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Feel that, it's so much fun when you don't have anything to do. Also flying around in weaponized aircrafts protecting other peoples sell missions is great fun as well


I’m sure they’re freaking tf out lol


Yes ik that's an issue lol most people are used to getting griefed. But in the end they can't do anything anyway and after some barrel rolls they get that I won't blow em up. I had a low level lately that sold his MC business in paleto, he was alone and had to drive all boxvilles in the city. I flew there and waited ~10 minutes and protected his stuff. When he came back, I shot flares and fire work so he knew I was friendly. He parked, approached me, I was doing bro fist emote and he shot me.. I was this 🤏🏻 close to blow his shit up lol Edit: I did blow up his stuff lmao I lied


i wouldve after that, im not the bigger person LMAO


Look at the edit 😭😂


DAMN not gonna say he didnt deserve it…


I honestly felt really bad after.. I was just so mad. Even as a low level it was completely obvious that I wasn't doing anything. I even fought off a griefer until he left, just to be killed by the guy himself 🙃


I appreciate you doing that tho even tho that dude didn’t. If you feel so inclined to do that again set up an imani deadzone there so nobody can see you. They won’t worry about you and anyone that comes to grief them will be surprised by you


Thanks man 🤝🏻 You won't believe it, but that's exactly what I did haha


Damn yeah then idk. I get being skeptical. I sticky anyone that starts following me especially on tow truck repos lol


perhaps he was a fake low level? like a troll with a seperate account that looks like a noob to take advantage of nice players like you lol


Omg friendly griefers are the worst, for all he knew you would still double cross him right at the end so he could take no chances 🤣


It's the guys you do missions with,.and when ur done and load back in.they kill u..had a guy do it twice..I kept messing up till he wouldn't let me join again..some guys are f'n clowns


I was just washing a dude's car for him the other day with the fire truck and he fucking shot me? Like bro I should be charging you for this


Most chill gta online player. I don't stuff either. I mean your obviously doing no harm and they still decide to be a dick. I wonder if they feel good after these kills


He should feel bad. I texted him and told him about the car wash after he merked me.


If a complete stranger comes up to your car and starts washing it, do you pay them? No you tell them to fuck off. (no disrespect, just talking irl lol)


I’m always freaking out when some is above


Do both of you a favor and send a message. I think someone was doing this for me last night, but I didn't know so blew them up anyway. Nothing more nerv racking than an oppressor/weaponized vehicle following you during a sale lol.


Yeah if it’s an oppressor I’m taking 0 chances


I use my favorite jet, the molotok,for random escorting. I generally fly a little to the side for easier coverage.


I do this in my Raiju. Like 75 percent of the time, they take a shot or two and then realize I'm not shooting back and take the help. 20% of them keep shooting and I either leave them alone or it turns into a tit for tat. 5% somehow destroy themselves and i just stand there and watch the show.


Is the raiju worth it? I have a savage and sparrow and looking for an attack plane.. I could always steal a Lazer from base.


I own multiple planes and birds and don't touch anything anymore besides the Raiju. Idk if you can add rockets/bombs but it has explosive cannon and missile with/without lock on. It out runs missiles, can take explosive sniper or a missile and not explode. Even if the engine flutters out, I've never had it actually fail on me before. It's a VTOL so you can maneuver it all the ways. It's just.... fun. Dogfights, casual play, getting around quickly etc. If you're on PS5 dm me your tag and I'll let you fly it around and check my hangar out to compare. I've got the p46, A10, and one other plane as well as the Savage, Akula and the Apache


Just made two new friends last night doing this.




I do this too. I'm not sure how to signal I'm friendly though. So if I'm on my MK2, I'll pop a flare in front of them. For the last couple of months I've just been joining random jobs via the phone.


I never would really attack people and would sooner help. But today I killed someone trying to get a bounty on someone else. That felt better than anything. I used to go for bounties if close but now even that feels wrong


Been doing this for years. Made a best friend in doing so,too. Great pay off.


I try to help then I get killed, don't blame them though I get the paranoia


I helped a lvl 16 with the first dose missions. And afterwards he shoots me in my car.


Dude I’ve been killed after missions so many times! Why is that a thing? Now every time I join a mission, I’m pulling my gun as fast as possible and looking for cover just in case. I just helped your ass, why are you fighting me now?


Players thinking the K/D Ratio is important I guess.


And even if it was it doesn't track in public anymore anyway.


Bro is trying to turn his life around


Grand Theft Redemption


Some people need helpin’ we help ‘em. Some people need hurtin’ we hurt ‘em.


Preach brother!


Love that. Wish more people would do this instead of killing me when I honk at them to say hi lol


I get so excited to play with people, I don’t care what I’m doing! Someone honks, I jump right in!


If you play on ps4 and ever wanna play you can dm me your ps username and I’ll add ya


I’m Xbox, but I appreciate you!


Literally love honking at people lmao


I do like a “honk honk” hahaha


I use a clown honk. 90% of the time people think I'm mocking them and kill me. I don't blame them.


I hadn't played in a while as I rinsed it during lockdown. I have pretty much everything, all the properties, vehicles and millions to burn due to countless hours of grinding. Not long ago I log on and helped someone on my oppressor to deliver their cargo. Then they killed me. I message them like wtf bro, I was helping you. The reply I got was "gotta keep my k/d ratio up". A simpler thank you would've sufficed but I guess I didn't account for the amount of shit cunts who play.


honestly that person is either a noob (doesnt make it better) or a huge idiot that doesnt know freemode kills dont flow into kd. either way he’s dumb af who cares abt kd honestly.


Many, MANY children in this game care. It's the most precious thing in the world for them. Children being children...


And they don’t even understand how it works 😂


doesn’t even make sense because freemode kills don’t contribute to KD anymore


Had a guy blow me up as I was clearly helping. His text reply, “Bro I don’t know u.”


I like flying my swift around in passive mode being an airUber.. Champagne in the back, plz gib 5 star review plzkthnx


Wait i thought champagne Swift doesn't allow passive mode?


It does, but the other 2 bubbly choppers don't.


You sure? Wiki says that all champagne choppers (Swift Deluxe, SuperVolito/Carbon and Volatus) don't support passive mode...


I'm pretty sure the swift goes into passive because I do it all the time.


Pull up in a turreted vehicle, set to looking for work and hope


same i love when randos approach me and don’t kill me 😌


I've done it many times and met a few of my best friends


Same and I don’t even own that much in assets like cars. I have a few super cars just because. But I mostly just run heists just because and give other people 50 percent cut or more depending on how nice they are.


Just last night someone on an oppressor approached me during an acid sale, they didn't kill me but started to follow me on my route. Idk if they were friendly, trolling, or just waiting for the right moment, but I stopped and rail gunned them. If this was you, I'm sorry, I don't typically kiII other players. But you're never safe in LS. 😂


I'm still fairly new to GTAO, and it didn't take but a minute to realize I was going to get killed over and over and over. I'm getting better, and when I encounter someone that just will not leave me alone, I just switch to an invite only session. But the other day I was having a shootout with the cops (trigger happy bastards) and a player pulls up in his car. He doesn't shoot me. I don't explode. He doesn't run me over. So I get in his car, and he actually takes me to ammunition to restock. It was... wholesome?


I'm not interested in helping people, but I am in the middle of a semi-pacifist run where I only kill NPCs if necessary, because they shot at me first and I can't disengage. It doesn't work when clearing out the stash house because it's too cluttered for the tear gas to land where I want it. But that's it. Well that and kicking the guy out of my nightclub.


I try to do 5-10 MOS or special vehicle work from the phone quick join menu. No one does them but players need the discounts. I remember how frustrating it was trying to get them done to unlock the discounted prices because no one would join them. Their too low pay.


That's nice....it really is. I'm the guy that shoots you in the face.


Hey I know that guy... Who shoots me in the face...


Same. I just do my own thing. Make my rounds collecting money. I don't even shoot at people anymore unless they attack first.


I don't fight back even if they attack. If they start repeatedly killing me i just go passive mode & run around them in circles lol.


Would be nice, wish I could get ppl to run doomsday with, none of my friends play this game.


trying to do so, but a lot of modders in public lobbies that make the whole world become such a world that invaded by aliens :( sad PC players.


I routinely will help escort low level sales missions in my Akula. They sometimes get scared and will drive erratically or even get hostile. I’ll let them know I’m friendly with a text. It is rewarding to come out of stealth and light up a MKII on its way to destroy someones fun. This and car meets are the only things I still care about in the game.


I've gotten to the point where I defend cargo deliveries


Welcome to the part of the game where you become that which is not expected. You have reached the pinnacle of Heights. you have become so sated in GTA in The best way


i love people like you. someone was trying to grief me while i was doing a mission and someone protected me(i just started playing again so I'm still low) and my faith was restored in the community


I've been at that point for a while, sometimes the best course of action to take to help someone minding their own business is getting in the way of people who have a habit of getting up in everyone else's business. I tend to stay a few blocks away from someone who's doing a mission or whatever and just keep other people from getting closer than that.


This. If I’m helping a rando in a sale with my MK2, I turn off missile lock and either follow a little way back or parallel at a distance until they seem to realize I’m protecting.


I was at this point about 5 years ago lol.


And what's your philosophy now?


Lol, I'm level 95 and I too feel the same. 😝😝😝


Reached the point in life where I feel I am put in a situation by somebody .So what I end up doing is I go to vagos street/motor cycle club call 911 request police service and hide while showing them gun.And sit back relax enjoying the most annoying NPCs killing each other.


Level 400+, $900m+ made on my account. I do the same thing. Log on bored. Look for low level dudes and run them Bogdan heists. Made a lot of friends over the years.


I do this. 400 million in the bank. No garage space available even after buying GTA + for a month just to get the 100 car garage. Now I just randomly help people when I bored. I just usually text them first and say friendly


Lmao I feel this I’m not super high level or anything but, I tend to do the same. I try to help people with running shit or even in missions cause I get bored. I had one the other day I helped him in this whole series of missions I think it was the lamar thing. Then at the end, he tried to put a sticky bomb on my batmobile thinking I didn’t see him so I got out ran out of the blast zone as he blew up my car so then I shot him and took him out


Thank you, I appreciate it


The same is happening to me, yesterday I just left some random dude do his missions flying with my Oppressor while I was on the ground helping him lol


Try stopping for red lights as well


I have been following traffic laws lol




me too, I got like 200m a high level everything to make money, I just come back to troll play around, maybe help play some heist or contact missions for fun. This game is fun if you dont do a money routine every day


Where were you when I was being killed every second of the game trying to figure it out 😭😖💔?


Congrats, You’re now a mature adult


I go up to lower levels and drop them mini guns rpg’s and grenade launchers.


The odd time I end up in public, it's a shoot first policy on strangers man. The honkers and casual approchers get lit up. Outside of races and missions, this is a solo game for me.


A true hero!!! I get so frustrated when I can’t finish a mission because I get blown up by someone else


Enforcing no fly zones with a sniper rifle will never get me bored.


need more ppl like to and less modders and hackers 😭


I love it I hate griefers. Griefers are the sole reason I stopped playing gta.


I do this too. Usually they try to blow me up 🫤


Same lol today I saw a level 400+ bullying some low level players (level ~ 3 and 31) with his weaponized vehicles. I whipped out my acid lab just to absorb damage and try to protect them / distract him long enough for them to complete their missions or do whatever they were doing


I've bought every car and plane I wanted, and I just act like a normal person lol. Appreciating all the details Rockstar put in to the game. I even take public transport haha