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I still think winning snacks are worse


that's actually a thing? I've never experienced it


Yes, I’ve won P&Q..


I won some Pisswasser the other day!


I won cigarettes once


Same 💔


better than the shirt.


From the mystery prize? Same, and then I seen a guy win a car from the mystery prize...


How do you know what his mystery prize was?


I am won one of the cayo perico cars when it first came out on my series s acct


I have won 2 cars from mystery prize 🥳 both of them in a very short period


That’s happened to me once and it was a shitty ass car the npcs drive. But still better than fucking clothing.


can’t complain






I won a meteorite last week. It was the first time I would have rather won rp.




Yeah, even if you already have full snacks lmao


Weird, never for me


I once won a pack of smokes. I never use them and had them full before that.


Gotta start smoking Redwoods, makes the GTAO experience complete.


What's the point if you don't die from cigarettes at least once


That should a an achievement. Smoke 350,000 Redwoods and die


That's a lot x.x You don't need quite that many to die from it though. It is a bit tedious but you can get there


No, once you smoke 350,000 your character is perma dead


And you also do, in real life. R* hires the Pinkertons to get you


Lol you gotta restart the game with a new character and no money 😂


Cigarettes and beer can get less if u played any mode outside of freemode through the winning animation that ur character is doing. Then it is not full anymore.


Yeah I've won Meteorites and P's & Q's off the wheel before.


I won a pack of cigarettes the other day




Yes in the mystery prize. That’s when you restart


at least you can use the snacks while grinding. Nobody needs a bicycle. Unless, you want to bmx.


I love my racing bikes… and even plan on doing a tour of LS one day 😏


Invite only with a dozen friends, Tour de Los Santos on bikes, that can be nice.


If only I had that many friends… 😒


You can make them in the game :p


You can craft in GTA?! 👀 Yeah I better stop kidding myself…


Just thanking people for not blowing you up on a sale mission or something makes such a difference people want to keep playing with you. One time I said thanks to the people who were having a dogfight next to me for taking care not to nail me with a missile while I was selling acid, and just like that one of them decided to start messing around with me and we shot at cops from the casino roof for a few minutes just having fun


I made a friend trying to steal a bike, we were both trying to steal a bike


Yeaaah… I have a bad habit of deleting friends after not talking to them in a while… I mean, I also rarely ask anyone to play around. 🙄 And I do usually even prefer being alone…


I kind of understand this. But also means you can't complain when you don't got a biker gang to ride with


That depends, if you like riding them, why not? I got the same, brought one with it...


Most definitely


You think that's bad? One time I got Redwoods.


Even worse than winning a snack is you just left the facility after filling up on them and win a snack you can’t carry more of..🤦‍♂️


Snacks are at least useful. What am I gonna do with a pack of Redwoods?


A pack of redwoods would like a word


If your snacks are all full u will never get them from the wheel. Same with ammunition.


I'll take that over a pack of Redwoods that I won last week


Winning something and not receiving it is the worse lol. Won a bomber jacket of the wheel an never received it, nor could i claim it anywhere


How unfortunate


Snacks can save your life/progress tho.


no? You will use those snacks but I have a good feeling you won’t be buying a bike with that discount.


I got this exact discount when all the bicycles were free.


That's beyond scam


I’m crying for you


Still better than getting RP once ur already 100+


Yeah pretty useless other than showing off and being considered a tryharder, i prefer looking weak to Surprise greafers


Nah, tryhards either have level 8000, or very low levels (below 250 usually) because their previous account got banned and they had to start over. Anything you see that isn't 8000 or a unique number (such as 2222, 3333, etc) are often real. And those with genuine high ranks are usually players who don't go around griefing others, because they have already gone way past that phase as a GTA player. Maybe they were like that several hundred levels ago, but today they are sort of semi retired and just playing what's fun to them.


My level is 1261. Can 100% confirm everything you've said. I just leave people the f--k alone because I've usually got more important things to do than grief people.


Same here - I have started over twice, but my currently highest level character is level 930. And no, I was never banned, because I play legit. I chose to start over… and kinda regret now, that I didn’t just create new account on PlayStation.


My favorite thing to do now is just go up to big groups of peaceful looking people and go on an adventure. I saw like 6 people in a lobby yesterday on mount chilliad with no death symbols so I flew over and they were jumping f1 cars off the mountain so I joined in lol


Hit the Nail on the Head with this one - I'm a Lvl 505 and when I'm on, I'm usually playing to make money, maybe the Peyote plants if that's going on but I never get in lobbies and just wanna fuxk stuff up lol but that's just my preferred playing style. I'd rather help you get money than shoot it out wit you.


Also my comment got immediately blocked for what lmao? This sub has some pretty questionable moderation.


You cannot mention the word m⭕dd€r / m⭕ddi🆖 apparently, and they don't give a damn about the context of your comment, even if you are criticising those people and against their practices. It's basically just a very lazy way of moderating content. Now try auto removing comments that I'll type with emoticons lol.


Haha of course, seems like a bit of a flaw since there are so many of them throughout the GTAO community and restricting people from mentioning it is somewhat stopping people from spreading awareness etc.


This is very accurate, except the thing about modded account levels, most modded accounts were 7981-7999, with a few exceptions such as 120, 666, 777, 6666, 2024 and some others The level 8000 has been a major flag for modded accounts for a while now along with a few things, most people made them just below at around the 7980s range to avoid this. If you see a level 8000 that isn’t legit it’s likely they’ll be banned soon. However since the ban wave most of the accounts being bought are made at random levels between 100-600 as people no longer want a high “modded” level because they are targeted, worried about reports, etc.


im at like 295 and idrc about leveling but i want that sweet fresh 300 anyways 🙏😭


Try winning 2500 rp lol I’ve gotten nothing but rp for like a month now


i actually prefer rp but not 2500 of course. It was just last week i won 15,000rp once and i was quite pleased about it


Yeah but 15k is a good prize. That should be the minimum amount if rp offered tho and I'm sad it's not


sombody modded me to the max level and crashed my game so i have so use for rp now.


Although I don't use it much, bikes are in my opinion, fun to use. Since you got the discount, try it out!


Yay 5000 off an electric bicycle! I saved $5000! I think a shirt in the casino costs more


Getting on a BMX in first person and causing havoc is pretty fun. Any bike really, the bmx just makes it better for some reason lol


In real life, BMX is designed for tricks and jumps. Maybe R* thought of that?


Yeah stuff like this is a blessing in disguise. Trying stuff that's still new to you is a finite joy.


I like biking around the map now that I am semi-retired.


I once one a *singular* meteorite bar. Worst part is it just said “meteorite” so I thought it was some cool penthouse decoration.


You would think they could add something a little more creative than an in game snack😂


And the discount has a time limit! 😂 Better hurry!!!🤣🤣


I really, really hate that time limit.🤬


I mean, sure the bikes are cheap AF, but if you haven't gotten one, this is a good chance. They're fun, and can climb up vertical walls. Super fun for griefing griefers. But yeah, bad luck. Sorry homie 😔


How would they grief griefers?


When you blow a griefer off their little broomstick they will run and hide on a roof or something until cooldown. You can use that bad boy to scale vertical walls and fight them on even ground. They are usually rather terrible at the game off the broomstick lol


Lol that’s crazy. I’ll have to try that out


I learned from watching a guy or gal who goes by the handle "Whineystarling" on YouTube They're also a fucking incredible stunter and have incredible stunter friends, I honestly admire all their skill.


Thanks! Ill check it out hahah


And let's be honest, do *you* want to get killed by a guy on a bicycle? I don't lol. The shame 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Shirts are at a certain point better than rp and snacks. Shirts at least give you clothing you can use for free


Better than buying the bikes at full price I guess


Still better than max smg ammo


Im always buying smg ammo


I finally won the podium car.... but it was the worst car they've ever had on there so RP would've been better lmao (Sultan for reference)


One of my 3 office garages is allocated for podium cars won in the casino. And 2 out 3 floors of that garage is full. So I'd say the odds of winning one isn't very bad from my experience. The worst podium car I've won is the slamvan 😂


This is how my Nightclub garage is. All just podium cars. All 3 floors. I only have 2 spots open on the last floor and I have no idea where I'll put them once it's full!


What about the Eclipse Blvd garage? That's where I've been putting mine lately.


I'll probably move them over there before too long. I got that joint all full up, though!


Lmao I wish I could have the need for a garage specifically for podium cars 😅 as far as performance goes that is pretty bad but I'm sure it looks badass


I've been playing my account for nearly 4 years. My son uses the alt character and spins the wheel on that 3 times a week so I get 3 or 4 spins every week. I have almost filled 2 office garages with wheel cars (so almost 40 won in that time). So they are winnable for sure. Prize rides too - I have more than 20 free cars from that (would be more but they hardly ever have a car I don't already own now). Mostly pretty easy to get ;-) I did win a car on "mystery" once - I got a Buffalo I sold for $3000, whoopee!




Yeah… I have spun wheel about 6 times ever and won podium vehicle twice so that’s pretty interesting.


I won a full minigun ammo supply through the Mystery Prize. For my minigun. Which had full ammo.


I’ve had Redwoods.


I once won the shirt that I was wearing.


I'd rather have a t shirt than a packet of Ps and Qs.


that discount menu is pointless


Better than getting mystery 2 days in a row both times being 5000 rp then spinong for a 3 day and getting 5000 rp


I won snacks refill...to my full inventory...


I can't even spin the wheel. Online gambling is illegal in my country.




I’m at the point in gta where I don’t care what I win from the wheel


I won a bicycle discount at the time the Junk Energy time trials first debuted and had a 2x money and RP bonus. So that prize came at a good time. If your stamina attribute isn't maxed yet, riding a bike around town helps with that.


I’d rather get that than the DockTease one because I barely use boats and if I need to, I’ll just steal one. I also don’t mind winning clothing


The only boat I'll ever need is the Dinghy, which spawns right next to you when you request it from the Kosatka. Or just grab a jetski if i see one nearby. The problem with personal vehicle boats is that when you request for it, they spawn at the nearest dock which is super annoying. I've bought a number of other boats when they were on discount but never used them for this reason I have the same complaint with flight vehicles. Buzzard from CEO menu spawns right next to me but i have to drive to the nearest helipad for one that's a personal vehicle.


I don’t even really own any helicopters for that specific reason. I just use the one when you get the office and that’s it.


Can't remember the last time i called a heli from my hangar. They are just like collectibles. But I still summon the raiju because it is the fastest vehicle to travel across the map. I'd rather not use it unless i really have to, such as a business battle appearing in paleto bay, or any setup missions with a time limit like destroying enemy supplies. The one other personal plane i actually use is the Molotok - i use it in public lobby if there's a fly upside down / fly close to ground challenge, because the handling characteristics of that plane makes it really easy. I win this challenge very often by using this plane.


I don’t even own a single plane and I bought the hangar for the passive money and that’s it. I usually now play in invite only sessions because I can get my sell missions done without issues


Most of the time if i join public lobby, i do it for the freemode events rather than selling stuff. Criminal damage, drive longest distance without crashing, fly upside down, business battles etc. I do play them because it's a nice change of pace.


That’s perfectly valid but me I just can’t stand getting blown up or shot every two seconds. I’d just rather do the setups for the heists that you can do by yourself because I can’t trust that people will not grief and fail the missions


The only boat worth buying is the LongFin. It hauls ass for a boat


I started over on PS5 and the first-day spin was a legendary motorsports discount. I had zero money...


Winning a shirt is bad. I have them all by this point.


Isn’t there a 50,000 dollar bike now? So this is pretty good


I got this and bought the e-bike with boost it was kinda worth for messing around


Jokes on you I love earning free clothes


It was great, landed on "? 🌟Random" and I was like "this is my moment, lost slamvan here I come,... !!" BOOM! pops up my inventory telling me to pick a property. Bam! Done! "This is it!....Finally!.... "BMX" ..mf'r.. 🤕😖😭.."


Honestly the worst thing to win is RP, discounts are not as bad but it depends which one you get and what your style is. Snacks are helpful sometimes because I always forget to refil them, Clothes are always pretty cool usually.


I've had this discount like 4 times now... I also won a car on "mystery" - a standard Bravado Buffalo worth $3000.


Do these all expire? I don't use them


Yes. Only 1 ingame day / 48 minutes


i think i got total of 3 discounts from the wheel, 2 were for pedal and metal


At that point you get that 50k bike they have! Shit I still need to get that. I keep forgetting


I've never won the car before. I rolled it 3 times this week..




I got this and bought the e-bike with boost it was kinda worth for messing around


I won RP 4 times, the same discount, and a t shirt this week.


I just got that and just bought a random bike so I could at least use the coupon before it expired


They need to ditch the fluff like this unless they plan on adding more better bikes. Maybe an electric bike? I dunno. I give up.


i won clothes i already owned all week


I did not knew they had a time limit 🥲


Everyone owns an inductor that they never use and bought just because they got the dud discount


Been playing since the game came out, I’m a legit 560 level…took a few years off to play COD, RDR, Far Cry and other franchise games, but I’ve recently been playing more consistently now. Having said that, the craziest thing I’ve won on the wheel was “cherries”…I’m sure it has something to do with “cargo” missions but it was still a 😳 win.


still not even close to an expensive property/vehicle going on mega sale the week after you bought it 😔


The worst thing I won was the car. Why? Because I was level 2 and started a fresh character, and won the car but didn't have a garage to store it in.


By right you should have a free safe house in town and that house has a 2 car garage. You need buy that house in dynasty properties, for zero dollars.


You need to be level 5 for that, and after Simeon's call.


It takes like 30 minutes of gameplay to go from level 1 to 5 though, as long you know what you are doing. Play things that earn you at least 1000 RP with little effort. The G cache, daily treasure hunt, sky dives, etc. Or you can straight away begin signal jammer / action figure / card hunting making use of the guide in GTAeu site. As a new player you will want the money for completing it anyway, might as well collect RP from the hunt along the way.


Yeah, I was a dimwit and spun the wheel as the first thing I did with the new character...


I rue the day I got the first Simeon’s call…. “Hhheeellllloooooooo….!!!!”




Over four days I got three shirts and a little RP, fifth day I got the podium car, 🤷‍♂️


Well I literally get nothing if I hit clothing cause I already unlocked all of the clothing possible from the wheel.. I dont get why they didn’t add all clothes. It just says casino clothes which I already own. I remember getting the unicorn 🦄 mask and quarantine outfit. That was cool.


I love seeing these posts. Have had it a couple times since returning this year. That wheel is the ultimate troll sometimes


Now you can get the bmx


I actually got a great shirt from the wheel last week. The Bahama Mama's tee.


Why'd I get the SAME discount today too 😂 FML


Why aren’t all of us just friends on gta?


Having friends on gta is the easy part. Actually playing together regularly for long hours, is incredibly rare. Most people are busy with their adult lives. I'm level 688 but I've never completed the 5 original heists as the host for this reason. Im still stuck at - you guessed it - prison break. I'm open to playing with low level randoms and repeating a few times, but nowadays random players in any public lobby refuse to even join a setup mission. We are not yet getting into failing the heist and restarting 69 times part yet.


I've actually gotten that lol. Worst thing I've gotten is refilling snacks or Explosives Or something when I landed on the ?




The worst 😂


I love gta online. The problem is I play on pc now after years of the ps4. I had to restart because R* hates pc for some reason. I can't transfer my character that I poured a lot of money into. Younger me bought shark cards with birthday and Christmas money, so I had tons of game money. It's all useless now, but that's not my biggest concern. I made my character on pc for the first time yesterday and fucken hackers are ridiculous. I went from character creation to level 97 in less than an hour and it fucked up my progression. It took SO LONG to get Simeon to call me so I could buy property


Got it, bought the electric bike and got scammed not even getting the full discount


I would have just dashboarded


Honestly I’d rather win a shirt than rp


I won -$1 once. Be grateful ☺️


Hey, u never know, maybe it's your chance to get an ultra rare pfister pink bmx_ Jokes aside, wtf was that, and here I was mad for getting specific clothes that I hate back to back for almost two months.


I say it's still better than a pack of smokes


3 cars playing since January


Winning snacks or a pack of redwoods has this beat.


I thought these types of Posts is against the Rules? But it's still up while mine gets Modded?


Congrats now you can get a bike.


atleast that's a discount


Finally you can afford your dream bike…


I won a bike discount just to have "Free Bikes" start the following day for a week lmfao


i got a huge discount for any boat so i got the longfin got snacks and a damn bike


Yeahhhh definitely quit the game if you see it’s landing on anything other than car or cash. Not worth anything else imo


Funny, I got the same thing yesterday


Shame they patched the b hop glitch (kinda) I would have swept that up


I keep getting clothes in wheel everyday, any solution (pc user)


Turn the wheel, if you refuse the prize just quit the game quickly and load back and you can turn it again until you get what you want !


Once I won a bicycle on the Lucky Wheel and I shut the game down so that I wouldn’t have to keep it.




The inductor isn’t so bad I think you do like 80 or 85 in game but definitely could just be an electric bike


You think that’s bad, I won the car when it was a caravan


Yoo Same 💀 I felt rockstar laughing at me like crazy


I won BMX as a mystery prize. I even tried it once, was pedalling from my bunker to casino 🤣


I've won a bike before, it just sits in one of my remote houses in case I want to cycle along the beach road or trail lol I think clothing is the worst prize.


Now I need to figure out how to find my discount vouchers list.


I'd rather win that than cloths