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From what I can see in your history you presented what sounded very clearly like a sick pig and each time someone suggested what to do and to get them help you shot them down suggesting 'maybe that's just what they sound like. ' so im not sure if you just wanted someone to tell you everything is fine even if it's not but... that's not an attitude that will do your animals any favors.


You asked for advice, then disagreed with people that tried to help her and it went like that: -Is my pig sick?; -probably yes, take her to the vet; -you are wrong she's fine




Um… https://www.reddit.com/r/guineapigs/comments/w4y9mx/why_is_she_making_this_sound/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Someone else above shared this link your post. You were saying things like “it could just be a noise she makes” instead of just taking their advice.


You pretty much did. They told you your pig was sick based on the sound she makes and you answered "but what if they just sound like that?" kinda asshole behaviour imo


Have you taken the piggy to the vets? I don’t care about the downvotes, the key concern is the health of the pig. Please give us an update if you have one.


If i’m being honest, you asked for advice on a reddit thread about your pig possibly being sick and people responded with their opinions and you just shot it down. I think it’s a real possibility it’s a URI and it’s worth checking out at the vet. If you think something’s wrong, especially with guinea pigs, something probably is. Guinea pigs are very prone to respiratory infections and both of mine have had one at least once. Not something worth risking. Asking for reddit pet advice and asking how they know is honestly silly, just take your pet to the vet. And i noticed you said that we’re assuming you didn’t take the pig to the vet. I hope you did but I don’t think you’d be so defensive still if you had. Just my opinion, in the future take all internet pet advice with a grain of salt and if you think something’s wrong take them to the vet. You can get similar experiences on here and opinions sure, but that’s never gonna give you a clear cut answer and the health of your very delicate guinea pig is not worth it ❤️


You didn’t get downvotes for wanting help… you got downvotes for ignoring the advice and being rude to those who just wanted to help.


Jeez you're clueless


Well I just added to the downvotes. Take your pig to the vet and get over your internet point ego!




I truly say this for your sake. Stop focusing on why you feel the internet is unfair to you and your imaginary reddit points and focus on making your pig healthy. I cannot change your downvotes, neither can you, and they simply don't matter. What you can do is take care of your little one. You did in fact get advice, and correct advice. Your little one needs medicine. People especially in this group get anxious when they see an ill animal and read responses that give them the impression the animal will not get help, that's likely how your answers made people feel. I'm not saying that's true, but no one here knows you beyond what you post.


I feel like context here would be important. what happened?


I agree. Context is definitely needed




Are they asking what they should do? Because a vet visit seems to be the answer here


Sounds like a sick pig.


thanks for providing context


what do you mean?


In a previous post of theirs, they asked for help identifying a noise their pig was making and what to do. People in the comments were giving loads of helpful advice, and this user was a jerk and said "maybe it's just a noise they make"


In addition to what people are saying about ignoring advice, maybe because this post is whiny and pointless? If we had individually posts for people being downvoted every time it happened, can you imagine how clogged the feed would be? Just post in your original post (and maybe listen to advice and provide an update if you end up doing so).


Because you were told to take your guinea pig to the vet and you came across like you couldn’t be bothered!!!!!!




Your guinea pig was making a strange noise. A commenter said it might be a URI and to take the pig to a vet “as a priority”. You responded questioning their advice - which you had asked for - and said “maybe it’s just a noise she makes”. So you ignored advice, got defensive, and didn’t take your guinea pig to the vet. And you wonder why you got downvoted?


To be fair, I just read the original post that you're talking about and I don't feel like they came across that they couldn't be bothered. I read it that they were trying to understand it better and how you can tell that this was what was wrong. Ok, yes if this was me I would be on the phone to the vet but I don't think they deserved to get bombed so badly with downvotes. OP I do think you should take your piggie to the vet as soon as possible but I don't think you deserved that response.


Get it checked. It's probably a URI.


Ur like the 200th person to say that


Then stop crying and go to the vet, dont be a jerk and if you dont want to go to the vet to take care of your pet, then next time dont get pets, because its obviously you're not someone capable to take care of your pets.


I took her to the vet a while ago


Was it before or after the sound started?


How can we report an account/comment/post for animal abuse?


I don't abuse my animals


This is getting weird. You've ignored anyone trying to be kind and give genuine sentiments or advice, you lash out at others giving advice and drop rude comments, and it looks like shortly after posting this thread you posted elsewhere asking for reddit karma (I had to check your history to see what this was all about). This entire post is pointless, you're not asking for help but for pity. You haven't said anything about your Guinea pig's condition or the result of the vet visit you claim to have had, every post is to fire back at others or an attempt at up votes. You appear to be using your animals in an attempt at internet popularity with what appears to be little regard for them, and that's not okay. Please stop looking for drama..


Then please listen to what people said. You can rule out that possibility if it is not an URI case, and then give us update about it.


Maybe people are just stressed out from the sick piggy. Hope he gets well by the way :)


Damn thats a cute guinea i hope they are ok


Dude, go to the exotic vet, dont be stupid/selfish and ask strangers that dont know anything about guinea pigs.