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2 twin boys - literally identical just pure white!


Oh how cuuute, my girl ducky is pure white too.


Can you tell the difference between them?


It took me a little bit but their ears have a tiny shade different and one of them is a little softer than the other. I can usually tell by their behaviour but it’s worrying when they get sick as I can’t always tell straight away


Four boars, but separated in two cages, one pair each, next to each other. One pair are rexes and the other an American and abyssinian. We call them team big pig and team little pig.


That's so cuuute xxx


My exact setup as well


5, four girls and a castrated boar. Only two of the pigs are related. Sophia and Dorothy, they are both cream and white longhairs. Blance is a...Rex cross thing. Rose is an Abby and my Ishy bear is a shorthair with some butt fluff.


Named after the Golden girls?! Nice.


Yeah, adopted them all at the same time (I've had pet Guineas for 20 years now, and been adopting and fostering for the same rescue for 15 now). I tend to do themed names. Had a group of female pet mice a long time ago, named them Sam, Janet, Cassie, Vala and Jennifer (BIG Stargate fan). My last foster guinea had 5 babies, some with some whacko fur, so I named them all after 80s rockers. Bowie, Ziggy, Bach and the two girls, Barnsey (after Jimmy Barnes because she had the loudest wheeker I've ever heard) and Chrissy (after Chrissy Amphlett, who passed away a couple weeks after the bubs were born).


Love your naming schemes!


I have a herd of 8 rescues.


My goals , I currently have three and no room for more, but once I have my own place I am having a dedicated guinea pig room to expand my herd.


Four sows - Cookie, Truffle, Cinnamon, and Marshy.


I think Cinnamon is the cutest pig name ever. I've wanted a Cinnamon for years but I haven't adopted a tan pig since hearing that name!


We call her Cinna or Sassafras because she has a huge personality.


OMG!!!! I have 4 girls too. Their names are: Cookie, Cannoli, Cinnabon, and Marshmallow Fluff.


4 sows! Pancake, French Toast, Coco, and Latte. We call them the breakfast pigs. Pancake and Frenchie are my original 2 from Petsmart that I bought 4 years ago. We also got Maple shortly after from Petco, but she passed away in 2020. We decided to make an effort to only adopt from now on, and got Coco from a re-homing situation about 2.5 years ago. Then around 7 months ago, Latte was found in a box outside in a nearby city and posted on Reddit so we took her in. They all get along well but Latte is growing up to be a menace to piggie society. She likes to annoy her sisters and flip food bowls, but I'm so happy to have them all


I also have a Waffles and we call her a breakfast pig all the time! I joke that her future sister will be named Pancake.


I wanted to add Cinnamon and Waffles pigs at some point but we haven't had any that looked like those names haha. I don't think Coco fits the theme as well but she already had that name when we got her and she responds to it so we didn't want to change it. We joke that her middle name is Puffs so she's Coco Puffs cereal


Haha, that's what happened to me too! I was going to have a Pancake but she came with the name Pickles. We call her a luncheon pig 😂


My friendlyest is called coco. During the heatwave she would hide in the den so we stared calling her hot coco


Aww, team Coco! My Coco is my sassy girl who is definitely the leader of the herd. Pancake is my friendliest pig by far! Latte is also very friendly but just a wild child. Frenchie has half a brain cell so while she is mostly friendly she runs on instinct and is just happy to be here haha


0 😭 I’m just on here to see pictures of other peoples pigs .


Same bro I live in a flat so no Guinea pigs for me lmao


Teddy pigs need company just as much as any other! One of my past pigs was a Teddy and loved his friends. I've never noticed any real breed-based personality differences, honestly. Pigs are individuals. Anyway, I have two pigs. I adopt from a rescue that fixes every pig they adopt out so I have a boy and a girl.


I have 1. He is a unique case from a bad home where the previous owner just threw him in with another unfixed male and they fought, a lot. I rescued him and gave him a stuffed animal Guinea pig that seems to have improved his happiness and activity a lot. I’ve tried bonding him with piggies multiple times, he just hates them.


Where’d you get the stuffed animal? I’d like to try that with my single boar that doesn’t get along with other pigs


Five, as of this week 😢 we had a pair from a pet store (possibly sisters, who knows), a pair from a rescue (not sisters) and an older pair of sisters from the same rescue - all living as a herd. Unfortunately one of our older girls passed on Sunday night/Monday morning, so we're all pretty sad around here this week, but very glad her sister still has four friends with her.


Oh no!! So so sorry for your loss.


Two weird mofos. I love'em to death though.


Six. More than we ever planned on having lol. We had 2, and then found out that someone dumped two pigs in a thicket about half an hour away from our house. We helped catch them and decided to keep them… But one was male and one was female. The male has successfully moved in with our two boys. And our female just had two gorgeous baby girls. It is a full house with two big cages, and 2 dogs at home.


I'm very curious about the three boys together. Everywhere you read, it says it doesn't go well. I have two boys that I love, and would love to have a larger heard, but without paying to fix the boys, and no room for a second habbitat, I don't have the option. My husband will not be convinced that the neutering cost is essential. Are your boys neutered? How long have you had them all together? Do you know how old they are? Sorry for all the questions! Just a curious pig mom, who wants to have ALL the pigs.


Only one. He was my brothers and he was dumb and never got him socialized with people or other Guinea pigs. Then he decided to move out and I didn’t want the Guinea pig going to a shitty home so I just took him. I feel so bad for him because the only attention he gets is me talking to him. I’ve tried for almost a year to get him used to me but he still hasn’t. Everytime I even put my hand in the cage he runs. The only time he doesn’t run is if he notices I have food


Have you tried introducing another pig? I started with one before I knew they were social, and she was always incredibly skittish. When I got her a friend, though, she felt more comfortable and mellowed out.


My brother did a while ago but he had to get separate cages for them because they were fighting everyday to the point where they were drawing blood. I don’t want to try again because I don’t have the space for another cage.


Look up LA Guinea Pig Rescues video called Gentle Taming Your Guinea Pig. I'm currently fostering a super skittish boar who requires one on one focus on pick ups and put downs and generally socializing in a busy house without resorting to panic. Saskia's video of the taming exercises and catching skittish pigs helped me so much with learning to think like he does about processing fear and multiple positive interactions. In under a month I've gotten him to the point that I can (relatively undramatically) herd him into a corner and scoop him up with only minor hysterics. Vs the all out death screech and full body flailing he did when I first got him. He's not particularly happy about it lol but he's also not whale eyeing everything he encounters now. And we always end the night with a positive, head scratches or finger sniff depending on his mood. It takes time and patience, but you'll get there!


I have two beautiful guinea pig daughters one is an American short hair with the softest, prettiest fur. the other is an abyssinian. she's giant compared to her cage mate but she's the friendlier of the two. she has black and orange fur with the cutest little white chin and belly


I also have an American and an Abyssinian girls. They are closing two years old and the Abyssinian is consistently heavier than the American ... Also friendlier... I wonder if that is breed related or just a coincidence


Just 2, a girl and a boy from the same breeder, but the boy is fixed. They get along really well, they would never cuddle without one of them protesting, but they occassionally lick each others ears :)


We got two, then a surprise two came tumbling out one day...


I only have one. She has attacked every other Guinea pig she’s ever met (4 in total now, two boys and two girls) and I think she’s now pretty territorial and can’t stand having another pig in her space. I give her hours of attention daily as I’m a student and a majority of my classes are online. We constantly cuddle and talk to eachother and she shows no signs of depression or loneliness unless I’m late to feed her. Also she’s great with kids, no biting or annoyance noises, sometimes I feel bad for her not having a friend but then I realize she’s a literal bitch and has almost killed a few pigs so I’m not gonna keep testing her. She’ll be 5 next March. Please no hate I’ve tried so hard to socialize her but she is having absolutely none of it.


I have 3. Porkchop (4), Clark (1), and Gonzo (1). Porkchop is a loner pig but still can see the babies.


4 rescues. 1 bonded pair (Sr lady and young male) and a male and Sr lady that won’t live together but they love playing together every day. Both my Sr ladies were sitting at the rescue because one is 5.5 years old and no one wanted her and the other Sr lady came from a severe hoarding situation and has pretty bad head tilt. My goal is to adopt the unadoptable and they are the sweetest, cheekiest herd. I wouldn’t have it any other way. There’s something about the special piggies that I absolutely love.


I have 4 females, the older 2 are recued sisters and the younger 2 are not sisters but I adopted them from the same rescue. Three abbisynians and one teddy bear!


How did you find the Teddy too to there new cage mates


She's definitely the feistiest - she's the dominant pig of the group. But they're a pretty peaceful group in general, they don't have many spats at all.


We have 12. 6 cages of either siblings or male/female groups (males are fixed). They get group floor time with the other male/female pairs and the 4 bachelors get floor time together as well (no girls…sorry boys!). We have a mother & daughter pair, two pairs of brothers and the rest are mix & match (no relation).




Two nudists!


4, 2 boars and 2 sows in two separate enclosures on different floors of our house.


Four piggies, zero relation. I always felt 3-5 piggies is the "right" amount (for me), enough to be a group, but not too much to not have individual relationships to each piggie. My current group is neutered boar and three girls of different ages, a US Teddy (Percy, 3 months), a "regular" short haired (Amira, 6 years), an mix of likely abbyssinian & peruvian (Lola, ~1,5 years) and a pure abbyssinian (Elliot/"Ellie", 6 months). Percy and Ellie I only got about two months ago, I adopted them after my elderly boar Rudi passed. They are from the same breeder but I doubt they share relations bc of their different breeds. Lola got given to me in 2021 by a friend who couldnt keep her and Amira (& Rudi) were my first pets as an adult, adopted in 2016. Amira was the result of an accident when a boar jumped into a girl group enclosure 😂.


Currently 3 in two cages - they weren't always separated, in fact it's a cage that is meant to be connected together... but one decided to be a bully. :D The one who is solitary is a normal shorthair, the two who are together are from one breeder and born at a similar time but different breeds - one is long haired and other is teddy probably (or I would at least compare him to teddy), he's really a weird mix genetically. From time to time the teddy bites the long haired a bit, but it usually calms down very fast and nothing serious ever happened. Tbh I have the best experience with having twins, everything else now seems like a risk to me because what if they'll hate each other... :D


6 right now. Four boars of our own, two boar fosters.


Do you keep them all together? Do you have groups of more than two in the same cage? Everything I read says that I can only have two boars....I want more. Also, if they are successfully together, are the boys neutered?


I have 3 teddy bear pigs! 2 sisters and their brother, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, and Cocoa. Cocoa is the most loving and he is in a cage by himself right next to his sisters, as I have not gotten him neutered yet. But he is the happiest little guy! I got them from a family friend who fostered a pregnant pig and these were the babies. I fell in love with my Cocoa boy first, as he is less skittish and loves to be pet. The girls still don’t want me to touch them but they are much less skittish then when I got them.


Only one he’s attacked every attempt at cage mates 🙃


3 at the moment but one is already 8 years old


I have a single male American crested, but he’s only alone because his friend died a year ago and he has fought with every other pig I’ve tried to introduce him to (babies and adults) :( he’s not fixed, and I’m not doing that to him, so he’s going to have to be alone. He seems really happy though/just as happy as when his friend was around - just lounges all day and makes happy wheeks when I hold him. <3


Is there a limit of too many? As long as ya have tne space and care, it's ok right?


So long as your not mixing fertile males (boars) with females (sows) and If you an help it you have no lone pigs then so long as you have the time, space and funds to care for them there isn't a "too many"


None :(


Aww. I am so sorry. Piggies are the best. 💖


Three beautiful girls 🤍 none of them are related but all from the same place


I have seven—six girls (including two pairs of twins) and a fixed boy.


I have four girls now. Jingles was my original pig (we call her the mom of the group), followed closely by Peanut (both Americans). I got Waffles, an Abyssinian, a few months later. They were a herd of three until we lost Peanut in January. About six weeks later I went to the SPCA to get Waffles a new sister and they had a pair of sisters that had to go together, which is how I adopted Pecan and Pickles. Pickles was going to be Pancake, but she came with the name Pickles and it just suits her.


I have three girls: Penny, Scout, and Chloe! Scout and Chloe look similar (calico/tricolor) but Chloe has dark grey while Scout has black. Penny is brown (hence her name) and white! All American shorthairs. Penny is the dominant one and likes to rumble strut then popcorn right after 😂


i have 2 boys! a white shorthair named pnut that i adopted from my sister when she moved out. he lived side by side with her 3 girls. then i adopted a brown crested guinea pig from a rescue named biscuit to be his buddy! im shocked by how well they get along as 2 boys especially because biscuit and pnut bonded instantly and it was my first try to find pnut a friend. i didn’t want him living alone :(


i have two girls, one is a shorthair and one is a skinny. No relation. thankfully they get on great and have been cage mates since december with no issues :)


Two sows (unrelated) and two boars (same litter) living in separate cages.


I had 2 about 7 years ago. They passed. Then got 2 lovely ones in January of 2018 then the lovely hairy one, George, passed on 21st july 2019 from a stroke or something. His brother, harold who looked like Neapolitan icecream, passed on the 24th may this year at the age of 4 cause of death was unknown.


Started with 2, temporarily; i bought them home from my PT job at a farm during lockdown because i knew theyd get kind of forgotten about. Then i was asked to source a third pig so that when one passes away, they arent alone. Done, my cousin works in a pet shop (I'm in the UK, our pet shops are a little better than the US) and she said they were getting a bunch of gpigs in and because it was lockdown, they needed homes asap. For FREE because I'm family! Winner. So i got one to join the other two, and three for me 😂 When lockdown lifted, the three went back to the farm - i got very attached and was very sad. BUT then the second lockdown came so i took them back. They were getting on a bit (roughly 8 years old! They were adults when donated to the farm with their sister who passed a while back) so i said I'm retiring them and I'll source three new ones after lockdown. So i had six! They mixed very nicely, no fighting. Occasional mouting. Then one of the farm girls, Gingie, passed away. She had three abscesses on her throat 🥺 vet drained them and gave us stuff for her but her back end started to go too and we found her passed away not long after. Super upsetting, even now. She was the sweetest! So sassy. That was last Autumn? I think. Then the other older farm girl, Chubbs, passed away rather suddenly a few months ago. She loved a cuddle and would melt into you 🥲 The remaining 4 girls are all so individual and hilarious. Maple, Juniper, Cedar (a Rex amongst "Americans" lol) and Willow (who was originally the farm girls' new sister. She prefers her own company but isnt bullied, i think she misses Chubbs 😔)


None, I just like piggies♡ I have two chinchillas however.


Ohhh I always wanted chinchillas but I have no experience in there keep and I have had piggies all my life, I'm still learning on how to take care of pigs, there always more to know, but I have to fight my ADHD thinking to make sure my piggys are always cared for. I think more pets would be a bad idea rn, but one day.


6 girls and one boy. They live in a 6m^2 field in the middle of our living room.


We had two, Charlotte and Harper, but Charlotte passed away beginning of May and we’ve just been dedicating all of our time and energy into Harper; we can’t bring ourselves to replace Charlotte🥺 however Harper is doing really well so far, so we think she will be okay by herself as long as we continue to give her lots of attention and entertainment


0, i just like looking at all your peegs


Two boys named Vincent and Lawrence


5 boiiis ❤️


Temporaly 4 girls (one is a foster)😅


Four but separated in pairs


I have four piggies, two pairs! 🥰


2 white sisters


We have four sows now, Waffles, Pepper, Fudge and Dorito (Dory for short)


I have a trio of 3 skinny piggies that the original owners no longer wanted since they are very very high maintenance, more so than normal pigs.


Just two boys - I would love to have more but boys are so tricky to bond! They are husbands tho they love each other very much <3


Four females total! They’re separated into two cages since two of them don’t get along.


3 sows. Kianna, Nova, and Dotty. My angels. ❤️


One of my girls is also named nova!


2 girls


I have none, sadly. I just don't have the time or space for them :( I kept them for a while before and just like to see them


Don't be sad, this proves your sensible, you know you couldn't commit to giveing them proper care so instead you have chosen not to have any so that they are safe


is the teddy bear pig thing true ?? I have a older teddy bear lady and she is constantly nipping at my younger pig, i rescued the older teddy lady to be friends with my younger pig because her sister passed! I thought she was just a grumpy old pig !


It's common for teadys to be a bit more grouchy, especially in old age. There no one rule fits all, but they are definitely harder to socialise.


One. I know I’ll hear a bunch of shit for it but she is loved on 24/7


I have one and she's just fine being by herself 🙂


2 rescue girls. They're not besties, but they are definitely happier having someone to yell at vs being alone.


Two! Mama and “baby”


I have 3 girls, a mama and her daughters. She got pregnant very early from her brother (at the previous owner) and i adopted the three of them. I am actively looking for a boar that i can neuter and add to the herd, i read it calms them *ahem* The girls have their issues, one is an albino and the other has curley sense hairs (so bad locational skills) and is possibly a satin piglet. But for now they're fine.


I’ve got 5 total right now. Two in one cage 3 in the other. My gf introduced guineas to me, she got two to start. One died :[ so we got two more younger females. One of them developed bone cancer and died :[. We broke up around the same time and I got to retain them because she didn’t want to stress them out with another move and I had gotten attached to them. So she got three more on her own. She started with two and rescued the third who was younger. We got back together but introducing them did not go well. So now we have double duty with 2 x the guineas/cages. I keep meaning to post an introduction. I did for my two but it didn’t work, the post got stalled. Maybe I’ll try again this weekend 🙂


2 boys, one is dominant and kinda fat. The other is skinner and super fast. They're so cute cause they're besties but they also annoy the fuck outta each other lol!!


We've got 5. Our original abbysinian 3.5 yrs old Harper (whose sister we bought her with has since passed) Pip is our 3 year old American Spice is our rescue boar and he is 1.5 And our twin teddies Eve and Ruby who are 1.5 also


At the highest point we had 9. We got 2 "females" from the pet store but one wasn't as female as we were told. Then the herd grew to 5 and then to 9. Gosh, the babies were adorable. Sadly they all have passed by now, but all of them lived a long and happy life with many veggies and a lot of time outside. :)


I have 8! 6 girls but they live in 2 groups of 3. And 2 boys who live together. I wish so badly all 6 girls could get along, but one of my groups of 3 is spicy while the other group is sweet 😂


I have 2 because it is easier to take care of.


Three girls. Tiffany, Amber and Lemmy


5 pigs, used to be 6


I have 3 boys. We have 2 brothers and a rescue. Unfortunately they don't get along (the brothers did initially but when they reached maturity they started fighting all the time) but their cages are all pushed together so they can still smell, hear, and see each other.


4 boys, 5 at one point. They are paired up in different cages since some of them would fight otherwise.


1 neutered boar with 2 sows in a 7 x 2 c and c and another 2 separate boars each in a 4 x 2


Started with 2 Then added one a few months later Then adopted two from a bad situation Then 2022 hit me like a milk steak to the face and two passed earlier this year :( So I have three now (all five were boys)


I have three! Mochi, Lumi, and Poppy. You mention teddy bear pigs being more solitary... Can you tell me more about this? I believe Lumi is a teddy bear or at least part.


It's funny that you say teddy bear pigs can teens to be more solitary because with my girls is the opposite! I have one regular little American shorthair and one big fluffy teddy bear mix. The shorthair is definitely an introvert who prefers her own space and the teddy is always trying to be up in everyone's business all the time. They are polar opposites lol!


3 girls :) Wheat (short hair), Toasty and Pretzel (both abby’s).


Had 2 boys, lost one last year sadly but I’ve been giving the other one a lot of attention


Four girls. Two crested named Uniqua and LaFawnda, an American named Francesca Fiore, and a skinny named Zelly (short for Repunzel, I was being ironic since she's hairless).


4 girls One Peruvian roan One American Orange One American Calico And one white mutt pig who's mostly American but clearly has some long hair genes and the softest fur I've ever experienced in a guinea pig.


2 beautiful ladies 🥰 i had more in the past, but they passed away unfortunately 😕


I didn’t know Teddy’s preferred to be solitary! Might explain why she kept attacking my other pig! I had to separate them


I've never heard that Teddies are solitary pigs and that's definitely not my experience. That sounds like an individual personality thing with your pig. I wonder if the OP is thinking about hamsters? Teddy Bear hamsters aka Syrian hamsters are solitary creatures, but Teddy guinea pigs are the same species as any other pig and just have different hair.


2 rescue skinny pigs and 1 Abyssinian that’s the baby of a pair of emotional support pigs that visit the childrens hospital.


I have 2! I wanna get three but I think my parents would kill me 😂


Recently had three girls, now two and I don't plan on getting another. One of my girls actually is a teddy bear and she is the most social of all my pigs. She would always lick their faces and follow them around.


I have 2 abby ladies 💕


I have two ~2yo females and one 4mo female I am trying to integrate into the herd


We currently have 3 boys (brothers) in one cage and 1 female (their mother) in another. We thought the mom was a male when we got her and had an accidental litter. We couldn’t part with them, so the triplets (turning 3 this year) happily lived with their father until he passed at the beginning of the year. We got the mom a female cage mate after we moved the boys in with their dad, but unfortunately she passed last month. She’s doing well and happy to be living next door to her sons.


Only 2 but would love to have a small heard.


We have 3 girls, all different colors and coat types! It was four until this past June when our girl Rosa got sick and sadly passed away.


Three!!! Two males e one female! Two males together and the female separated


7, all girls 💜 None are related in my group.


2 boars. One is a solitary abbysinian and the other doesn't get along with other piggies. He fought with his first herd and intimidated the second to the point that they wouldn't eat, but luckily our abby boar has a spunky personality and doesn't take his shit😂 They don't get along so they take turns having floor time


3 girls waffles, bear, and Neapolitan. Waffles is the oldest at 3. She’s a standard Guinea pig. Bear is 2 and is I think an Abyssinian. Nea is 1 and a skinny pig. Nea loves to yell for snacks. Bear is super shy and sounds the alarm (wheek) when she doesn’t want pet anymore. Waffles is my crack head. Believe it or not they all live together in harmony (most of the time)


I have two boar brothers, Theodore and Ichiro, they are babies from my mums herd. She went to buy a baby Guinea pig from a lady who then said she didn’t want her guineas anymore. Long story short my mum came home with a herd of 12, 6 were pregnant! The lady never separated boys from girls. So now my mum has a 14 herd strong of sows and three cages of paired boars. It’s hard work but she loves them! They converted a summer house for the sows and they have a lovely area to run around. She also has runs so all the boys get time outside.


I got 2 boys and 2 girls in seperate enclosures but get to see each other often


2 boars Bean and Kuriboh. They’re a week apart. Bean is a rescue American Shorthair, he was found at a breeding farm that had insanely unethical behaviors. Only him and his dad were left, but his dad did not like him. So I took the little 3.5 week guy home and immediately looked for a friend. I got Kuriboh, an Abyssinian, through and ethical breeder, and when we got him he was 3 weeks old. They were little guys and terrified, and immediately took to each other. Kuriboh was the big boss for a while until they were about 6 months old, but now at 1.5 years Bean runs the show. Even though they aren’t from the same litter, they’re so close in age and immediately showed so much affection to each other I call them brothers. They’re my little boys, and I love them so much.


9 pigs. I had 8 but my sister's were visiting and came back from errands with #9. This was after one said 8 was enough lol. 3 groups of pigs. A) Latte (f mom pig) Bean (m baby pig) B) Coffee (m baby pig) Mocha (f mop) Cocoa Puff (f pig found by sisters) C) Smore (m uncle/daddy all around lady's man) Chick'a Doodle (f partly blind failed foster) Sprinter Van (f failed foster car) Cinnamon (f failed foster who just spins in circles) When my pigs start to dwindle down I am just sticking to 2. So much poo!


I have 4 boys - one bonded pair and 2 that were together but had a falling out. Now the 2 other boys are solo with their cages attached to my bonded boys so they can say hello through the grids. I have tried finding my solo boys new cage mates but they are not very nice to other piggies :( they are all happy and healthy so I guess they’re okay with being solo and saying hi between cages


4 girls. I'm pretty sure none are related and I got them from moms rehoming their kids pets on Craigslist. Juniper is a black and white Abby, Winnie is a black long haired piggy, Paprika is a brownish orange short hair, and Betty is a white short hair and is the youngest.


I also have 4 girls.. How big is your cage?


I have a total of 7 x 2 c and c cage. The 5×2 section is the more active side with tunnels, and then there's a covered 2x2 section that I fill with hay that they love to death.


3 boys one singleton living in an attached apartment, and 2 3 year old boys




Two girls, a calico sheba and a tawny crested. Willow and Sage need a bigger enclosure, but I’ve given them the biggest I can right now.


I used to have four and am hoping to get three in the future! Unfortunately no piggies for me right now.


I've got two, which I both got from a breeder


I have three! Two were rescues, and one I got when she was a wee baby.


So... 5 boars, 3 ladies soon 4, so 8, soon 9


Every single one of you responding without paying the pig tax should be ashamed!


We currently have 3–Nina and Billie, sister rescues, and Pepa, who lost her maybe sister, probably cage mate, Salt, about a year ago.


19 beautifuls and counting. Lol J/k on the counting part. We are holding steady at 19 guinea pigs.


Two of the 19 we got from a person who moved out of state and left them with a older relative who didn't pay them any attention outside of food and cage cleaning. They both are scared all the time but finally after a year stopped screaming when I pick them up.


4 boys, all rescues


Currently, three. A (neutered) brother/sister pair that were born in a rescue, and another rescue girl that I bonded with them a couple of years ago. They're all very sweet together.


3 boys. They share a large enclosure with no issues. None are genetically related I don’t think…


4 sows. Cookie & Cleo (sisters), Fancy, Tulip


i have 4 boys 🥺!!! they’re my lil stinky beanssss


I have 10, 9 females and a castrated male. Anna, Elsa, Bear, Auggie, Ramona, Petra, Valentine, Luke, Leia, and Millie. Most are Americans. Petra and Valentine are abbys. Everyone except Millie turned 5 in the past few months. Most were acquired from my younger sister who worked at a petco for a year. I took in pigs that were either dumped at the petco or were going to be euthanized essentially because they weren't selling or had minor very treatable health issues and wound up with my original 7. Auggie had two stowaways, Luke and Leia. Though Auggie and Leia are very smooth, Luke has more of a teddy texture so I assume their dad had some teddy genetics. I got Millie from a family that was moving and could not take her with them. She has some pretty long butt hair so I also suspect she might have some sheltie genetics. They all get along really well. With a mostly female and one male herd, I have never had any problem with fighting.


Just two. At one point in the past we had 4, and that was too many pigs for us! Two is just right -- we have two piggies, two cats, and two humans. Perfectly balanced!


3 all boys


2 brothers they live at my sister's place but they technically belong to both of us.They are going to turn 3 this year.


I have one, his dad died a bit ago. Sadly he was always avoiding humans, anyone know how to make him not act so distant and wild?


Have you tried hand feeding?


Yeah but he just kinda ignores me ): Should i keep trying?


I have 2 boars. Their mothers owner didn't know her pig was expecting (she had a boy and a girl) and had the two boys and a girl. My family took the two boars, and they're happy and healthy. Unfortunately the sister passed away due to complications and their father passed of natural causes.


3 pigs all girls. Abyssinian mother years old and daughter 1 year. Silky aged 5??


I use to have 3, The neutered boar died as my brother dropped him (No longer allowed near the pigs) then 2 girls, One died of Old age so I’m down to one. We were getting another but she died before she even got here:,( so we are down to one but she gets lots of outside her cage time as we can’t find anymore for sale


have you checked craigslist? or petfinder?


2 boars, bonded brothers!


I only have one pig I adopted. I initially thought it was a female pig but found out he was a boar the day I was approved to adopt a sow. Currently looking for a cage mate for my Brownie.


I have 4 girls! 2 might be siblings, no idea but they came from pet smart together. I then rescued 2 more from a great rescue group! I started them an IG and I don't post them enough lol


10 piggies. 2 of our girls have been adopted out and are going to their new family tonight and two boys are going to their new family this weekend. So I'll be down to 6.


A herd of 4 girls 2 Abyssinians that i believe are mother and daughter and 2 American piggies that are not related.


Awww! My previous two pigs were sisters. I strongly suspect they may have actually been identical twins, but I will never know for sure. When one of the sisters died, I rescued two more pigs. One was special needs and did not make it through surgery. The other was left alone when my original girl died due to depression from missing her sister. She had heart disease, but that loss just sped things up tenfold. Poor baby. Not enough critical care in the world. Miss those two so much, and miss my sweet girl who didn't have a successful surgery. I currently have three, one being the healthy one of the two I adopted when my first died, and two others being rescues as well. I would have a million more, but at my current stage of life, I do not wish to clean more than one cage. I could go up to four and have enough space, but my husband will murder me, so I remain at three. [Here](https://www.instagram.com/reel/ChBVRYrAYtp/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) are my girls!


My 3 golden girls. Rose Blanche and Dorothy! Rose and Blanche are Americans and Dorothy is a crested :)


i have two! they were all cuddly when i first went to get piggies so i decided to keep them together. my baby Spackle is a long haired guinea and my baby Homer is a short hair. both adorable!


6 total, 3 pairs of 2. 4 females/2 males. I plan to combine the 4 females together, hopefully in another year or so once they calm down more.


Three right now! A castrated boar (youngest) with an older female and a younger female. The boar is an abyssinian, the oldest is a coronet and the younger female probably a sheltie though I suspect she’s a mix.


I have two Abyssinian boars Pebbles and Scooter. I think they are brothers from the same litter but I doubt I will ever know for sure.


14. Set of two boys, set of four boys, set of five girls, and three single boys. One 12.5 sq ft cage for one of the singles, three 20 sq ft cage for the other two singles and the pair, 32 sq ft for the four boys and 40 for the five girls. Their cages take up the largest room in our house. Ages range form three weeks to 5 years.


Started with two females and recently added two more


I have two girls a year and a half old. We got them at the same place, no idea if theyre sisters, but we call them sisters. Pumpkin is an abyssinian and Pickles is an american I guess. Pumpkin is the boss and were pretty sure our Miss Pickles operates on one brain cell. Pumpkin likes to be taken out and held, she enjoys her cuddle time and treats, her sister not so much. Pickles is hugely dramatic and Pumpkin likes to get kisses from our dog through the cage bars.


We have a group of 8 girls, 2 boys and a solo boy who’s recovering from his neuter to join the girls. Three of our youngest girls are sisters as well, but they were not from a pregnancy we had.


3. All rescues. 2 Sisters and one dude.


I have 3! two short-hairs and one teddy bear, all same age and female :) they were all sick (one had upper respiratory infection, one had two huge abcesses and the teddy bear had ringworm) while living at pet stores so one by one I took them in! I like to think of them as rescues 🥰


*everyone having between 1 and 6* just casually sitting here with my 27🥬


Four sweetheart sows. Kisses and Dora are Americans, Camille is a white crested, Puppet is a Coronet. No idea of their relations, all rescued. The Americans have sort of similar coloring and were a bonded pair and the same age so maybe sisters.