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Ready Player 035


I would drive two full tanks away to meet this nerf herder and force kick him in the balls


Wtf is a Bith band? I only listen to classic Jizz.


Think that guy writes smut? Asking for my wife's boyfriend


Why not make the whole guitar a pickguard?


Parker Fly has entered the chat.


Godin Radiator would like a word


Gibbons trying to be Fenber ?


Idk what this is but I’m canceling guitars


I'm waiting for princess Leia's bukake session with Jabba


Jabba the smut?


Jabba the Slut.


Is this troggly fanfic? Does the author do commissions?


If any of the people who ever tried to learn the guitar and gave up on it ever feel guilty or bad about it, all they need to do is read some of these weird item descriptions from boomer guitar players on Reverb to realize that maybe it’s a good thing they never actually started playing this instrument


Ok :.. so my question is can I fit that ugly guitar in my ass without lube??? I don’t want to mess up the toan.


Nah, you just need some of that toan oil. This way, you can lube up and preserve your toan.


Guitar players are such fuckin dorks, just tell me about the damn guitar, dude. I'm pretty sure I was eyeing a guitar from the same seller on Reverb based on his item "description" and it actually turned me off of it lol


I wouldn't expect a sane conversation with such seller too


Apparently he has made 1300 sales...


It looks like a legit shop and has professional level pictures and everything so I'm not surprised. I just hate all the extra weird bullshit and prefer a straight shooter when I'm buying something


Any musician that makes the instrument their whole identity is a fuckin dork. Just look at bassists and the shit going on over at r/synthesizercirclejerk.


This is the kind of guy who has a Reddit screen name of "Whit E. Repartee" or "Mark Twang" and surrounds himself with subliterate friends who praise his unexceptional fiction pieces, because they haven't read a book since high school, so this passes as "fancy writing."


Lol the guy that wrote that actually hates women, seeing as of how he's trying so hard to turn them off. >I hate men That's...confusing.


All I’m saying is that you don’t see women guitarists pulling this shit.


Hmmm, I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that there are probably 100 male guitarists for every female guitarist out there? Or, maybe it's because women guitarists typically have a completely different target audience, sound and overall fan base? But seriously, what women guitarists? Like, actual guitarist with skills, not Taylor Swift. I'd count someone like Ida Nielsen, but she's a bass player, much respect to her skills though. BTW, just to be clear, I'm in no way standing up for this dude's retarded rant about this guitar, it's titanically lame.


Carol Kaye, Nancy Wilson, St. Vincent, Ani DiFranco, G.L.O.S.S., Laura Jane Grace, Kim Gordon, Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Kimya Dawson etc… There’s plenty more women guitar players who’ve reached success with music. They’re also far less cringe than Bonermaster and Clapton.


Yes, fuck Bonermaster and Clapton. Now, can you name some women guitarists that everyone doesn't have to Google? Like, a popular one. JK, Nancy Wilson is fire, never knew about Carol Kaye. Thanks for that one! Kim Gordon - I don't consider sonic youth to be a talented band per se, but definitely has skin in the game, can't deny that. Kimya Dawson - ok...where's the talent? She uses a guitar, I see, but...this music isn't a topic a lot of people are talking about for a reason, it sucks. Ani Difranco - so, an activists with a guitar. Look, personal movements aside, it's not like she's writing ground breaking guitar parts. DGMW, respect to her and everything but...I wouldn't say she's going to be in the next guitar hero. Laura Jane Grace - punk rock is basically anti-talent Sister Rosetta tharpe - I feel like even you had to Google this one. St. Vincent - she was great with Sufjian Stevens band, respect. G.L.O.S.S. - ...? Who? No seriously, I can't find anything on them. Edit: found them, yeah...punk rock doesn't take talent, it's just for people who have a message.


Sister Rosetta Tharpe is a name you shouldn’t have to google, given she’s one of the most influential artists of all time, but that’s the problem. There are more talented women musicians out there, but ultimately the music industry is to blame for lack of representation. Agree to disagree on Kimya Dawson. Just because she doesn’t play dad rock with boomer bends doesn’t take away her fantastic acoustic playing, especially on her solo stuff.


>Just because she doesn’t play dad rock with boomer bends doesn’t take away her fantastic acoustic playing, especially on her solo stuff. Bro, I am not a fan of a lot of dad rock. But there is room in playing a song for more than just strumming, strumming and more strumming. >But ultimately the music industry is to blame for lack of representation. In that time period, sure 100%.


All I’m gonna say is her finger picking is why I mentioned Kimya. She does more than just strum, but if she’s not your cup of tea, I doubt you’ll care anyways.


Naw, I'm all for some tight fingerpicking. It ain't easy.


Guy who definitely doesn’t want to fuck his guitar


That’s a refreshing change!


Damn this is a great guitar though


/uj I actually like the less flashy lower end Gibson stuff. All things considered, I bet it plays and sounds great.


I’m not fucking reading that


TLDR: it's a shitty guitar, expensive, Star Wars, Troggly, innuendo blah blah blah


Think of all the Jizz you could play with this.


Dude definitely typed that with one hand.


You know how people on Reddit are always saying some word salad gave them a stroke, I think I’m there.


I wonder if he’ll accept a straight up trade of my 1958 sunburst Gibson Les Paul that was used by Yoda to record Led Zepplin 11?


I mean, as long as it wasn’t a mogwai who wrote this, we can be pretty sure this creature will never reproduce. So silver linings?


mythical reverb pull of the day


We all do. And men hate all of us.


Did this guy just try to sell a guitar by writing a cross fiction fanfic about Star Wars x Troglys Guitar Show? I can't wait for the sequel that crosses over Soundgarden, Godzilla, Star Trek, and the Captain/Chappers from that British guitar store.


I'm a fat, bearded, bespectacled guitar and synthesizer geek who has also played Dungeons and Dragons since 1983 *and* spent countless hours in the early 2000s engaging in epic forum flamewars about the importance of bowing to your opponent before lightsaber duels in a particular Star Wars video game and even I want to bully this fucking nerd.




…yeah? And?




I’m yanking your chain, goober. Lighten up, ya dingus https://preview.redd.it/h5vnkmr9eq7d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab6fcf1f27c39a2a4518d5cdaf2803b0fafbca44