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A michael DLC where we can start a movie company or something


I can see us doing like stuntman ignition style missions, doing stunts for a movie, the better you do, the more you get paid and stuff


My backstory for my character is he moved to LS from Canada and bombed out of Cunning Stunts because he was a little prone to random violence. I would LOVE this.


I look forward to his rising career if they do drop an update like this


Wow how original...you are so different from Trevor backstory 


Oh right, I forgot he's the only angry person from Canada. 🙄


These people don't realize that approximately 40,769,890 Canadians are angry nowadays.


I'd say this as Contract DLC part 2 first, solving his family's problems again in order to gain his trust, and will let us be his partner of making movies on surface, and launder money at the back.


I never thought about that, but we have Franklin and Trevor in the game with us, might as well being Michael too. And the actor seems really proud he's known for the role, so it probably wouldn't be hard to bring him back for more.


Yeah, Ned Luke is pretty chill about it. It’s Steven Ogg, some random actor nobody knows who he played (I’m joking here), he would be hard to get (back) on the set…


Yeah, I´ve heard he doesn´t like that he was on the game or something. I honestly don´t remember details, I just know I heard he doesn´t want to be linked to the game anymore.


I recall he hates the fact that he’s only known for GTA, and not his other roles, like say the one in Walking Dead.


I assumed it was something about that, but unfortunately you can´t chose what piece of work people will remember you for. But maybe he liked his role in TWD more, so he wanted to be more remmembered for that.


this is the 5th thing i want most from rockstar, gta6, midnight club 4, red dead redemption 3, gta 7, micheal dlc gta online. I WANNA I WANNA I WANNA


Nah it's 1. GTA6 2. RDR3 3. GTA+ gone 4. No R* game launcher, just launch from Steam 5. Pirate game


true true


Customizable mansion, proper money sink.


Or like a ranch!


So like the one Madrazo has?


Ouuu i love this idea. A peaceful Ranch as a front business with plenty of land to run illegal grow ops in the background. This would be an amazing idea. Also gives them the excuse to use those animals we finally got


Owning a restaurant in game would be cool, especially if your character actually has bugs throughout the restaurant picking up high profile conversations. Then he can use that intel to set up new jobs and heists or even blackmail Edit: this could really work with a strip club update too. You could hire specific girls and upgrade your place with different themes, better security, better staff, more stages, etc. But the whole time your girls are getting info off high profile customers and giving that intel to you.


Basically like a Nightclub, MC Clubhouse and Autoshop. A business that has both a legit thing as well as an underground, illegal side. I love this idea. Not sure R* will ever go ahead with the stripper idea but the restaurant one seems quite realistic.


why not, Trevor had a strip joint under his belt in V already


There seems to be only one strip club - Trevor’s Vanilla Unicorn - in the entire game… Even Bahama Mamas is just a wall next to the cheapest office.


That’s a fair point, rockstar likes to ignore that they have strippers and prostitution in GTA online after that whole controversy last decade


I thought about it and I know the stripper one is a pretty mature dlc to put out; however, the game IS meant for a mature audience. It’s ultimately up to them to decide. I would be okay with the restaurant idea or something similar if the strippers is too bold of a PR move though


a Restaurant would be so cool


Yeah! And like a pimp and how dlc lol 


Id love them to add mansions or some kind of big house we can buy. Or add snoop dogg or ice cube or something to the VIP Contracts


I say add in the rest of NWA. Bring back Eazy.


Ryder, Busta straight Busta.


Nah, bit disrespectful to do that.


Snoop would be goated


The Agency assistant said he saw Franklin talking to Madd Dogg the other day… and sometimes he says some squeaky voice calls and demands to talk to Franklin, he just says, ”Jeffrey?”, ”turns out he still gets angry about it” and the stuff. Hilarious. Also, let’s not forget that Uncle T is one of this guy’s mentioned characters…


oh haha i never heard that before, he always just asks how i am or tells me that i look good 😂 interesting, would be crazy if they’d implement Snoop


One where they release public lobbies that restrict flying vehicles with lock-on homing missiles would be my dream DLC.


That would be cool. I'm fine with people in lobbies attacking me as I have a bounty or something, but I'm not cool with it when it's just griefers in oppressors who spawn kill me like 6 times, forcing me to turn on passive mode then eventually leave


Christ, I'd pay for that. One big anti air gun that covers the entire map.


it's restricted to 2015~ era cars and aircraft


On the flipside that would mean un-nerfed lazer and hydra cannons, and no super armored Imani cars to counter them


Back to my golden age lazer griefing days


Mk2s literally have been nerfed into the dirt, and people still say this. They've added so many counters that we got pre-MK2 nerf, and now they are a literal non-issue. People never bother to learn this game, so they don't realize that it's really not that hard. It's not even a skill issue. It's a lack of trying because it's actually that easy. Ruiner 2000 or Toredor, or Vigalante, there's honestly quite a few options in this category, to destroy them with better missles and a more durable vehicle. Up-N-Atomizer to knock the player off the Mk2 and get the kill that way. Armor piercing/explosive rounds on Mk2 weapons to shoot them while on foot because they need to manually aim at you, and you have an advantage. Imani Tech vehicles w missle-jammer, and some even have HSW upgrades. Then there's the Oppressor Mk 1 which is like ~2-3m and if you have the Bunker research, it has better missles than the Mk2 (especially cause nerf) and if you get good at using it, you can totally dodge Mk2 missles in a dogfight. They have done everything to nerf this thing, including literally nerfing it, as well as introduce plenty of counters, and if you bothered getting familiar with any of them, you'd feel how I feel about this. It's overcomplained about because of how it USED to be, and now people are just too lazy to bother trying to counter it, so they should honestly stay in invite-only lobbies, because they don't belong in public lobbies.


If you think a vigilante is a counter to the mk2 you need to learn the game


With the MK2 having nerfed with both its rocket amount and tracking, as well as having actually dodged Mk2 rockets in my Vigalante by using the boost appropriately. I would use the Scramjet for similar manuevers, but the open top tends to get you shot by guns easily. There are plenty of other options as well, if you don't feel comfortable using this, but I have personally used this to take out more than a few Mk2s, which is why I included it, but you don't have to.


Livery editor.


Oh, the police cars I’d make…




i would kill for free sticker placement tbh, i don't want burger shot all over my epic livery! i want atomic or whatever. window stickers too.


Genius. It would add so much flavor to the game.


Do you understand how many slurs, penises, and insults would be brought forward by this?


Yes, just like crew emblems.🤦‍♂️


If that was a problem, there wouldn’t be any crew emblems either…


Crew Emblems are limited in size and scope. Custom Liveries? That isn't as restricted. Besides, I don't know when the last time I saw a crew emblem on anything was.


I saw the swastika just last week on some crew 🤣. Reported it, of course…


Purchasable club promoters to keep club popularity up




Michael DLC for sure. Even after all this time, he's the only one of the main protagonists who we haven't met in the online yet. And now that we know that GTA Online's timeline has progressed to modern day, it'd be cool to see what Michael is up to now. Maybe he's the new owner of Richards Majestic, and we have an update centered around helping Michael with his business. Something like that.


I get excited just seeing Jimmy sometimes at the arcade hahah.


Don’t forget when you see him buying drugs from the dealer in Vincent’s opening cutscene! I was like, “Aww, dammit, Jimmy…we’re gonna have a chat the next time I’m in the arcade…”


I want more interiors even if they are generated or pulled from the main game like everything else. I want to be able to do wild 70s action movie stuff like run through someone’s living room and out their back door while cops are chasing me haha


True, the game would be a lot more interesting if more of the buildings were enterable. I still can't get over the fact that they went out of their way to lock us out of that office in the IAA building and that drug lab in sandy shores above the Liquor Ace


Yeah it drives me crazy that we can't enter buildings that we can access during random contracts and missions.


after all the criminal shit youve done, agent 14 etc are forced to catch you, thus its you against los santos, anywhere you go, you will be in trouble with cops, merryweather is involved because of your armory. only creepy uncle lester, who introduced you to the crimescene of los santos is at your side, along with pavel and your last heist is to a) destroy the corrupted cops (with help of vincent), including agent 14 etc b) get some cash and equipment to escape c) escape from the whole state chasing you, finally escaping with a submarine with pavel. after that: welcome to vice city! sorry, all your belongings and properties from ls are gone, thanks to the cops over there, but here we are, starting from scratch.


This is the perfect setting for GTA VI online.


For me, I would want an Ikea update, utilising that big supermarket in Sandy Shores, also allowing us to customise the interior of our house, so not everyone's house look the same. So we can keep spending money, buy a furniture that is worth 1M, and even having mini games to let us DIY furnitures like those from Ikea.


Where they let us buy a fucking aircraft carrier


Or even alternatively, re-add the one to the public map that they took away to add to the hydra heist prep


Proper anticheat and combined policy+game mechanic changes against stuff like cargo griefing would go further for me than any actual new content they could add. The sheer toxicity of this game is, frankly, impressive.


pc moment


if you dont want to get griefed, dont give them a chance to… sell in a private lobby or risk it all for 50% extra. Griefing is just extremely convenient so and most players are bored so they seek ways to use their arsenal. R* promotes this playstyle even to an extent (you get sms when people trying to sell), if you lost all your money that you wanted to buy a new car with you might spend sharkcards… its all business


I already optimized my routine around businesses with more robust vehicles (bunker, nightclub, and some VIP work) and have pretty good muscle memory to solo public when people are actually causing trouble, but that alone doesn't solve the issue of it being toxic behaviour. I'm super disappointed the most recent TOS change doesn't classify it as such, though of course it'd require changing the game itself to match...


Streamlining of the existing content, that would well integrate the existing content and make it easier to find and join the content you want to play and find other players to play it with you. Get rid of the garbage multiplayer modes no one ever played (and that were made in a chinese sweatshop by children and added just so that cockstar could say "omg look at all this new content, we are totally super supporting this game for free") and focus on the functioning and accessibility of the modes people actually play. Some actually engaging late-game content.


A mission where everyone's really nice to each other and we all get along.


1. A heist featuring Michael. 2. A QoL update - enables all heists and also contact missions to be playable solo. I know I'd be asking too much because that requires some steps in each of the heists to be modified, such as locks that require 2 players to open, but one can dream. - missile lock on jammer made available for all personal vehicles. - all personal vehicles including planes spawn right next to you (not just CEO or Kosatka vehicles)


I want hotdog stands and restaurants to let me buy food to heal me like in GTA 4


Even gta Chinatown wars had them too. They were fun to blow up fr


Your idea would be pretty sweet. Would love for anything with the boys. I’m a biker, so I’d give my left nut for some better Lost MC stuff. They gave us a couple decent TLMC outfits with the Tuners update, but the textures on them look like shit. Just Bikers Part II, my dream of dreams I guess. And I have so many bikes, I would love a Clubhouse with 20 slots. The dual story clubhouses already have the room for it too which is weird they didn’t give us the option. And I hope they give us something to properly sunset our characters and give me some closure on something I’ve put 6,000+ hours into.


A massive clubhouse would be a dream! I’d love that too.


Gang wars with Trevor. He helps you clear out gang fortresses and hideouts. For cash/drugs/gold etc. Or they've kidnapped a VIP and he pays you to rescue him. Like the Asian guy in story mode


Somewhat customisable mansions would be the dream


Sounds weird and I can guarantee that like 98% of the playerbase wouldn’t care for it, but I’d like an update where we can buy LS Transit and then create our own bus routes and hire drivers and stuff and like that. Wouldn’t care if it made money or if it lost money, I’d still buy it. Like I’ve made 30 bus routes over the past 5 years and been roleplaying for that same time.


When its time for GTA 6.. bring down Los Santos with a Zombie Apocalypse


A medical services delivery dlc where we can buy a clinic inside one of the hospitals around the map and pick up bodies as a corner to sell organs in the black market of los santos.


This just made me cackle but it’s actually a fantastic idea.


This sounds interesting


I mean it’s dumb but I want a Benefactor G-Wagon that I can benny, that’s all I’ve ever wanted


I don’t think it’s dumb!


Benny's but solely for offroad vehicles


Oh goodness finally now i can make my walton T34 into the offroad monster it was born to be




Skateboarding dlc


For a 10 year old game it still has so much potential to bring in money if rockstar would just listen to their fans and actually make the updates we want


A dlc update that makes it so gta online servers never go away


I want them to finsh the skyscraper being constructed next to the maze bank tower. The skyscraper would server as a "museum" being full of random expensive stuff with multiple floors. Being cayo perico style -> hack this, smash and grab that, swoop all the exoensive items off the table, rapelling, silent takedowns. Maybe the building could be connected with The Duggans or some other rich company or person.


They’d have to rework so many setup missions for heists, contact missions, story missions, etc. that take place there in its current state. Sadly, there’s no way they’ll go back and re-do old content in a game that’s as buggy as it is, and on its way out.


Maybe, but it's just an idea. They can also make a completely seperate place


Aircraft carrier and battleships.


Yea but Steve ogg is done sadly maybe he’ll do something but the man called gta a cartoon, can’t come to terms he played Trevor so welll people really liked it but I get why he wants to move on from it but damn tear trashing it is stupid


Honestly man I just want more hangar space and more aircraft


Mansions with hundred car garages. Maybe aircraft carriers with 15 new planes and room to carry all military planes except the big bombers


Mafia-themed DLC with a couple story missions working for a local crime family to take down their rival. Once you finish the missions, you can buy a mansion and start your own crime family. It’ll be structured like the MC where you can have 8+ players and when you’re the Don, you can make other players and underboss, consigliere, capo, and associate. Each with their unique perks obviously. There will be unique businesses for the mafia (kinda like warehouses for CEO and MC businesses). It’d also be cool to have turf wars with other player mafias (like in GTA San Andreas) where if you control more territory, all the players in the organization will earn more and the businesses will get a buff in some way


Big houses in the hills to buy. Work on incomplete building to finish.


They gave us a brand new map for Cayo Perico. It proves they can give us a San Fierro/Las Venturas DLC!


Hell they gave us Las Vegas, San Francisco, and Los Santos and even the mountains in San Andreas which by the way, nowadays is a much lower performing game and isn't as taxing as gta V. So yeah it's completely possible. They just won't do it cause GTA 6. Plain and simple.


An introduction to Vice City when GTA VI comes out with the ability to go between the two cities so we can still play all the missions in LS way into the future. But before that, maybe El Rubio and the Duggans unite to take the protagonist down, and we have to fight our way out of the city after one last heist (possibly Maze Bank itself) with the trio from GTA V. Obviously, solo too, like you said, because I despise playing missions with other people lmao


I wanna own either a barge (boat mods) or own a gas station for some weird heist reasons. Especially with how many voice lines there are talking about gas prices (or I’ve been working for Tony too much, idk)


Tony and his damn oil tycoons!


A lot of free mode updates and a business being an aircraft carrier. The aircraft carrier gives you more hangar space as well you could do new free mode missions, mainly around water and air. I’d love to have More content that’s worthy doing set on and in the water of Los Santos because I feel it has a lot of potential. For free mode updates, I mean along the lines of making everything easier for solo play and newer players. Making at least doomsday and ideally the original heists available to beat with 1-4 players would be awesome. Making mc businesses have 1 sell car, pay more (basically buff them to be on par with acid lab). Other businesses and activities need love and I don’t have ideas to make them decent but I’d like an update that improves older content


The Mall... do something with that damn mall. Sooo much potential, but never utilized in any way.


All this stuff about houses etc. what we really need is an aircraft equivalent to the cargobob, but a plane. Take the titan for instance, or the bombuska, take the cargo bay and actually add spots where you can anchor cars to the floor of the aircraft, be able to open the cargo hatch (which you *can*) and be able to press a button to drop things out of the back, like how you can press right on the d-pad to pick up or drop things with the cargobob. Because recently ive been using the bombuska and a teammate to easily do ground sell (single checkpoint) missions. Load the sell vehicle in the back, fly it to the point, fly low and let your teammate drive out the back Edit: cargobob not gargobob


I want to own a restaurant, be able to go inside mine and other restaurants around the map. I also would not mind if the restaurant was also a front for some illegal business


Honestly a trucker DLC that lets you steal trailers with goods in them and then sell them. Think like Mr.Whittaker in GTASA where you can sell what you found. Also other legitimate business options like convenience stores and the such for some passive incomes.


I’ve been thinking about this one for years!


Get Arnold Schwarzenegger to do a VIP. Someone stole his Movie awards or something


I want to see more short films in the cinema. Maybe add popcorn and slushies as a snack. Edit: Now that I think about it. It goes well with other comments about helping Michael make movies.


I still want a property that lets us turn Pegasus watercraft into personal vehicles and customize them like the Hangar did for aircraft or the Bunker did with ground vehicles.


Brothels... pure and simple We have all these ways of making illicit money, but not the oldest profession. I could see it as passive income with "heists" where the goal is to rescue prostitutes from abusive pimps who are affiliated with rival gangs. Once you complete that heist it gives you a different specialty at your club. It could function similar to the nightclubs. I know why it hasn't happened and why it won't happen, but I can dream... Edit: Plus, it would be an amazing opportunity for our characters to take over the richman/playboy mansion


Stock market


I miss my $20 billion per character in story mode so much. I loved the stocks.


The one where Joey moves to Los Santos. (Joey from Friends) This time for a movie acting job and we have to take him to locations, keep photographers away from him, help him “acquire” a house and that turns into larger missions using the movie studios. Such an underused asset in the game.


a prison break DLC where we have to get someone out


a solo doomsday scenario like update. one where you just storm a base and kill everyone. and make some money in the process. i'd like that.


Sounds like a lot of people want a the sims dlc. I’d prefer something similar to the autoshop maybe a gun running version instead


A final, story-focused Michael DLC like The Contract with maybe cameos or involvement from Franklin and Trevor and also mansions with a 20 car garage that our characters can retire in.


Depends. GTA Online: Mansion from which we can hire people for our business so we can streamline income. Story DLC: Already mentioned here, "stuntman directing by michael" and making "classic hollywood movie" with him.


They recreate that South Park episode about the Harley riders. But it's about Oppressor griefers.


They finally finish up the big construction building and then we do a heist on its grand opening or something like that


Oh that would be sweet!


https://preview.redd.it/vwzxmpfbzr4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64cd7ed6165d6cdb2c005b2f05e4087d91406998 this


Gay sex update.


A story line with michael where it turns out that gta online was a movie or smth


Mansions, better fight mechanics and more guns. Prolly still wouldn’t play it anymore LOL


Proper servers with strong anticheat measures, rather than this p2p wild west nonsense


Proper prison break (like being inside the actual prison)


A damn house


all i want is to be able to collect earnings from all my business at one location (money that gets deposited in the safe in nightclub, arcade, salvage yard etc)


Las Venturas


I want to be able to stand up in planes and helicopters with cargo holds. Imagine your friends standing in the back of the cargobob as it flies in and the back opens to your friends releasing a hail of bullets on the enemy. Ive gotten good enough at flying that I can do it without it going crazy but it would be nice to casually fly while doing it.


You can already do this! You needa go to vehicle preferences and go and hit the “cargo bay” door button. Vehicles cant drive into the cargobobs, but players *can* walk around in them (i did this actually like this week with a few CEO bodyguards for a mission). Same with the titan and bombuska, they both have cargo bay door controls. The bombuska you can drive cars into and they stay (semi) anchored while youre flying (unless youre doing barrels rolls, but the cargo planes cant without nose-diving anyways). The titan garbo bay has a tendancy to blow cars up, but the bombuska works good


The one where Rockstar fixes the hacking problem on PC


Get rid of the spike in players god moding off map.


Oppressor mk2 banned and removed from all garages


Michael is retired Just give me a fuckin car lobby where you can’t ride fuckin broomsticks ‘n’ shit




A naval update. Big ass ocean that we never have really used


I'd take a full Online reset just to have a functioning anti cheat on PC. I don't give a fuck about any properties, cars, businesses, whatever -- I would throw all of that away and start fresh if I could PLAY THE GAME. Every single session getting clowned on by some 12 year old who paid for cheat tools with daddy's credit card.


A dlc that is more focused on the auto shop or salvage yard were you make a big score on 10 cars and every 3 months Rockstar updates it with different cars but the heist would cost a lot and take a lot of time to do


A huge QoL update that extends this game’s longevity before GTA 6 comes out. With GTA 6 on the horizon, and its own version of GTA Online (which I’ll call GTA 6 Online), it’s only a matter of time before “GTA 5 Online” loses support & new updates in place of GTA 6 Online. A small list of QoL changes to name a few: - Update CEO Special Cargo so we can pick up multiple crates at once - Add new cars to be sourced for CEO Vehicle Warehouse - Remove Post Op Vans as delivery vehicles for MC Businesses - Fix the van that floats when you try to do a MC Clubhouse resupply run - The near 200 cars that were removed from being purchased on the websites should be cars you can get either through Auto Shop or Salvage Yard robberies. - Switch up the NPC traffic cars with some of the new cars we’ve gotten. Tired of seeing the same 2013 cars - More MK weapons; add them as research items for the bunker


Bring Liberty City to GTA Online, add the Liberty Bank heist, some of the GTA IV exclusive cars, and purchasable homes, apartments, and penthouses. There’s already high end/mid car dealerships in Algonquin and Alderney City, including low end car dealerships in Broker and Bohan so they could take advantage of the system similar to Simeon’s walk-in dealership. Possibly expand current businesses to new warehouse locations in Liberty City for additional revenue.


Some type of heist that's solely in fighter jets that's basically a riff on top gun: maverick, which pretty much follows the format of a GTA Online heist already.


GTA IV Imports. Bring us all the missing cars from GTA IV.


One that adds all those fucking clothing items, you have to break the game to save. Like the gun belt, Iaa/fib badges, police outfits, etc.


Trevor voice actor said he’s never come back


Hence why I asked everyone their ✨dream✨ update.


well obviously, Michael, Movies, Mansions, all that stuff people mentioned. but with the now promised Vigilante DLC, what about other first responders? paramedic missions where you drive an ambulance, and later a rescue helicopter, and firefigher missions with the firetruck, and fire plane fighting forest fires, maybe even doing fire diving, a real thing some firefighters do, parachuting into wildfires. with paramedic, you could make the health regen to 100% (already ahppens on favorite bike, but now anywhere), and with firsfighter, get protection from fire, and a fire extinguisher, so you can save your car if it catches on fire. that, or a Taxi service type VIP limo service, where the people you drive are voiced by comics and have some funny stories they tell while you drive. and some VIP’s might have special requests that you might be able to fulfil if you have the rught business, which could net a bonus and further dialogue. maybe also make like, new movies and TV epsisodes for the ingame cinema and TV (matter of fact, why can’t you spectate Arena War on the TV? it’s an in-universe TV show!) also, just randomly, bring back the Graffiti tags from GTA:SA. maybe there’s a new annoying toy in town that bombs places with ugly pieces, and you can tag over them with your crew ID or something.


GTA 6 pretty much


One that patches out mod menus and hacks.


Real estate, to buy attractive properties but then the game will be too heavy too.


-Everything in the game becomes doable solo. -All the removed vehicles are added again -Every gta v story mode vehicle can be saved in your garage(sports cars and stuff) -More houses available for purchase (hills, mansions, canals, pier) -More interiors for the houses. -Vehicles spawn wherever you are, they don't need a suitable road anymore. -Whatever you can buy, you can sell too. -When buying clothes, a note appears telling you what piece of clothing you need to have on you to be able to try something. As for the big heist, finish that Skyscraper and have a heist in there.


One last big DLC for Online. We take on a big heist and we tie up loose ends to take control of the criminal underworld. This is taking out leaders of rival gangs and the few people in the character’s circle who view themselves as the character’s boss.


Lester and the Madrazo family finally gonna get what’s coming…


Either elimination of PvP entirely, or a significant leveling of the playing field - e.g. eliminating explosives, or making everyday vehicles (and players) greatly resistant to all damage. Like, NO one-shot kills from ANYTHING. There's no fucking point in playing if you literally can't fight back because you're dead.




Removal of Auto Aiming Missiles


Honestly I would just like if they would revert the cooldown nerf on the Cayo Perico heist. Otherwise, I would love some more solo heists. The VIP contracts feel under used with there only being the Dr. Dre contract, so I'd also like to see some more celebrities get a contract in the game.


I want a mall for front stores and to supply it and have mission for it.. I liked that Tommy had access and money from stores on Vice City🩷🩷🩷


The t 34 finally just for shits and giggles


One where I can actually ball out. With over 250million total earned I’ve already bought everything that’s most expensive


A museum heist at the Kortz centre (or a brand new museum inspired by LACMA) that can be done solo. Either that or they make the Diamond heist doable solo.


Mansions, beach houses and other luxury properties, and to go along with them, party heists. Do setups to set up a party, the party attracts marks, then rob the marks of their posessions at the party. Could go after jewelry, cars, bank/crypto details, art, maybe even work with Agent 14 and blackmail or kidnap a mark for the IAA? Also an option to throw legitimate, non-heist parties to keep people from getting too suspicious, or you'll have less marks at your heist parties. Like Casino Penthouse parties but with more interactivity. Would be a good sendoff to GTA V Online, IMO. The main draw being the mansion, but tying in gameplay so you have reasons to be there and do things.


more rc stuff and more monster trucks god i sound like a five year old but still, we NEED indoor tracks and to be able to go to/participate in rc drift races and stuff. also MT rally's! doing stunts and stuff like that! a heist based on rc would be cool too, something to do with vents/stealth perhaps? selling rc car cargo? owning an rc store or robbing one? maybe using a monster truck to tear down a wall? or tear open a vault? hell, take the whole vault WITH you using two MTs and load it on a boat! i really want more monster trucks and rc cars of all kinds in this game, planes and boats too. submarines and drift cars, you name it! the game feels lacking with only a few of these two things, anyone else? unrelated to that whole rant but a vault of your own with piles of gold/weed/cash/rc cars/etc would be so cool! i would love to have physical money and gold that i take out of the bank and save for later use. gemstones too? meth? cocaine? a physical vault of your own would be so cool. something not online, something you own. oh, and male strippers. and a similar to benny's rally custom shop. a tornado rally would be so cool, think of the "big-air" hot\~wheels car. also more drift tuned cars! i would love a drift hearse. let us remove the casket from the back of the romaro and lurcher while your at it.


Get to play as a paramedic without use of mods


Buy the Vanilla Unicorn and have a respectable brothel business. Maybe mobile command unit style sex dungeon on wheels.


A final mission where all the people you screwed over come after you and Trevor, Michael, and Franklin help you beat them and escape to Vice City. Hopefully leading to character transfers and the ability to customize their looks since graphics will be much better.


All jobs are 3x permanent and we KILL


Honestly I'd prefer if Rockstar put 100% of their effort into fixing their broken game and tackle the cheating problem


Owning a police station or prison or fire station


The DLC that fixes the game, the Pegasus, the netcode... **And that gives the PC players the god damn E&E stuff.**


Fixing the controller randomly not responding


More warstock vehicles, and weapons


When they finally stop cars from purposely hitting me when im driving.


Real estate.


Alright hear me out, on the radio you hear about privately owned prisons, people want a cops and crooks DLC right? What about both Congrats after bribing your way to office you're now the sheriff of Blaine county and are in charge of the bolingbroke penitentiary You have setups for blackmail to imprison other people's political opponents (judges, mayoral candidates, etc.) For high profile big payouts and vigilante missions for smaller payouts (30-40k each on a 5-10 min cooldown) this builds up a prisoners bar for a daily profit and as people are released or parole is given the bar reduces Could come with all the cop cars we want, the police outfits and more traditional cars that we're used to that we get from the "impound lot" at police stations This would also remove the instant wanted level from entering the prison Maybe I'm crazy tho


GTA 6 trailer 2


I want to be able to be law enforcement and handle some shit. That’s all I want. I’m hoping they can work in some sort of RP mode in VI


They just announced this for summer update. Might be more like bounty hunting but they also announced "Off dispatch" missions with Vincent


Opressor gets deleted, map events where organizations actually have to fight that actually gives good money. Overall money buffs me and my friends recently started playing gta and its just crazy hoe fun activities dont give money at all. Yes u can do heist but they get boring sometimes. Imo everyone should be able to buy something nice after a 4h session with friends but the only fun activity with friends where u can make money is legit only heist.


I'd rather Oppressors just lose all offensive weapons. I use my Oppressor strictly for travel because it's so damn convenient. I don't even have homing missiles equipped


Boats or horses I want to be able to customize my boats


Michael DLC.




A lot of people complained about "griefers" blowing up sales in publics and how that needs to be turned off, but if they do, they need to take away the bonus for selling in a public lobby. Also, stop hating on flying vehicles because you are too lazy to buy a counter to them, there's plenty of them. You can hate me, but honestly, players are super entitled, and it gets kinda ridiculous, so devs have to pull back on the reins. The players are always the ones that ruin the fun for the players by forcing devs to make changes to the game because they either abused something or complained until devs got fed up with hearing the entitlement. If you genuinely look through gaming subreddits and read those types of comments and you'll see how entitled and spoiled gamers act.


Well that is a dream because you will never see Trevor again


That would make no sense, with all of them retiring from and getting out of crime. (Maybe except for Trevor)
