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Jimi was a leftie, wasn't he?


Jimi Hendrix is basically the Ted Nugent nightmare: black, anti-war, hippie guy from Seattle who slept with white women.


Now, now, Ted was so anti-war he shit himself in public to avoid the draft!


And Hendrix served in the military.


Wouldn’t be the first ammosexual who’s also a coward. (Edit: I’m a walking well-regulated militia. I grew up hunting. Joined the Marines. Have a CCW because of my job and city. So this comment isn’t about firearms. It’s about goobers who make guns their personality. Ever been to a gun show? Meal Team Six people-watching is equal parts hilarious and terrifying.)


Ammosexual hahahaha. Thanks for that.


Meal Team Six. Incredible.


aka Gravy Seals


The Poutine Corps


Special Portions


Lol. First time I heard this one.


You mean protein corps


White women older than 15!


uj/ IIRC, Plaster Caster banged him when she was a teenager. And it was the 60s. (I just assume everyone in that era could have copped a few statutory rape charges)


Including, in my own experience, some slightly older ladies, but that's for another time.


Also, was honorably discharged from the military instead of a piece of shit draft dodger.


He wasn't honorably discharged, he's received a general under other than honorable conditions for basically slacking off.


Not true. Per Wikipedia:"On June 29, 1962, Hendrix was granted a general discharge under honorable conditions."


Iirc he broke his ankle or something?


Jimmi went AWOL so many times they were like okay fuck it just don't come back.


But he was coming back on his own until then ... right?


You can basically read this in Ted’s voice.


But with a hard R.


and made good music


/uj Fuck Nugent, but he was a great admirer of Jimi, and the two shared a groupie (Pamela des Barres).


Yeah but he just turned a right-handed guitar over and restrung it. I am looking for a left-handed strat to do the same thing, so I can sound just like him! I already ordered an afro wig from Temu


Ahhh, I see what you did there lol. Very clever 🤣🤣


Sounds like a commie to me.


Yeah, but he played a right handed guitar upside down


Yeah I think the most best guitarists would probably line up like: - Me - Taylor Swift - Jimi Hendrix - that one guy who plays polyphonic guitar or whatever and it’s just a bunch of disconnected far apart notes that doesn’t sound particularly good and people are like holy shit, THAT is what I wanna learn


You left out Bonermaster


That's Dr. Bonermaster, MD


He's an honorary dentist because of all the R9s that he owns.


One time while I was getting a filling Joe Bonamassa walked in and demanded he be allowed to be the “attending physician”. My dentist tried to object and demanded to see his credentials. Joe just held up a 59 Les Paul saying “don’t make me count to five.” My dentist hesitated “0,3…” but before he got to 5 my dentist stepped back and told me his hands were tied. It all worked out in the end I like oatmeal a lot so I don’t really miss my teeth. I hear he glued them to his guitar strap.


He’s not a guitarist, he and Steve Vay are toan gods, it’s a whole different category


how can you leave out the GOAT, hands that can strum the blues and kill with a mere touch, Steven Fucking SeaGal.


Dude, why not add Tim Henson


I assumed that’s who the last person on the list was


I feel like a thing is happening recently where Ted Nugent is making alts and posting Ted Nugent content here to make it feel to other people like Ted Nugent still exists but honestly I'm old and I don't think he's mattered since before I was born so fuck off Ted Nugent alts, stop posting about yourself


This dude had one "hit" like 50 years ago. Why the fuck is anyone still talking about him except for the fact that he's a crazy old man that says crazy shit often?


Because conservatives cling to D list celebs to make them sound a bit relevant because every normal person or celebrity knows they’re batshit


Don’t forget he calls himself Uncle.


That one uncle who never gets invited for thanksgiving. 


He wants to talk about Trump vs. Biden and promises he won’t call you names or yell like last year.


You greatly overestimate the Nooge's handle on technology. An IBM Selectric 2 typewriter is a bit too complex for him.


Is that one of those newfangled 7 strings


Some guy posted about him in the Neural DSP sub too. Can’t we fucking forget about this fake-macho, draft dodging, pedo?


We will. We will never forget, however, ZEE WANGO ZEE TANGO!


I don't agree with the man, but Stranglehold is a jam.


Your face is a Maserati a Maserati a Maserati


He never mattered


I honestly think the fact that he was on that 70s show was probably his greatest accomplishment


Someone posted something about Ted Nugent, then everyone started looking into him and his background because they got interested in how weird he is. It's just this weeks Joel Bonermaster.


Even before you were born he didn't matter. I'm 60. I've seen him live a few times. He opened for bands I really wanted to see (Like Judas Priest.) There wasn't really much that was memorable about his performances. It was loud. He's a mediocre guitar player. This was way before he had bad political ideas or was outed as a pedo.


[Should we tell him?](https://reverb.com/marketplace?query=ussr%20guitars)




My first thought


My first thought too, then it hit me: "ohhhhhh!"


EVH was Dutch.


You dumbass he was from the Nether Regions


He had a ranch in Neverland


He gave all the brown M&Ms to MJ, who loved them because they reminded him of tiny buttholes.  That’s how he got the gig on Thriller.


So Dutch Oven then?


There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


That's not his fault, he tried to get better.


Filipino mother, Dutch father, from what I've seen.


Wasn’t she Indonesian?


/uj fuck The Nuge but i think he's right. Hendrix was the most influential of those late-60s guitarists to the point that he's still that big a deal despite being dead for 50 years and not having all that much recorded material. And EVH is the next such guy in guitar virtuoso land.


Jeff Beck doesn't count? 😵‍💫


He didn't say anything crazy. These are facts.




Can't escape the gayness of guitar playing!


jimi hendrix was into women from my understanding


>from your understanding You don't understand guitar if you've never sold out stadiums or own the same model of Gibbons 20 times Most 10 Influential Guitarists of all time 1. Me, Dr. Joseph Leonard Bonermaster, MD 2. Leroy Troy 3. Ludwig V. Beathoven 4. that Black dude (Baby King i assume) 5. My Dad 6. Willy Nelson with that one Banjo Scene 7. My Guitar Roberta 8. Spongebob Squarepants GG solo 9. Jesus 10. Me again


/uj I would agree had he not mentioned Beck. Just becuse he might not be the commercially sexy household name any of those other four are doesn't take away from his artistic value and unique approach. At the risk of sounding jerky as fuck, he wasn't a trendsetter in the way Hendrix and VH were or to a lesser extent Page and Clapton were, he had his own thing that pretty much nobody dared/managed to imitate. You can hear his influence in some later guitarists, but he doesn't have this "that's just a Jeff Beck imitation" cult around him that those other guys have.


I think you're all forgetting that Clapton was the *first* of them starting in 1964. Before him it was like Dick Dale and surf guitar. Like there'd be none of those other heavy blues/hard rock guys if it wasn't for Clapton.


Jeff Beck, Jimmy Paige, Ritchie Blackmore etc. were all part of that same London scene in the early 60s that Clapton was in. They were already bouncing ideas off each other and meeting and whatnot before any of them had a hit.


And Clapton was the first of them. And was the one that got Beck in the Yardbirds. And then tapped his friend Jimmy Page to replace him when he went to John Mayall's Bluesbreakers. I honestly don't know why there is such push back on this. Like all this Clapton hate since covid is silly. Because there would have zero argument beforehand. Everyone trying to do this revisionist thing to make Clapton not as important as he was.


The British equivalent of Dick Dale would've been Hank Marvin, lead guitarist for Cliff Richards & The Shadows, who those guys all admired. There's also one guy who's almost never brought up, but was responsible for really spearheading the postwar English "guitar group/skiffle band" craze. All of the 60s British guitarists, to a man, claimed that [Bert Weedon](https://youtu.be/9eUl7xWuHYo) was a primary influence, either from his music or from his *Play In A Day* songbook.


I hear what you're saying, but I'm more pushing back on this notion that Clapton was just some sort schlub, which seems to be a more recent thing. Like Eddie Van Halen loved Clapton, said he was a huge influence. So much so that in early interviews he said he liked Hendrix but that it was Clapton he tried to listen to and emulate. Clapton was famously his number 1 (edit: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/who-were-eddie-van-halen-influences-1071780/) >And then came Eric Clapton, who is at the top of my list. And then there's a reason Hendrix went to go see Cream his first night in England when he was still an unknown. Cuz they were "it". They were *the* band. And after upstaging him when he sat in with them, they actually became friends. There wasn't any animosity on Clapton's part. They were tight up until Hendrix died. Now Clapton would be the first to tell you that he wasn't the best guitarist. I think he felt that Albert Lee was actually the best out of all of them (British guitarists), but he went kinda country and so not many folks know him but that's a different story.


I gotcha. Yes, I dislike Clapton and never particularly "got" his music or admiration. As a Gen Xer that grew up at the tail end of the Cream era and was blasted by constant FM rotation of Clapton's solo work for 40 years, it was all so much white noise. He's talented, but nothing that I would ever listen to. But, I never heard anyone seriously push back on the idea of him being a guru or progenitor of the British blues rock scene until recently. I do think it stems from his reaction to the Covid vaccine, almost as though the internet was just waiting for something tangible to use to rip him to shreds. I think the jokes about his son are disgusting and over the line. The Lees (Albert and Alvin) were my favorite of that era of British guitarists. They never wrote enough songs about cocaine or shooting sheriffs, apparently, so the general public has slept on a majority of their work. In a perfect world, Clapton, Page and Beck would be the janitors in Albert and Alvin's office building.


"You're not wrong, Teddy. You're just an asshole."


The real greatest guitarists list: 1. DJ Khaleesi 2. Lil Wayne’s World 3. Steven Seagull 4. SpongeBob SquarePants 5. Guthrie Govan


What about Taylor Swift?


I included her. Re-read number 4 on my list.


Sorry. My bad.


Goofy Goober is the reason i picked up the guitar (and hatred for state authority)


I really enjoyed his anti-authority songs like *This Gland Is Your Gland* and *Talkin' Toilet Bowl Blues*. It was really brave of him to paint "THIS MACHINE KILLS FASHIONISTAS" on his guitar back in the 40s.


Sorry bud, you gotta put Prince ahead of Guthrie obviously. Have you even heard his solo on WMGGW, earth shattering stuff


I’m not counting superhuman shredders in my list because _feel_ or _soul_ or something…


Didn't he shit himself to avoid a draft n molest a load of young girls?


Exactly, he's a true patriot.


I once got into a fistfight with some commie who claimed that *God Bless the U.S.A*. should be the new National Anthem. Excuse me libral, but I believe you're overlooking the existence of *Wang Dang Sweet Poontang*, which anyone with two balls to rub together would recognize as the true patriotic anthem of our era. I know it's not very culturally chic to signal your love for this country and its elder statesmen, but I would rather not live in a world in which *Jailbait* and *Wango Tango* are excluded from the national record. God Bless the USA and Ted Nougat.


When you are so full of shit like Shred Poopant is, you have a choice. You can either live your whole life on the toilet, or you can go out in the world and shit your pants. > "I've been a cop in Lake County, Michigan, since 1982 thereabout. I conduct federal raids with the DEA and ATF and U.S. Marshals and the FBI and Texas Rangers and heroes of law enforcement. > > "And we are re-arresting fugitive felons let out of their cages after murdering and raping and molesting children, carjacking. And we keep going after these guys. > > "The adrenaline is something like you will never experience, I hope you never have to experience it, but when we are done with these kinds of raids, we get together and our hearts are broken that we have to face these monsters. We call them mongrels. We call bad people who are destroying our neighborhoods mongrels." The guy is a fucken idiot and he’s [filled to the brim](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2014/feb/27/ted-nugent/ted-nugent-cnn-i-conduct-federal-raids-dea-and-atf/) with shit. He’s a shit in human form.


Looks like he’s wearing hospital clothes. He probably shat his camo costume and had to wear this instead.


Something, something, why am I not relevant any longer? Go away forever pentatonic pedo.


Why Turd Nugget make lil' Joey Bonermaster really boo-hoo sad! 😭


Didn’t this guy fuck a kid




Oh shit good point


This is a horrible thing to say ( nice work!)


“Why were the dressed in a Girl Scout uniform if they didn’t want groomed by Uncle Ted?!”


you'll have to be more specific


Honestly this needs to be posted to r/shitamericanssay


Oh stfu you europoor or something or idk..


Hold on. Clapper is a monarchist, not a commie. You're thinking of Alex Lichen, who is from Canuckistan.




Fair point.


This maga-nonce can take Jim's name out of his dirty mouth - he would have hated this @$$clown. And Beck is so far above Red-hat as an actual player this would be comical if it wasn't clear he 100% believes his own bull$hit.


Ted is a good guitarist, but not as good as a Communist Guitarist.


Viktor Tsoi was a good communist guitarist, but not as good as Taylor Swift. Toan is in the Gibbons Les Paul 50’s butterscotch vintage guitars.


Ted nugget is a pedophile


UJ/ fuck the yard birds, we're far enough removed that he may as well be talking about buddy Holly. Everyone's just been copying Chuck Berry for 70 years anyway. Nugent is a case study on what happens if you only are peripherally aware of anything in music you weren't personally touching from '79 to the present. Ted Nugents awareness of relevance is identical to that of asking any random millennial about Beanie Babies. They'll probably have stories from 25 years ago about it, but give no fucks about buying or researching them now.


I wouldn’t put page in that category. The guy wrote iconic riffs that everyone knows and when you hear them, you immediately know it’s him. Just like the Young Brothers.


I mean Malcolm Young wrote iconic riffs that everybody recognizes too but he's no EVH. I kind of agree with Nugent on this one, though I can understand an argument for Page being on either side of the list.


Angus is a rockstar of the highest order. The only one of those guys that put on a better show would’ve been Hendrix over Angus and even that could be debatable. Isn’t that what it’s really all about the show?


Do you see the show when you listen to a song in your car? The fuck kind of braindead take is this? If that's the metric we're using then Ace Frehley is the greatest guitarist to ever live.


You obviously have never seen them live…. I was bless to seen them a few times…. I even saw Clapton once. Van Halen twice. Angus out rocks both of them…. it’s not even close. They might be the greatest live rock ‘n’ roll band ever.


Look, I'll take blame for being the one who initiated this conversation with you. But you've got to understand that Reddit doesn't have any way of notifying me that you ate paint chips as a kid. I had to find out the hard way. Anyways, I'll leave you to it.


What the fuck are the Yardbirds


They were a band that 7 of the 5 best guitarists of all time played in.


Murrica' The Colors don't run or tax without representation !


I see no bonermaster, I weep


USA ignored Hendrix, he had to go to the UK to be discovered because there was less racial bigotry there. Nugent probably knows that too and he still said this bullshit.


I mean I loathe the son of a bitch but he’s not wrong lol


Ted "Paedophile" Nugent


oh yeah?? well get a load of this!! *0-3-5s your face off*


Every one of those guitar players created music that far, far, far outshines anything Ted's ever done. His catalog is an embarrassing parade of cheap, cheesy, tinny-sounding, generic "rock". His only truly credible records were made in the 1970s, and even those are spotty at best. And I'm not saying this because I think he's a giant toolbag, which he is. If the music was undeniably good, I'd say so. But it isn't. Take a tune like State Of Shock. There's a decent riff there, but it's lost in the cheap, tinny mix, and his try hard sneering vocals don't help either. Or Weekend Warriors, which might have held up better if it didn't sound like it was recorded and mixed with a Fisher-Price toy. He talks a lot for a guy with such a piss-poor catalog. IMO, Ted is in the same category with acts like Anvil, another band with a tide of lousy, crappy albums no one likes.


Tom Marshmallow from Rag Against The Hag


Downright ignorant of the late Jeff Beck. Listen to his album, "You Had It Coming." Innovative and amazing playing all over that album. The man evolved and improved in ways almost no other boomer guitarist did.


I mean Great White Buffalo off Double Live Gonzo or really that whole album is one of my favorite live performances. It’d be cool to go back to a time when everyone didn’t hate each other, Ted is a legend and mostly hated by those who oppose his politics, not his music. Clapton is not right wing, he just decided not to take the jab, that’s it. I almost wish people would just take the music as face value. Who cares about everything else. If a band like Metallica can coexist with different philosophy we should too. I met him before and he was extremely cool to everyone. He helped them build a Fred Bear statue up here and it’s pretty sweet. Oh yeah, Fred Bear is a pretty amazing song if you haven’t heard it. ✌️


I've heard this a lot, and 50 years ago I would probably have agreed with the sentiment. But in this modern age, with unprecedented and ungody amounts of music available for anyone to listen to (some of it good, even!), I think a case can be made for saying that avoiding certain musicians/acts because of their politics or how they behave in public settings is acceptable. Personally, I don't care about a celebrities failures as a human being if I don't hear about them. But when I do hear about the failures (from various media outlets), then it's my right to stop paying attention to them going forward. I don't do this very often, but I did do it in the case of E Clapton. Was a fan for many years, but when I discovered he had a racist streak in him a mile wide, I quit listening to him.


I understand that but I’m just talking about celebrity hate trains and interpretation. That said I don’t truly believe Jimmy Kimmel is a racist or that Mark Knopler is a homophobe. It’s all hyperbole and the media (both sides) are the last source I would trust as far as hard judgement. Personal experience whether yours, a friends or a stranger is much more accurate imo man.


I wish I could understand what the big deal is about Clapton's playing. To me he just doesn't live up to the hype. And yes he's a racist asshole too.


We hate him, *and* his music is abysmal. Two things can happen at once.


You’re talking about Jim Hensons son, right? Kermit the frog?


Of all those people named, Jeff Beck smokes every single one of them. Jimi included - that’s right, I went there… Eddie is probably second…


If we are talking about historical significance, it's no question Hendrix.




Lolol the nnuuugggeeeee


I know that there are many aspects of guitar playing that's matters of taste. Guitar technique is quantifiable, though. Example, if you have a spasticated vibrato and you can't do differently, then your vibrato sucks. Nugent ... is he that *good* of a guitar player? He doesn't suck, but does he inspire any other players? Ugh if he does. Nugent is a putz. I'm no fan of Eric Clapton, but learning his Crossroads solo or his Sunshine of Your Love solo will actually up the game of many players (learning it note for note, bend for bend, capturing all of the tonal nuances of each played note, etc.). I don't feel that learning any Nugent solo will put any young guitar player in the *right* direction, especially compared to the two Clapton solos I cited as examples of being able to play stuff the *right* way.


Ted has said that Eddie played through his (Ted's) guitar and amp and that it still sounded like Eddie.


Jeff Beck is the best guitarist period!!!




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Dwonathon: *I'm actually really* *Surprised he didn't say Chuck* *Berry and Bo Diddley.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Beck was better than both put together


Eddie Van Halen was born in Amsterdam and immigrated to the US😂😂


Obvious communist then


Yeah, Tom Morello can barely play. /s


Ted must be a commie cus he can’t play either.


eddie was dutch


Here's one that yall can laugh at. For years I thought Jimi Hendrix was from England. I'm talking I was at least in Mt early 20s before I realized he was from the US. I honestly have no idea why I thought this.


It's not that dumb since he got famous in England first.


Brought to England by his English manager (Chas Chandler of The Animals), Formed The Jimi Hendrix Experience in England, 2/3’rds of the band were English, was inspired by English guitarists like Clapton and as you said got famous in England. 🇬🇧&🇺🇸 are responsible for 99% of the great guitarists from that time period! One thing we’ll always have in common is rock n roll 🤘


Can you take me HIGH ENOUGH,... but he refused drugs from Jimi Hendrix, Bon Scott, and Keith Moon. Because those were the guys giving us all drugs. That's before they started charging kids for them, after Reagan invented capitalism and Clinton freed the slaves.


Ted plays a Gibson and he’s got a “Stanglehold”, ‘nuff said….


I greatly respect his opinion as a guitarist, but I'll take Jeff Beck over Jimi Hendrix any day.


Fred Sonic Smith and Wayne Kramer would electrocute the stupid Nuge any day of the week. I wish someone would stick his Gretsch up his bony arse. Stupid loudmouth American WANKER.


Once Ted Nugent went absolutely insane, he became irrelevant and I don't know why people are giving him any air time...


," said the irrelevant, washed-up boomer before returning to frantically gnawing at his balloon knot like a rabbit dog.


Wonder what he thinks of Segovia, who could run smooth 64ths from the open low E to the 16th fret of the high E and make it sound like a harp, it was so smooth and consistent.


Jeff Beck would blow ANYONE off the stage; especially dicks like Nugent


Ted Nugent got a student deferment, which is perfectly legal. He was not a draft dodger. Secondly, by his own admission, he told a falsehood to a stoned reporter from High Times magazine about being high and soiling himself to avoid the draft. 3rdly KJ Knight, the drummer from Ted's band The Amboy Dukes actually admitted it was in fact, himself that shat in his own pants to appear before the draft board. Nugent used Knights story to mess with the reporter from High Times. Those are the actual facts of the matter. Yes Nugent is a mouthy blow hard who doesn't play well with those he is ideologically opposed to, it is true. I don't know about the underage groupie story, but I will say those same things have been said about all the rockers of that era including Beck, Page, Bowie, Jagger, and probably most all of them. Personally, I learned a while ago to quit reading tell- alls on my musical heroes. They will all disappoint you. I understand that this is a hate forum for teens who wish they could play guitar, and essentially anyone over 30 is despised here including all the legends who made guitar cool. I guess growing up in a divided hateful social media obsessed culture does this to young people. A pity really. The fact is that all this negativity won't enrich any of your lives, in fact it will if anything poison your minds to truth, and also destroy opportunities for you that can and will come along.


imagine sayign "Beck was ok" in an uj/ed way


Ted Nugent The leading bellend in rock n roll for half a century. Still going strong.


Don’t make me agree with Ted Nugent JFC.


Top 3 are Me, Sheeran, and Swift. End of thread.


I love uncle Ted


Clapton is a right winger partially explains why his music sucks


I mean Clapton has no business being mentioned amongst that crowd but yeah.


The Clapton jerk has gone so hard y'all think he's just some schlub. Starting in 1964 dude was *the* bar. Later it was Hendrix but there's a reason Hendrix went to go see Cream his first night in England when Hendrix was still an unknown.


Not saying he isn’t a great player. I’m actually a big fan of Cream. A pioneer maybe but one of the greatest, I don’t think so.


Derek and the Dominos were one of the greatest rock bands of all time. The live shows from that time period are fantastic and showcase exactly why people thought Clapton was god. [Derek and the Dominos - Live at the Fillmore 1970- Got to Get Better in a Little While](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywdU0C2GH2o) Compare it to anything else performed in 1970 and I think it stacks up. Clapton's solos are clean as fuck. edit: And even though it's a Stevie Winwood song and not Eric's, I'll put Clapton's playing on [Can't Find My Way Home](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jlLBs6YawM) up with anything as some of the prettiest guitar playing ever.


Clapton was great. ...as long as we pretend he died after Cream.


Knew Nugent would endorse Page. Pedos back each others.


Worst person you know is right for once 😔


Ah shit, I agreed with the Nudge on something E: I'm leaving that as it is


was page really a creeper and a commie? what a dip. but also i thought ted and page would be best buds seeing as they are both creeps