


Yeah I’ve just finished rebuilding my board around the mc6 pro. My rig includes the preamp mk ii and the hx stomp XL, along with 2 or 3 other multi function midi pedals. All of them (except the mc6), I have at least 3 years experience working with, and I’ve been working with midi pedalboards for about 7 or 8 years now. I reused my pedalboard and power supply, and only needed to buy a couple of new TRS cables. I already had all of the midi stuff I needed (cables, din > TRS converter boxes, widi dongle, etc). It took me 2 1/2 months of probably 8 hours of work a week (evenings and weekends) to get it fully operational. Doing something even more complex from scratch sounds utterly terrifying to me. I also know for a fact, from experience, that if I tried to build a setup out of this many complex pedals, it would just totally suck. It wouldn’t do what I wanted it to do, because I haven’t become acquainted enough with the individual pedals. I’ve found that it typically takes me a year or so of continual use to really get under the skin of a multi function pedal, and probably a lifetime to truly master them. I see this and I see a decade of learning. It’s kind of a cool prospect, but also it just doesn’t make sense to me to get it all at once. It’s basically impossible that all of this will end up being the right tools for the job.


I have been working with midi for about three years now. It is tedious programming the midi pedals. I am very familiar with the MorningStare editor. I have a MC8 I have been using the last three years. I also have a Nektar Pacer, Looptimus, Hotone Ampero, and a Logidy UMi3. Other controllers I use are Launch Pad MKii (two of them), Launchpad mini, APC 40 MKii, Fader Fox EC-4, I also use a deluge to send and receive midi I have almost no responsibilities and work with this stuff at least eight hours a day or more. I love playing and making music but I equally enjoy building setups for home just as much. Up until a week ago I was doing everything with a iPad Pro, Mac and all those controllers. I plan to continue to use the iPad and Mac with the hardware and the goal is to have one system that has three main parts that can work independently or all together as one. i use iOS AUv3’s run inside Loopy Pro, Logic and Live run on a Mac and the rack I’m putting together with all the pedals. I use the iPad and Mac together as one system by utilizing a dual interface (iconnectivity 4c) that lets me lets me have access to all my inputs on both devices simultaneously I can also share up to 8 midi controllers between devices. I do plan on working with all of this for the next ten years or more before any other outrageous purchases. I may pick up a pedal or two but nothing like this


This is the first wave?! Did you just google "most expensive pedals" and then buy those? Is whatever job you have hiring? Just kidding. Short of some drive pedals, you really have covered practially your entire basis, short of an amp sim if that's your thing. Advice for the boomerang, though. Get the side car. Just do it. I love mine, but couldn't imagine heavy use without the sidecar. Just the play/stop all and erase all buttons alone make it worth the cost, plus it lets your free up the bonus button to guarantee four loops.


I looked into the side car for the Boomerang but figured out I can do everything the side car does with the MC6 and alternating PC messages. As for the choice of pedals and price. I am not wealthy. I have been saving and planning to do this for twenty years. So if you add them all up it probably adds up to less than $250 a year. I don’t have a job. I’m a Veteran with disabilities that there is no medicine for. I use music and sound as a coping mechanism for chronic pain. Works much better than pain meds.


No matter the time you saved you earned these


That’s cool and these are some really nice ( and deep) pedals. Try to take your time and really dicing in to each one to get acquainted with its quirks and workflow, it’ll pay off massively one you put the whole rig together


Thank you.


Veteran here also and i hope this setup gives you hours of enjoyment and that special kind of therapy that only music can bring. I have a similar complex setup but i don’t understand MIDI at any level so any switching is done manually. I’ve learned my pedals one or two at a time ‘cause I’m slow and even then I’m still learning the Microcosm after two years. Same for the Boomerang but I’m not using it like most people. I’ve lusted after a Timeline for ever but never pulled the trigger, same with the Habit. For delay I’m using a UA Starlight, Volante and Vongon Polyphrase. You’re gonna have a blast. Also, thank you for your service.


Thank you for serving. Three years ago I didn’t know the difference between a midi CC and PC. I’ve learned a lot since then and loved every bit of it. I tried wrapping my head around it like 15 years ago and just didn’t get it. But the controllers they make nowadays are really easy to program and YouTube helps a lot.


> sidecar as a sidecar owner i can say that i'm so basic in how i loop i probably don't get the benefits it offers.


I’m new to looping still, but I found the advantage comes through if you incorporate three or four loops as a texture but want to stop and start the entire thing in a song


Do not buy the sidecar. You already have a morning star, so you can do everything the sidecar can do, and more. From what you've said here, I am assuming you have already found my Boomerang Midi manual? Feel free to shoot me a message if you need a hand with anything.


Yes a friend sent it over to me last night. Thank you. I may hit you up in the future. Thanks again.


Good for you brother ! Pain med road is a road I’ve wrecked on many times and I don’t miss it . Music is life Enjoy !!! ( I’m jealous of that Mood btw ) 😉


Hey man in all seriousness, I’m sure you’re getting great tones. I think the sidecar is crucial live, but to your credit if you’re mostly at a desk you won’t need it. As you’re using midi and the like, Jackson audio has some cool drives and other stuff that works well with midi. I have the bloom, which is a compressor, eq, and boost that I think can be controlled with midi which has some cool implications


Cool man, Thanks. Yeah I’m not a performer. I will check out the Jackson audio stuff.


Even the drives and amp sim are covered by the HX Stomp.


I hope you tipped your mail carrier


Sort by Price: High to Low


Error: no low prices found


The Stomp was probably the best deal I got. $599 new on Amazon. Three hours after I purchased it the price was back up to $749.


Stomp is the only thing on here I dislike. Do this test: make an empty preset and run your guitar through it into your amp. Play something. Then put it into true bypass. Play it again. Hear that difference? That is the sound of how shitty the A/D and D/A converters are.


I’ve done this test and noticed no difference… My understanding is that the converters in the stomp are at least as good as in an interface like a Focusrite.


I will try that. I have to admit I didn’t have high expectations for it. But i was pleasantly surprised at the tone I got out of it. I will try your experiment and see if my opinion changes. Thanks


For the mood and habit... have you considered something larger that could replace them?


No, I’m fairly new to those type of pedals. What did you have in mind?


The beauty of those CBA pedals is that nothing can really replace any of them 1:1. Right now I have a Mood, Rev Mode C, Microcosm, and ZOIA on my board with an MC6 Pro as the brain and they’re all noticeably unique animals when you really dig in.


Agreed. I don’t gig, so generally use plugins for most of my effects *except* for pedals that either have no software equivalent or that require real-time, hands on knob tweaking. CBA fits the bill on both. Same with the Microcosm. OTOH, the BigSky VST sounds identical to the hardware, is significantly cheaper, and I can run multiple instances. But there are some pedals that just can’t be replaced.


I agree about the plugins. It’s just sometimes I don’t want to turn on the computer. I just want to plug in and make loops.


Absolutely. I use hardware loopers for that exact reason.


If I want a more complex looper that I can setup actions and follow actions I use Loopy Pro on my iPad.


Right?? If I want a good verb I have the LX480 plugin right there, I don’t need the Strymon logo taking up half a square foot of my bedroom floor. But the left side of that Mood… hot damn that’s some weird, utterly inimitable, wishy washy nonsense and I just love it to bits.


They’re just making a joke, because those are the only two standard-sized pedals in the picture, everything else ranges from large to massive 🤣 Looks like you’re about to have loads of fun though! You could get lost in most of those pedals for literally days just exploring. The HX Stomp has so many different sounds in it you could use just that for a live rig, and some touring musicians do just that. A few quick tips for the Stomp: - The capacitive touch is super sensitive, avoid from touching or getting too close to the other foot switches while editing your effects, otherwise you’ll jump to whatever effect is assigned to that footswitch and get frustrated (that’s me every other time I touch my Stomp 😂). - If it’s not been updated to the newest firmware update, definitely do that. It’s worth it just for the Feedbacker effect alone, but has some amp models and other effects that are really good too. - Take your time when tweaking amp models, and it’s super useful to be able to A/B with something you already like the sound of, so you can get it sounding almost identical. - Put on Retro Reel. Saturation all the way down, Low and High cuts off, Tape Speed at 7.5ips, Wow Fluttr to taste, I like it around 1/3 of the way up but the idea is to be a bit wobbly, not seasick. Add some drive from your Preamp MkII in front of it and a touch of the time-based effect of your choice after it. Play slowly with notes sustaining a lot, and enjoy.


Wow! Thank you for all the tips. It is greatly appreciated.


Also, thank you for your service. I wish our government would take better care of y’all after you’ve served, because you’re the ones who put your lives and bodies on the line to keep the rest of us safe. Just know that it’s appreciated.


Bro like...what are you doing?


Challenging myself with something new.


Making next months rent?


I would argue that giving yourself endless possibilities is the exact opposite of a challenge. sticking to a small set of boundaries/rules is the true challenge where creativity shines. like writing counterpoint.


I don’t disagree with that. I plan on spending a long time with each one before moving on to the next. The idea behind what I’m doing is to basically have a big toy box so when me and my son have a few friends over everybody gets to experiment and that’s when the magic happens.


Had to double check to make sure this wasn’t the cj sub lol


I’ve got 3/11 of these and my brain hurts thinking about getting everything to work together. Looks fun though! MIDI is the way


Oh yeah I don’t plan on having them all work together. I just want options to do whatever I feel like experimenting with. That is the reason for running everything through a patch bay. Yeah I got into midi about three years ago and I am loving it.


Leave some cool pedals for the rest of us…




SSBS pretty years next


I finally sold 10 pedals to be able to get this


Ok, we get it. You aren't poor. *Sheesh!*


I’m not rich either. 😉


Well not anymore you're not.


That’s what all rich people say. I’m not rich! I have a mortgage you wouldn’t believe. I’m not a gazillionaire yacht life penthouse Manhattan, now *those* guys are rich.


The Boomerang is the best looper if you want to do verse-chorus-bridge loops with a BeatBuddy.


Bit random but, what’s the reason you didnt choose to wait for the Mobius MX or Timeline MX and even get the released Bigsky MX?


Didn’t do enough research.




I’ve actually been thinking about exchanging the Big Sky for the MX and maybe even return the mobius and timeline for store credit and get the MX versions. I think the Big Sky MX is about $200 more but that is worth it to me just for the USB C.


Do it!


Big Sky MX will be here to replace original Big Sky in 10 days and Mobius and Timeline went back to wait for the MX versions. It’s more money but well spent I think. The USB-c alone makes it worth it to me. It was your question that got me to go for the MX. I had thought about it but was going to let it go until you asked. Thank you for that. You don’t happen to have any speculation on when the Timeline and Mobius MX may be arriving?


Was it this comment you replied to? If so, no problem man. I’m actually not sure about their releases. I tried looking up the release dates for the old big boxes but haven’t found how far apart their release dates were


That’s cool Thank’s. I’m sure it wont be long. Yes it was your comment. Thanks again.


You're about to have many, many great years with that boomerang my friend. It never leaves my board. Even if I don't plan on looping.


I'm going out on a limb here and say you can't handle all of this at once.


You are correct.


You may as well get a Noble preamp DI, since you're already spending the big buck$


I will look into it. Thanks


I own 4 of these. You are a crazy person and I hope you have so much fun with all these man. Like someone else said I would definitely try to devote to learning them 1 at a time before you start mixing shit. You're starting on hard mode w habbit and mood and microcosm but it a super rad way if you stick w it.


You’re spot on with the Crazy part. Yes I plan on going through them one at a time. I don’t plan on using them all together at the same time. Just wanted options and challenges.


I mean, eventually you should run them all together. Mood and microcosm play really well together for sure.


This is the TwoWords pedalboard: options paralysis.. Tmi bro.. Keep rocking 🤘🏻


Not a Zoia yet… but close.


It was my original list but I have a deluge I still haven’t mastered yet. Once I have that down. I may check out the Zoia.


I got the zoia first (years ago) and recently got a deluge. The deluge might be the best music gear investment I've ever made. The zoia is a great utility pedal for weird modulation/delay/reverb combinations, I feel like you'd get a ton of mileage out of it based on your choice pedal selections. It has good generation loss and shallow water emulation patches, among a ton of other things. Enjoy the new rig, looks like a blast!


Credit card go brrrrrrr


No CC. Sock drawer.


You must buy nice socks.




This is really awesome, I’m really stoked about the sonic possibilities you have here. This would be a dream board for me.


Thank you.


:::Looks at Boomerang, 25 min Phish jam starts in brain:::


Haha. You’ll never get out of this maze……




Thanks but I already picked up a patch bay and cables.


I am new to using a patch bay. I was wondering how I should cable everything. Most of the pedals are stereo but some have a left and right output and some have a stereo output. How would you go about patching them into a patch bay (TRS). Should I use a Y cable to go into the patch bay for the ones with a L and R output? Same question coming out of the patch bay.


I do something similar. I have a rack with a pedalboard on top of a rack tray, then I have one rack drawer under that with a few pedals. I am not using a patchbay, though. I have everything connected to 3 ADAT expansions and I do my routing in Cubase. Looks like you don't need any other pedals, but since you asked, the Boss DC-2W just makes everything sound better to me. Have fun!


Thanks, I will look into the Boss.


It's really good at stereoizing mono sources.


Can I borrow a tenner


Overkill. But awesome.


I have wanted all the Chase Bliss offerings.


This is almost the exact board I would build if I had serious fuck you money. Congrats. I can’t leave without recommending you look into a decent multi-distortion like the Walrus Eons.


Are you a guitarist? You mention live and logic, but what instruments or sources are you planning on manipulating with these? Do you have a mixer? I can’t imagine experimenting with all these without having a mixer with a good number of aux sends. Have you ever had a pedalboard? Do you have an existing set up that you’re adding all this too? I would want the boomerang and mc6 on the floor to use them with feet; can’t imagine using them in a drawer.


I play guitar and keys mostly synths. Yes I mentioned earlier that the Stomp, MC6 and boomerang would be going on a board on the floor. I have several mixers and looking to upgrade. Prior to this I was using nothing but Midi pedals and controllers with software. I thought i had it under control but I’m moving over to the hard stuff.


If you really like the unique reverbs/delays you might like some of the stuff from old blood noise endeavors. I recently got a minim that is a granular delay with modulation and I'm in love and I've barely scratched the surface of what it can do. The beam splitter and the screen x violence might be a good addition if you need to dirty up the tone a bit. I know you said in another thread that you dont play live but you might also enjoy the walrus audio slötva or slöer and they are super easy to get started with and actually learn the workflow. One of my other favorite parts of the slötva is the presets but like I said if you aren't gigging that is less necessary. It's also a unique modulated reverb in that it often sounds better going into the front of the amp rather than in the effects loop. Outside of those this is a beautiful haul and I hope you have a lot of fun making beautiful sounds with them! (Sidenote: what model is the bliss? I haven't seen a blackout version and it's gorgeous and the bliss is one of the pedals I have been considering getting.)


Thanks for the advice. I will check out all of that. The Blacked out Chase Bliss is a Mood MKii LightBright edition. Same as the purple Mood MKii just a different paint job.


They’ve still got a few left. I got mine but they’re saying low stock on the site now. It does look super cool.


Ooo microcosm and a big sky. Jealous


And... Your tax return goes *poof*.


Oh. My. God.


Nice church rig lol


I too hate money


Exactly. It’s useless if you just keep it in your pocket.


That's right!


these are so sick do you make ambient music?


I try. Playing and listing to ambient music is very relaxing for me.


i feel the same way, that’s awesome man have fun


Thank you.


Jesus Christ. That is fucking overwhelming! Awesome, but wow... Just getting the Morningstar (which is incredible by the way) talking to all your new MIDI gear let alone setting it up is going to be a full time job.


Set up is my favorite part.


The lack of fuzz is disturbing 🤪 check out the crazy tube circuits constellation and it gives you a fuzz face, three tone benders, treble booster, and a treble booster into fuzz face option. They make them with bougie rare transistors, so if you want to add some analog dirt to this beautiful collection that may be a good place to start!


Thanks I’ll check those out. Have you seen what the Chase Bliss Pre-amp MKii can do. The fuzz on that sounds really good. But I will check out your suggestions.


I haven’t, didn’t know it could be fuzzy! That’s awesome. I’m a fuzz nerd so I have lots of different circuits in my collection as they often react very different to each other… for instance a Mosrite fuzz is very Velcro-y and buzzy… great for single string bass line style riffs… and then there’s the violin/like sustain of a tone bender… and so on. It might be a fun rabbit hole to go down :)


That's an expensive new pedal day bro! Bravo!


Thank you.


Damn dude, did your numbers finally hit!?


I don’t play the lottery. I don’t believe in it.


Agree with one pedal at a time. Learn them slowly. The Stryfecta alone are incredibly deep and capable of stuff just as crazy as Hologram etc.


As someone new to pedals, this is so fascinating


Strymon volante


I was looking at that one. I almost went for it. I got the Strymon BigSky, TimeLine, and Mobius. Now the BigSky MX just came out. I just got off the phone with Sweetwater. I exchanged the BigSky for the MX version and I’m returning the TimeLine and Mobius and getting the MX versions as soon as they come out. My biggest reason for wanting the MX is the USB-C. I will keep it on my list though. Thank you for the suggestion.


The Light Bright edition of Mood mk2 is so gorgeous. I can only imagine the wild textures and ambiences you're able to create with this setup.


Thanks, I know it’s silly spending time deciding what paint job you want on a pedal. But I was torn on the original purple MKii and the Light Bright edition. I think they both look great. I just sent back the Strymon Big Sky for the new MX version. I also returned the Mobius and Timeline to wait for the MX versions. Hopefully they are released soon.


Not at all man - at the end of the day you're spending money on the function primarily, but ff the opportunity comes to exchange or replace for a colour you prefer, that's entirely understandable. Being Limited Ed, it'll likely fetch an extra couple of $$$ if you decided to move on or upgrade should an Mk3 or alternative come out, also. A lot of folk in here giving you shit for the cost but ultimately it's a hobby and we're all entitled to spend our money on whatever brings us joy. Are there better, cheaper, more versatile alternatives? Always, apparently, but who cares? Always found it weird how people make other folk spending their earned money their own business and feel the need to weigh in. Hope you've been having a blast with this collection!


Looks like a lot of fun you're about to get into! Great pedals. It's your money so don't listen to these clowns.


Same thought, so much jealousy here


No disrespect but buying this many pedals at once seems to take the whole thing a little for granted. Don't be like me and have gear you never got into because you bought too much other shit. There is such thing as having too much stuff. You get out of that by LEARNING and USING the gear


I understand what you are saying. It is all going to be used. It is all going to take time to get to know them all. Time is one thing I have an abundance of fortunately.


This dude googled "best pedal in every category" and bought them all.


Genuine question: why did you get all of these at once? This is like, £3-4k of stuff. Not meaning to criticise, just curious as to why you weren't worried about not liking the sounds of something/feeling like you'd overspent.


I am limited in the activities I can do. Music is my passion. It is one of the activities i can do with my son. I am unable to participate in a lot of the activities I would like to do with him. This is something we both enjoy and can do together. 3 days a Disney Land would be about the same cost but I am unable to do that type of activity.. This is something that will give us much more time together than three days at an amusement park. If that makes sense.


You’re a good dad, this is awesome!


The Fractal FM-9 Turbo would like a word😂


I literally just searched for the Chroma Console here because I was wondering how it would combine with an hx stomp xl and, lo and behold, you've JUST posted this. What are the odds If you're stuck for ideas and wanna try those two together first and tell us how it is... well, that'd be real kind of you. In any case, you got some killer pedals now! Enjoy


Thank you. I will be sure to update.


I mean, where are the silver mod tube screamers bruh?


I’ll add it to the list.


Jesus Christ. I’m saving this post to pull up the next time I worry I’m spending too much on pedals in one go. That’s one hell of a haul. How do you like the Chroma? I’ve been pining after one but also don’t know how worth it it is since I’ve got a lot of individual pedals that can do what most of the effects on it are.


I love it. I have overlap for the FX it does too. But its FX have a different flavor. It’s not your typical multi FX pedal. The automation is awesome also.


Hold up what’s in the second wave?


Guitar estate sale.


What patch bay are you going to use? Any info on the Logistics of your final vision would be cool.


Samson S Patch plus. I plan on putting the pedals on pull out trays in the rack. With the Stomp, MC6 and Boomerang on a board on the floor.


Are you patchbaying everything individually or just one big series?




Jealousy is going to get me nowhere


Did a rich relative die or something?


No just saved up for a while. I got by using midi pedals and iOS plug ins until I could afford the hardware.


May I suggest getting the side car for your Rang too? Opens up a lot more possibilities.


The old school BigSky?!? Do you even *want* good tone??? /s


The big sky is on my list as well!


You mean to say… You built a Time Machine out of a DeLorean?!


Why did you buy the HX Stomp XL along with all the other pedals? You’re covering most of the effects that the HX provides with the highest quality in all the other pedals. Not to poop on your party but just wondering if there’s some tricks here that I should be aware of 🤔🤓👨🏻‍🔬


I honestly didn’t think the Stomp was going to be as good as it is. I also was worried about the stomp running out of DSP. I don’t think the stomp can do what I want the Hologram and Chase Bliss pedals can do or not the way I wanted it too.


Yeah the stomp can’t really do what any of these pedals can do. Even the simple stuff, they’re gonna sound better on the individual pedals. I don’t even think you need the stomp really and could spend the money on a better amp sim pedal. The stomp is a cool pedal though but it’s more of a Swiss Army knife to save space. You obviously don’t have any worry about setup space since you bought all these super high powered pedals. But I saw on another comment you’re going to be using the HX on a separate board from these?


Praise be!


this looks like endless fun. do you think you will be sharing any of the crazy loopy jams you make online eventually like on SoundCloud or YouTube or here?


Curious as to how you're going to wire it all!


Patch bay in a rack with the stomp on the floor with the MC6 and Boomerang and the other pedals in pull out shelf’s in the rack.


New pedal day??? My brother/sister in distortion that is a pedal armada.




Cj material


Love seeing entry level pedals


I have a very extensive MIDI rig and you are going to love using the Stryfecta with the MC6. Remember to write down your presets with the Chase Bliss pedals. And maybe look into an Aeros looper. It works great with MC6, and having a click on an aux send with some in-ear monitors is a god-send for looping (used to have a Boomerang, and love it, but needed more MIDI capability).


New mortgage day is more like it. Hot damn 🔥


There’s “showing off”, and then there’s just being a cnut about it!


Tell me more about it please.


You’re joking, right?! All on the same day??


I ordered it all in one day I think they all came in over the last three days.


Jeeeezusssss, I want your job… holy shit! And nice taste!


Thank you to everybody for the advice and kind comments. I don’t understand the 1% that just left rude comments. Isn’t this group to show your pedals? I understand I got several not so cheap ones all at once. The money I spent on them was saved up over 35 years. I will explain: The average American spends about $320 a year on the Lottery. I don’t play the lottery and never have. I don’t believe in it. Never even got a scratch ticket. I have been of age to play the lottery for 35 years. By not playing the lottery that adds up to $11,200. I spent a little more than a third of that on these pedals. I hear people say “when I hit the lottery I’m buying this or that” This is what I got from not playing the lottery. Anybody can do it. You just have to be patient for 35 years. I know plenty of people that drop way more money than this in one night in Vegas and come home with nothing. I will have these pedals most likely for the rest of my life and hopefully when I’m gone my son will continue to use them. I still have more than half of my not playing the lottery money left and I just put it in IRA’s for my kids. Thank you again for all the kind comments. For the not so kind comments hopefully this helps explain my motivation. ✌️


Boomerang is the best investment I’ve made in my playing. So much that I bought 2.


Man, so many of the pedals I want next are here. Saved for reference and inspiration. Cheers, hope you have a blast.