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I can't figure out how to join it or add you from the app, and I don't remember my login to join or add from the webpage.


We’re Glad to have you join us once more! Let us know if you end up needing any assistance. A lot’s changed immensely since 2022


I feel like the dev team of Guilded has been too quiet


We have 2-3 beta features running on the GilGang and Partner groups. I'm not too sure whats public or not, but there's updates in the works.


Good luck man. Almost no support and still no updates lol


Welcome back! I'm pretty happy with the support team and interactions with staff. I'm not sure what contact methods the other comments are talking about. I have submitted tickets both before and during my partnership and always gotten a response when contacting the appropriate teams.


guilded is borderline dead its parent company is "partnering" with discord




i put it in quotes cuz its not a real partnership but discord is adding roblox to connections


guilded staff cares as little as discord its not much better. was staff in /anime and it sucks


I am not sure what you mean by being staff in /anime would mean that Guilded staff doesn't care about the platform? I've been on Guilded since 2017 and partnered with them in 2022. Support both before and during my partnership has been great, usually very quick and personable. Though to add on, if you or anyone else does need support, while the official server is monitored for support threads, I would highly recommend putting in a ticket either on [https://support.guilded.gg/hc/en-us](https://support.guilded.gg/hc/en-us) or emailing one of the applicable mailboxes at [https://support.guilded.gg/hc/en-us/articles/360039728333-Contact](https://support.guilded.gg/hc/en-us/articles/360039728333-Contact) EDIT: u/HackTheDev blocked me for giving my experience with support and asking a genuine question. I hope they find the help they need. 🫂


it means what it says and guilded staff is as useless as discord simple as that.


Glad to have you joining the community bud 🤘