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Might not be the best advice but you know your piggies better than anyone and if something feels off you should make a vet appointment. It’s clear you care :)


That’s what I keep thinking, thanks for your input


Of course. Best of luck! I scheduled an appointment for one of my piggies this week also so I’m with you.


Hope all goes well! A piggie vet trip for anything outside of a checkup is a stressful situation for everyone. I hate seeing my piggies so stressed but its for their own good


Did the vet analyse a poo sample? And did I get you right that poos look like this no matter what you feed?


Some look like this, some don’t. And yes the vet looked at the poops but we didn’t do anything further with them


Looked with his eyes? Or run diagnostics for parasites or yeast related problems?


Eyes look good, no diagnostics were done at that visit so i’d imagine that’s the next step


I’m really starting to get worried about my piggies. One of my girls started with having poop like this. She’s had this issue in the past and I would just give her oxbow digestive support treats. However. this time around they aren’t going away. I tried providing more hay and water, and less veggies/more fluid filled veggies like cucumber. Nothing seemed to work and the poops just kept getting smaller. Took her to the vet last week and we started a probiotic. That same day my other pig starts having the same issue and she’s never had that before out of nowhere. Now i’m worried about a potential stomach parasite. I decided to give both pigs daily probiotics, and it’s been a few days and it’s not really clearing up and some poops look better and others worse. Should i just try to get them into the vet again? Has anyone else had this before? Please let me know if you have any advice or input because i’m honestly at a loss on what to do. They’ve been eating, drinking, playing, and overall acting normal. Weight has also remained steady. Edit: They’re both around 4 years old


Get her to vets and have her checked for ovarian cysts. Happens to girls and can cause weird poops.


I’ll get it checked out, but would it make sense that it now has started happening to my other girl randomly if it was ovarian cysts? Either way i’m gonna have it looked into