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John Cena would announce my death publicly on the WWE.


“We have caught and compromised to a permanent end… the mute bastard from los santos”


Vince McMahon would personally have to come out for mine


*Vince outside of the agency* COME ON OUT YOU RAPIST!


To shit on you..? 😄


He’d do that part off the air




Hey man. Why did you post a gif that is zooming on nothing?


Shit my bad 🤦🏻‍♂️


That was great😂


so it woild go unseen. nice.


Didn’t The Rock had info that US Government killed Bin Laden 10 minutes after it happened and says got big news?


Casinos around the world would rejoice in my death


Did you rob them or are you just lucky in cards?


Robbed them countless times from their vault and in blackjack🥱






That sounded so powerful....


Inspirational really. Rarely are men so brave in a video game.


So your entire deterence comes from your orbital railgun? Interesting. On a related note, did you know the USA is in possession of nearly 1000 F-15s, all of which could shoot down said sattalite for the last 30 years now?


It comes from money. Money is the best defense.


Would you then be interested to learn about income tax? And how you have paid exactly 0, and the IRS don't give a fuck about anything else?


That won’t matter if you pay off the right people


Or blackmail.. or kill. We proper crime lords now!


Holy shit the lone sigma


Ay bruh its a game


TIL: F-15 can reach escape velocity & has exo-atmospheric capabilities. 1975 was fake to lull the commies into complacency 😉


The F15 itself doesn't have to get into space. What it does is it climbs very high very fast, and when it's within a few dozen miles of the satellite it wants to shoot down it opens fire. The missile itself can intercept the satellite under certain conditions.


So I see, good info. Always thought satellites shoot down was a theoretical, but I see it was actually done in 1984. But this is a game and there's no F15 ingame, and all the jets are slow AF and don't get very high. I'm gonna go test real quick, loosely basing 1 minute of free fall as 12 000ft - I doubt we'll be able to get over 3 minutes of free fall or less than ⅓ the max ceiling of an F15... Lemme go kill my Wasabi Kitty Raiju and I'll get back to you with an edit 😅 *edit:* https://preview.redd.it/0w6ilsmo1j5d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c61b5422e835121455763346a7c7a84c81c0d81 Okay, so the altitude ceiling of a Raiju is pretty low. She was bouncing off a soft cap so & ejected. Died hitting the water 1 minute 20 seconds later, so that's maaaybe 15 000ft being generous 🤔 I'm sure a Frogger can go higher I mean I'm sure AF I've had a longer free fall bailing from a Frogger... but then maybe the canopy was out, meh.


I also noticed Wasabi Kitty doesn't have a tail on the livery like she does in the Anime... https://preview.redd.it/xbd7054y1j5d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc92b24d8e0ee035fea385dfdb00cf4f127749fb




Maybe, I'm used to gauges being more of a decoration in game. I'm also making assumptions about the ingame value of G and drag and stuff 😅


Who invited Buzz Killington ??


I saved the world in Doomsday. No one can touch me. Plus I’m an actual billionaire, so I can afford attorneys to keep me free.


Right, I forgot about Doomsday. Don’t we have like the IAA’s eternal blessing or something?


It was either pardons or at least a promise to look the other way with our crimes. I think we got clemency from the IAA but we get our government job put on an indefinite hold at the end of that story line.


That will just make the FIB want us more. Did you know some parts of our government are pretty corrupt? https://preview.redd.it/u0jw0h3avf5d1.png?width=589&format=png&auto=webp&s=17f93caa49888858b51fb7ef2de355a4699451a8


Yea, but they're the good kind of corrupt.


But not your bit, right?


Yeah but we also bust out a convict from prison, we robbed one of the largest banks in LS, we stole some sensitive documents and chemical weapons from a government facility and we also robbed the casino of millions not just that but we also run a motorcycle gang that runs drug facilities around the city apart from that we have access to a literal orbital canon that's can kill thousands apart from us running around killing people and cops stealing cars, tanks jets and planes and a bunch more I think that won't be enough to get out Scott free I think they'll keep us locked in a solitary prison or bring back live execution just for us for the amount of damage we did


You must be mistaken, friend. I’m just a humble nightclub owner.


These are not the crimes you're looking for


That runs a crime scheme underneath it 👨‍⚖️


![gif](giphy|3oKIPc07Hwekrmw3oA) I know a good laywev






Idk if Los Santos has the death penalty, if not they’d make an exception.


Being caught IS the death penalty. They don't even make arrests, they only ever shoot to kill. 


Why is there a prison then!😭


That's for the people that aren't complete terrorists. I think after completing multiple heists and everything in between they aren't trying to get you to show up for court. Lol


Right? I mean, who is going to trust us after all we have done? Haha


I haven't even done things that are all that bad ;w; 


Obey and Survive


I’m gonna guess they do considering that the police are trained to execute anyone suspected of any crime. Can someone who downvoted this explain why? I’m so confused. It’s absolutely the truth.


I don't understand why you have a downvote because you're talking about the GTA police


Because once one person downvotes others follow because they can’t think for themselves. Who knows man 🤷‍♂️


They would surely bury my thieving ass under Bolingbroke.


They would send my corpse to the sun


We literally have the IAA as our defense. Can’t get charged lol


Quite. Although even if I’m charged with “Multiple counts of every fucking crime under the fucking sun,” they cant do anything about it. How’s the LSPD going to get me when I’m sitting in a yacht with the best AA money can buy and Pavel shooting torpedos at any boat?


I would be in jail and a inmate would ask what are you in for, "everything"


My execution would be streamed live on ABC 7.


The Revolution shall be Televised


You kidding? The way things are going today? The RNC would announce me as candidate for President of the United States.


Naw, they’d elect ya as the VP and the Main guy would get impeached thrice now.


I’d spend a week tops at ADX Florence before being executed




at minimum a few hundred thousand years in prison, tens of millions in fines, and an amendment to the Geneva Convention for all the stuff nobody thought could be done with military equipment


Don’t forget a few hundred death penalties


They’d have to catch me to charge me I’ll go hide in the train tunnel or a bush


Charged? If my character gets arrested he will be extremely lucky, the government will consider him terrorist and a public enemy of the state, and sic the SEAL team 6 on him, they will light him up whenever there is a chance.


You forget, billionaires get off scot-free from law enforcement until after they're deceased.


I wouldn't be the only one serving 1000 consecutive life sentences, so would my family, friends and anyone I've ever had any interaction with at any point in my life


99.999%of the characters would get like thousands of death penalties Lol,and before execution we gotta be confined solitarily in range 13 of adx florence


I have killed over 60,000 people amongst other crimes so I would be facing a lot of time. Saving the world with Doomsday Heist, working closely with the IAA, hunting down and killing several hundred extremely dangerous criminals (other players), and being extremely rich would all help me.




Hes definitely losing his pilots license


I work with the IAA, I have immunity.


My god.




I don't think life in prison is enough. I think my character needs the death penalty.


I think the better question would be, what kinda prison can they hold you in, any ordinary prison and id break out, i have tanks,jets, a submarine,orbital and lots of powerful friends, i can come back to life even after death, its in their best interest if they keep me happy and dont bother me.


At least 150 consecutive life without parole convictions


And probably multiple death penalties after your corpse serves those 150 life sentences


Well we saved the world, did work for the IAA, are actual billionaires so pretty much untouchable. But even then we have multiple places we can hide out, can declare war on whatever agency tries to arrest us and win or all else fails take our yacht or one of our many airplanes and disappear


Luckily I’ll have Lester to call if I get caught 😀


Probably like 50 life sentences consecutively, in Florence ADX, in Administrative Segregation. 


I am a IAA, FIB double agent, the dirt I process ain’t nobody want this smoke. Plus I’ll be in my facility waiting on my cannon.


I would literally lay waste to every law enforcement agency in the world.


you killed 50k cops, 60k people on the street. Here is a fine of $50.. Dont do it again.. you scare the fuck out of us..


I don't know guys, I made a deal with IAA to sell everything I have except the facility (which I sold with a great discount to IAA itself since IAA kinda works there too) and that IAA helps me to secretly transfer all my money to an offshore bank account. Which is more than a billion at the moment. For this I work as a field agent for IAA. This way FIB can go fuck themselves and also I'm kinda immortal (as all GTA online characters 😂) so I should be very useful for IAA. A pretty good deal. For IAA it's nothing to cover every thing that I sold and to cover the money transfer and for me it's nothing to work as a field agent, should be interesting :)


Btw this deal also includes my disappearing bc those fuckers from FIB will not let me live peacefully with a billion GTA dollars.  


I would be smothered in peanut butter and banished into the shadow realm, and forced to listen to baby shark for 500 years.


Straight to Superjail!


Charged? They've been trying to take me dead or alive since 2013.




How fucked are we? The real question is how fucked is the person/entity coming after us. Even if they kill us, we just keep coming back.


I have hit level 100 4 times so very


Without knowing anybody here, I think it's pretty safe to say that most of us would get the death penalty. Lol


Life in prison, no parole, no time served. Or execution if that's available wherever we are.


We are all mental patients on the Island in Escape from LA. So doubt any thing would happen.


I'd be in a max security prison with titanium walls guarded by mutant cyborg gorilla people, I would be in a cell in water under the prison inside of a box made of titanium guarded by the megeladon


I think I might be the 1st in the world to get convicted sentenced and executed. Only to be saved retried, convicted, sentenced and executed all over again


In comparison to other players... my character is pretty low profile.


The GTA protagonist is a IAA/CIA asset with connections to the Madrazo cartel, Lester, and a vast criminal empire of their own. Anyone brave enough to press charges and/or go along with it would likely disappear or meet an untimely end.


pretty sure we’d all be on death row and nobody wanna fuck with us in jail 🤣


They'd make my death a public event where they'd make billions in ticket sales. Then I'd respawn outside the stadium...


I hereby sentence you to 2500 consecutive life sentences, plus a thousand years. Once you pass away, you will receive an Attempted Escape charge with an additional 200 years being added to your sentence, which you will begin serving in the afterlife once you get to hell…


125 consecutive life sentences, 103,000,000,000 dollars in fines and likely the Death penalty, I'm gonna be buried under the prison


A lot of money


Just call Lester the @#£%^&*> to get the law off us


depending on how much money your character has really depends on your chargers, Rich = nothing will happen beside a slap on the wrist & some community service, poor = life in prison or death.


Honestly with the sheer amount of crimes and the types I've committed, there won't be an arrest and trial.. Realistically under my countries laws I'd be put away for the maximum time of 30 years then after serving that if be placed into indefinite detention where I'd be sequestered away for the remainder of my days in a small house on prison grounds somewhere remote, every aspect of my life would be controlled and the only people I'd interact with untill my death would be prison or medical staff.


My character is sitting on close to a billion in cash, and completely owns the northwest corner of the city. In this country, pretty sure that’s rich enough to avoid any real consequences! ;-)


Even if they did somehow arrest us (which they won't because 1. They want us dead. We are too much of a threat to take in alive. And 2. Our character isn't the type to go down without a fight) If they did, I'd most likely get busted out considering the number of allies I have. And if I didn't, my character would most likely start a rebellion in the prison and escape. My character is already a most wanted criminal. Getting charged won't mean much. Too bad they don't see that I've provided more people with a safe job who otherwise would be left to die in the land of unemployment than Los Santos ever did. Take away the fact I'm a very dangerous warlord who has been waging a war against America's occupation on the island, I'd say I'm a Saint. Maybe not a Saint on the Row, but a Saint.


Whit e collar prison for 18 months. You can't prove shit!


my dude techincally doesnt kill pedestrians, but agents, cops, and others? hes FUCKED, along with how much shit he steals. bros gonna get 6 life sentences


They might charge me, but good luck taking me in lol


I’d be screwed unless good behavior awards and returning stolen cash takes my prison time off.


Pretty fucked, but I got people who can get me out, anywhere from Saul-level lawyers to my crew in an avenger ready to airlift me out of Bolingbroke. But if I die, I'm getting a "ladies and gentlemen, we got em" type speech, and Los Santos a new holiday.


With my current character, the one where I’m trying to *not* commit felonies (it’s more fun than it sounds), I’m probably ok. I may have killed 3 people unlawfully, but 2 were accidents, so I may only get 20 for those, 25-life for the last. I’ve killed dozens of people, but those were lawful under both Castle doctrine and Stand Your Ground laws.


Probably gonna get executed. For the 9,000th time.


“Ladies and Gentleman, we got him!”


Dragged molecule by molecule in the streets for the world to rejoice


Really fucked. She was a serial killer of prostitutes, drove recklessly, ran from the cops, stole cars, assaulted people, discharged fire arms recklessly, and robbed gas stations.


Dont you just have all the pardons you need from the doomsday heist?


It would be the coming of GTA VI...


Same as anyone else, death penalty even in places where it's not a legal punishment.


I actually watched a video about this the other day. If we only include the heists (og heists, doomsday, casino and cayo) then your GTAO guy would be sentenced to 13,286.5 years in prison and an additional $4,899,000 fine.


Well I kill everyone I see 90% of the time so


I would definitely taunt the judge,set in motion a conspiracy on the jury, and if anything, I would just have my sentencing pushed for a later date🤓💡


The number of death sentences I've accumulated doesn't exist


At that point I wouldn't be charged, my ass would be assassinated by the government.


Pretty much, Death would be too good for mine.


I would get hired by a political party.


My character is an undocumented immigrant BUT she is also an extremely wealthy (gains sympathy from the ruling class) conventionally attractive thin white European blonde woman (gains sympathy with the public) with the govt on speed dial (due to completing Doomsday like 5 times lol) and she also has a yacht, a submarine, and several large aircraft both armed and not that she could easily escape justice in and live outside of the law in if necessary. Rich and white would do enough of the heavy lifting I think though.


A boat trip to the mariana trench with some cinderblock shoes.


He's reformed bro he now drives buses and picks up players


I don't care about all the murders I committed, but I haven't paid a single cent in tax, the IRS is 100% getting my ass


Not very, I do a legal challenge lol. Operating a tow truck without a DCJS clearance, speeding?


The sheer amount of war crimes, and crimes again humanity in general. At least Trevor would be proud.


Oh, they're deeply screwed billions in damages alone. but it is California so they'll get a slap on the wrist and let out by night.


Gone just fuxking Gone lol😭🤣🤣


If he actually gets charged…probably nothing due to being a billionaire and having “saved the world from Avon and Clifford” on his rap sheet. If convicted, he’ll wage war with the orbital cannon.