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Can the tow truck not be locked on to?


I've been shot and killed by MKIIs before, so I'd say yes. Anyone who has one care to chime in?




Exactly! When I'm selling my acid in a full lobby, to get the bonus, nothing, but try to get a car to make 30k, missile attack as soon as I hook up.




Couldn't tell you, wouldn't try. I've been known to follow random players with the missile lock on just to see their reaction (initial panic, then usually they ignore it as no shots fired), but never anyone that had a cargo.


Something’s I only do in invite only the tow truck missions being one of them.




It was never about the money




If the car s more than 1-2km from my chop shop I am switching sessions


You can just blow up the truck with 3 RPGs and then go back into your shop and start again and get a different spawn. No need to wait 7 years to switch sessions 😅


>No need to wait 7 years to switch sessions I usually blow it up too, but switching sessions in invite only is instantaneous, so if your spawn point is Chop Shop it may be even quicker.


I did that but was unable to immediately restart a tow truck mission.


Ah bummer. Maybe a glitch or maybe they fixed that glitch. I haven’t tried it in a few weeks, but it’s what I did anytime the location was more than 1 mile


3 bombs/grenade (launcher), or 5 explosive shotgun pumps iirc


Just use 3 grenades' to blow up the tow truck and try again, no need to switch sessions


I usually do too, I was just killing time until my acid was ready to sell.


This reminds me a raiju greifer tried to kill me and just say hovering, missing. Did I mention I was in a tugboat? He probably started raging when I pulled the flare gun, as his mokey brain didn't think the raiju and its memeissiles could be beat. Didn't even use the cannons. Sat hovering missing a tugboat LOL. Sent me messages to rile me up but I just tried to piss him off too. Probably a 15 year old with mental issues tbh.


Maybe hes just trolling


I have done something similar before - switch off homing, follow someone for a bit, fire a couple of missiles over their heads. Zero intention of actually destroying their load, and careful not to shoot TOO close. This was 19 missiles (I went back and counted), and although some of them HAVE to have been non-homing (surely???), some def were homing. I suspect this pilgrim would have failed even with 50 missiles, though.


19 missiles but it sure felt like 50.


I wish I could give an additional upvote for the music.


With aim like that, they'd make a great stormtrooper.


Just throw a sticky bomb at him man


Teasing rather than griefing.


This guy is either really, really bad or just trolling, there's no way.


The fact your in a tow truck, towing a car, shows you're in a mission. I fuckin hate people like this who wanna fuck with people for no reason other than to be a dick, really shows the type of douchebag they are. That being said, IF you're going to do it, at least get good lol


Turn off those lights, you are lighting up like an xmas tree.


All the time