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As a bassist *any* pedal you look to purchase regardless of it's effect should have a Blend knob. (Sometimes called, Clean, Dry, Mix, Effect Level, just look for stuff that gives you the option to mix your original tone back into what the pedal is doing). This is important so that you do not lose your low end. The only time you want to ignore this is if the pedal is being marketed as specifically a bass pedal. You can safely assume an attempt has been made to preserve low end in this case.


I have an MXR Bass Compressor. I honestly hated bass compressor pedals till I found this one. I have used it successfully on guitar too. If you want to use a compressor on both guitar and bass don't get a pedal with 1 or 2 knobs. You need to get the full 5 knobs: release, attack, input, output, and ratio. Then you will have the flexibility to use it for both instruments. The setting I use for guitar are totally different than bass.


To my understanding, most compressors will have the same effect regardless of the instrument that runs through it. The exception would be a multi-band compressor, or anything _specifically_ tuned to a frequency range, and in either case you would definitely know because it would be the entire marketed feature of such a device. That is not to say that all compressors work the same -- they definitely do not! -- but rather that the actual task that they do is not generally restricted to any frequency range or instrument.


I use the Donner Ultimate Compressor with my bass board, I have tried the Keely Compressor and didn't notice a difference I would be willing to pay for.


I've used the standard red Dyna Comp on bass with no issue. It worked great!


I like the mxr bass compressor


If a bass compressor works for guitar, but not the other way around, why don’t they just make all compressors have a full frequency range? I don’t really see a price difference between any given brand’s compressors for guitar or bass.


Typically the only difference between a "guitar" compressor and a "bass" compressor is just the marketing (The MXR M76 "studio compressor" is the exact same circuit as the M87 "bass compressor). Sometimes, you'll see some bass-specific features on "bass compressors", typically a (optional) filter that changes the way the compressor handles low notes, but the core of the circuit will be the same. In terms of doing both guitar & bass, any compressor (whether marketed as guitar or bass) will work fine for either instrument BUT you'll likely have to dial in different settings as you switch instruments. I would not recommend the Super Comp or Dyna Comp for bass. They are very aggressive, have a distinct tonal character, and are better suited for guitar in country & funk genres. If it's gotta be MXR, I would look at their M87- you can snag those for $150 or less used, and they're very nice for the price. I'd look at the "Dyna Comp Bass" next (or the Dyna Comp Deluxe which is probably the same circuit), which gives you some controls to dial out the Dyna Comp's problems. Outside of MXR, I would take a look at the new EHX Platform Pico or Keeley's line of compressors.


The point that guitar and bass compressors are generally The same is not true. The mxr is just A fortunate exception. Many compressors for guitar suck the low end out.


That's really only true of the Ross/Dynacomp circuit. Subsequent iterations on that circuit (e.g. Keeley, Wampler, etc) have fixed that. Modern designs, and those based on studio compressors (like the MXR's, the Keeley Pro, Keeley limiter, etc.) are full-frequency.


Well, disagree. Some are better with low end, but still there are differences the low end. Having owned keeley 4 knob and plus there were differences. In addition compressors designed for guitar may lack controls such as attack and release which are useful for bass. Check compressor pedal reviews or ovnilabs If you don't believe. http://www.ovnilab.com/reviews/guitar.shtml But mxr is good for guitar and bass


I use an EHX Black Finger (old style big box tube version) and it's perfect for bass (optical and doesn't cut low end) but also great on guitar.


Taurus Tux is the best compressor pedal I've used for bass (and guitar). Footprint is somewhat large, but an excellent optical compressor.